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Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate and use
emotions to communicate and relate to others effectively and constructively, according to Cherry. K.
(2022). So, therefore, this essay will discuss the models/ skills that are used to classify emotional
intelligence. According to Daniel Goleman’s emotional intelligence in leadership ( which was first coined
in 1990 by Peter Salovary and John Mayer in their article ‘Emotional intelligence’) state the skills of
emotional intelligence needed by the leader. These skills include; self awareness, self regulation, self
motivation, empathy and social skills. Channell, M.(2021).

Self awareness to begin with, this is the ability to observe and understand oneself according to your
strength, weaknesses, emotions,beliefs and motivations. This skill can be used to classify emotional
intelligence in a such away that, when a person understand his/her emotions can be able to improve
the areas one feels to be not good and try to maintain the good areas. For examples, if you’re a teacher
and you know your weakness and your strength, it gives courage because your able to evaluate your
work outcomes at the end of the presentation, and this enables you as a teacher to cooperate with your
students. Channell, M.( 2021), gave examples on self awareness as, if you are a manager with low self-
awareness you may struggle to recognise and understand your own emotions and thoughts which can
lead to difficult in regulating your behaviour and making sound decisions, while if you are a manager
with high self-awareness you have the ability to recognise and understand your own emotions and
thoughts, and how they impact your behaviour and decision making. From the examples, you can
understand that, the person who knows oneself better do competent than the one who does not
understand himself or herself. Landry. L.(2019). said that by acknowledging your weakness, you can
build trust and transparency among your team. You can also own your professional development by
knowing the areas in which you need to improve in order to advance your carrier.

Self regulation is another skill that can be used to classify emotion intelligence.Self regulations is the
ability to control and change the negative emotion that can have negative impact, to the positive
emotions that brings about good results. This involves taking responsibility for one’s actions by
ensuring that what one does matches with personal values. Self regulation involves;self control,
trustworthy, conscientiousness,adaptability and innovation, according to Shah, N.(2020). This skill can
be used to classify emotional intelligence in a such away that a person can change his or her behaviour
that are not desirable to the desirable behaviour to that particular individual and people. For example, if
a manager at an institution knows that he/she is of short temper he or she can try to change and create
another world that best fit the members on the organization, as the term trustworthy, the manager will
try to assist the juniors so that they can trust him/her. Innovation, the manager can either change some
terms that are hard in the organization to fit the needs of the fellow workers.

The other skill that can be used to classify emotional intelligence is the empathy. Empathy simply mean
the ability to understand others their feelings, perceptions, perspectives and respond to the emotional
reactions. This means that the person is aware of other people emotions and is able to respond
according to other people’s emotions. According to Cherry, K. (2023). Define empathy as; empathy
means that when you see another person suffering,such as, after they’ve lost a loved one, your able to
instantly envision yourself going through that same experience and feel what they are going through.
This skill can enable an individual to cooperate with others either at work, school or at home. For
example, when at work the manager sees that one of his or her member is sick, the manager can
provide all the support to the member feeling the state of ‘ if it was me, what could I do? What would I
need people to do for me? So this makes the manager to support the members by understanding their
needs. So empathy is very important in classifying or developing the emotional intelligence , since it
enables one to work cooperatively with others effectively.

Self motivation is the internal drive that leads us to take action towards a goal. Eatough. E.(2022). This
involves having a desire to achieve something, so for an individual to achieve a goal need to motivate
oneself be encouraging oneself. For example, having a goal to take degree one has to put up more
effort to accomplish this. So self motivation encourages one to achieve. Mainly motivation makes a
person to love and work extra harder to what he/she is doing to produce a better result.Self motivation
can be internal or external, this is because one desires inside and take an action to achieve. The ability
to motivate yourself. Self motivation is an important skill. Self motivation drives people to keep going
even in the face of set-backs, to take up opportunities and to show commitment to what they want to
achieve,according to the article skills you need (2011-2023).

Finally, social interpersonal skills is also a very important skill used to classify emotional intelligence.
Social interpersonal skills is ability to built a good rapport of relationship with people in the organization.
According to Eric. (2023). Social skills are the emotional intelligence skills to properly manage one’s
and others’ emotions to connect interact and work with others. This involves being able to communicate
effectively,managing conflicts effectively and collaborating. For example, in a company when the leader
or manager is able to cooperate and work together with the members this can make the company to
progress. Smile is a good example, for instance, we can choose to smile even though we are worried,
but this smile will make our workmates to feel positive about us.

In summary, self awareness, self-regulations, self motivation, empathy and social skills are the skills
that can be used to classify emotional intelligence according to Goleman’s model. It is important to an
individual to develop these skills because they help one to achieve goals and work effectively with
others without doubt.
Cherry. K. (2022). What is emotional intelligence? Very well mind.

Channell. M. (2021). Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence in leadership. How to improve motivation
in your team. TSW training.

Landry. L. (2019). Emotional Intelligence skills:what they are and how to develop them. Havard
Business School online.

Cherry.K. (2023). What is empathy? Very well mind .

Nidhi Shah. (2020). Emotional Intelligence self regulation. Linked in.

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