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Natalie Harpe

Professor Malcolm Campbell

WRDS 1104

1 May 2023

Language in Advertising: How Can Effective Language Influence Product Sales?


No one wants to believe that we are oftentimes finding ourselves being suckered into

buying something that we don’t need just because it appears to be cool or amusing. What makes

it seem or interesting? Is it the bright colors used in the advertisement, the big flashy words, or

the way it appears as if we cannot live without it? These components play a role in either making

or breaking the advertisement. If it appears to be unappealing customers are not likely going to

buy it, if it is something that catches their attention and appears to be the best product they could

ever buy…then they’re going to invest in it.


It is currently 10:34p.m. as I am laying here in my bed after a long hard day at

work. I continue to scroll through TikTok when I should just be putting my phone up and going

to bed. Afterall, I do have to get up at 5a.m. But I cannot help to keep scrolling through TikTok. I

love being able to scroll on TikTok and see all the new trending products. Unfortunately, my

bank account does not though.

Over the past years, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms

to ever exist. With that being said, the majority of advertising now takes place on TikTok.

Individuals take a video of them reviewing the products for others to see. These individuals are
called influencers. These influencers put themselves in a position to say a world of things in just

a few short sentences.

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