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Introduction: -
Weightlifting bridges are an important components of modern
transportation infrastructure, allowing heavy loads to be transported safely and efficiently
across rivers and other obstacles. However, designing and constructing these bridges presents
several challenges, including ensuring that they can support the weight of the loads being
transported, remain stable in different weather conditions, and withstand wear and tear over

Design Requirements: -
1. Weight capacity:
 Our weightlifting bridge needed to be able to support a weight at least 2 Kg.
 To address this requirement, we used multiple layers of popsicle stick.
2. Stability:
 Our weightlifting bridge needed to be stable to avoid any accidents to object
being lifted.
 Additionally, we added diagonal and lateral structure to our bridge to
prevent it from twisting or bending under the weight of the objects being
3. Durability:
 Our weightlifting bridge needed to be able withstand repeated lifting and use
over time without breaking or becoming damaged.
 To achieve this, we used a wooden glue and hot glue. We used these
wherever they needed.

Design Solutions:
We considered a ranged of design solutions to create a weightlifting bridge that
met our design requirements. Some of the design solutions we considered included:

 A simple flat bridge with no additional support.

 A bridge with single arch support
 A truss design with diagonal and lateral structure for additional support
and stability.
After viewing advantages and disadvantages of each design solution, we ultimately choose to
go with truss design with diagonal and lateral structure. We felt this design will provide the
good combination of strength, stability, and durability.
Overall, our design solutions were based on our design requirements and the materials that
were available to us.

Design Process:
We used a variety of materials to build our weightlifting bridge including,

 Popsicle sticks

 Glue gun

 Hot glue

 Cutter

 Wooden glue
Overall, we found that the materials we used were effective in creating a strong, stable and
durable weightlifting bridge. We learned that different materials could have significant impact
on the performance and functionally of a structure, and that careful consideration should be
given to materials selection during design process.

we discussed a project to design and build a weightlifting bridge made of popsicle
sticks. We went over various aspects of the project, including the design requirements,
construction process, and testing procedures. We also covered the importance of materials
selection and the iterative design process used to create the final product.
Through this discussion, we demonstrated the value of the PBL approach for learning and
problem-solving. By working on a real-world project and applying theoretical knowledge, we
developed our skills in design thinking, testing, and evaluation. We also learned the importance
of collaboration and communication in the design process.

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