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Cultural Convergence is the global spread of rational systems,

= False (McDonaldization)

2. The Varieties of natural resources found in different nations

= Narrow and Exclusive

3. Most of the Filipino's pre-colonial cultural beliefs in the

= Cultural Convergence

4. Several cultural ethnic groups in the mountainous areas of the

= Cultural Differentialism

5. The emergence of new words and trends both in language and fashion
= Cultural Hybridization

6. The long-standing varieties of political systems brought about by

= Heterogeneity

7. In spite of the insistence of English Language as the global medium if

= Heterogeneity??????

8. The educational culture during the Spanish era in the Philippines

= Cultural Convergence

9. The United States of America's and Europe's economic model has

infected all nations of the world that lead to the success
= Broad and Inclusive
10. The Islam ideology based on their religious beliefs remains a
solid and long-standing cultural ideology that did not embrace
= Cultural Differentialism

11. America's occupation of the Philippines has made our country a

very important partner of America in the supplies of raw materials
= Narrow and Exclusive

12. Defining globalization has grown beyond any individual's

capacity to define it. It is both self-evident and obscure or
= True

13. Globalization as characterized by change and shifts, potentially

heals and solves the social disease called future shock, as thought
= False

14. Liquidity refers to the barriers that prevent or make difficult the
= False (made Easy)

15. The view on globalization as the onset of a borderless world

= Broad and Inclusive

16. Globalization was indeed rightfully called by the sociologist

George Ritzer a “cultural nuclear bomb”
= False (Peter Berger (1929-2017))

17. The definition of globalization which talks about the

internationalizing of the state like the creation of ASEAN
= Narrow and Exclusive

18. Those who see globalization negatively, they could say it is a

unifying force.
= False
19. To those who see globalization as positive, it creates greater
= False (negative)

20. According to Zygmunt Bauman, globalization as liquid has three

= It changes quickly. Its movement is difficult to stop. permeable

21. Globalization encompasses a multitude of processes that

involves the economy, political systems, and culture which directly
= False (Social structures are directly affected)

22. Glocalization is a concept associated with heterogeneity which

refers to local markets are not only involved in selling local products
= False (Commodification of cultures)

23. Market Economy is the spread of policies tending to favor free-

market capitalism and free trade.
= True

24. Comte's Law of Three stages proceeds in the following order:

= 1st: Mythological and Religious Stage 2nd: Metaphysical and
Philosophical stage 3rd: Scientific and positive stage

25. Americanization is a concept associated with HETEROGENEITY

which refers to
= False (Homogeneity)

26. It is the general trend in historical development, the tendency

for societies’ social structures and cultures to grow more complex
= Sociocultural Evolution
27. It is what will happen when two essentially different cultures
failed to hybridize and converge, which potentially is the result when
= Catastrophic Collision

28. In Comte's SCIENTIFIC AND POSITIVE STAGE, society is more

reliant on facts that are validated through evidence using experiment
= true

29. McWorld is a concept associated with Homogeneity which refers

to IMF's and World Bank’s approach which treats every country in the
= False (one-size-fits-all)

30. During the emergence of THE HORTICULTURAL AND PASTORAL

SOCIETIES, people survived as nomads by roaming
= False (Hunting and gathering societies)

31. The five shifts or stages of Sociocultural evolution happened to

societies in the following sequence
= Hunting and Gathering. Horticultural and Pastoral. Agrarian.
Industrial. Post-Industrial Societies.

32. Broad and Inclusive is a theory of globalization which refers to

the increasing sameness in the world as every dimension
= False

33. McDonaldization is a process that cuts across the planet

involving increasing liquidity and the growing multidirectional
= False

34. Globalization is the Debate happens when global force interact

with local factors.
= False
35. Cultural Imperialism is a dynamic in global or local cultures
which stresses sameness in cultures as radically altered by strong
= False

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