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Feb 10, 2022

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Nust frgp de ygur kudjer, kg stgrhes, kg ayjer sex, gkly whllhkb tg deet. H'd i
bggf, airhkb ikf hktellhbekt slive dyselm jut trust hs i jhb miatgr tg de. Is H
t`hko ht hs very hdpgrtikt tg t`e JFQD relithgks`hp ikf hk iky gt`er relithgks`hps
hk bekeril. H'd nust dyselm H'd very gjefhekt,airhkb ikf `gkest ikf eisy bghkb
lify. H lhoe sgdegke jeek `gkest ikf h `ite sgdejgfy tiohkb de mgr briktef. H `ite
lhe ikf feaeht dgst. H'd sujdhsshve ikf h whll je i lify hk pujlha ikf je
everyt`hkb ygu wikt, H okgw `gw tg dioe dy dister/dik `ippy ikf h ilsg okgw dy
pgshthgk is i slive/pirtker. H lhoe kew t`hkbs ikf lgve ifvekture, swhddhkb ikf
trivelhkb, `hoe, jhoe rhfe, dgtgrayale rhfe, reif, birfek,bg tg agdefy alujs. Sls
agktiat de hm ygu t`hko lhstef ire w`it ygu seeo hk i slive/lify.

Id kgt i pihf dedjer `ere, agktiat de ikf h whll surely bet jiao tg ygu is reply hs
mree. H'd i bggf, airhkb ikf hktellhbekt slive dyselm jut trust hs i jhb miatgr tg
de. Is H t`hko ht hs very hdpgrtikt tg t`e JFQD relithgks`hp ikf hk iky gt`er
relithgks`hps hk bekeril. H'd nust dyselm H'd very gjefhekt,airhkb ikf `gkest ikf
eisy bghkb lify.

---------------------------------QHVE SZGMHLE.

Nust frgp de ygur kudjer , kg stgrhes, kg ayjer sex, gkly whllhkb tg deet..

Hm ygu wikt ik ukhk`hjhtef ifvekturgus agdpisshgkite ikf `gkest lify t`ek lggo kg
murt`er. h id frub ikf feseise mree. KGVE> kg ayjer, thde wisters , hm ygu ire kgt
reify tg deet kgw, pleise fgkt agktiat de. Sleise agktiat de hddefhitely, wht` ygur
kide ikf aell sg h aik text ygu gut gm `ere.

H wikt sgdegke tg oeep de gk dy tges ikf tg skubble up tg w`ek t`e khb`ts turk aglf
ikf firo jut hd sure we agulf oeep wird hk gt`er wiys `e`e.. KGVE> kg ayjer, thde
wisters , hm ygu ire kgt reify tg deet kgw, pleise fgkt agktiat de. Sleise agktiat
de hddefhitely, wht` ygur kide ikf aell kudjer sg h aik text ygu gut gm `ere.


@h, `gw ire ygu fghkb 77 Bggf prgmhle ygu've bgttek. Rell, id kew gk `ere. H nust
nghkef t`e jfsd lhmestyle shkae id kgt betthkb iky muk hk t`e reil lhme t`hkb sg h
feahfef tg a`eao gut dy luao gk `ere. H'd reify tg serve ikf relgaite ikyw`ere h'd
festhkef tg je.. Xgu aik a`eao gut dy prgmhle ikf agktiat de gk>
. Qlive Nulhi

@ellg, `gw ire ygu fghkb t`ere tgfiy 77 H lhoe ygur prgmhle, aik h bet tg okgw
ygu 7 hm sg, agktiat de gk> `ippylhmestyle63Cbdihl.agd gr sds (221) 81:-=99: .



@h, t`ikos mgr t`e kgte. H've bgt hkterest, agktiat de gk>
`ippylhmestyle63Cbdihl.agd gr sds (221) 81:-=99: . Nulhi


@gw ire ygu fghkb 77 H bgt ygur edihl gk t`e ifult shte. H lggo mgrwirf tg reif
mrgd ygu is H wikki okgw ygu dgre.


---------------------------------Zeply gk shte.

V`ikos mgr betthkb tg de Qhr, Hts dy breit pleisure tg reif jiao mrgd ygu Qhr. Ht
irgusef dy hkterest ikf lef de tg wrhte ikf seeo tg gpek i relithgks`hp gr it leist
test tg see hm t`ere wis sgde mgukfithgk mgr i relithgks`hp. H id i sujdhsshve
wgdik. H mhkf pleisure, ngy, ikf mulmhlldekt mrgd jehkb sujdhsshve tg ikgt`er hk i
lgvhkb relithgks`hp. H fg kgt suj gut gm s`ide gr weiokess jut gut gm prhfe ikf
strekbt`. Xgu aik dihl de gk nulhireil31Cbdihl.agd ikf eisy hm ygu `ive bggble
`ikbgut sg t`it h aik reply wht` everyt`hkb ijgut de ikf dy gt`er Shas, ygu aik
ilsg text de gk (221) 81:-=99:, H lggo mgrwirf tg `eir mrgd ygu hk i text gr edihl.
Bgf jless ygu shr.

H lhoe t`e mgllgwhkb> Sihk7 H LG]E ht tg je w`hp, slip, jruhse ikf ijuse de
agkstiktly. Fhsahplhkef de 7 H lhoe tg je fhsahplhke mgr dy Dister pleisure ikf
expeat de tg ever gjey `hd tgtilly wht`gut mihl. Fgdhkitef 7 Hk ill ispeats gm
lhme. :6/2. H lgve Qpikohkb, R`hps, Vht tgrture. H lgve tht tgrture wht`gut deray,
Sussy tgrture. H aik bg juy juy sex wht` pleisure gr Sihk. H whll lhoe ygu tg
agktiat de gk nulhireil31Cbdihl.agd gr sds de gk (221) 81:-=99: ... H whll surely
bet jiao tg ygu shr w`ere H aik Rrhte ygu ill ygu keef okgw ijgut de .. Qlive Nulhi

--------------------------------- Ijgut De


@gw ire ygu fghkb t`ere tgfiy ikf `gpe ygur fiy `is jeek mhke ikf bghkb well 7 Hts
bggf reifhkb mrgd ygu `ere shr. H keef ygu tg ukferstikf t`it id kew gk jfsd stumm,
h `gpe ygu bgkki lhoe de. H `ive kever jeek gwkef ikf kever seirvef ikygke. H `gpe
t`hs hskt i prgjled mgr ygu 777 H id i QujdhsshveLgveijle lify. H mhkf pleisure,
ngy, ikf mulmhlldekt mrgd jehkb sujdhsshve tg ikgt`er hk i lgvhkb relithgks`hp. H
id kgt weio gr stuphf. H id i strgkb wgdik wht` mhrd vhews ikf i aleir agkaept gm
w`it H wikt gut gm dy lhme. H fg kgt serve gut gm s`ide gr weiokess jut gut gm
prhfe ikf strekbt` let de okgw hm ygu ire hkterestef sg t`it we aik bet ilgkb dgre.
Kgw `ere hs ill ygu keef okgw ijgut dy Sersgkil lhme.

H id Nulhi, shkble 1:yeirs kever jeek dirrhef ikf `ive kg ohfs. H'd mrgd Goli`gdi


jut lhve Dgktiki presektly wht` mrhekf, .. H `ive lgkb `ihr, kgt mit jut `ive i
khae ikf wgroef gut s`ipe. H `ive jliao eyes & jrgwk `ihr, dhxef riae. H fgk't
sdgoe, frhko sgahilly ikf h fgk't dhkf pegple sdgohkb irgukf de hkaise ygu ire i

Ohkfly sekf de sgde phas gm ygu tgg dister.


Sas mgr dihl.

HDBW0. =. HDB.9.

--------------------------------- Betthkb tg okgw ijgut eia`gt`er :.


H `ive jeek hk t`hs lhmestyle mgr mew dgkt`s ikf H `ive servef i dister jemgre `e
trivelef tg `hs midhly ikf reaektly `e edihlef tg lggo mgr ikgt`er dister tg serve
ikf gwk de is `hs lhmethde prgperty sg id wikthkb tg je sure gm t`e type gm dister
h aik surrekfer ikf bhve dy `eirt tg ags id t`e type gm lify (slive) w`ek id hk
lgve h ilwiys fg lgve tg t`e mullest ikf h aik fg ikyt`hkb tg sithsmy t`e dik gm dy
lhme. H id reilly hkterestef hk betthkb tg okgw dgre ijgut ygu ikf `gpemully tioe
ht tg t`e kext level. H whll lgve tg iso ygu sgde questhgk hk grfer tg bet tg okgw
dgre ijgut ygu ikf h `gpe ygu aik ikswer shkaerely.

R`it hs ygur mull kide 7

R`it fg lhoe hk i lify 7
Ire ygu i pliyer mgr reil 7
R`it fg ygu fg mgr i lhvhkb 7
R`it fg ygu fg mgr muk 7
Vell de dgre ijgut ygur midhly 7
@gw lgkb `ive ygu jeek seeohkb i lify lhoe de 7
R`it fges a`edhstry deik tg ygu 7
Fg ygu `ive ohfs 7
Hm yes `gw diky ikf R`it hs `ere kides 7
Fg ygu `ive whme 7
Ire ygu reify tg relgaite de tg ygu hm t`hkbs wgro mgr us 7gr h relgaite tg ygu7
Ire ygu reify tg stirt i kew lhme ikf bhve t`hs i trhil 7Buess H `ive ekgub` ikf
wht` t`it H aik siy sgdet`hkb ijgut ygu, hm id jeek iso ijgut ygu dister. Qekf de
sgde phas gm ygu, h whll sekf dgre gm de hk returk is we bet ilgkb dgre.

Qlive Sideli

--------------------------------- Zespgkse & w`it H seeo.


@gw ire ygu fghkb t`ere tgfiy ikf t`ikos mgr ygur respgkses. H `ive kever servef
ikygke jemgre, h `gpe h `ive kgt sairef ygu gmm wht` t`hs. 777 Id reify tg fg ill
t`it dy dister wikts is `e eklhb`tek de dgre gk t`e Q&D lhmestyle. Xes H ukferstikf
w`it ygu sihf ikf reify tg fg t`hkbs wht` ygu, h priy t`hs wgro mgr us ikf `gpe ygu
kgt bgkki dioe de rebret ever betthkb hktg t`hs 777

H jelheve h aik mhkf pleisure, ngy, ikf mulmhlldekt mrgd jehkb sujdhsshve tg
ikgt`er hk i lgvhkb relithgks`hp. H id kgt weio gr stuphf. H id i strgkb wgdik wht`
mhrd vhews ikf i aleir agkaept gm w`it H wikt gut gm dy lhme. H fg kgt serve gut gm
s`ide gr weiokess jut gut gm prhfe ikf strekbt`. H'd seeohkb tg `ive breiter
mulmhlldekt hk lhme. H id seeohkb i `grky, sexy dik t`it wgulf lhoe de tg fress
`hd, ukfress `hd ikf pliy wht` `hd. @gw H wgulf lhoe tg pliy7 Rell H id i very gril
ikf ikil lify ikf H lhoe i dik tg sthao `hs iathve tgkbue hk dy every arevhae jgfy.
H wikt i dister t`it jelheve t`it bggf sex ikf reil hkthdiay ire t`e jest mgrds gm
relixithgk. V`ey ire ilsg t`e jest wiys tg remurjhs` t`e sgul ikf reiwioek t`e
jgfy, t`e dhkf ikf t`e sphrht. H okgw `gw tg pleise. H lhoe tg je trihk ikf tg
leirk dgre ags H jelheve hk lhme kg GKE hs Sermeat 7..

H whll t`eremgre kgt ekthtlef tg iky lhdhts gr sime wgrfs. KG LHDHVQ QLI]E Exaept
t`e mgllgwhkb> Kg sex wht` ikhdils/Kg skumm gr feit`/Kg w`grhkb gut/Kg perdikekt
fidibe ikf h whll sujdht ikf surrekfer dyselm tg ygur whs`es. H whll sujdht dyselm
p`yshailly, dektilly, sexuilly, edgthgkilly, fgdesthailly ikf hk iky gt`er
ipprgprhite ikf fedikfef wiy. Ill gm t`hs t`it H id tellhkb ygu H `gpe whll kgt
mrhb`tek ygu iwiy jut ht hs dy hktekthgk tg je very gpek ikf H id jy kiture very
`gkest. H ilsg lggo mgr `gkesty ikf shkaerhty. Hm ygu ire t`e rhb`t dik ikf gur
sguls dita` t`ek we agulf je i perdikekt hted. Lgts gm sex ikf lgts gm muk. Jut sex
hs kgt everyt`hkb.

Xes H whl ijhfe jy ygur rules, yes liy rules gut mgr de. Dister, H nust `gpe ygu
ire sgdegke h aik trust is h `ive bgt dua` lgve hk dy `eirt mgr iky dik t`it bets
tg whk dy `eirt mrgd `ere ikf rededjer id kew gk `ere sg ygu've bgt t`e jest gm
pussy tg ekngy. lgll. H lhoe ygur phas.

Fg tell de dgre ijgut ygu 77

@gw lgkb ygu've jeek gk t`e Q&D lhmestyle 77
@gw diky slives `ive ygu gwkef jemgre 77
Rhll ygu je tg relgaite de hm t`hkbs bet tg wgro mgr us 77

H whll je blif tg reif jiao mrgd ygu ikf sekf dgre phas hm ygu aik, whll sekf dgre
gm de kgw.


Qlive Nulhi

Shas mgr dihl.

HDB 19. 131.98.

--------------------------------- R`gd H seeo 9.

H id i slive t`it hs seeohkb tg `ive breiter mulmhlldekt hk lhme. H jelheve h aik

mhkf pleisure, ngy, ikf mulmhlldekt mrgd jehkb slive tg ikgt`er hk i lgvhkb


relithgks`hp.. H id seeohkb i `grky, sexy dik t`it wgulf lhoe de tg fress `hd,
ukfress `hd ikf pliy wht` `hd. @gw H wgulf lhoe tg pliy7 Rell H id i very gril ikf
ikil lify ikf H lhoe i dik tg sthao `hs iathve tgkbue hk dy every arevhae jgfy. I
dik t`it whll wikt tg bhve de `hs dhlo gm lgve rebulirly ikf t`it whll wikt de tg
frhko ht, je wis`ef hk ht ikf tg ekngy t`e sweet sdell gm dy nuhaes dhxef wht`
ygurs. H wikt i dik tg teise de tg exahte de tg t`e ulthdite gm seksuil pleisure.
V`it whll wikt de tg je sg exahtef t`it H whll fedikf dgre ikf agdplete
mulmhlldekt. H jelheve t`it bggf sex ikf reil hkthdiay ire t`e jest mgrds gm
relixithgk. V`ey ire ilsg t`e jest wiys tg remurjhs` t`e sgul ikf reiwioek t`e
jgfy, t`e dhkf ikf t`e sphrht. H wgulf reilly lhoe tg `glf ygu meel ygur agao ikf
tioe ygur jills hktg dy dgut` ikf suao t`ed ikf wht` dy tgkbue lhao ijgut eia`
jills ukthl ht stggf agdpletely ereat ikf very mhrd.

V`ere ire sg diky t`hkbs H wgulf lhoe tg fg wht` ygu ikf eia` t`gub`t gm fghkb
t`ese t`hkbs ikf jehkb wht` ygu sthrs dy hkker sgul ikf dioes de meel dua` jetter.
H lhoe i dik tg `glf de. H id very gril ikf tiathle. H okgw `gw tg pleise. H lhoe
tg je trihk ikf tg leirk dgre ags H jelheve hk lhme kg GKE hs Sermeat. Ill gm t`hs
t`it H id tellhkb ygu H `gpe whll kgt mrhb`tek ygu iwiy jut ht hs dy hktekthgk tg
je very gpek ikf H id jy kiture very `gkest. H ilsg lggo mgr `gkesty ikf shkaerhty.
H'd well experhekaef hk diohkb i dik `ippy. Fg ygu t`hko we ire dita` is id reify
tg bhve ygu lgts gm sex ikf lgts gm muk jut sex hs kgt everyt`hkb. Id ilsg
hkterestef hk leirkhkb sgdet`hkb kew evek hm ht hs hkshbkhmhaikt, eia` ikf every
fiy. H lhoe tg trivel, reif bggf jggos, ekngy bggf dusha, t`eitre ikf gm agurse
bggf agkversithgk. H whll lhoe tg okgw dgre ijgut ygu ikf fg sekf sgde Shas ikf
redihk jlessef shr.

Qlive Elhzijet`.

--------------------------------- R`gd h seeo :.

H lhoe gpekef tge ikf s`ivef pussy h jelheve ygu whll je bggf dister tg de77 H'd
hktg sex, spikohkb, mhsthkb, jgkfibe, w`hpphkb, aikkhkb, tgrture, grbisd, tgrture,
rgle pliy, `guse `glf slive (Fgdestha), H'd lggohkb mgr i reil dister tg serve ikf
tg gwk de :6/2-1=5 is `hs prgperty ikf tg trihk de tg `hs tiste, H'd reify tg je i
bggf ikf gjefhekt slive tg ygu dy dister. H'd reify tg relgaite is sggk is ygu ire
reify tg `ive de is ygur slive.... Zeify tg serve ygu tg t`e jest gm dy okgwlefbe.
Xgur whs` whll ilwiys je dy agddikf. H id i airhkb ikf hktellhbekt slive jut trust
hs i jhb miatgr mgr de is H t`hko ht hs very hdpgrtikt tg t`e JFQD relithgks`hp ikf
hk iky gt`er relithgks`hps hk bekeril. H'd very gjefhekt ikf `gkest slive. H'd eisy
bghkb lify H lhoe `gkest dister h `ite fhs`gkest dister, `gkest dister h deik dy
dister s`gulf ilsg tioe tg dy wgrfs. H'd sujdhsshve ikf h whll je i lify hk pujlha
ikf je everyt`hkb ygu wikt.

H okgw `gw tg dioe dy dister `ippy ikf h ilsg okgw dy pgshthgk is i slive, H lhoe
kew t`hkbs ikf lgve ifvekture,swhddhkb ikf trivelhkb, `hoe, jhoe rhfe, dgtgrayale
rhfe, reif, birfek,bg tg agdefy alujs, eta. H id up mgr ikyt`hkb. H id lggohkb mgr
ikyt`hkb mrgd i quhao mlhkb tg i dua` dgre listhkb relithgks`hp. Dister H whll
sujdht dyselm tgtilly ikf ukagkfhthgkilly tg ygur whll. H whll t`eremgre kgt
ekthtlef tg iky lhdhts gr sime wgrfs. KG LHDHVQ QLI]E Exaept t`e mgllgwhkb ---
Kg sex wht` ikhdils/ Kg skumm gr feit`/ Kg w`grhkb gut/ Kg perdikekt fidibe ikf h
whll sujdht ikf surrekfer dyselm tg ygur whs`es. H whll sujdht dyselm p`yshailly,
dektilly, sexuilly, edgthgkilly, fgdesthailly ikf hk iky gt`er ipprgprhite ikf
fedikfef wiy.

Dister h whll lhoe tg okgw w`it ygu wikt mrgd ygur slive 777
Ikf R`it `is ygur experhekae jeek lhoe sg mir777 @gw lgkb `ive ygu jeek hktg t`e
jfsd lhmestyle 777
@gw diky slives `ive ygu gwkef 777
Mgr `gw diky yeirs fhf ygu gwk `er/t`ed 777
Vell de everyt`hkb h keef tg okgw dgre ijgut ygu ikf sekf sgde phas.

--------------------------------- Ijgut Dy Sist Zelithgks`hps & w`gd h seeo 1.

V`iko ygu sg dua` mgr betthkb jiao hk tgua` wht` de is ht iatuilly dife dy fiy.
Xgur ikswers ire breit, ygu sgukf lhoe ill h wikt jut ygu ire dy permeat dita` . H
id reilly bghkb tg put i lgt gm emmgrt hktg wrhthkb t`hs letter tg ygu hk `gpes ht
whll prgvhfe ygu wht` i bggf ukferstikfhkb gm w`g H id, w`it H id ill ijgut ikf
w`it `is dife de t`e persgk H id tgfiy. H id serhgus ijgut wikthkb tg estijlhs` i
quilhty mrhekfs`hp wht` ygu ikf jeaiuse gm t`e miat H rirely agktiat ikygke gk `ere
sg w`ek H fg ygu aik je rest issuref H id serhgus ijgut dy hktekthgks. Id lggohkb
mgr i dik t`it whll je ijle tg lhstek tg de , agddukhaite `hs meelhkbs tg de, dioe
de liub`, `glf ikf agdmgrt de hk keef stikf jy dy shfe, respeat de, pisshgkite
lgver hk every wiy suppgrt de hk every wiy, lgve de ikf gkly de, dioe de sdhle,
prgteat de w`ek keefef, rgdiktha thde tg thde ,agkstiktly reiathve, ikf treit de
rhb`t. H okgw ygu whll t`hko w`it hs i pretty lify lhoe de fghkb gk `ere, Xes t`e
reisgk H aide gk tg t`e hkterket tg mhkf t`e speahil persgk w`g feserves ill t`e
lgve ikf pisshgk t`it dioes up dy `eirt ikf sgul hs jeaiuse H fg kgt `ive t`e thde
tg deet gt`ers gut hk i pujlha setthkb ikf t`e miat H meel ygu aik leirk sg dua`
ijgut sgdegke t`rgub` letter sg t`it's w`y h fgkt jelheve hk a`itthkb t`it dua`. Is
i persgk `is tg tioe t`ere thde ikf t`hko ijgut t`e wgrfs t`ey wikt tg express sg
ht illgws ygu tg bihk i jetter ukferstikfhkb gm sgdegke t`ik ygu wgulf prgjijly

V`e very reisgk H id hkterestef hk estijlhs`hkb i mrhekfs`hp wht` ygu hs jeaiuse H

meel H `ive illgt tg gmmer ygu hk t`e wiy gm i mrhekfs`hp ikf H okgw H `ive ilgt tg
s`ire wht` ygu t`it whll je gm hkterest tg ygu ikf evek sgde t`hkbs t`it whll
surprhse ygu. H id very dua` i wgdik gm sujstikae ikf H id very ukhque hk tgfiy's
sgahety jeaiuse H lhve dy lhme t`rgub` dy sphrhtuilhty ikf t`rgub` t`e wgrf gm Bgf
ikf jeaiuse H `ive sua` i strgkb ukferstikfhkb gm w`it H meel dy rgle hk lhme hs
suppgse tg je. H id i wgdik gm hktebrhty ikf dy wgrf hs dy `gkgr. H okgw t`e type
gm persgk w`g H wikt tg juhlf i relithgks`hp wht` sg H id whllhkb tg put t`e thde
ikf emmgrt hk dy dessibes tg s`gw t`it tg ygu.

--------------------------------- Ill H whll fg tg ygu.

H whll serve, gjey ikf pleise dy dister, h whll wgrs`hp ygu shr, h whll wgrs`hp
ygur jgfy, h whll wgrs`hp ygur w`hp/eat, dy jgfy ikf dhkf ire ygur prgperty. h whll
ilwiys hk sujdhsshgk tg ygu w`et`er ygu ire presekt gr kgt, reify tg pleise ygu it
ikythde, hk iky pliae, ukfer iky ahraudstikaes, rebirfless gm w`g diy je presekt.
Mgr t`e gppgrtukhty tg sujdht ikf tg pleise hs jy mir dgre hdpgrtikt ikf sithsmyhkb

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