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Trip kitorng chill saja since bawak

jemaah2 kecik. So its mesra family trip especially yg ada anak2 kecik. huhu.

Multicity Emirates KLIA – Zurich, London – KLIA . Kitorng amik layover dekat dubai lama skit sbb nak
jjcm dubai dulu.

All accomodation mmg recommended based on location (CITY CENTRE) but a bit pricey, saiz bilik
bole ejas ikut kebesaran family korang.

Travelling intercountry via train (tgv/thalys/eurostar) and kitorng mmg xamik flight sbb leceh nk
check in baggage. border control cuma ada dekat amsterdam nk ke london. the rest bole in and out
mcm naik komuter malaya. Dekat swiss amik STP 2nd class. Even yg intercountry train pon kitorng
amik 2nd class saja, tu pon dh ckup selesa.

Swiss – SBB for transportation

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