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TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 1

1. analogy (noun) When we liken one thing to another in order to

clarify things.
2. anecdote (noun) A short amusing story that happened to someone.
3. diffusion (noun) A concept, idea, or behavior that propagates quick-
ly through people.
4. digress (verb) Stop thinking, writing, or talking about the main topic
and introduce a new one for a while.
5. dissent (verb) To disagree with other people's beliefs and thinking.
6. elocution (noun) The skill of speaking in public.
7. gesture (verb) To make gestures; to express emotion or convey
information using body movements.
8. implicit (adjective) What is implied and not directly expressed or
9. misrepresent (verb) To give information that is misleading, or to twist
words originally said by a third-party.
10. oral (noun) A test for a foreign language where the speaking
skills are evaluated.
11. orator (noun) A person responsible for public speech or that is
really good at speaking in public.
12. outright (adjective) When something is said clearly and directly.
13. parse (verb) To break a sentence down into its individual parts
to describe each of their roles.
14. slight (noun) The act of showing disregard or disrespect.
15. tacit (adjective) Understood without direct expression.
16. telephony (noun) Communicating by the phone.

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 1

17. vernacular (noun) The distinct language of a subset of people.

18. analogy Which word has the following synonyms?

comparison, correlation, metaphor, parallel

19. anecdote Which word has the following synonyms?

episode, gag, narration, narrative

20. diffusion Which word has the following synonyms?


21. digress Which word has the following synonyms?


22. dissent Which word has the following synonyms?

disagree, contradict, oppose, differ

23. elocution Which word has the following synonyms?

oratory, public speaking, speechcraft

24. implicit Which word has the following synonyms?

constant, contained, definite, implied, latent,

25. misrepresent Which word has the following synonyms?

deceive, lie, mislead, mistate, distort

26. oral Which word has the following synonyms?


27. orator Which word has the following synonyms?

speaker, preacher

28. outright Which word has the following synonyms?

explicitly, directly, bluntly, plainly

29. slight Which word has the following synonyms?

contempt, rejection, disregard

30. tacit Which word has the following synonyms?

silent, unspoken, implicit

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 1

31. telephony Which word has the following synonyms?

call, dial,

32. vernacular Which word has the following synonyms?

jargon, dialect, accent

33. analogy Which word has the following antonyms?

difference, dissimilarity, unlikeness

34. diffusion Which word has the following antonyms?


35. digress Which word has the following antonyms?


36. dissent Which word has the following antonyms?

accept, assent, approve

37. implicit Which word has the following antonyms?

disloyal, stated, untrustworthy

38. oral Which word has the following antonyms?

written, printed

39. orator Which word has the following antonyms?


40. outright Which word has the following antonyms?

indirect, ambiguously, hesitant

41. slight Which word has the following antonyms?

admiration, attention, praise

42. tacit Which word has the following antonyms?

open, voiced, explicit

43. vernacular Which word has the following antonyms?

lingua franca

44. analogy

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 1

The professor used an to make the concept easier

to understand.

45. anecdote The grandchildren loved listening to their grandma tell an


46. diffusion John is arrested due to the of private information.

47. digresses Sam always when she's talking about her life.

48. dissented Marko from my idea but gave good reasons for why
he didn't agree.

49. elocution At this school, we teach and etiquette.

50. gestured My friend for me to come over to where she was


51. implicit The image of the city is an criticism of contempo-

rary society.

52. misrepresented The politician denied the reports, claiming that his past
was by his political opponents.

53. oral I didn't pass the in my German class.

54. orator An leads the conference.

55. outright Stop second guessing what he is thinking and just ask him

56. parse The teacher asked the student to write down and
the sentences that she had written on the board.

57. slight The unintended about my character was still very


58. tacit She had to speak up, otherwise her silence would have
been taken as acceptance of the situation.

59. telephony The invention of has transformed communication.

TOEIC: Advanced Communication Vocabulary Set 1

60. vernacular Her had so many words I didn't know that I was
surprised we were speaking the same language.


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