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Nam P1:
Do you work or are you a student? Well, I'm still the student and 13 years old student. I study in Le Van Tam
secondary school which located in Binh Thanh District.

which do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? Well, from the perspective, I prefer eating dinner because it is the
time when I can relax with my family. I can also discuss with them about my problems that I have. With my
studies and also I can do whatever I want while I was given I am eating dinner by lying on the sofa or watching

Do you agree or disagree with skipping breakfast? From my opinion, I totally disagree with skipping breakfast
because breakfast is the most important meal in the day that is providing us a lot of energy after we sleep all
night. And we have to take breakfast before going to class or working so we can have a, you know, a good mind
to work and study.

What do you consider to be a healthy diet? Well, a healthy diet is very important in our daily life. I always use In
the food and also I usually eat. According to my healthy diet so that I can have a balanced and healthy body.

P2: recipe (1min)

First, my mom told me how to make a pizza when I was seven years old and she told that the visa that needed
flowers, seafood and vegetables. Especially had to bake in the oven for 30 minutes to 45 minutes. I usually make
with my mom and the weekend for my family to eat and also add some picnic event and I usually have. For
everyone in my family. Also I have to control the start and the materials depends on member in my family.
Do you prefer single long vacation or several short vacations? From my opinion, I prefer a long vacations
because they provide me a long time to relax. I can have enough days to arrange my studies and relax with my
family. Also, I can explore more things about the cultures and the people's life and the destinations and with the
short vacation I have to go back and forth many times and I even feel exhausted.

Why is it important to protect tradition? Traditions are the important events of the countries. For example, in
Vietnam there's the Hung King commemoration has become one of the beautiful festival traditions in the world.
Because of this meaning also they are very important to improve and protect them, make them to be an image of
that country.

How have celebrations in your country changed in the past decade? well in the past celebrities usually talk and
take a picture on the road or sometimes they can go on the tour and have had a handshake with the friends and
family, but nowadays they post on Facebook or TikTok. You know, to tell their parents that their situations and
their new songs, their new album to their fans. Excited and waiting for new video.

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Home. Because it is less costly and I can eat with my family and.
Talk about my problems or my stories. It's cool and I can also. Hey my dinner and watch TV at the same time. I
really don't have to eat dinner because I have to have extra classes and I go home, have dinner, and then I go to
Minh P1:
Hoang Do you work or are you a student? Currently, I’m a grade ten student in Trung Vuong high school.

Do you use public transport? Why and why not? I use public trasport sometimes when my bicycle is broken that I
cannot go to school. So I have to use bus.

Do you think people should use public transport more? In my perspective, I think they should. Because we have
too much traffic congestion and environmental pollution. When we use public transport, we can tackle these

What is the common means of transport in your country? Definitely bus since many people prefer to use the bus
to get to their countryside or to travel. Morover, they also use it to get to their workplace.

What are the best seasons to travel in your country? Definitely in the summertime Is the occasion when many
tourist attraction and there are also many performances occur in the middle of the city To serve. Tourists’

P2: Holiday recent had (1min44)

Last Tet holiday, me and my family had a trip to Dlat. We went there by car, …. When we get there, the
temperature is really cold. And the first day, we enjoy all the cuisine there such as banh can, strawberry and so
on. We also played many things, games when we stayed at the hotel. Moreover, we also visit the flower carnival
which is also the best place to see many flowers. It is a perfect day to take a picture and it is also the most
enjoyable trip. Because this is the family bonding time, we have fun moments together and share hard-working
year and celebrate for the new year to pick up energy and repair for the new year.

How has traveling change compared to several decades ago? in my opinion in the past people traveled by bus
convenient and cheap. But nowadays people tend to travel by plane or personal transportation since they prefer to
explore many destinations by themselves. And they can enjoy the moment sitting in the car talking together.

Do you agree or disagree with a gap year of traveling after highschool graduation? Definitely a great idea since
After the hard working years People need the rest To regain energy And prepare a new time And nurture their

Do you prefer one long vacation or several short vacations? I prefer a long vacation since short vacation doesn’t
require many time for planning while long vacation needs

How does tourism help to enhance the national economy? Tourism is the best way since it attracts many foreign
tourist. and pay for the trip especially on holiday occasion such as tet holiday. Many tourist attraction organize
the events to serve the tourist
Ngan P1:
Khanh Do you work Or are you a student? I study at Nguyen Khuyen school where we're just move for three months
ago and now my school. And my school has infrastructure is very modern. Because of it is a lot of trees around
the school and Each of class has the air conditioner.

Do you like learning history? From my perspective, I would love to learning history, because when I learn
history, it provides me the. History about my country. Moreover, from the history, I can learn many events and
my country how much…

Do you think history is important? This is really important because. It’s the key to connect history from the past
to the now of one country. On the top of that, history

Do you often celebrate festivals in your country? In my country always celebrate festivals Like Tet holiday.
Because celebrate one festival is the time you remember some events in the past such as going to the church or
P2: historical building have been to (1min30)
I going to Indepent located in district 1 in the heart of the city. This building is really large, it’s the place now is
used for travel for foreign people. If you go there you can see a lot of story of history and something that in the
past they save to visit. When I go there, I can learn the history from the past and from there I

Should children focus on local history or global history? I think it’s local history. Because children should know
how the country in the past out and from there it And make sure to develop the country. Moreover, local history
can provide them the knowledge of

Which way is better for learning history through reading books or visiting museums? I think going to the museum
is the best way for children because reading book is also good. When going to the museum can eye witness see
the past or it can systemize your knowledge through history on the wall or sth that special in the book they have
never seen.

Why is it important to protect tradition? Because

What can governments do to protect traditions? Government should celebrate festivals or they can
Hai P1:
Phuong Do you work or are you a student? actually I’m a student from Nguyen Thai Binh High school.

Do you live in a house or an apartment? To be honestly, I live in the house because my parents like really really
love to have a pet in the house. So because of the apartment They don't allow us to have a pet in an appartment.
So we have to live in the house for many years ago.

In what ways do you try to stay healthy? Like uh, like. For many for many days ago, I realized that my health is
really really bad. It's going down because I often sleep late and eat a snake at the midnight. So. And after I
realized that I I really want to have a healthy lifestyle, like a wake up, study and work out or have an exercise and
eat home cooked meal from my mom and

What are the health benefits of playing a sport? When going exercise or workout every day like it helps people
and myself urgh themselves to burning calories and burn the fat. And they can avoid health problems like heart
Do you like travelling? Yes, of course, because I really want to travel and uh. My knowledge was maybe pictures
or afraid or breathtaking view from many places.

P2: favourite room (2min)

To be honest, I really really love my bedroom beacause which is the place that I can release my stress or get away
from hustle and bustle day and this contains a lot of furniture. And I found out I put a particular decorations like
the wall the white color because it's because I love the basic color or I. I decorate my bedroom with a small uh
with a small bedroom to enough for me when whenever I want to sleep or lie on that afer a hard-working day.
And I love it and I enjoy when I am in the bedroom. Because I can spend me time and do homework or do
whatever I can do in there. I can be myself. And actually, I really, really sing so, whenever I have free time or
want to release the stress. I I will sing. I will sing. Many songs that I don't afraid about people that make me shy
and I can have my and I can have my like no one can. Can you make me a worry or Like. Just focus on what to
do and last but not least, like I can invite my friends and play in my room don’t care about my parents or many
things about many things around me

What option are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country? Nowadays I can see that
a lot of youngsters , like my sister or my cousin, like really they prefer living in the Apartments than a house like
like my family. Because it's because the apartment can ensure that protect the security about the Where did they
live Or they can easy or like they can have a lot of space for for them to do like a sport or fitness and yoga of they
can have a their own space to work out or exercise when they are boring.

When should a child have a private room? In my perspective

Many people aroud me don’t allow children from 3-4 years old to sleep alone. Because they they have to
independence with this. From their family, from their parents and. Sleep alone and have to They can do
everything independence from their parents in the future and yeah, and 4 years old that is ideal age for children
and have their own rooms, they

How can we encourage people to eat more healthily? Um, like I just, I just have plays an exercise for few days
ago. So I think that. The government should propaganda From social media like advertisement or Facebook,
Facebook, Instagram. Or so they can read and surf Something from the Internet. So they can see that Things that.
You know and
Do you prefer eating home or eating out? Like in. Uh. Like, I want. I really love my my I really love my mom,
my mom's food that she cooks for For my family. So it's actually it's really delicious and make me water in the
mouth and I really love food my mom cooked
Dinh P1:
Do you work or are you a student? I’m a student in highschool which located in District 1

Do you like travelling? Definitely yes, I can be an eye-opener when travelling, it provides me a lot of knowledge
about nature. Moreover, it enhaces my family bonding or my friend and other relationships.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in group? In my opinion definitely in group. It can provide us… than alone. We
can have many activities together, it can enhance group bonding. Furthermore we can ensure our relationship

What is your favorite destination? From my perspective, it definitely my countryside, it’s Ben tre. Because it has
many scenic things and many beautiful landscapes and furthermore

Is it easy to keep fit where you live? In my opinion, it’s definitely yes. Nearly my home have many… that keep
you keep fit and stay in shape. Furthermore, apply diet process can help you muscle bond.
P2: holiday you recently had (1:45)
Last year, I had a trip to Tlan with my whole family, it takes me I spend a week in Thailand. Furthermore,
airplane was my transportation to go to Thailand. … was wonderful, it provide me a lot of convenience and
items. When I’m in Thailand, tuktuk which is the most popular transport in Thailand. It brings me to the hotel
that booked before. Me and my whole family go around Thailand by tuktuk and eat a lot of food in Thailand. I
really recommend you pad thai is really spicy and very delicious with aromatic smell. Moreover, this trip get me
knowledge about culture, language and have many people Thailish. Furthermore, this memorable trip that provide
me a lot of memorable moments with my whole family. Furthermore, it can enhance my family bonding and
provide me very profound knowledge.
How has travelling changed compared to several decades ago? Now people have many options in transportation
like bus or private vehicle. Bus can provide us the better almost services and it can degree the traffic jam.
Furthermore, we can also have

What are the limitations of techonology when it comes to interpersonal relationship? Technology also have
limitation that have adverse on our relationship. When we just need to touch the screen, we show less emotions
and moreover it can . therefore, it lead to misunderstanding or sympathy. Furthermore, changing to meeting it
phone can decrease face to face meeting and decrease the family surrounding bond.

What types of lifestyle are unhealthy? It’s definitely sedentary lifestyle, because it will decrease your health that
significantly . furthermore, it can decrease your immune system and you can cause obesity.

What do people in your country do to maintain health? In my country, people always doing some exercise in the
morning to have a better bodies. Furthermore, around my countryside have a lot of centers that enhance immunity
system. Furthermore, they also have fresh weather in the morning and all the time in the day.

How do you think that government should pay attention to people’s health? At first, they must increase the
propaganda activities, this can give information about the benefit or the drawbacks of healthy lifestyle. They will
have more consious about their health and choose the correct food to eat to enhance their immunity system.
Dang P1:
Now, I am a student. I study at Nguyen Du highschool at district 5.

How do celebrities influence their fans in your country? For me, in my country the celebrities always take a
concert or fan meeting to influence their fans. They also

Do you like learning history? Maybe yes because I can learn it online or study at school. When I learning at
school, I can hear our teacher talk about the history of global or our country. Moreover I can also search the
information about this on the internet to get access to more advanced information about history.

Do you think history is important? Definitely yes, because history can make us know and understand more about
what other old people do in the past, know more about the achievement, invention and sth they created in the
past. And history can help us know about the local creature in the country.
P2: famous person (2:00)
Son tung mtp is one of the famous … he is the Vietnamese singer which is very famous all over the world and in
our country. He sings very flently and makes the audience interesting in his voice. Moreover he can also dance,
produce or rap. Additionally, his beauty is wonderful, he always holding a concert or fan meeting to meeting his
fans. He is very kind, generous to his fans. He always take pictures or shake hands. 2 years ago, he introduce us 1
of the album of his music and he brings it all over the world and colab with American rapper who is very famous
all over the word too. I love him because he is kind an generous to his fans, he sometimes donates to homeless
people or
What do you think about the impact of celebrity style on the youth nowadays? The style can change their style in
clothing or in their reaction. The youth

- What kinds of lifestyle are unhealthy? In my opinion, Lifestyle is unhealthy like always playing games
and just depend on technologies make people overdependent and not doing exercise so they can have
mental issue or physical issue. Moreover people who use alcohol or drug can have many issues too and it
can make them have unhealthy lifestyle.
- How school teach students to live healthily? For me, school must holding many healthy, develop healthy
food and increase
- What do people in your country do to maintain health? People in my country usually do exercise in the
morning or in their free time. Morover they eat vegetable or fresh fruit to maintain their health. Besides
that they always choose the fresh ingredient or good ingredient in order to create food which is healthy to
- How can we encourage people to eat more healthily? We can use banner or poster to encourage people
who have unhealthy lifestyle and suggest, advice them do more exercise when they have free time.
- Do you prefer eating home or eating out? I prefer eating at home, I can create my own meal and I can
have a comfortable atmosphere at home, I can choose the place I want to eat and do anything I want like
watching film, playing games or surf a web while eating. Morover, eating at home I can

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