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HW, Ch 1 Competency Assessment Essay, MHR301, Fall 2018

Name: Nicole Lee Widjaja

Job Title: Marketing Manager (Bright outlook, Green)

Job Zone: Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed

Strength Assessment under Knowledge

Definition: Knowledge: Score 96, Sales and Marketing - Knowledge of principles and meth-

ods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services.

An Opening Statement

I gained the knowledge of sales and marketing through school work and internship experiences.

The Body Part of Assessment

I have taken a number of Management classes such as Social Media Marketing and Marketing

Research at Cal Poly Pomona. I am able to apply strategic planning technique that I had learn in

class in the working world. I am familiar with the latest trends and technologies which will help

businesses grow. I have developed my communication skills and work with people from differ-

ent positions through internship experiences. Internship experiences taught me how to work and

maintain relationships with internal and external stakeholders. I worked with a team to create an

advertising campaign, proposals to the board, looking for new markets and performing complex

product research.

Concluding Remarks
List one scholarly journal that you will keep reading to update the knowledge you picked

above: Journal of Marketing Management

List name of an association in your job field you may join in the future: Ameri-

can Marketing Association

Weakness Assessment under Skills

Definition: Skills: Score 72, Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others’ reactions and un-

derstanding why they react as they do.

An Opening Statement

Social Perceptiveness may be a weakness when pursuing the marketing manager position.

The Body Part of Assessment

I am a somewhat oblivious person and I do not get people’s reaction at first. Social perceptive-

ness is being able to sense people’s nonverbal communications, and it is important as these silent

messages have a strong effect. Marketing managers work with people a lot and it is important

that we have this skill because some colleagues or customers may have trouble expressing their

thoughts verbally. Social perceptiveness will come in handy as people will still give small ges-

tures to hint about how they actually feel. I tend to overlook people’s reaction until someone else

mention it to me. I may bore a person with my presentation or a topic and completely overlook

their bored gestures.

Concluding Remarks
I have realized my weakness and I will try my best to work on them and improve to achieve the

title as marketing manager.

Two Steps for Improvement

First step is about learning

Three Techniques to Read People. (n.d.). Retrieved from


I have read an article “Three Techniques to Read People” to help me improve my social percep-

tiveness. The article describes three techniques which are observe body language cues, listen to

your guts and sensing emotional vitality. Nonverbal communication accounts for 85 percent of

how we communicate. The fist step is to notice appearances, postures and observe closely for

physical movements and facial expressions. It is also important to relax when observing people,

you do not want to look judgmental. Next is listening to your guts; your hunch will let you see

more to what there is. Lastly, sensing emotion vitality, which are observing people’s eyes, their

handshakes and voice tones. These are things that people can’t really control and may show their

true characters.

Second step is about practice

I will mingle with different groups of people such as friends, families and colleagues. I will work

harder to pay attention to people’s gestures. It is also important for me to pay attention to my

body language as well to look more friendly and welcoming, so that others will express positive

nonverbal communication as well. Improving on my social perceptiveness is not going to be an

easy job but I will keep on practicing and finding other articles to help me. Feedbacks from oth-
ers about how I approach people and my nonverbal communication will be very helpful. Espe-

cially the way I read people, I do not want to be too sensitive with little gestures they make and

not oblivious as well.

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