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Date: 2-27-23

Name: Keegan Kahalehoe

Essential Question: How well will reusable products replace single use products?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Single use products cause more waste

#2: Multi use products reduce waste

#3: Reducing waste production will benefit the environment

Point that this Source Proves: Single use products cause more waste.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

In the documentary Lucy Biggers says “There are more microplastics in the ocean, then there is stars
in the galaxy all connected back to our insane consumption of plastic”

“We have to move toward a circular economy, where all of our waste is reusable or recyclable” says

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source proves that single use products causes more waste in our environment. From 60 years ago
to now, 300 million tons of plastics have been used. 50% of that waste comes from single use. Millions
of tons pollute our environment and oceans each year. The U.S is the largest producer of plastic
packaging waste per person. Our plastic recycling rate is around 9% and has been that way since

40 billion plastic utensils are used every year in just the United States. It is reported that 40% of
plastic packaging waste comes from food packaging. By 2050, there will be around 12 million tons of
plastic in landfills and environment.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Biggers, Lucy, and NowTHis Earth. “30 Days without Single-Use Plastics | One Small Step | NowThis.”
YouTube, YouTube, 27 Apr. 2019,

This is a reputable and reliable article because

It comes from a YouTube channel with 170 thousand subscribers.

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