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Lou Strebel/EC1C

Increasing investment in training will lead to better quality of labore.

This is because, when the workers are better trained, they are better
at doing there jobs, this causes specialization. When the workers are
better at there jobs, they produce more output. This causes an
increase in productivity in Canada. Some jobs may not benefit from
training and require a specific talent. Therefore, clothing designers
cannot be trained very well, although there are courses to improve
the skill, the skill must be present first to develop. Another factor is,
education. Education plays a big role in the productivity levels of an
economy. Schools teach the basics of working life and will educate
people on what an exeptable salary would be. This causes people to
demand for higher wages. If workers are getting a higher salary, they
will be motivated to perform better and are more productive. But,
government investing in education is a large cost and this incurs a
opportunity cost, where the government could have spent on
healthcare instead to make sure people are more healthy. This can
also cause a decrease in productivity, because when workers are
healthier they are willing to be more productive. As a conclusion,
education and training are important factors in improving

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