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Module 27 The Immune System

Lesson 1
Before You Read (p. 361)
Answers will vary, depending on the disease students choose and their knowledge of it.
Read to Learn
1. Some microorganisms are pathogens. (p. 361)
2. Koch was able to isolate the bacteria in infected cattle. (p. 362)
3. d, c, a, b (p. 362)
4. Cleaning the countertop destroys reservoirs. (p. 363)
5. c (p. 363)
6. Diseases are spread by direct contact, indirect contact through air or objects, or
are carried by vectors. (p. 364)
7. harmful chemicals produced by bacteria (p. 364)
8. Both an epidemic and a pandemic are terms that describe the outbreak of a disease. An
epidemic is the outbreak of a disease in a large area in which many people are afflicted.
A pandemic is a global outbreak of a disease. (p. 365)
9. Penicillin is secreted by the fungus Penicillium. This fungus secretes the chemical penicillin
to kill competing bacteria that grow on the fungal food source. Penicillin was isolated,
purified, and first used in humans during World War II. (p. 365)
10. b (p. 365)

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