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Name: Palabrica, Aries G.

Year level and Course: 1st year/ BS-Criminology

1. Look at the list for successful people and unsuccessful people. Write down those that would
be applicable to you, from both successful and unsuccessful people .


1. Have a sense of gratitude 1. Criticize
2. Give other people credit for their victories 2. Blame others for their failures
3. Talk about ideas 3. Think they know it all
4. Embrace Change 4. Secretly hope others fail
5. Exude Joy 5. Never set goals
6. Compliment 6. Don’t say know what they want to be
7. Forgive Others 7. Exude anger
8. Accept responsibility for their failures 8. Talk about people
9. Want others to succeed 9. Have a sense of entitlement
10. Continuously learn 10. Fly by their seat of their pants
11. Watch TV everyday
2. Reflection: after writing down and creating a list , where did you have more number,
successful or unsuccessful? Do you agree with the checklist?

Answer: I have more number in unsuccessful. Yes, because it is true and I want to change those
traits. I’m willing to grow and to learn other things. And I want to be a successful person.

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