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Aim: To prepare M/10 Oxalic acid solution.
Materials Required:
Oxalic acid, Dilute sulfuric acid, Chemical balance, Funnel, Measuring flask, Beakers,
Procedure :
1. Weigh accurately 1.26 gm of oxalic acid in a chemical balance.
2. With the help of a funnel, transfer the oxalic acid into the measuring flask.
3. Now wash the funnel with distilled water without removing the funnel from the flask.
4. Make the solution up to the marked point with distilled water and make sure the
oxalic acid is fully dissolved.
5. This solution is M/10 standard solution of oxalic acid .

Result :

The strength of oxalic acid solution is M/10.

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Calculation :

The quantity of oxalic acid required for the 100 ml of M/10 oxalic acid solution
The molar mass of oxalic acid = 126 g/mol
M= mass of solute x 1000
molecular mass of solute X volume of solution(ml)

Mass of oxalic acid required = 126 x 100

10 x 1000
= 1.26 gm
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Aim: To determine the strength of a given potassium permanganate solution against
M/10 standard oxalic acid solution.

Materials Required:
oxalic acid, Potassium permanganate solution, Dilute sulfuric acid, Burette, Pipette,
Conical flask, Funnel, Beakers, etc,..
Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant in the presence of sulfuric acid.In this
titration oxalic acid acts as a reducing agent and potassium permanganate acts as an
oxidising agent. So, the reaction between oxalic acid and potassium permanganate is a
redox reaction.
In this redox reaction, Carbon from oxalic acid gets oxidised to give carbondioxide and
pink coloured of manganese present in potassium permanganate, which is in the +7
oxidation state gets reduced to colourless Mn2+ state.
This titration is based upon oxidation-reduction titrations. When oxalic acid solution is
titrated against potassium permanganate in the presence of acidic medium by sulfuric
acid. Acidic medium is necessary in order to prevent precipitation of manganese oxide
redox reaction takes place between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid. Here
KMnO4 acts as a self indicator and this titration is called permanganate titration.

Procedure :
1. Wash and rinse the burette and pipette with distilled water and then rinse with the
corresponding solution to be filled in them.
2. Rinse and fill the burette with the potassium permanganate solution.
3. Rinse the pipette with standard oxalic acid solution.
4. Pipette out 10ml of M/10 standard oxalic acid solution into the conical flask and add
one test tube sulphuric acid. Heat the mixture upto 60-70 degree celcius temperature.
5. Titrate hot oxalic acid solution against potassium permanganate solution and
simultaneously swirl the solution in the flask gently.
6. The appearance of a permanent light pink colour reveals the endpoint.
7. Repeat the titration until concordant values are obtained.
8. Note down the upper meniscus on the burette readings.
Result :

1. Molarity of given KMnO4 solution is _________ moles/liter (M)

2. The strength of given potassium permanganate solution is _______ g/L

1. Potassium permanganate is dark, so always read the upper meniscus.
2. Remove the funnel from burette before starting titration.
3. The burette and pipette must be observed at eye level, straight to the bottom of the

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Chemical equation:
Reduction half reaction –
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5[O]
Oxidation half reaction –
5(COOH)2 + 5[O] → 5 H2O + 10CO2
Overall reaction –
2KMnO4 + 5(COOH)2 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4+ 2MnSO4+ 10CO2 + 8H2O
Ionic equation :
Oxidation half reaction – [C2O42- → 2CO2 + 2e–] x 5
Reduction half reaction – [MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e– → Mn2+ + 4H2O]X2
Overall ionic equation – 2MnO4– + 16H+ + 5C2O42- → Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O

Observation :

Burette : X M KMnO4 solution

Conical flask : 10ml of oxalic acid + Sulfuric acid + heat
Indicator : Self indicator (KMnO4)
End Point : Colourless to permanent pale pink colour.
Observation table : Volume of Initial reading Final reading Difference

oxalic acid (ml) (ml) (ml)

Volume of KMnO4 used (Concordent reading) : ____ ml

Calculation :

1. Molarity of KMnO4 solution :

M1V1 = n1 Where,
M2V2 n2 M1 = Molarity of KMnO4= x
V1 = Volume of KMnO4 = B.R.
X * B.R. = 2 M2 = Molarity of oxalic acid = 1/10
1/10 * 10 5 V2 = Volume of oxalic acid = 10 ml
n 1 = moles of KMnO4 = 2
n 2 = moles of Mohr’s salt = 5

2. Strength of KMnO4 solution

= Molarity x Molecularmass
= M x 158

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