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Throughout my experience with my placements and subbing in schools I have seen various uses for

technology in the classroom. I think that technology in the classroom can be extremely helpful if it is

used for the right reasons and in the right way. Even since I was in primary school, the amount of

technology both in and out of the classroom has changed tremendously. I believe there is a balance

factor when using technology. For teachers, technology can be a great resource for teaching strategies

and presentations and also to communicate with students when they are not at school. They are also

able to connect with parents through technology and this helps them keep in touch with parents that

may have busier schedules than other parents. The use of platforms such as google classroom are also

ways that the parents can look at what their child is learning in school and may be able to provide help

at home easier. With that said, children also must learn how to navigate a computer or device in order

to successfully complete assignments. There are also many issues that can arise when using technology

to complete assignments. All these aspects need to be considered before I decide if and to what extent I

would like to incorporate technology into my teaching in my future classroom. For me, the advantages

outweigh the disadvantages, but I will also have to remember that problems may surface. I personally

liked not having a chrome book in high school. We were given them by junior year and then suddenly

teachers had all their work online. I like the communication aspect as well as convenience but since I

would like to be a math teacher, the majority of what would be done in a math classroom that I would

be teaching would be done with paper and pencil. Another thing I would like to note is that teachers

tend to find the websites and platforms that they find the easiest and in the older grades when you have

more than one teacher a day, it gets so confusing having to learn how a bunch of different platforms and

websites are set up and how to navigate them.

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