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TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 3

1. allude to (phrasal verb) To mention something indirectly.

2. bawl (verb) To loudly shout something out.
3. call in (phrasal verb) To communicate by telephone.
4. connote (verb) To imply.
5. decipher (verb) To interpret or solve the meaning of something,
particularly a coded text.
6. dissension (noun) State of strong disagreement within an organiza-
tion or group of people.
7. divulge (verb) To make something known, usually something se-
cret or private.
8. duplicity (noun) The quality of being deceitful intentionally.
9. elicit (verb) To get an answer or response from.
10. hackneyed (adjective) Characterized by lack of originality or overuse.
11. invective (noun) A rude statement directed at someone or some-
12. lexicon (noun) A standard vocabulary used among members of a
specific group.
13. log (noun) A record of a conversation or meeting.
14. placard (noun) A sign with a written message on it.
15. reiterate (verb) Simply restating or repeating, usually for emphasis
or clarification.
16. sarcasm (noun) An ironic and taunting form of comedy.
17. scurrilous (adjective) Using or giving slanderous or abusive lan-
guage, but expressing something that is true.

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 3

18. allude to Which word has the following synonyms?

suggest, hint, mention

19. bawl Which word has the following synonyms?

cry, bark

20. connote Which word has the following synonyms?

signify, suggest, insinuate

21. decipher Which word has the following synonyms?

decode, analyze, deduce, interpret, solve

22. dissension Which word has the following synonyms?

discord, conflict, quarrel

23. divulge Which word has the following synonyms?

admit, disclose, leak, reveal

24. duplicity Which word has the following synonyms?

artiface, chicanery, deceit, dishonesty

25. elicit Which word has the following synonyms?

to evoke, to extract, to encourage, to wrest

26. hackneyed Which word has the following synonyms?

stale, unoriginal

27. invective Which word has the following synonyms?

insult, diatribe

28. lexicon Which word has the following synonyms?

glossary, terminology, wordbank

29. log Which word has the following synonyms?

transcript, record, diary, journal

30. placard Which word has the following synonyms?

sign, poster, notice, billboard

31. reiterate

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 3

Which word has the following synonyms?


32. sarcasm Which word has the following synonyms?

irony, mockery, contempt

33. scurrilous Which word has the following synonyms?

defamatory, insulting, scandalous

34. bawl Which word has the following antonyms?


35. connote Which word has the following antonyms?

conceal, dissuade, hide

36. decipher Which word has the following antonyms?

conceal, confuse, hide, obscure, encrypt

37. dissension Which word has the following antonyms?

ratification, agreement, peace

38. divulge Which word has the following antonyms?

conceal, hide, omit, withhold

39. duplicity Which word has the following antonyms?

forthrightness, frankness, honesty

40. elicit Which word has the following antonyms?

to disregard, to ignore, to neglect

41. hackneyed Which word has the following antonyms?

fresh, original, new

42. invective Which word has the following antonyms?

praise, approval, compliment, flattery

43. reiterate Which word has the following antonyms?

disregard, forget, ignore

44. scurrilous

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 3

Which word has the following antonyms?

respectful, civil, courteous

45. alluded to Her boss the possibility she would get a promotion,
but didn't want to say anything directly until it was official.

46. bawled The officers commands to the prisoners.

47. call in I need to sick immediately so the team can find a

suitable substitute as soon as possible.

48. connoting Emma and Terry were skilled at their actual conver-
sation by hiding it under constant movie references that no
one else could make heads or tails of.

49. deciphered Code breakers enemy communications during the


50. dissension Corruption in the company's management caused

within all departments.

51. divulge I can't believe I just heard the president national

secrets on public television!

52. duplicity No longer will I allow this in the workplace!

53. elicit Waiting with a smile on his face, the teacher tried to
answers from his uninterested students.

54. hackneyed Her catch phrase was getting annoying.

55. invectives Jerry tends to throw at people when he drinks too

much, so it's no surprise he gets punched in the face so

56. lexicons Despite being in the same grade, the two groups of friends
had completely different .

57. log I kept a of all my meetings with my financial advisor.

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 3

58. placard We need a catchy slogan to write on the .

59. reiterated The director that the organization will continue to

provide loyal assistance.

60. sarcasm I admit that I made a mistake, so I don't need your

to subtly mock me.

61. scurrilous The senator suffered attacks from his detractors.


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