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Listening for unit 7

Listening 2: Tax loss

Are you willing to pay tax?

Listen and fill in the gaps with suitable words.

Presidential nominee (tổng thống đc bổ nhiệm) Donald Trump is in trouble following

news about his tax. The New York Times said Mr Trump's 1995 tax returns (tờ khai thuế)
showed over (1)…900 milion dolar…………. in business losses. This means he has not
had to pay nearly a billion dollars in income tax over the past 19 years. Despite this, Mr
Trump has constantly criticized (liên tục chỉ trích) the tax system for being (2)……
unfair……….. The Times wrote: "Trump is right when he says the system is rigged (gian
lận). What he doesn't say is that it's rigged his favor and in the favor of people like him,
and against regular people - those of us who earn money, pay income tax on it, and
financially (3)……support………… the country."

Mr Trump has spent years on social media (4)………attacking …….high-profile (tầm cỡ)
people for not paying enough tax. He attacked President Obama for paying a "paltry" (k
đáng kể) tax rate of (5) ………20.5 %…………. Former New York mayor (thị trưởng)
Rudy Giuliani said Mr Trump had done nothing illegal. He called him a "genius" for not
paying tax and turning around his (6) ………loss making ………. business. Giuliani
likened Trump to Britain's WWII leader Winston Churchill. Mr Trump tweeted: "I know
our (7) ………complexed……. tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for
president and am the only one who can (8) …fix…………… them." He told Hillary
Clinton that he was "smart" for not paying taxes.

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