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Worksheet 5

Accomplish the table below by identifying promising products that could have worked
in your locality if only the environment was different. Explain.
Product Previous Environment Ideal Environment for the
product. Explain.
a. Furniture Philippines The Philippines is known for its
high-quality, handcrafted
furniture made from indigenous
materials such as rattan,
bamboo, and wood. These
products could potentially sell
well in countries such as the
United States, Australia, and
Japan, where there is a demand
for unique and sustainable
furniture designs.
b. Coconut Products Philippines The Philippines is the world's
leading producer of coconut
products such as coconut oil,
coconut water, and coconut
milk. These products could
potentially sell well in countries
such as the United States,
Canada, and the United
Kingdom, where there is a
growing interest in healthy and
natural food products.
c. Handicrafts Philippines The Philippines has a rich
tradition of handicrafts made
from materials such as abaca,
rattan, and wood. These
products could potentially sell
well in countries such as the
United States, Canada, and
Australia, where there is a
demand for unique and
sustainable home decor and
fashion accessories.
Guide Questions

1. Why did you choose these products?

- Because the Philippines is rich in these products while other countries either lack
them or have a growing interest in them. This means that these products are in high
demand in the specific countries and can be sold there.

2. How can the environment affect the success of the product the business is selling?

- It can affect the success of the product through consumer prefences as the
environment can influence consumer preferences for certain products. For example,
in regions with a hot climate, there may be a higher demand for products that can
help people stay cool, such as air conditioning units, fans, and refrigerators. Another
is cultural norms. For example, in some cultures, certain colors or designs may be
associated with specific meanings or beliefs, and products that do not align with
these cultural norms may not be successful. Lastly, the geographic location of a
business can also impact the success of its products. For example, a business
located in a remote or rural area may face challenges in terms of distribution and

3. What are the things to be considered in your environment that could affect the

- The market demand, the competition, and the pricing. It is important to conduct
thorough research and analysis before entering any new market.

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