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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Makati city
Nemesio I. Yabut Senior High School
Escuela St., Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City

21st Century Literature from the

Philippines and the World
Interactive Fiction

Submitted by:
ABLAY, Myles Lorrenz
CUNANAN, Mhel Jaycer
DAAMO, Alberto Jr
ESPEJO, Ryan Timothy
UMALI, Nixy Ashton


Submitted to:
Subject Teacher

June 2023
Date Accomplished: _____APRIL, 11. 2023___


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Makati city
Nemesio I. Yabut Senior High School
Escuela St., Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City

Embark on a journey of self-discovery in Beyond the Spectrum, an adventure game that explores
the diverse world of genders and sexualities within the LGBTQ community. As you travel through a
vibrant world filled with unique characters and experiences, you'll have the opportunity to learn about and
embrace different identities beyond the binary.
Throughout your adventure, you'll be faced with choices that challenge your assumptions and
biases, allowing you to develop a deeper understanding of what it means to exist outside of traditional
gender roles. As you explore new perspectives and learn from those around you, you'll have to decide
whether to embrace diversity or reject it in favor of a more limited worldview.
With two possible endings based on your choices, Beyond the Spectrum offers a powerful
message about the importance of acceptance and the impact of our decisions on ourselves and the world
around us. Will you choose to broaden your horizons and embrace the diversity of the LGBTQ
community, or will you cling to a narrow view of the world and miss out on the richness and beauty of
those who exist beyond the binary? The choice is yours.

1: Exposition: The protagonist, a player character, begins their journey of self-discovery and exploration
of gender and sexuality in a small town. They meet diverse characters, listen to their stories, and
challenge their own biases, learning about inclusivity and acceptance.

2: Rising Action: The protagonist makes a choice to embrace and celebrate the diversity of genders and
sexualities, standing up against discrimination and supporting inclusivity. They build relationships with
other characters, strengthening their bonds, and witness the town coming alive with LGBTQ individuals
expressing themselves freely. They continue their journey beyond the town, engaging with diverse
communities, advocating for LGBTQ rights, and forming meaningful connections. They find love in
unexpected places and form lifelong friendships, becoming a respected figure in the LGBTQ community.

3: Climax: The protagonist faces a significant challenge or obstacle that tests their commitment to
inclusivity and acceptance. This could be a conflict with characters who hold discriminatory beliefs or a
confrontation with a system that perpetuates inequality.

4: Falling Action: The protagonist overcomes the challenge and continues their journey with even
greater determination. They use their newfound knowledge and experiences to make a positive impact,
spreading the message of inclusivity and acceptance wherever they go.

5: Resolution: The game comes to a close with the protagonist looking back on their journey with pride
and gratitude. They have grown and enriched their life through their experiences, and they are committed
to promoting love, understanding, and celebration of diversity in their world and beyond. The player
character smiles, knowing that their adventure has just begun, and they are determined to continue their
quest for inclusivity and acceptance beyond the game's limitations.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Makati city
Nemesio I. Yabut Senior High School
Escuela St., Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City

The sun sets over a small town as you, the protagonist, embark on a journey of self-discovery and
exploration of gender and sexuality. You learn from diverse characters, listen to their stories, and
challenge your own biases, resulting in an expanded understanding of inclusivity. With a deep breath, you
make a choice to embrace and celebrate the diversity of genders and sexualities, standing up against
discrimination and supporting inclusivity. As a result, your relationships with other characters are
strengthened, and the town comes alive with LGBTQ individuals freely expressing themselves, filling
you with a sense of joy and fulfillment.
Continuing your journey beyond the town, you carry the lessons you have learned with you. You
engage with diverse communities, advocate for LGBTQ rights, and make meaningful connections,
becoming a respected figure in the LGBTQ community. Along the way, you find love in unexpected
places and form lifelong friendships. Looking back on your journey with pride and gratitude, you are
ready to continue exploring and spreading the message of inclusivity and acceptance.
As the game comes to a close, you smile, knowing that your adventure has just begun. With your
heart and mind open, you are determined to make a positive impact wherever you go, beyond the
limitations of traditional gender and sexuality beliefs. Your journey has enriched your life, and you are
committed to promoting love, understanding, and celebration of diversity in your world and beyond.

As the sun sets over the small town, you, the protagonist, go through a tumultuous exploration of
self-discovery and understanding of gender and sexuality. However, despite encountering diverse
characters and hearing their stories, you struggle to challenge your own biases and hold onto traditional
binary beliefs. Your worldview remains limited, and you are resistant to accepting the diversity of
genders and sexualities, leading to strained relationships with others and a lack of inclusivity in the town.
As the game comes to a close, you reflect on your journey with mixed emotions. You realize that
your limited understanding has prevented you from embracing inclusivity and acceptance. The town
remains unchanged, with limited expression for LGBTQ individuals, and your relationships with others
suffer as a result. Your story serves as a cautionary tale, showcasing the negative impact of a limited
worldview on relationships and community dynamics. You feel a sense of regret for missed opportunities
to broaden your horizons and make meaningful connections with diverse individuals.
Looking back, you realize that your actions were influenced by biases and discrimination, and
you failed to grasp the importance of inclusivity and acceptance. You feel a pang of sadness as you
realize the negative impact your limited worldview has had on your relationships and the town as a
whole. It's a sobering reminder of the consequences of closed-mindedness and lack of acceptance in
society. As the game comes to an end, you are left with a sense of unease and the realization that there is
still much to learn and understand about gender and sexuality, and the importance of embracing diversity
with an open mind.

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