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English Learn 50 words with

- by Pooja Ma’am only 2 Root words

Words Based on the Luc Root Word

Luc- comes from Latin lucidus from lucere ‘shine’, ‘light’.
Other forms of this word root are LUC, LUM, LUN and LUS.
1. Lucid- easily understood , giving off light
2. Circumlucid: Being light on every side
3. Elucidate: To put light upon something, make something clear
4. Elucidative: Explanatory, enlightening
5. Pellucid: Lucid, clear
6. Elucubrate: a hard worker, who works in the lamp light
7. Lucent: Producing light, glowing
8. Luciform: Having characteristics of light
9. Lucifugal: Being afraid of light (fugus – flee)
10. Lucifugous: Being afraid light, avoiding it
11. Lucimeter: An instrument to measure light
12. Luculent: Producing bright light
13. Illumination: Light
14. Illuminating: put light upon something making it easier to understand
15. Lumen: A unit to measure light
16. Luminaire: A lamp
17. Luminary: The lighting star of an area, an expert
18. Luminescent: Producing soft light
19. Luminosity: The quantity of lightness
20. Unilluminated: Being in a shadow, unlighted
21. Lunambulism: Sleepwalking induced by the moon
22. Luminiferous: producing or transmitting light
23. Lunatic: Moonstruck; insane
24. Lustre: Producing gentle or soft light
25. Translucent: Allowing light to pass through diffusely

Latin word ‘Loqu’ and its variants mean ‘speak’ or ‘talk’

26. Circumlocution: using more words than necessary in a talk
27. Locution: a style of speech or verbal expression.
28. Illocutionary: an utterance, a speaker's intention
29. Colloquy: a formal “talking”
30. Colloquialism: a word that is used in an informal talk
31. Colloquium: a conversation or a talk
32. Soliloquy: a “talking” by oneself, an act of talking out loud to oneself in a play
33. Elocution: the art of speaking/talking clearly
34. Eloquent: one who talks fluently.
35. Grandiloquent: one who talks pompously.

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English Learn 50 words with
- by Pooja Ma’am only 2 Root words

36. Interlocution: a dialogue or a talk

37. Interlocuter: a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.
38. Longiloquence: talking lengthily
39. Loquacious: of “talking” a lot
40. Loquacity: action of “talking” a lot
41. Loquitur: a note that a character is to talk
42. Loquent: inclined to speak; articulate
43. Obloquy: to talk publicly criticizing, ruining someone’s reputation (ob: against)
44. Ambiloquy: Unclear language (ambo – two)
45. Omniloquence: talking about everything (omni – all)
46. Pleniloquence: “talking” excessively (pleni- full)
47. Somiloquence: “talking in one’s sleep (somna – sleep)
48. Ventriloquism: “talking” with inner voice, not moving the lips (venter – belly)
49. Ventriloquist: one who throws her “talking” to another
50. Magniloquence: “talk” high-flown language. (Magnus –great)
51. Blandiloquent: “talking” in a sweet voice (blandus - soft)

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