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Village of Altona Board Meeting

Thursday, April 6th, 2023

 The board meeting was called to order on Thursday, April 6th, by President Derrick Appell. Board members
present: President: Derrick Appell. Clerk: Kelly Scott. Trustees: Dale Grawe, Shirley Kistler, Keith Holland, Nick
Morris, Brian DeVito, and Ryan West. Absent: Treasurer: Mark Compton. Present: Chad Long – Village
Attorney and 7 guests.
 Minutes from March 2nd, 2023 meeting, was motioned to approve by Dale with the correction of: Personnel
issues – Open Session: It needs to include Keith motioned to come back into open session, and Nick 2 nd. With
that change Keith 2nd the motion to approve. All Ayes.
 Payment of bills for March was motioned to approve by Ryan, and 2 nd by Brian. Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith, Nick,
Brian, and Ryan. Passes: 6-0
 Financial report was received and if any questions, see Mark, since he was absent from the meeting.
 Public Comment: None

Old Business
 Code Book Revisions & Passage of Any and All Ordinances – Refuge Increase: ORDINANCE 2023-01: Dale
motioned and Brian 2nd. All Ayes
 Any Property Sales or Purchasing Updates or Actions & Possible Closed Sessions:
 Open Bids 613 N Olin St: First bid was from Slawomir Rog in the amount of $125.25. Second bid was from
Jeremy Williams in the amount of $600.00. Third and final bid was from the Amber Luna & Trust in the amount
of $3,000.00. Keith motioned to accept the $3,000.00 bid and Shirley 2 nd the motion. Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith,
Nick, Brian, and Ryan. Passes. 6-0
 Solar Update: Will talk to other Solar Companies about coming to give a presentation about their company.

New Business:
 Announcements were read by Derrick: May 19 th will be clean-up day.
 Employee Compensation & Temporary Employment: Ryan motioned to hire Adam Chasteen at minimum wage
while Jason is recovering from his surgery. Keith 2 nd the motion. Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith, Nick, Brian, and
Ryan. Passes: 6-0
 Blucker & Kneer to Do Audit: Shirley motioned and Brian 2 nd the motion. All Ayes.
 Downtown Flowers Donation/Expenditure: Shirley motioned a donation of $300.00 and Keith 2 nd the motion.
Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith, Nick, Brian, and Ryan. Passes: 6-0
 Knox Co. EMA FEMA Resolution: Dale motioned and Nick 2 nd. All Ayes.

Committee Reports
 Water/Sewer:
 Standby Generator for Lift Station-Updates and Possible Expenditures: Pad is poured and transfer
switch is mounted.
 Streets/Garbage:
 Various Street Work Projects & Improvement Plan Updates &/or Action: N. Olin Drainage will be
maintained as it has been in the past. Also, if any street lights are out, Ameren needs to be called.
 T.R. Rubbish – New Ownership – Shirley motioned to approve the transfer and Brian 2 nd the motion. All
 Parks/Sidewalks:
 Various Park projects updates &/or Purchasing of Equipment: Looking at getting a new swing set, waiting
for a quote from Game Time.
 Employee Report:
 Keith motioned to go into closed session at 7:55 p.m. and Dale 2 nd the motion. All Ayes.
 Brian motioned to go back into open session at 8:14 and 2 nd by Keith. All Ayes.
 Adjournment: Keith motioned to adjourn at 8:14 p.m. and Shirley 2 nd the motion. All Ayes. The next scheduled
meeting will be Thursday, May 4th, 2023.

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