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Submitted to MIT ADT University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of


Submitted by


Under the guidance of






This is to certify that the technical seminar report entitled


Submitted By

Nikhil. P. Poojary (Exam No: MITU22MRSE0002)

is a bonafide work carried out by him, under the supervision of Prof. Abhijeet Galatage and it
is submitted towards the partial fulfilment of the requirement of MIT-ADT University, Pune
for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Structural Engineering.

Prof. Abhijeet Galatage

Professor and Guide

Prof. Dr. Satish B. Patil Prof. Dr. Kishore.

Professor and Head Ravande





The dissertation report entitled “BAMBOO REINFORCEMENT –

PRABHAKAR POOJARY (MITU22MRSE0002) in partial fulfilment for the award of the
degree of “Master of Technology in Structural Engineering” during the academic year
2022-23, of MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune, is hereby approved.






I express my profound thanks to my Guide Prof. Abhijeet Galatage for his expert guidance,
encouragement, and inspiration during this technical seminar work.

I sincerely thank to Prof. Dr. Satish B. Patil, Head, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT
School of Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune, for providing necessary facilities in
completing the technical seminar.

I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Kishore Ravande, Principal, MIT School of Engineering, MIT-
ADT University, Pune for providing me the facilities to carry out my technical seminar.

I am very much grateful and thankful to my Parents for their immense love, affection, help,
cooperation, and encouragement to complete this course.

Last but not the least, my humble thanks to the Almighty God.

– Nikhil P Poojary

Table of Contents
Certificate........................................................................................................................................ 2

Candidate’s Declaration:................................................................................................................. 3

Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... 4

List of Figures: ................................................................................................................................ 7

List of Tables: ................................................................................................................................. 7

Literature Review: .......................................................................................................................... 8

Introduction:.................................................................................................................................. 10

1. Bamboo as Construction Material: ....................................................................................... 12

1.1. Strength Properties of Bamboo: ..................................................................................... 14

1.2. Significance of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete:.............................................................. 15

1.3. Bamboo as Reinforcement for Concrete Construction .................................................. 15

1.4. Comparison of Steel with bamboo: ................................................................................ 15

2. Properties of Bamboo: .......................................................................................................... 16

2.1. Physical properties: ........................................................................................................ 16

2.2. Mechanical Properties: ................................................................................................... 16

3. Selection of Bamboo as Reinforced Concrete Construction: ............................................... 16

4. Treatment of Bamboo to Counter Limitations: ..................................................................... 17

4.1. Durability ....................................................................................................................... 17

4.2. Water Absorption: .......................................................................................................... 17

4.3. Bonding Strength: .......................................................................................................... 18

5. Material Properties of Bamboo for Reinforced Concrete: .................................................... 19

6. Selection and Preparation of Bamboo: ................................................................................. 21

6.1. Selection: ........................................................................................................................ 21

6.2. Preparation: .................................................................................................................... 21

6.2.1. Splitting ................................................................................................................... 21

6.2.2. Seasoning ................................................................................................................ 22

6.2.3. Bending ................................................................................................................... 22

6.2.4. Waterproof Coatings: .............................................................................................. 22

7. IS Codes Specifications for Bamboo as Reinforcement: ...................................................... 23

8. Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Design Principles: ................................................................ 23

8.1. Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Reinforcement: ....................................................... 23

9. Concrete Mix Design for Bamboo Reinforced Concrete...................................................... 24

9.1. Procedure........................................................................................................................ 24

9.1.1. Weighing ................................................................................................................. 24

9.1.2. Mixing Concrete: .................................................................................................... 25

9.1.3. Making Specimens: ................................................................................................. 27

9.1.4. Finishing ................................................................................................................. 25

9.1.5. Curing ..................................................................................................................... 26

10. Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................ 28

11. Reference: .......................................................................................................................... 29

List of Figures:
Figure 1 Bamboo........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2 Bamboo in Field ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3 Bamboo Splitting ............................................................................................................ 21
Figure 4 Enamel Paint for Water Proofing Coating ...................................................................... 22

List of Tables:
Table 1 Properties of Bamboo ...................................................................................................... 14
Table 2 Mechanical Properties of Bamboo as Material ................................................................ 23
Table 3 Density of Materials......................................................................................................... 25

Literature Review:
➢ General Study:

Building with bamboo looks back on an ancient tradition in the region in which plant grows in
abundance, such as South America & Africa. Bamboo is one of the oldest construction materials.
There has been a lot of construction activity in the developing world, especially India & China,
for the last one and a half decade. Although not directly visible construction industry is one of
the most polluting industries in the world. Production of both concrete and steel causes
substantial deterioration of environment. ―BAMBOO AS GREEN ALTERNATIVE TO
Organization of Environmental Research, Goa, 18-20 Dec. 2008). Despite of the long tradition of
building with the bamboo, the material is not used frequently in modern building construction.
Bamboo can be a perfect alternative for steel in the present and the future, as it possesses all the
required mechanical properties, and can perfectly replace steel, depending on the situation and
the application.

➢ Analytical Studies and Research:

Tjerk Reijenga ―Role of bamboo in Green Building design. In this project we are comparing
steel reinforcement with bamboo reinforcement, its structural cost and techniques of replacement
of steel with bamboo while reinforcing. The United States Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
(1966) reported a study providing a set of instructions on how to properly construct a variety of
structures using Bamboo. It was recommended in the report that the amount of Bamboo
reinforcement in concrete be 3 to 4% of the concrete’s cross-sectional area as the optimum

Janseen (2000) conducted her study on building with Bamboo. It gives calculations to show to
show why it’s economically competitive, mechanical properties, its many uses, its natural
durability, and the preservation of the Bamboo. The US Naval Corps is the leading institute in
research for bamboo reinforcement techniques and it has developed some tables and graphs.

Ogunbiyi (2015) has made a comparative analysis of the strength of bamboo and
reinforcement steel bars as structural members in building construction. High yield and mild
steel bars of size 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm are produced. Bamboo culms of size
10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm was made. Tensile test is conducted on all the three
samples of various diameters. Based on the result obtained, we are concluding that bamboo has
a very low tensile strength and undergoes brittle failure when load is applied due to low breaking
force. It used in place of partition walls, roofs other areas of light weight construction but it is
notrecommended for heavy engineering works.

It is a fact that the construction industry is the main consumer of energy and materials in most
countries. In consequence of the consumers choosing industrialized products, among other
effects, activities are suppressed in rural areas or even in small towns, and renewable materials
are wasted and causing permanent pollution. In this sense, it becomes obvious that ecological
materials satisfy such fundamental requirements, making use of agricultural byproducts such as
rice husk, coconut fibers, sisal and bamboo and therefore minimizing energy consumption,
conserving non-renewable natural resources, reducing pollution and maintaining a healthy
environment. Bamboo is a category of plants that are easy to grow and easy to find especially in
Asia. Bamboo has several advantages, one of them is on the side of bamboo fiber which has a
high enough tensile strength, especially on the outer bamboo fiber side or on the bamboo skin.
Research results by the bamboo is one of the suitable replacements of reinforcing bar in concrete
for low-cost constructions. Bamboo is natural, cheap, widely available and most importantly
strong in both tension and compression. There are many various species of bamboo trees in
Indonesia, one of which is Petung (Dendrocalamus Asper).

Even though existence of bamboo has been found from centuries, bamboo as reinforcement
material is an innovation in the civil engineering construction field. This innovation was based
on Clemson’s study that has been conducted in the Clemson Agricultural College.

Bamboo is a biodegradable and renewable in nature. It is energy efficient as it is of natural origin

and environmentally sustainable in nature. These properties have forced to use this in the
construction field for centuries.

Bamboo includes some of the fastest growing plants in the world. Certain species of bamboo can
grow 91cm within a 24-hour period. They are of notable economic and cultural significance
being used for building materials and as a versatile raw product. Bamboo has a higher
compressive strength than brick, wood, concrete and a specific tensile strength than concrete.
The world timber demand increasing at rapid rate but the supply is depleting. Industrially treated
bamboo has shown greater strength as well as for manufacturing of composite materials and
components which are economical and can be suitable for structural and non-structural
application in construction. Developing countries have the highest demand for steel reinforced

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concrete, but often they do not have the means to produce the steel to meet that demand.
Abundant, sustainable and extremely resilient bamboo has potential in the future to become an
ideal replacement in places where steel cannot easily be produced. It achieves the strength
through its hollow, tubular structure to resist wind forces in its natural habitat. This light weight
structure also makes it easy to harvest and transport. Due to its rapid growth cycle and varieties
of area in which it is able to grow, bamboo is cheap. It requires the grass to absorb Co2. These
factors can alone be incentive for investment in developing bamboo as reinforcement. With the
advancement of science and technology new methods are needed for the processing of bamboo
to make it more durable and more usable in terms of building material. Studies have been carried
out on the basic characteristics and on processing of bamboo into various kinds of composite
products. Bamboo has several unique features like ability to grow fast with high yield and also it
matures quickly. Additionally, bamboo can grow abundantly that too at lower cost which make it
more economical.

Figure 1 Bamboo

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1. Bamboo as Construction Material:

Through research it has been found that some species of bamboo have ultimate tensile strength
same as that of mild steel at yield point and this coupled with other merits boosts the usage of
bamboo as construction material. Bamboo is a versatile material because of its high strength-to-
weight ratio, easy workability and availability. Bamboo needs to be chemically treated due to
their low natural durability. It can be used in different ways for roof structure as purlins, rafters
and reapers, for flooring, doors and windows, walling, ceiling, man-hole covers etc. Bamboo
Trusses: The bamboo has strength comparable to that of teak and sal. An experiment with the
construction and testing of a 4m span truss made of round bamboo and different jointing
techniques for web-chord connections gave results that were matching with the strength of
timber. Bamboo Roofs Skeleton: It consists of bamboo truss or rafters over which solid bamboo
purlins are laid and lashed to the rafter by means of G.I. wire. A mesh of halved bamboo is made
and is lashed to the purlins to cover the roof. Bamboo walling/ceiling: As the bamboo material is
light in weight it is more advantageous in earthquake prone areas as its chances of falling are
very less and even if it falls it can be re-erected easily with less human and property loss with
least efforts and minimum cost. Bamboo walls can be constructed in different modes like:

Whole stem, halved or strips of bamboo can be nailed to one or both the sides of the bamboo
frame Split bamboo mats can be fastened to the bamboo posts or mats can be woven, mud can
also be applied to both sides of such mats. Bamboo strips nailed to bamboo frame or posts for
interior walling. Cement or lime plastering can be done on the mud covering for better
appearance and hygiene.

Position: It has been found that the bamboo in the vertical position is more durable than in
horizontal direction. For partition walls only single layer of bamboo strips are used.

Bamboo Doors and Windows: Bamboo frames can replace timber frames appropriate to
function. Bamboo mat shutters fixed to bamboo frame or a panel of bamboo board fixed to the

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frame which is hinged to the wall can be used as door. Small framed openings hinged to the top
in the wall can serve as windows.

Bamboo Flooring: Bamboo can be used as flooring material due to its better wear and tear
resistance and its resilience properties. Whole culms act as frame work and the floor covering is
done using split bamboo, bamboo boards, mats etc. by means of wire lashing these to the frame.

Reed Boards: Reed boards are made by flat pressing the reed at high temperatures. These reed
boards are used in elements like flooring, walls, ceiling and roofing. They can also be used for
partitions, doors, windows etc.

Scaffolding: Bamboo poles lashed together have been used as scaffolding in high rise structures
due to their strength and resilience. The timber planks can be replaced with bamboo culms and
these can be lashed to the vertical culms.

Figure 2 Bamboo in Field

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1.1. Strength Properties of Bamboo:
Experimentally it has been found that the ultimate tensile strength of some species of bamboo is
comparable to that of mild steel and it varies from 140N/mm2- 280N/mm2. This together with
other properties has made Bamboo a more visible option as a construction material. It has also
been found that bamboo acts very well in buckling but due to low stresses than compared to steel
and due to it not being straight it may not be very good.

Further, it has been established that in seismic zones the failure of bamboo is very less as the
maximum absorption of the energy is at the joints. Cellulose is the main component present in
bamboo which is the main source of mechanical properties of bamboo.

Some specific properties of Bamboo are as given below:

Sr No. Properties Values

1 Specific Gravity 0.575 to 0.655

2 Average Weight 0.625 kg/m

3 Modulus of Elasticity 1.5 to 2.0 x 105 kg/cm2

Modulus of Rupture
4 610 to 1600 kg/cm2

5 Ultimate compressive stress 794 to 864 kg/cm2

Safe working
6 stress in compression 105 kg/cm2

Safe working stress in

7 tension 160 to 350 kg/cm2

8 Safe working stress in shear 115 to 180 kg/cm2

9 Bond stress 5.6 kg/cm2

Table 1 Properties of Bamboo

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1.2. Significance of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete:
The steel as a reinforcing material is a demand that is increasing day by day in most of the
developing countries. There are situations when the production is not found enough to face the
demand for steel.

Hence it is essential to have an alternative that is worth compared to steel. Bamboo is found in
abundant, they are resilient and hence these can face the demand as a reinforcing material and
become an ideal replacement for steel.

The tensile strength property which is the main requirement of a reinforcing material is seen
appreciable for bamboo, compared with other materials including steel. The structure of bamboo
from its origin gives this property.

The hollow tubular structure has high resistance against wind forces when it is in natural habitat.
Working on the weak points of bamboo and bringing up an innovation of bamboo as a structural
steel replacement, would be a great alternative.

1.3. Bamboo as Reinforcement for Concrete Construction

The material used as reinforcement in concrete should show all the essential properties to make
the element structurally active under load. In the case of steel, we manufacture steel to the
desired proportion and test for the basic strength values as a quality check.

Similarly, the process must be done for bamboo too. Bamboo is found in nature,
they have in different species. Each species differs in their characteristics, texture, thickness and
strength. Hence it is essential to know which species is best for reinforcing and which is not.

1.4. Comparison of Steel with bamboo:

One of the properties that would make bamboo a good substitute to steel in reinforced concrete is
its strength. The strength of bamboo is greater than most timber products which are
advantageous, but it is approximately half the tensile strength of steel. Bamboo is easily
accessible as it grows in almost every tropical and subtropical region; this lowers the cost of
construction and increases the strength of the buildings that would otherwise be unreinforced.

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One major problem with bamboo is that it attracts living organism such as fungi and insects.
Bamboo is more prone to insects than other trees and grasses because it has a high content of
nutrients. In order to combat this problem, it becomes necessary to treat bamboo to protect it
from the environment. Steel does not have this problem but it also needs to be coated in order to
protect it from rusting. Bamboo is very light in weight compared to steel. Due to its low modulus
of elasticity, bamboo can crack and deflect more than steel reinforcement under the same
conditions. BIS standards can be referred to know method of testing of bamboo.

2. Properties of Bamboo:

2.1. Physical properties:

a) Moisture Content,
b) Basic mass per volume or density
c) Shrinkage.

2.2. Mechanical Properties:

a) Compressive strength parallel to grain
b) Tensile strength parallel to grain
c) Shear strength parallel to grain
d) Static Bending Strength

3. Selection of Bamboo as Reinforced Concrete Construction:

Selection of bamboo for reinforcement can be done based on these factors:

• Color and Age – Employ bamboo having an evident brown color. This shows the age of
bamboo to be at least 3 years.
• Diameter – Use the one with long large culms
• Harvesting – Try to avoid those bamboos that are cut either during spring or summer
• Species – Among 1500 species of bamboo, the best one must checked, tested to satisfy
the requirement as a reinforcing material.

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4. Treatment of Bamboo to Counter Limitations:
The durability of bamboo can be greatly enhanced by appropriate specification and design and
by careful use of safe and environmentally friendly preservatives such as boron. A bamboo
building need not look ―low-cost‖ or even necessarily look like bamboo! Imaginative design and
the use of other locally available materials within the cultural context can make the building
desirable rather than just acceptable.
4.1. Durability:
The density of the fibers in the cross section of a bamboo shell varies along its
thickness. The thickness decreases from the base to the top of the bamboo shell. Fiber
Distribution is more uniform at the base than at the top or the middle part since bamboo is
subjected to maximum bending stress at the base, owing to the wind and its own weight. A
mathematical formula, relating thickness (t), to the position of the inter-node (n), is established
for all species. The durability of bamboo depends on the Preservative treatment methods. Its
chemical composition should not have any effect on the bamboo fiber, and once injected it
should not get washed away by rain or humidity. With the help of this equation the designer can
choose the required thickness from the range of bamboo species DG. Drying bamboo is critical
for its conservation. Bamboo with less moisture is less prone to mold attacks especially if the
moisture content is less than 15%.

4.2. Water Absorption:

The capacity to absorb water was found to be the least in the case of
species like DG and VS. (Dendrocalmus Gigantius and Bambusa Vulgaris Schard.) The
Dimensional variation of untreated bamboo, due to water absorption can lead to micro and macro
cracks in cured concrete. The dimensional variation of the transversal sections of these species
reached up to 6% after 7 days of immersion in water. The dimensional changes of bamboo due to
moisture and temperature influence all the three bond characteristics severely. During the casting
and curing of concrete, reinforcing bamboo absorbs water and expands. itself. The differential
thermal expansion of bamboo concrete may also lead to cracking of concrete. The
swelling and shrinkage of bamboo in concrete creates a serious limitation in the use of bamboo
as a substitute for steel. To improve the bond between bamboo segments and concrete, an
effective water-repellent treatment is necessary The Impermeability treatment is affected by a)

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Adhesive properties of the substance applied to bamboo and concrete b) Its water repellent
property c) The topography of the bamboo / concrete interface. Application of a thin layer of
epoxy to the bamboo surface with a coating of fine sand is an effective treatment. Others include
asphalt paints, tar-based paints and specific bituminous materials have good impermeability

4.3. Bonding Strength:

The application of a very fine layer of IGOL-T or Negrolin product on
bamboo, wrapped with a wire of 1.5mm diameter, has shown to increase shear strength for the
interface. The bamboo shear stress = F / L x S. Here F is the applied Pulling load and S is the
perimeter of the bamboo and L = 100 mm, is the length of bonded interface. The bonding
between bamboo and concrete has been established through pull out tests. To avoid the effects of
non-uniform shear stress distribution in conventional tests, only the middle part (100 mm) of the
bar is subjected to shear. This treatment has proved to have improved the shearing bond strength
of bamboo / concrete interface by up to 90%. Recently a product called Sikadur 32- Gel, which
has been developed to prevent the corrosion of reinforcement bars, has been applied on the
surface of reinforcing bamboo segments. The results show that this new product has increased
the bonding strength of treated bamboo segments, 5.29 times, compared with that of untreated
segments of bamboo and steel

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5. Material Properties of Bamboo for Reinforced Concrete:
• Bamboo is by its origin an orthotropic material. It possesses fibers within it. It gains high
strength along the fibers and low strength in the transverse direction.

• The bamboo has a structure of a composite material with cellulose fibers aligned across the
length. It has high thick fibers near to the outer length of the bamboo, which is the main
reason why they resist huge wind forces.

• Water Absorption Property of Bamboo:

The main requirement of bamboo when used in reinforcement is the concern for water
absorption. The water absorption capacity was studied in various species. Among which
Dendrocalmus Gigantius, known simply as DG and Bambusa vulgaris hard, BVS are the ones
which absorbed less water. The rate of water absorption can also bereduced by certain treatment.
To increase its effectiveness in impermeability certain treatment has been carried out. The
treatment substance in incorporated in the bamboo material should consider three primary

I. The materials adhesion property towards bamboo and concrete

II. The formation of rough surface on the bamboo for perfect bonding
III. The water repelling property of the treatment substance
• Bamboo Strength towards Bonding:

As in the case of steel rebar with ribs in it, which facilitate proper bonding with the concrete,
bamboo too should have proper adhesion with the concrete.

The bonding strength is based on this adhesive property of cement and the compressive forces
that are formed on the surface of the reinforcing bars. An untreated bamboo affects the bonding
strength in the following manner:

I. By pushing the concrete away, by the swelling of bamboo material

II. By the formation of voids within the concrete

III. By formation of cracks as the products of void formation

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• Durability of Bamboo Material:

Its property of being a natural product make it more exposed to environmental agents and insects.
A remedy against this is to undergo bamboo curing.

The curing process enables the treatment of humidity content and the starch within it, which is
the main reason for insect attraction. The curing is effective only if the chosen bamboo is right
one. As mentioned in the selection of bamboo.

The curing of bamboo can be done either by:

I. Curing on spot
II. Immersion process
III. By heating
IV. Smoke Curing

The treatment must be done when the bamboo is in a dry state so that the penetration undergoes
in the right way. The preservation treatment done on bamboo to take care of durability factor
should have no effect on the chemical composition. The treatment itself should last, without
being washed away under high water conditions if any.

Durability is a major concern for bamboo material. The physical and chemical properties of
bamboo are found high with low content of humidity within it. This low content would keep
away molds in bamboos.

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6. Selection and Preparation of Bamboo:

6.1. Selection:
The following factors should be considered in the selection of bamboo culms (whole plants) for
use as reinforcement in concrete structures:

1. Use only bamboo showing a pronounced brown color. This will ensure that the plant is
atleast three years old.
2. Select the longest large diameter culms available.
3. Do not use whole culms of green, unseasoned bamboo.
4. Avoid bamboo cut in spring or early summer. These culms are generally weaker due to
increased fiber moisture content.

6.2. Preparation:
Sizing, Splints (split culms) are generally more desirable than whole culms as reinforcement.
Larger culms should be split into splints approximately 3/4 inch wide. Whole culms less than
3/4 inch in diameter can be used without splitting.
6.2.1. Splitting: The bamboo can be done by separating the base with a sharp knife and then
pulling a dulled blade through the culm. The dull blade will force the stem to split open;
this is more desirable than cutting the bamboo since splitting will result in continuous
fibers and a nearly straight section. Table II shows the approximate net area provided by
whole culms and by 3/4-inch-wide splints.

Figure 3 Bamboo Splitting

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6.2.2. Seasoning:
When possible, the bamboo should be cut and allowed to dry and season for
three to four weeks before using. The culms must be supported at regular spacings to reduce

6.2.3. Bending:

Bamboo can be permanently bent if heat, either dry or wet, is applied while
applying pressure. This procedure can be used for forming splints into C-shaped stirrups and for
putting hooks on reinforcement for additional anchorage.

6.2.4. Waterproof Coatings:

When seasoned bamboo, either split or whole, is used as reinforcement, it
should receive a waterproof coating to reduce swelling when in contact with concrete. Without
some type of coating, bamboo will swell before the concrete has developed sufficient strength to
prevent cracking and the member may be damaged, especially if more than 4 percent bamboo is
used. The type of coating will depend on the materials available. A brush coat or dip coat of
asphalt emulsion is preferable. Native latex, coal tar, paint, dilute varnish, and water-glass
(sodium silicate) are other suitable coatings. In any case, only a thin coating should be applied; a
thick coating will lubricate the surface and weaken the bond with the concrete.

• Enamel Paint as Waterproof Coating: Enamel Paint can also be used as the water proofing
coating in the bamboo reinforced concrete construction as it is cheaper than other chemicals
or waterproofing reagents. We have used the enamel paint as water proofing coating.

Figure 4 Enamel Paint for Water Proofing Coating

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7. IS Codes Specifications for Bamboo as Reinforcement:
➢ IS: 6874-2008 Method of Tests for Bamboo
➢ IS: 8242-1976 Methods of Tests for Split Bamboos

8. Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Design Principles:

Design of bamboo reinforced concrete is similar to design of steel reinforced concrete. The
mechanical properties of bamboo reinforcement to be used for design can be assumed as per
table below.

8.1. Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Reinforcement:

Sr No. Mechanical Property Symbol Value


1 Ultimate compressive strength — 8,000

2 Allowable compressive stress s 4,000
3 Ultimate tensile strength — 18,000
4 Allowable tensile stress s 4,000
5 Allowable bond stress u 50
6 Modulus of elasticity E 2.5×106

Table 2 Mechanical Properties of Bamboo as Material

Procedure and equations for the design of steel reinforced concrete can be used for the design of
bamboo reinforced concrete by using the mechanical properties of bamboo reinforcement in
place of steel reinforcement in the calculation.

Bamboo in flexural members such as beams and slabs develops some cracking under normal
service loads due to its low modulus of elasticity. If such cracks in bamboo is not tolerable for
structural members, then the structural design can be carried then steel reinforced designs or
designs based on unreinforced sections are required.

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Bonding between concrete and bamboo as reinforcement is must for design. Split bamboo
provides better bonding with concrete than whole culms when used as reinforcement. Bamboo
should be split and provided in more compact reinforcement layers for better bonding with

9. Concrete Mix Design for Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

Water-cement ratio plays an important role in strength and durability of reinforced concrete.
Bamboo being a natural building material has the property of absorbing water as discussed
earlier. The absorption of water causes swelling of bamboo.

Thus, concrete mix proportion for bamboo reinforced concrete must have water-cement ratio as
low as possible. It should also be considered to use concrete with high early-strength cement to
minimize cracks caused by swelling of bamboo.

The mix design of concrete can be as per the strength requirement for structure, as per structural
design. Since use of reinforcement has no effect on compressive strength requirement of
concrete, bamboo reinforced concrete mix proportion can be same as steel reinforced concrete
mix design.

• Grade of Concrete Mix used : M25

• Ratio of M25 grade (―C: S: C.A.‖) : 1:1:2
• Type of concrete mix : Standard Concrete Mix
• Mould Size of Beams : 150mm*150mm*700mm

9.1. Procedure:

9.1.1. Weighing:
Calculations of quantities of materials for concrete mix:
• Density of materials used in mix as tabulated:

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Sr. No. Materials Density
1 Cement 1450
2 Sand 1800
3 Coarse Aggregates 2200

Table 3 Density of Materials

• Cement : OPC 43 GRADE

• Sand : River Sand
• Coarse Aggregates: Passing from 20mm sieve and retained at 10mm sieve.
• Volume of a beam
= 0.15*0.15*0.70
=0.01575 m3
• Hence the quantities for the mix of simple M25 grade beam:
a) Cement : 1 * 0.01575 * 1450 = 5.70 𝑘𝑔

b) Sand : 1 * 0.01575 * 1800 = 7.10 𝑘𝑔


c) Coarse Aggregates : 2 * 0.01575 * 2200 = 17.50 𝑘𝑔


• The quantities of cement, each size of aggregate, and water for each batch shall be
determined by weight, to an accuracy of 0.1 percent of the total weight of the batch.
• Respectively the quantities are calculated and mixing is done.

9.1.2. Mixing Concrete:

a) Machine Mixing
b) Hand Mixing

9.1.3. Making Specimens:

A. Place of Molding:
1. Mould specimens as near as practicable to the place where they are to be
stored during the first 24 hours.

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2. Place molds on a rigid surface free from vibration and other disturbances
3. If it is not practicable to mold the specimens where they will be stored, move
them to the place of storage immediately after being struck off.
B. Placing:
1. Place the concrete in the molds using a scoop, blunted trowel, or shovel.
Select each scoopful, trowelful, or shovelful of concrete from the mixing pan
to ensure that it is representative of the batch.
2. It may be necessary to remix the concrete in the mixing pan with a shovel to
prevent segregation during the molding of specimens.
3. Move the scoop or trowel around the top edge of the mold as the concrete is
discharged in order to ensure symmetrical distribution of the concrete and for
minimize segregation of coarse aggregate within the mold.
4. Further distribute the concrete by use of a tamping rod prior to the start of
• The Methods of consolidation are:
a) Rodding
b) Internal vibrations
c) External vibration

9.1.4. Finishing:
• After consolidation, strike off the surface of the concrete and float or trowel it with a
wood or magnesium float.

9.1.5. Curing:
1. The test specimens shall be stored in a place, free from vibration, in moist air of at least
90 percent relative humidity and at a temperature of 27° ± 2°C for 24 hours ± ½ hour
from the time of addition of water to the dry ingredients.
2. After this period, the specimens shall be marked and removed from the molds and,
unless required for test within 24 hours, immediately submerged in clean, fresh water or
saturated lime solution and kept there until taken out just prior to test.

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3. The water or solution in which the specimens are submerged shall be renewed every
seven days and shall be maintained at a temperature of 27° ± 2°C. The specimens shall
not be allowed to become dry at any time until they have been tested.

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1. Bamboo lowers the cost of construction.
2. It withstands 7.8 Richter of seismic attack.
3. Bamboo is also an easily accessible material since it can grow in tropic and sub-tropic zones.
4. The bamboo reinforced concrete can easily be used at the place of plain cement concrete to
increase the load bearing and flexural strength of structures.
5. It can also replace the reinforced concrete partition walls also as these are low load bearing
components of building.
6. Bamboo reinforced concrete can be great ecofriendly initiative in reducing the carbon
footprints to save the environment from being polluted.
7. Some species of bamboo can grow up to 1metre in a day.

Bamboo has been used for several years since the ancient times as a building material but has
gained much attention in the spotlight since the Clemson study. However, there is no such
method that can be relied upon for the proper construction of any structure that is reinforced with
bamboo. The property of bamboo is the reason for which it was selected as the material for
reinforcing beams and columns. It is a sure inevitability that the structural member that has been
reinforced with bamboo will lose its strength up to a significant limit, so we can see to it that if
focused on providing a method by which steel and bamboo can be used together so that the
strength of the member and thus the structure is not compromised with sighting a reduction in
self-weight and making the structure economical. It can be a boon to overall all the Construction
field in general. More study & experimentation is required to see the results mentioned above.

28 | P a g e
1. Prem kumar.V, Vasuki.V ―Study on Mechanical Strength of Bamboo Reinforced
Concrete Beams‖ International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, volume-
2, Issue-3, July-2014.
2. M.B. Varma, An attempt to test suitability of bamboo strip as a structural material,
Journal os structural engineering and management, ISSN:2393-8773 (online), Vo; ume 2,
issue 3, oct.2015.
3. M. B. Varma, State of The art: Bamboo as a structural Material, International Journal of
Engineering Research, ISSN 2319- 6890 (Online) Volume no.5, Issue Special 1,
4. James Kariuki ―Flexural Strength of Laminated Bamboo Beams‖
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, Nov 2014.
5. Farhana Naznin ―A Study on Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams‖ International Journal of
Science and Applied Information Technology, Vol.4, No.3, Pages: 49-53(2015).
6. Jikar.K. Sevalia ―Study on Bamboo as Reinforcement in Cement
Concrete‖ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol.3, Issue2,
March- April 2013.
7. Ogunbiyi ―Comparative Analysis of Tensile Strength of Bamboo and Reinforcement
Steel Bars as Structural Member in Building Construction‖ International Journal of
Scientific Technology and Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2015.
8. H.M.A Mahzuz ―Performance Evaluation of Bamboo with Mortar and Concrete‖ Journal of
Engineering and Technology Research, Vol 3(12), November 2011.
9. V. Ashwin ―Experimental Investigation of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Columns‖
International Journal of Engineering Research, Vol-3, Issue-3, 2015.
10. I.K. Khan ―Performance of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beam‖ International Journal
of Science Engineering and Technology, Vol-3, No-3, 2014.
11. Sani Haruna, M. Lakshmipathy ―Ductility Behaviour of Bamboo Reinforced Coconut Shell
Concrete Beams‖ International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 2014.

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