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Name: Lormelyn O. Tribunalo Course and Year: BSABE-3

Group No.: 6 Lab Schedule: F (1:00-4:00)PM

Laboratory Exercise No. 4



In a hydrologic aspect of the earth, the water that the surface of the earth losses is
nearly equals to the water that the earth`s surface receives through precipitation. The
beauty of the hydrologic cycle is that it is an unending series of various processes. One of
the most important processes in the water cycle is evaporation. Evaporation in a much
simple definition, it is a process that turns water to gaseous state in the atmosphere.
According to the National Geographic Society, evaporation from the ocean is vital to the
production of fresh water. This is for the reason that more than 70% of the Earth`s surface
is covered by oceans and they are the major source f water in the atmosphere. According
to the article, when water evaporates, the salt is left behind. A lot of factors affect
evaporation such as, temperature which is proportional to evaporation, air saturation,
composition of water, surface area of the evaporation, and wind speed are just some of
the main factors that greatly affects the rate of evaporation. When talking about wind
speed and how it is related to evaporation, when wind speed increases, it blows away the
water vapour present in the air. Due to a decrease in water vapour content, air humidity
of air decreases. Thus, due to the increase in the humidity of air, the rate of evaporation
In this laboratory report, the students must be acquainted with the instruments for
measuring evaporation and wind velocity that are present in the agromet station and be
able to know the instrument`s operating principles and functions. The students are also
required to know how to take observations on the prevailing evaporation and other
hydrological processes by using the instruments present in the agromet station.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
- Class A Evaporating pan
- Anemometer
- Wind vane


A discussion and demonstration were made by the assigned technician of the

agromet station and provided an explanation and demonstration of the instrument. The
students are required to collect at least two days' worth of evaporation and wind speed
readings during which rainfall occurred, as specified date provided by the instructor.
Rainfall and evaporation measurements are typically obtained at 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM,
respectively, while wind run readings from an anemometer are taken at 8:00 AM. The
student must remember that the rainfall reading at 2:00 PM of the current day represents
the quantity of rainfall from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, whereas the reading at 8:00 AM of the
next day represents the amount of rainfall from 2:00 PM of the current day to 8:00 AM of
the following day. The total rainfall for the current day is the sum of the two rainfall
The day's evaporation (E) in mm is given by the equation E = R + Si - Sf, where R
is the rainfall depth and Si and Sf are the starting and final storage (hook gauge) readings.
The students must estimate the wind speed in kilometers per day and kilometers per hour.
After the data gathering and observation, students were to enter all data and computed
values in the table format provided, noting the location of the station and the state of the
sky at the time of observation also applies. Then, the students have to examine the record
of the agromet station in order to get the total pan evaporation in mm for the past year and
record which month of the said year has the most and least amount of evaporation. The
maximum and minimum wind run must also be recorded by the students. Further research
and study also is required for the students to be able to fully understand the operating
principles of the instruments available and the data that it can generate.


1. A discussion on the function and operating principles of the class A Evaporating pan,
anemometer and wind vane and their functions or purpose. Also, give the requirements for
the installation of these instruments.

A. Class A Evaporating Pan

Purpose: A Class A Evaporating Pan is a common equipment for measuring evaporation
manually. The pan is a representation of an open body of water: it is filled with water and
is exposed on a flat surface plateau.
Operating Principle: The change in level of the free water surface (daily manual
observations) and the recorded rainfall are used to compute the evaporation rate (in
millimeters). Data may be computed for any time period needed to estimate evaporation
and evapotranspiration rates.
Requirement for Installation: The pan is often installed above ground level on a wooden
pallet set (supplied) on flat ground to allow air to move freely beneath the pan. Shade
should not be an issue, and there should be no nearby impediments such as trees,
buildings, plants, or instrument shelters. The pan should never be put directly on a

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
concrete or asphalt slab. Above all, it must be assured that during rainy weather events,
no water enters the pan from the surrounding ground. A fix point gauge (a cylinder with a
base that rests in the pan) aids in filling the pan to the desired water level, as indicated by
a stainless-steel pointer (part of the gauge).

B. Anemometer
Purpose: An anemometer is a device that monitors wind speed and pressure. The
anemometer's function is to monitor weather conditions. As a result, it is employed as a
weather monitoring device. The rate at which the wind's direction changes may be
measured using velocity type.
Operating Principle: It operates on the same principle as a tachometer, transforming
mechanical energy into electrical energy. Parts of the anemometer include three to four
cups linked to the horizontal arms of the most common form of anemometer. The arms
are connected by a vertical rod. While the wind blows, the cups rotate, causing the rod to
spin. The faster the rod spins, the stronger the wind blows.
Requirement for Installation: Mounting placement must not be shielded from the wind
or in shadows. It must be positioned upright, so that, it prevents water from entering the

C. Wind Vane
Purpose: A wind vane, in particular, indicates the direction of the wind. It is used to
forecast storm severity. It is used in disaster relief to shield people from high winds and
give warnings.
Operating Principle: The rudder blade is caught in the wind, wherein it causes it to
revolve. The vane`s thin end, it faces towards the wind which direct you to the direction of
the wind where it is blowing.
Requirement for Installation: A wind vane should be placed directly below the top
anemometer. It is advised that two or three more wind vanes be included in the system.
Sensors should be put in pairs on particularly broad masts (e.g., a converted radio mast)
to ensure that at least one sensor produces accurate wind data.

2. Development of the water balance equation to solve for the evaporation from the evaporating
pan by applying the basic control volume equation in fluid mechanics. Indicate in your sketch
all water variables going in and out on the control volume (pan).

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
3. Tabulated observed data and other computed values following the table format as shown in
Table 1.
Table 1. Data collection format for sunshine duration, air temperature, and cloud cover.

VSU-PAGASA Agrometeorological Station, Baybay City, Leyte

Geographical location: 10°44’43.25068 N, 124°47’26.90275’’ E.

Elevation above MSLP: 7m
Item Raw Data Date
March 14, 2022 March 15, 2022 March 16, 2022

8 AM 2 PM 8 AM 2 PM 8 AM 2 PM

1 Rainfall reading, mm 14 0 0 0 0 0

2 Hook gage reading, mm 43.0 41.6 41.5 40.2 50.4 49.8

3 Wind run reading, km 10544 10595 10685 10718 10967 10975

4 10-m wind speed, m/s 00 00 00 00 00 00

5 Wind direction

6 Cloud cover, okta 07 07 08 08 02 02

Computed variables Daily computed values

7 Rainfall of date 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm

8 Pan evaporation of date 1.4 mm 1.3 mm 0.6 mm

9 Wind run of date

10 Remarks Cloudy day, Cloudy day and Sunny day with

having small rain occurrence no rain.
amount of rain to was not possible. Evaporation rate
no rain. is low.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Evporation rate is Evaporation rate
low. is low.

4. Sample solutions for the given variables.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
5. Answers to questions and problems given below.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Hydrologic processes are necessary to the working conditions in our environment
as such processes contributes to the balance of the earth. Evaporation is of important in
the exchange of energy in the Earth-atmosphere system that produces atmospheric
motion and therefore weather and climate. Knowing the ability on how to observed data
regarding to such processes are clinical to the humankind, most especially in the
agriculture sector, climate watch and for the weather everyday. At the end of this laboratory
report, students were able to gather data and evaluate those data and also, this laboratory
report hep the students to touch a hand with their chosen career that maybe someday, or
one day, they`ll be able to apply and use.

The process of evaporation. (n.d.). from evaporation
Evaporation and the Water Cycle / U.S. Geological Survey. (2019, September 8).

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment
Retrieved December 1, 2022, from
Instruments used for measuring evaporation: 3 instruments. (2015, June 27). Your
Evaporation equipment. (2021, April 13). Thermal Kinetics.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for
sustainable communities and environment

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