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TEST – 3

1. Gasping, labored breathing or "craving for air" is called

A: eupnea. B: hyperventilation. C: dyspnea. D: hyperpnea.

2. The condition resulting from inadequate production of surfactant and the resultant
collapse of alveoli is

A: respiratory distress syndrome. B: COPD.

C: anoxia. D: pulmonary embolism
3. The obstructive lung disease in which elastic fibers are lost, leading to collapse of alveoli
and bronchioles, is called

A: asthma. B: bronchitis. C: emphysema. D: COVID 19.

4. Which of these age-based changes is false?

A: the lungs lose elastic tissue. B: the lung's compliance changes.

C: vital capacity increases. D: respiratory muscles weaken.

5. External respiration involves the

A: movement of air into and out of the lungs.

B: diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood.

C: exchange of dissolved gases between the blood and the interstitial fluid.

D: binding of oxygen by haemoglobin.

6. The adult human trachea is about ________ in diameter and contains ________ tracheal

A: 1.0 cm; 15-20 B: 1.0 cm; 10-15 C: 2.5 cm; 15-20 D: 2.5 cm; 40-50

7. ________ is the amount of air that you can inhale above the resting tidal volume.

A: residual inhaled volume B: expiratory reserve volume

C: inspiratory reserve volume D: enhanced tidal volume

8. Which of the following hormone(s) is/are normally released by the stomach into the
systemic circulation?

A. Ghrelin B. Pepsinogen C. Secretin E. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide

9. Which of the following increases renal cortical blood flow?

A. Prostaglandin E2 B. Norepinephrine C. Angiotensin II D. Vasopressin

10. Which ion is both secreted and absorbed by the nephron?

A. Na B.K C. Cl D.Ca

11. The principal regulator of plasma osmolalityis :

A. plasma [Na] B. antidiuretic hormone C. aldosterone D.angiotensin II

12. What fraction of filtered water is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle?

A. 15% B. 25% C. 35% D.5%

13. What fraction of filtered Na is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle?

A. 15% B. 25% C. 35% D.5%

14. In the nephron, glucose reabsorption occurs mainly in the:

A. proximal tubule B. loop of Henle C. distal convoluted tubule D. collecting duct

15. The inguinal canal contains which of the following nerves?

(A) iliohypogastric (B) ilioinguinal (C) genital branch of the genitofemoral (D)

16. The cremaster muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves?

(A) genital branch of the genitofemoral (B) ilioinguinal (C) T12 (D) femoral

17. Which of the following structures contains both smooth and skeletal muscles?

(A) Stomach (B) jejunum (C) cecum (D) esophagus

18. The first part of the duodenum is located at which of the following vertebral levels?

(A) T10 (B) L2 (C) L1 (D) L5

19. The bile and pancreatic ducts enter which of the following structures?

(A) stomach (B) 2nd portion of the duodenum (C) cecum (D) ileum

20. The head of the pancreas is embraced by which of the following structures?
(a) stomach (b) C-shaped curve of the duodenum

(c) transverse mesocolon (d) cecum

21. Which of the following ligaments encloses the portal triad?

(A) hepatoduodenal (B) hepatogastric (C) gastrocolic (D) hepatorenal

22. The hepatic veins drain into which of the following structures?

(A) inferior vena cava (B) spleen (C) portal vein (D) superior vena cava

23. Which of the following structures is related to the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and the left
crus of the diaphragm?

(A) left suprarenal gland (B) left kidney (C) left gonadal vein (D) transverse

24. The cisterna chyli is the inferior end of which of the following structures?

(A) inferior vena cava (B) abdominal aorta (C) renal vein (D) thoracic duct

25. The anatomical left and right lobes of the liver are separated on the diaphragmatic surface
of the liver by which of the following structures?

(A) fissure for the round ligament of the liver (B) fissure for the ligamentum venosum

(C) falciform ligament (D) porta hepatis

26. Which of the following structures is avascular?

(A) superior ileocecal fold (B) inferior ileocecal fold (C) mesoappendix (D) appendix

27. All of the following structures pass through the esophageal hiatus EXCEPT

(A) posterior vagal trunk (B) esophageal branches of the left gastric vessels

(C) anterior vagal trunk (D) thoracic duct

28 Which of the following veins, when dilated, produces caput medusae?

(A) proper hepatic (B) splenic (C) paraumbilical (D) rectal

29 . All of the following arteries enter the true pelvis EXCEPT

(A) internal iliac (B) median sacral (C) ovarian (D) testicular

30. The posterior fornix is the deepest part of which of the following structures?

(A) vagina (B) deep perineal space (C) urethra (D) uterus
31. A purine nucleotide is


32. A pyrimidine nucleotide is


33. RNA does not contain

(A) Uracil (B) Adenine (C) Thymine (D) Ribose

34. In every cell, the number of tRNA molecules is at least

(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40

35. Purine biosynthesis is inhibited by

(A) Aminopterin (B) Tetracyclin (C) Methotrexate (D) Chloramphenicol

36. Synthesis of DNA is also known as

(A) Duplication (B) Replication (C) Transcription (D) Translation

37. Hunter’s syndrome results from absence of

(A) Hexosaminidase A (B) Iduronate sulphatase (C) Neuraminidase (D)

Arylsulphatase B

38. Severe combined immunodeficiency disease is caused by the deficiency in which of the
following enzyme?
a) AMP deaminase b) Adenosine deaminase c) PRPP synthetase d) None of the above

39. Which of the following serves as the cofactor for the de novo synthesis of purine
a) Thiamine b) Biotin c) Folate d) Flavin

40. Nucleotides are:

a) Purine bases b) Nitrogen bases+ Pentose Sugar

c) Nitrogen bases + Pentose sugar + Phosphate d) None of the above

41.  Which of the following is the degradation product of pyrimidines?

a) beta-alanine b) Uric acid c) Allantoin d) Glycine

42. FADH2 is equal to

a) Body temperature b) Pressure c) blood d) CO2

43. Deva maruthuvam means

a) Divine b) Healing c) Surgical d) All of the above

44. Life lies the Principle of polarity was written in the book

a) Harmonics of evolution b) Return to nature cure

c) New science of healing d) my nature cure

45. Eat to live not live to eat is the concept of

a) Pancha karma b) Pancha tantra c) Pancha bhootas d) None

46. Who found the “American School of Naturopathy?”

a) J.H.Kellog b) H.M.Shelton c) Benedict lust d) Sharma

47. Solarized Air therapy is used in the treatment of

a) Pneumonia b) Asthma c) Sinusitis d) Tuberculosis

48. Sun light has the property of

a) Analgesic b) Fat metabolism c) Hormonal changes d) All of the above

49. “The doctor” was the book published by

a) Rao b) Richard wagner c) Collins d) Louis kuhne

50. What are the errors of moral mind?

a) Imperfection b) Sin c) Sufferings d) All of the above

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