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MYST. "Them [can count on you, sigh? ht srry Blume did, Right, Group? Right, best friend? Be ESUPER. (Stane.) Why are you doing this? COROT, Jens Grouper-stop footing yoursel. Youd dump on ihatou want. The only things you care about che fantasies that make peat Sprngycen Seaside holding wp i some ficking Seer erated can get at you. You don't give a damn seatnything ele, (Ste ts, ells a9.) a IER Kyat, for Chrissake, will you get back here, 1 SAID GET BACK HERE! SA [Tons bck him.) Pack you! Who the ell re you to tell me anything? GROUPER. Geta grip on yourself, will you? SRST. Deut you daresay that to me, you asshole— ESTER. Lin not the one running around here throwing fantrums—you'e being erazy! ag You alot eravicr than Tam, Grouper, and you knov itt You're fucking aut! MSU DER. Tig mute? Tm not the one who bitches about her Seok a broken record and then cant wait to see her! You dont even like her! de Go whatd She likes met Thats more than you ean say about your parents! aOR (Chip his chest melodramatic) Zapl Um hear broken! MYST Sezew you! SUPER, If your mom rally loved you, don't you think ae rts sce you more than once a yeas? Does she make san Jaco ints area? Funny, all the mes Te been in your ao neat times Pwe heard you talking to her When you Take three hours to track her down MYST. Why don't you jump, you piece of shit! GROUPER. You frst! CRT The only me Tve ever seen your parents are in news: papers— EROUPER. I don't wan co see shem— 2 MYST. —Newspapers on the wall of your room! GROUPER. You know something? I think I'm all wrong about you. AIST. Youte all wrong, period. You coulda't love anybody! The only thing you could ever love is your retard brother be- cause he's dumber than a stuffed animal! GROUPER. You're a stupid, spoiled cunt—( Grouper mover SD he, they age around the car on opposie directions, moving the quickest can they near the edge.) MYST. And you're a lousy lay— GROUPER, You're just a big hole, you know that? With every fay you meet pumping his shit invo you, Youte a garbage dup, SAVST. On yeah? Well alot of peoplelove to dump, and TToved all their garbage better than yours— GROUPER, You're 2 whore—thar’s all you can ever be—a used up, cut up whore! QIYST. Tloved Zeke, and Squirrel, and Flip and Jimmy Kay — GROUPER. Shut up! NINST. And Jessie Dober, and Randy and Slingshot and Beanhead— GROUPER. SHUT UP, I SAID— Giver, AND MR, TRAVIS AND NICKY AND EVEN MY ‘TROY WAS BETTER THAN YOU, YOU FUCK: ENG VIRGIN! (Mst is shouting into Grouper’ face. He leans back to Taser Both brace ansles. He vers from her to the hood of th cat ainmming it over ed oer again.) Dot Grouper. Dont, (Puget Beery Hi me instead. (Grouper aiff posture collapses. Pause, He pulls free of her.) GROUPER, (Slow). Ifwere going to the shore we have a five SINST. (Pll beck fom him.) My stomach burt. & lot, There's something wrong. GROUPER. Sit down. Here. (Sits er an hood.) MYST. O.K. I'm fine. GROUPER. You want the rest of my beer? MYST. (Grimaces.) God no. six hour drive— ALYST, Grouper, we're not going to work out. GROUPER. We will! OROUPER. Beer always makes my stomach feel better, Really. “8 [es better than Pepto Bismal. You don't throw up or anything. Just roll it around in your mouth Vill the cold is off, then let it ‘lide down to your stomach. Try it— GROUPER. That was our last fight. MYST. Grouper; it wasnt our last and it wasn't even one of our best. GROUPER. ( Jgnoring he.) Tm going to get gas. Then we're go- ing to drive to Seaside. You can sleep in the back if you don't “Tt would relax us! relaxed! Why are you so nervous? GROUPER. We'e going to spend MYST. I've never made a commitment like this before to any body. It’s not that easy to do— GROUPER. Myst, ifthe two of us can't commit to each other, ‘who else could we ever commit to? GROUPER. Your mom can visit anytime she wants— MYST. I know that— GROUPER. WHAT ELSE, THEN? MYST. We could have a hard time finding a place to live— GROUPER. Weill find a place. Worse comes to worse, well sleep on the beach ~ MYST. (Almost whiny.) But that would be so— GROUPER. WEILL SLEEP IN THE CAR! MYST. Maybe nobody will hire us. Singing or anything. 4 GROUPER. Somebody will. Besides, [have money, you have money—everybody we know has money. MYST. You spend so much with all the shit you use— GROUPER. TO PUT UP WITH YOU! ( Pius.) Welll make it, And T could eut down MYST. I don't know if you'll be able to do that . GROUPER, I swear, Myst. Trust me, MYST. What if get real out of control; who's going to keep an, eye on me? GROUPER. will, and more upset) What if T' sick? fake you to a doctor, ‘MYST. What if Pm really sick? Are there good doctors there in wintertime? MYST. What if I'm pregnant? ( Pause.) ‘would you do about that? Get an abortion, tions are no big deal. My mother has hi ing that squeezed by— )) Are you pregnant? Myst— ‘wanted to see your reaction to it. T was making GROUPER. You're pregnant ‘eal. (She looks at him and becomes angry.) T knew you'd yy. Get all fucking hurt. I knew yould make a big deal when it's no big thing. Shit. Sooner or later the odds get you, right? Your God of Math turns the numbers on you— GROUPER. Who's the father? MYST, Thanks a lot, Grouper. Count on you, right? Trust you, right? Fist thing you ask is who it was. YOUR feelings. You're some guy all right, Tell you what, you sit here in your and klcenex— GROUPER. We can have the baby— MYST. WERE not going to have anything! les my bs Twould have gone for a D & C this week except for graduation; ‘there was so much Co do with the packing and parties and every 45 thing. Even if I decided to have it Fd put it up for adoption; they're dying for white babies now, aren’t they? They are. That's hhow we can make some quick bucks, right, Group? Sell it to the highest bidder: "How much for the grand kid of Snow Angeleeds.” GROUPER. If you keep the baby— MYST. TM NOT (Pate) Give me one good reason 1 hep say is so wonderful about all wonderful about me... or you. GROUPER. ( Pause.) Then you'll gt the abortion. MYST. [KNOW PLL GET IT. ( Pause ) It's just going to be a MYST. DON'T TOUGH ME! (Long pause.) You hate me, don’t you? GROUPER. No. MYST. Hey; I'll get over it. You can get over anything, right? GROUPER. I don't know. MYST. I'm going to France with my mom, Group. It will be just for awhile. GROUPER. ( Pause.) Okay. MYST. Il be back. You let me know where you are, all right? Tilcall you every day. Every day I can, anyhow. You go to Sea side, get aplace, get a job, check out some of those bars, maybe— GROUPER. Yeah. I could do 1 MYST. This is so fucking inconvenient, you know? I mean, \what a pain in the ass way to ruin a graduation. When [told my GROUPER, She knows? GROUPER. She said that? MYST. Shit, Grouper; she's right. Half the giels in our class have had abortions. 'm lucky its only my frst. GROUPER. Myst. Let me help you. Let me do something for 46 you. If fm no good to you, Pm no good to anybody MYST. You are helping me. You're helping by saying that. GROUPER. Tha's not helping. Thats just talking. ( Pause.) Pm not enough, am MYST. I don’t know if anybody's enough for anybody, Grouper. ‘Some people think they are, for awhile, but sooner or later they're on their own, Everybody's on their own. GROUPER. I guess T was just being stupid. MYST. No you weren't. You were just dreaming, GROUPER. Tha’s what T mean. MYST. I love you, Grouper. GROUPER. Love you too, Myst. ( Pause.) That doesn't sound like anything at all, (Sounds from below the crackle of fireworks.) MYST. Whats that? GROUPER. A skyrocket, I think. Didn't Whorrie Laurie say sshe was going to have fireworks? MYST. I think so. Hey; we have great seats for them, don't we? ‘This is the first rime T looked down on fireworks. GROUPER. Climb up here. (The get on hood of car.) MYST. I guess the party’s almost over GROUPER. I's pretty late. ( Paws.) Are you sorry you missed i MYST. No had a wonderful night GROUPER, ( Pause.) Myst; do you think that if we were in love for years and years that . . . things would change? MYST. What do you mean? GROUPER. Would I mean more to you? Would anything mean, MYST. I don’t know. I mean, you look at people . . I guess it depends on how stupid you wen you get older, whether things look better or not. I don't think things change. You can't stop shit from happening to you; you can't stop things hurting you. GROUPER. Yes you can, Myst. You ean. (He stares at hr; she amet hs gae, then looks axay atthe sound of another explosion.) MYST. (Long pause) You can really see from here, can't you GROUPER. Yeah. MYST. Are you okay? GROUPER. Yeah. Just tired. "7 MYST. I guess wold better call it a night. GROUPER. We could never have a better night, do you think, Myst? MYST. (Meeting his star.) No. I don't think we ever could, (The kiss.) Happy graduation. GROUPER. Happy graduation. (He rises.) Let's go. Give me your hand. MYST. Can you see? GROUPER. Yeah. Trust me, MYST. Grouper, are you going to miss Seaside? GROUPER. It could never be as good as 1 wanted it to be. How about France? MYST. I've been there, No big deal. GROUPER. No? MYST. No. (Myst puts up her hand; Grouper pulls er to his side.) Tlove you Chauncey Morris. GROUPER. I love you, Missy Angeleeds. ( Pause.) On three. Ready? MYST. Ready. GROUPER. One— MYST. Two=(Glutching hands, they {ly into the air. Blackout.) PROPERTY LIST Cassette tape Colored underpants (2 pairs) Watch,

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