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Summer Holiday Work

Schools are in lockdown and children are confined to homes and now
Summer Vacation will commence. During the extended lock-down, Alma
Mater discovered many ways to keep children engaged in online learning.
They took virtual tours, solved puzzles, listened to stories, and took up art
and craft to beat the lock-down boredom.
After the first lock-down began on March 25, 'Careers 360' had compiled a
list of 20 things for school children to do during online classes.
Now that the lock-down during summer vacation will start online options
shall add a healthy dose of fun to learning.
Alma Mater has designed the summer holiday work for the students for
joyful learning.
Happy Holidays.

 Wake up early & pray.

 Brush your teeth, take a shower, get ready and enjoy your breakfast.
 Enjoy your Holiday Homework.
 Enjoy yummy lunch and avoid junk food. Don’t forget to use the apron and
spread the napkin before eating, off- course - close the plate after finishing food.
 Take a nap in the afternoon to relax.
 Drink milk or a Healthy drink.
 Revise an academic portion or read a chapter.
 Enjoy TV.
 Get ready for dinner and don’t forget to pray. Ensure that all the family members
sit together for the dinner as “A family that eats together, stays together.”
 Brush your teeth.
 Enjoy Bed time stories.
 Pray before you go to sleep.

 Hi Mom & Dad! Give your lovely son / daughter an earthen small pot and
guide him/her to decorate the pot in a creative way.
 Drink a glass of milk
 Do not forget the idiot box (TV). Watch your favourite programs. Do not
trouble your parents. Instead, surprise them by learning a song (complete
song) and singing it to them.

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