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Learning Journal Template

Date: 16/3/22
Activity: empathy video
Key Notes: New ideas:
- Own version of reality - Active skill
- Crucial to society and maintaining relationships - You have to be observant, active listen and open up
- Actively think and practise - People react differently to ques and stimuli
- Mutual understanding differently
- Some people struggle with empathy

What were the main learning points from the activity?

- Empathy is a two way street
- It is a mutual understanding (if you open up then people actively try to understand where you are coming from and
your perspective)

How do these fit with your current understanding or other ideas of which you are aware?
- The idea of having to open up to be empathic is not a new idea to me however it was something I didn’t really think
How will you incorporate any new knowledge or skills in your day-to-day life in the short term?
- Be open to different ideas and reactions
- Be more understanding

What new learning needs or other future implications arise from this activity and how will you address these?
- From being more empathic I will be to address users needs and wants and understand them better
- I have become aware of my own inability to open up to others and let me in. I can now try to open up and let people
be empathic to me.

Date: 16/3/22
Activity: Manual of Me

Key Notes: New ideas:

- Reflected on how I like to receive feedback - Able to realise I like suggestions on how to improve
- Think internally and learn and reflect on something if does not meet the criteria, or not good
experiences in past regarding criticism and etc
feedback - Able to identify written feedback is best for me so I
- Everyone likes feedback differently can look back on it and keep a record of it

What were the main learning points from the activity?

- Be able to think how you work in group environment and how peers can give you feedback that is best and most
useful for you

How do these fit with your current understanding or other ideas of which you are aware?
- I always thought I preferred verbal feedback over the phone however I learnt that I prefer verbal feedback face to
face and written feedback
- I have always been aware of the different forms of feedback

How will you incorporate any new knowledge or skills in your day-to-day life in the short term?
- I will be able to inform people in who would like to give me feedback that I prefer written and verbal feedback with
suggestions on how to improve something if it doesn’t meet the criteria

What new learning needs or other future implications arise from this activity and how will you address these?
- I will need to ask in the future how someone would like or prefer their feedback. This will enable them to improve
their skills and ideas most efficiently.
Date: 16/3/22
Activity: Lenses
Key Notes: New ideas:
- Lenses are developed from culture, society, your - My lenses are majority influenced by the people I
interest, your expertise, people interact with e.g. sister, close friends, work
- Lenses cover the bias either unconscienced or colleagues) and my upbringing, gender, how I
conscience think, my creative and art interest.
What were the main learning points from the activity?
- Learn how you see the world and scenarios
- Learn how your influences changes your perspective
How do these fit with your current understanding or other ideas of which you are aware?
- I always thought I was able to see the world pretty objectively however after reflecting on my lenses I was able to
learn I see the world very differently to others
How will you incorporate any new knowledge or skills in your day-to-day life in the short term?
- I will consciencely make an effort to take of my lenses and see with no preconceived ideas

What new learning needs or other future implications arise from this activity and how will you address these?
- Being able to understand the other lenses people I interact with have

Image of work:

& logically
Having a Growing Gym/
younger up with athleisur
sister security e


Date: 16/3/22
Activity: Video Content – TED TALK by Tasha Eurich about self awareness

Key Notes: New ideas:

- Everyone thinks they are self aware however we - Self awareness is an active skills that needs to be
don’t judge ourselves honestly and often think we practiced to gain the knowledge of being self aware
are more self aware than we actually are - Asking why isn’t reflecting or being self aware
- Don’t ask “why” you should be asking “what” asking what questions is practising self awareness
What were the main learning points from the activity?
- You shouldn’t be asking why you should be asking what e.g. not why didn’t this work instead what would make this
better or improve it.

How do these fit with your current understanding or other ideas of which you are aware?
- I always believed self awareness and reflection was about why however after watching this video I now know that it
is about the what.
- I have more recently understood self awareness is an active skills

How will you incorporate any new knowledge or skills in your day-to-day life in the short term?
- I will now be able to ask “what” questions instead of “why” questions to be more self aware
- And I can consciencely practise it more to become better

What new learning needs or other future implications arise from this activity and how will you address these?
- Being able to be more self aware means that I will be able to observe my own bias and view of the world more

Additional Notes:
QUOTE BY RUMI: “Yesterday I was cleaver so I wanted to change the world, today I am wise so I want
to change myself”

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