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The Lies:

1) God...or Devil?

2) Judaism...or Jews?

3) Racism...or Realism?

4) Society...or Sewage?

5) Democracy...or Demon-o-cracy?

6) (((Our))) Values...or Ar Values?

7) ‘White Supremacy’...or Aryan Supremacy?

The Truth

Our times are based on lies. The liars who construct their false reality of illusion have near complete
mastery of the globe and have erased much of the historical record. They have managed to acquire near
total power through their use of mind control witchcraft (the term is used here in the most literal sense)
and have inverted the truth representing themselves as bringers of peace through war and 'truth' through
Their black magic witchcraft takes the forms of major religions and various permutations and false
oppositions thereto as they hide behind the scenes and play different groups against one another having
their enemies fall upon one another’s swords in a perpetual war and revolution of engineered chaos.
The religions; ideologies; gods and devils they have constructed to generate these hostilities between
otherwise peaceful groups are mind programs which, through repetition and emotionalization tactics
the hidden hand has indelibly impressed upon the impressionable minds of their charges. They have
managed to hijack the minds of their slaves through fear; lust and greed and, being adapts at playing
upon the minds of others have elevated themselves to the heights of power which they now occupy.
Owing to the cunning magical techniques of their invented religious programs (which are themselves
distortions and perversions of prior spiritual traditions adhered to by the people over whom they
exercise control) they have managed to create a society of lies based upon those programs which have
become the collective consciousness of the masses to the extent that they had come to identify
themselves with their program: e.g., Christian; Muslim; humanist, etc.
The intensity and duration of these programs-continuance over time has led to a condition of mental
limitation and slavery which renders the masses useful instruments for the hidden hand to manipulate at
will and to use over and against whatever other enemies the controlling oligarchy wishes to harm or
rob. For the oligarchy all our prey save themselves and they take the most efficient means toward the
realization of their ends-whatever conduces optimally to their personal enrichment.
The distorted illusions of organic reality put forward as 'the truth' are hooks the hidden hand employs to
catch fish as 'fishers of men' (of goyim, of the profane, the pashu or animal man according to their
Talmudic and masonic worldview). The hidden hand attempts to discharge its karma through
transferring it onto the victims of its manipulation claiming that, on the basis of their having taken the
bait offered they are ultimately blameworthy for what it does and this transference of blame onto their
victims exempts them from blame for what they themselves do.
This attempt to 'wash away their sins' through scapegoating is yet another lie, a black magic technique
that fails of its project at is is merely 'an imitation of the truth', yet another illusion that conceals truth
from those who don't have eyes to see'. Hence the hidden hand can't wash off the blood which adheres
to itself. Regardless, the black magicians persist in their war to the death-total war-against the Aryan
race and their tactics of concealment, of the generation of illusion are their mechanism of waging their
total war against all while absorbing as much of their wealth as possible for themselves and for
themselves alone.
The onus to cut apart the web of lies with the sword of truth is the burden borne by the white man
alone. He alone cares for truth, all others are too rooted in their lower ego and selfish regard for
mundane life to be able to take the risk of combating the spiders of Zion who occupy central position in
the web and are its masterminds. The white man must have a razor-sharp mind in order to understand
where to strike for maximal effect against the cabal of dark forces which enslaves this world in their
vampiric matrix. Only living in the truth and acting against the lie can enable the truth to shine forth
and banish the darkness of the hidden hand.

Web of Lies

Web of lies
Jewish disguise
Seeking prize
Of Aryan lives

Jewish spiders’ web of lies

Behind smiling masks demons are disguised
Concealing truth from pashu's eyes
Slumbering Aryans still remain blind

Web of lies
Jewish disguise
Seeking prize
Of Aryan lives

Pilpul-lies on top of lies

Kikes bury Truth and hide
Chameleons behind veils and false light
Attempts to deceive inner sight

Web of lies
Jewish disguise
Seeking prize
Of Aryan lives

World of illusion, make-believe
Jewish demons would deceive
Those trapped by need
In leaden matrix their life's blood bleed

Web of lies
Jewish disguise
Seeking prize
Of Aryan lives

Aryan sight rends the veils

Perceive the Baal priests gales
The coffin matrix leaden nails
Jew demons he must impale

Web of lies
Jewish disguise
Seeking prize
Of Aryan lives

Unconceal the truth enter light

Banish dark forces of the night
Possess the Truth enter the fight
Victory for the Aryan right

Lie #1
God...or Devil?
The Jewish 'God' or representation of the Absolute, the alleged 'Supreme Being', is universalized and
imposed upon all, this mere representation as if it were the Reality of all Realities. The reality of course
is Jehovah-YHVH is a projection of the ego mind of jewry and nothing more than a powerful thought
form or egregore that Jewry has constructed to vampirize the thought energy transferred to it (in
devotion and prayers) by the 'goyim' who they enslaved for their purposes.
Accordingly, jewry are simply the black magicians concealing themselves behind this fearsome figure
of a Supreme Being who blesses and curses those who adhere to or transgress the endless demands a
jewry. They who transgress are 'heretics';' infidels' or 'evil' and thus it is considered a 'Jus Bellum' to
destroy them.
Such is the function of 'God' in the sociopolitical reality of the Jew, inside the matrix prison into which
all are confined. Once they have their mind program of Abrahamic religion imposed upon them by their
Jewish masters and it has become their behaviour, their behaviour is simply an acting out of the various
stories and episodes of what they call Bible and Koran, in other words having interiorized their
programming they have no choice but to 'serve God' which is to say to mimic the behaviour of various
Jewish heroes in the stories they have been indoctrinated with and which they in their infantile minds
Mimic as witless slaves (behaviour may consider 'virtue' and 'righteousness').
The scripts the goyim (cattle) act out are all serviceable to Jewry and their 'Dominion mandate', their
self entitlement to global dominion over all as slaves-all save those who refuse to bow to them as the
'master race chosen people'. These serve as templates for the behaviour of the 'goyim' ("What would
jesus do...?") and the goyim must as an ethical obligation abide by the 'universal maxims' of 'the Christ’
according to the template of these 'holy texts' which are nothing but scripts scribed by the pharasiacal
Jews who have formulae these texts as black magic formulate to subject the goyim to spiritual control
and mental-spiritual bondage to Jewry and their archetypes (Jehovah; YHVH; jesus 'the christ', etc.).
Thus the mind programs become so deeply rooted in their consciousness that their mind, whatever
uncultivated structure of consciousness it may be called (and undeveloped soul), becomes identical
with the program and thus they become as a body-soul complex a 'Christian or a 'Muslim', which is to
say a concretization of the thought forms and egregores that comprises their consciousness and which
necessarily manifests in the form of 'Christian behaviour': Christian charity, the pathological bestowal
of free material advantages to all of those most worthless; weak and stupid; but hypocritical facade of
help and 'Christian love’ being a mere mask of a passive aggressive will to power, a desire to dominate,
to treat with condescension and to one up the comparative 'inferior' (as evaluated by the Christian) and
to make a display of one self-importance of one's self-righteousness which masquerades as
‘righteousness’ per se, a false humility toward their own personal Absolute Supreme Being who just
happens to have a special relationship with themselves (the finite ego reflecting the mind of God by
virtue of being receptive to it, having a higher 'God consciousness’ that transcends the average every
day ‘goy'.
This constellation of behaviour incites Christians to a brutish violation of Otherness as a means of
posting their ego and absorbing the wealth of others for themselves and for their Jewish masters above
all. Such behaviour can hardly be considered ‘humble’ let alone ‘righteous’ and thus the hypocrite
Christian (which implies all Christians, universally) demonstrates the form of their 'godly' behavior:
that of a veritable devil incarnate making sense of the maxim 'demon et deus inversus'.

The Christianity especially that plagues the white mind has been a viral infection which has led to the
subjugation of whites for almost two thousand years and which has led them on whatever wild goose
chase Jews have led them to, be it Crusades or sectarian wars or burning their own women at the stake.
The Christians have become the instrument of Jewish power madness and have facilitated the
intentions of Jewry over the earth as their witless slaves keyed up with violence and bloodlust in
desperate hopes of acting out their biblical prophecy (which usually recurs every few decades as
interpreted by the Jewish oligarchs who issue there fatwas, which trickle down to the local parasite
priest who echoes his master's voice as if it were the voice of 'God').
The egregores or thought forms which infest the consciousness of the Christian sheep are presumably
(and here the writer will venture a guess as to the ultima causa of their chaotic behaviour) directed by
or energetically bound up with entities who are also bound up with Jewry and who presumably control
or impel them to a greater degree in their behaviour. Those thought forms are energetic ties between the
entity and the 'goy' who is their energetic source, the source of bioenergy they vampirize as sustenance
for their continued vitality and empowerment, the Jews who orchestrate or engineer chaos on the earth
doing so as a means of eliciting a reaction on the part of the goyim, one of fear and lust and other 'sins'
which weaken the soul causing it to become dissipated and not integrated and thus more easily
vampirized by these entities which the Jews have called 'Angels'.
The gullible goyim have been indoctrinated to think that these 'Angels’ are benevolent and to 'welcome
them into their hearts' as they are indoctrinated to welcome Christ into their hearts(the egregore which
opens them up additionally to possession and vampirization).' Thus the goyim are conditioned to be
weakened and to passively allow themselves to be subjugated by Jewry as de facto cattle, assuming the
yoke with submission before 'God', i.e. before the Jews their sadistic abuser and slave master.
The God of Jewry is what is called in Gnosticism 'the Demiurge', the inferior deity which mainstream
scientism 'associates with the 'big bang’. This is the Freemasonic G.A.O.T.U, the Monad, or Being in
manifestation not the un-manifest which is beyond Being (non-Being incorporative of Being as an
hypostasis of itself), what the Jews call the Ain Soph Aur and the Muslims call Allah.
Thus the Christian deity is, paradoxically and presumably a tongue in cheek joke on the part of the
Jews 'the God of this world', shaitan the adversary of their God which supersedes it. The 'God of the
world' is the God of Christians which purported according to the 'scriptural texts' to be the God in
relation to whom one must have no God before him. However he is not the only God or deity and
certainly not the Supreme Being and thus is merely an inferior deity who, should 'He' have any reality
at all and not be a pure fiction of Jewry, is a being whose sphere of influence is only the phenomenal
dimension or the plane of manifestation of the Demiurge and indeed is identical therewith.
This Being is the generator of spatio-temporality, of finitude; death and the transients of existence.
Hence 'He' may be considered the 'God of becoming' though simultaneously be identical with Being as
becoming (the transient phenomena of existence within the phenomenal plane) is contained within
Being as a hypostasis of Being. Hence the Christian 'God' is one among others and is far from being

Christianity is a slave religion Jews have concocted to keep the masses broke and ignorant as Nietzsche
so eloquently discussed in"The Antichrist". The 'God' of the Jews which they arrogantly attempt to
proprietize as their own personal property is the True Supreme Being as, though they are in error as to
the nature of this ineffable Being that it is not their personal property, they are correct in posting the
ineffable over the 'Word' or 'Logos'.
The plague virus of Christianity which has been a blight upon the white mind for nearly two millennia
has led the white population to be weak and atrophied in their soul. It is the influence of the Jews and
their demonic entities by way of Christianity which has been the ultimate cause of all suffering
throughout the world for the entire Piscean age and largely during the preceding Aryan age (age of
Aries) astrologically. Indeed the true plague virus of the earth is Jewry and only with their removal
from power will this virus cease.
Regardless of the consequences one must divorce himself from Christianity and its related Abrahamic
viruses else he will become 'spell caught' by the Jews in the nets of their mind programs and end up
living in their matrix and having their soul vampirized by the entities who are bound up with jewry and
enable jewry to take the earth for themselves.

The matrix world of today is the world of the 'Cambion'. A Cambion is defined as an organism, usually
a 'human being', bred for the purpose of demonic possession. One might speculate the world harbours
mystical demonic forms and their forms manifest within the mundane world of physical reality and
have a malevolent relationship thereto- a relationship that enables these entities to cause harm to the
beings, the organisms, on the earth plane who have come to be called 'human'.Such speculation is
relevant, as to come to an understanding of why, one might be able to infer the 'how' of their operation,
or the nature of their relationship and thus might come to understand how solutions might be found to
this problem.
What then, enables these beings to manifest on the earth plane? This question leads to others, viz. what
conditions obtained prior to their manifestation on the earth plane and how are these conditions
different from 'modernity', in other words what differs between now and then? One can easily view the
last few centuries as a gradual increasing state of chaos between the forces that exist, those of order and
those of chaos, an increase in the intensity of the strife in a logorithmic fashion, a downward spiral into
the abyss between that of the more stable past and increasingly unstable present.
The revolutions and wars that ensued ever since the emancipation of the jews have marked the
escalation of the turmoil, the chaos, and presumably though the writer can't know for certain or in what
way, these forces of chaos on the earth plane have opened rents in the veil of appearances in the
aetherical fabric and have enabled entities to manifest therein that were previously held back by the
forces of order as possibly embodied in the catholic church, though this institution itself was and is a
creature of modernity and entails within itself the seeds of its own destruction. The church represented
a stop gap which occupied the leak in the walls preventing entities from entering into the earth plane
and creating the havoc they create.
The disintegration of the church via the judeo-freemasonic and protestant opposition has assisted in
tearing aside the protective veil of orthodoxy (in the most literal and factual sense of opening up the
planes and dimensions from 'below' in the abyssal realms which have enabled these entities to enter).
Thus the chaos increases exponentially as the Kali Yuga reaches its nadir and the new aeon of the Krita
Yuga awaits.
All are 'Cambions' now save those who have detached themselves from the 'modern world' and who
have created an aura of protection around themselves in both positive and negative forms: in positive
forms the active development of the Self, the alchemical transmutation of the base metal of lead into
the philosophical gold of godhood-whether one attains such or no the spiritual strengthening of the Self
will necessarily constitute an opposition to the state of the 'Cambion' which threatens to become one, to
become the prison in which one entraps oneself and casts aside their higher possibilities becoming
fodder for the entities which have entered into the mundane plane. In a negative sense strengthening
comes in the form of detachment from the chaos of the purely material plane and the lower vibrational
frequencies which serve as its matrix state of imprisonment, leaden coffin for earthbound souls who
lack the brightness of a kindled Divine Spark to avoid the fate of they who waste away in mundane
striving. Those who both immerse themselves in the corrosive waters of the material plane living for
panem et circenses and dousting their Divine Spark in a keg of alcohol, false spirits for they who
require unconsciousness as a means of coping with the poison of lead in which they exist. From a more
positive aspect not availing themselves of the necessary cultivation to be strong enough to break the
leaden manacles of the matrix.

These are the 'Cambions', the earthbound souls whose vital principle is cannibalized by the demons,
astral parasite vampires, who infest the earth plane and who are being allowed in by their material
vessels who they possess and control namely the jews. Thus the downward spiral of chaos, cycle of
destruction, continues to head towards the bottom of the abyss of the cycles of time, to the Ragnarokr
and the final conflagration. The demons hunger for the souls of the earthbound slaves and indeed of all
organisms who have been entrapped in the earthplane- the contest then becomes one of personal
salvation (salvation outside of the church) from these entities and this through the above means of
alchemical transmutation. To cling to the old aeon as the new presents itself in all of its intensity is as a
shipwrecked sailor attempting to cling to the sinking ship rather than to take up position on the small
dingy though the sharks circle beneath the black water under the gun metal sky with its lightning and
A lucky chance full of meaning is the risk that the hero of the new world must take, else be pulled
down into the churning maelstrom, with the entities below. The adherent of the old aeon stands
solemnly on deck saluting the flag of yore and reciting the passages of his comforting dogma as an
imaginary life preserver that he believes will forestall his doom and bring about his salvation.
However only death awaits as he lacked the courage to face the Truth and to recognize the foe in its
true nature. His eyes look heavenward but all he sees is the of lightning rending the darkness of
luminous clouds while the hero on the dingy faces the foe which rings him round with broken paddle
held aloft accompanied by battle cry: "Zeig Heil!"-"Victory Hail!".
The 'Cambions' have already either hidden themselves amidships or have fallen prey to the beasts who
rend their carcasses, snapping their silver cords as so many ribbons cut by the iron shears of fate. Only
the heros can see the golden gate and the pathway towards which is accessible only to themselves-they
have the key and it lies within themselves: the kingdom of heaven is within you and will be found only
within. However in order to attain it one's duty entails a combat against the foe as transcendence of the
human all to human condition. To risk everything is to gain everything, to risk nothing receives nothing
as a reward and thus one remains in an impossible state of inertia while the world around him continues
to go down in ever increasing density towards the Ragnarokr. One can save oneself alone but he can
and must-reach out a hand towards others and attempt to reach them as well else he forsakes his duty to
the Other. The Selfish path of so many who fail to understand that their soul is a fragment of the racial
soul and that to forsake the latter manifested in concrete form in their race is to forsake their true Self-
hence they live a false life and go the way of all flesh not having attached themselves to the higher
states of their own being which could only be bound up with that of the racial soul. To destroy the
racial soul and indeed its physical multiplicity is not to 'shatter the mould' of a false self it is to destroy
the True Self just as a cancer cell seeks to destroy the host in which it exists and thereby destroys itself.
Saturn; Demiurge; Time; Temporality
Miguel Serrano contends that the planet Saturn is a captive Aeon perhaps as the Greek and Alexandrian
gnostics spoke of an 'archon'? and that a being or group of beings called Jehovah is the culprit which
has captured this planetary deity.
This Deity emanates from out of itself gravitational waves which generate or indeed are identical with
what is coventionally referred to as 'time' or time flow and which latter creates a consciousness or mind
that is temporalized or subject to the temporality of the emanation of time flow. This time machine
called 'Kronos' or Saturn is the motor of the matrix which traps all in a lower vibrational frequency
state of consciousness and which binds them thereby to the earth plane so that they lose contact with
the spiritual world and have become an earthbound soul.

The conception (revelation) of David Icke, though a disinformation agent, that the matrix of lower
density is generated by 'reptilians' may be correct if by reptilian we mean some form of extraterrestrial
alien life be it wholly material or transdimensional, a shapeshifter that generates the matrix through the
creation of ice rings around the planet Saturn. Then transmitting vibrational (perhaps radio) frequencies
from the planet Saturn amplified by its rings and against the moon which is an artificial construct
planetoid body (technically a moon) which transmits and maintains a matrix of illusion around the
earth presumably through the facilitation of the jews who are hybridized with proto-humans and these
reptilian beings.
The jews do their utmost to trap the slave class of what they intend to become the Zion government but
which owing to the presence of the children of light, of the Aryan race derived from the Nordic
extraterrestrial deities from Aldebaran on the Orion constellation they are not able to achieve this
purpose at least they have not yet been able to. The jews are the 'synagoge of satan' in the sens of being
an adversary ('shaitan'; in hebrew) of God.
Thus it is a battle for liberation between the children of light who would spiritualize the earth plane and
render it a world of light, of 'love' of 'amor' in place of the talmudized world of 'Roma' the inverse of
love according to Serrano, the judaic Abrahamic slave religion global despotism that binds the slaves to
the jews as slaves and jew worshippers (worshipping the 'god' Jehovah-Yahweh the Demiurge and his
alleged children the jews as a witless slave race mixed out of existence and reduced to serfdom with
jewry ruling over all).
Liberation from the matrix entails the spiritual awakening of the animate beings/sentient entities called
'humans' via the appropriate praxis of an alchemical nature, hermeticism oft-times called in its
appropriate form of personal involvement and action not the passive -contemplative pseudo-gnsosis of
the new age itself a product of jewish distortion of the mainstream religiosity, religious mendacity that
traps within itself as a psyop or system of slavery the 'goyim' dumbed down to the state of beast
consciousness which is what the jews seen to reduce all whites to and indeed all but themselves.
The rings of Saturn according to N.A.S.A if this source may be believed are melting and this owing to
the solar system moving closer to the galactic center, to 'God' and receiving an increase of the intensity
of the rays which emanate therefrom what might be called the "Krist Ray" or the second coming of the
christ through the solar system returning to a similar position as in the golden age or Krita Yuga during
the course of the Manvantara, the cycle of time as perceived via 'human' perception through the
changes of the aeons based upon proximity to the galactic center.
Time thus is posited as a cyclical pattern or phenomena and yet as David Myatt has stated as contended
in his magical work "Naos' time is heliacal, is as a spiral moving towards the galactic center in terms of
spatio-temporality, spatial pole of the earth and solar system in relationship to the galactic center.
Hence the panicking of the dark overlords of this earth as 'their time is short'-they are aware, given their
knowledge they have stolen throughout the millenia from the Aryan Race (library of Alexandria; the
ancient world in general throughout the course of history-Tibetan Bon Po; the runes, etc.). The jews,
vehicles of reptilian entities (call them what you will-'mud shadows' in Casteneda's language; Archons
in Greek; Djinn in Islam etc.) are now in panic mode and are desperate to facilitate the closure of the
ouroboros serpent and to brand the earth with their seal, the seal of solomon, of Saturn, the hexagram
on its south pole.
They have, if the writer can venture a presumption, opened a star gate perahaps to Saturn or some other
dimension through which these entities can manifest-they, again the writer surmises are already on the
earth and are bound to countless of its denizens who they possess and whose earthbound souls they

feed of as the astral parasites they are using their material hybrid emissaries with whom they are bound
to obtain the souls of the 'goyim'.
The luciferian or perhaps 'satanic' would be a better term 'hive mind' that the jews have called 'spiritual
israel' has hooked into itself all of those would be puppets of the jews and the jew has turned these
puppets against the white population specifically, the greatest threat to their power owing to the
superlative capacity for intuitive understanding, their connection to God, to Eternity. Only the white
race are capable of attaining Eternity, of securing a place for themselves in heaven and only they are
able to transcend the material plane of the matrix, its bounds being too powerful for the non-white to
exceed, they at best attaining a situation of their soul in the astral planes wherein they are nonetheless
bound to the material world of lowest density, of lead.
Thus the Chinese and the East Indian and the Japanese and Korean-all of these alleged 'sub races' of
'humanity' are posited as the highest of spiritual cultures and yet "cannot find the repose of Eternity" as
their base born tendencies evince perpetually questing after material advantage and this of the coarsest
forms second (and a distant second) only to the negro, redskin and australoid, whose bestial tendencies
are closest to the brute.
Be that as it may they are nonetheless 'god's' children, the children of the Demiurge, of Jehovah, and his
legions of demons called reptilian transdimensionals who dwell in Saturn.
Perhaps the non-whites are interbred with whites also and this is their 'saving grace' to the extent of
their white blood, of the blood of the children of light, of the holy graal, the Divine Spark being latent
within? Perhaps the interbreeding with non-whites was a means of liberating them from the matrix and
thereby working towards the destruction of the prison planet through creating hybrids who are no
longer subject to the entropy of temporality according to their previous template, the template of the
'archons' who had created them via genetic engineering to carry out their slave tasks. Thus the white
race is the saviour of the earth and this as a 'servant of christ' in the sense of opposing the corruption of
the Demiurge and Jehovah, destroying the matrix with the Christ, ie. the Christ ray, melting Saturn's
The mystery of the central sun is the mystery which holds the key to the Aquarian age and the Kali
Yuga, and which has been horribly distorted and perverted by the jews and their abrahamic psyop, their
religious enslavement of the earth which subjects all to its imposition-imposing a state of savagery and
stupidity on the populace rendering them dull brutes with no inner life as all gnosis is occulted,
rendered secret by them and horded for themselves at the expense of all.
Hence the destruction of all organic cultures over the earth through the slave religion of Jehovah and
his minions the jews as despiritualizing and rendering material the earth and its denizens who are
thereby trapped inside of the matrix their captive souls fed upon by the entities who are the puppet
masters of the material plane. It is not christ who saves but oneself which saves oneself-he who
undergoes the appropriate alchemical transmutation and self overcoming, the overcoming of the lower
self so that the higher can prosper and attain Eternity through attunement to God, the sum total of
The devastation of the religious zealots to the material 'christ' as a finite, physical man leads towards
their spiritual atrophy and death and destruction post mortem, all those outside of this mental prison of
mere 'belief' but never knowledge, gnosis. Only the perfect have a place in Eternity and perhaps those
of the highest purity of the white race, the True Aryans who will be saved by virtue of their higher
spiritual essence (their spiritual essence) their higher vibrational frequency of consciousness, of Mind,
resonating at the level and dimension of God.

The jews of course are doomed either way, their reptilian masters vampirizing their souls in the astral
planes and their not having any sufficiently high state of consciousness being a neanderthal-reptilian
hybrid to exceed the material plane. Inevitably victory awaits the Aryan race if not in this world then
the next. Aryan means noble, in the sense of 'Aristos' aristocratic, the high caste and in the sense of
gold a 'noble' metal connotive of the sun symbol of Eternity-Amen Ra.
‘Scientism’: The Religion of the White Traitor and Fool’

They who reject God and any higher spiritual form of life or state of being invariably slipped into the
selfish pursuit of life, a modus vivendi centred around the lower self, as all conception of the Higher
self is denied and negated thereby. They limit their consciousness to the material plane and whatever it
purports to offer, the thrills and sensations of the phenomenal world, it's 'apparent goods' which they
base their entire existence upon and have no care for the morrow i.e. no care for the world beyond
immediate gratification of the lower senses.

Scientism is a result of spiritual nihilism which is a worldview of purely human invention, a fiction of
the mind which posits and acknowledges only matter as existing construed in whatever quantitative
terms or language invented by particular beings at particular times and places, i.e. an arbitrary
invention of the mind of the coincidence between an organism of a particular type and the sum total of
Being in its being. The language of scientism undercuts all higher forms of life and reduces all to
equivalents in terms of the established "mathesis universalis', of historical contingency, (particular
times and places of the above confrontations), the formation of certain regimes or genres of discourse
or articulation of being codified in the existent language of what has come to be called 'science'.

That 'science' is not 'scientia' or wisdom but rather folly can be seen in the world of today and it's a
violent conflict with Being ie. God, how it creates states of chaos and inharmony and not harmony as
its language does not correlate with God, is not a divine or angelic language but is rather the language
of contingency, of becoming, of the finitude and fallibility of particular organisms who have agreed
amongst themselves or who have had imposed upon them by others a certain package of ideas and
upheld it as their false idol or 'the truth'.

Such language is in the most literal sense 'demonic' or 'devilish' in the sense of having no
correspondence with God or the sum total of Being at any higher level of spiritual reality and thus is
inharmonious, is an artificial construct or imposition on the part of delusional overlords who wish to
employ an artificial means of constructing a false reality in their own image. Those who speak the
language of 'scientism' thus speak a demonic kind, speak the Devils' language i.e. the antithesis of God
as 'demon et deus inversus' (God is the devil inverted) language, the language of this world, of the
purely material plane and this mediated through their distorted consciousness) both individual and
collective of the finite and fallible organisms falsely called 'human' and conventional parlance.

The so-called elites of today's world had become what they are wittingly or unwittingly set out to
become, i.e. Lucifer's in the most Faustian sense of questing after the divine brackets truth brackets
through the means of fallible mortals and in their it carrion quest, their Promethean quest to steal fire
from the gods have simply gone into a tailspin and are plummeting Earth words in their failure to
harmonize or attune themselves to being, ie. God. Their map which they have drawn and drawn upon to
direct them toward their destination leads inevitably toward the craggy rocks below.

'Scientism' is a discourse of illusion, an elusive deception motivated by Faustian impulse and leads in
circles, nowhere. Those who pursue its course wind up in the grave as their lives do not harmonize with
God whose compass they have cast aside taking up the compass of the Devil as guide. The foundation
of their lives is based upon a Procrustean bed of lies and half-truths and they build golden castles upon
it of fools gold not philosophical gold and thus live to no purpose as an abstraction from life without
any attachment to higher states of Being which even the humble janitor can attain without any great
skill or effort and thus the gates of hell open wide for the Faustian/Icarian/Luciferian figure and into the

flames of his own creation he plunges while the spiritual man of whatever state in life obtains his place
in the higher dimensions.

'Scientism' thus is a discourse that is an artificial construct; an abstraction from Reality which detaches
one from Reality and renders him a selfish person whose mind is, rather than expanded toward the
firmament, contracted toward the earth plane and from sense the lower planes or dimensions to what is
conventionally in theological terms referred to as hell. Scientism is a language and worldview that
divorce's one from Reality and leads him toward a purely inward focus, to the machine of the material
brain and its wheel spinning, number crunching; rationalist discourse and Mathematicization, none of
which goes beyond itself but contract itself within itself and-absurdly-exhausts itself as a dog chasing
its tail. The absurd cyclicism and of scientism lies in its incapacity to exceed its own constricted
limitations, its own logo centrism, system of 'wooden abstractions' cobbled together with the glue, the
baling wire and string of its own conceptual material: 'inference'; 'correspondence'; 'implication';
'deduction'; etc.

In 'scientism' all identities are posted as existent realities when they are instead constructed fantasies
that are conjured up as it were out of the void, ex nihilo. and 'nihil nihil fit' (from nothing nothing
comes). Hence scientism leaves to nihilism and nihilism leads to materialism and materialism leads to
spiritual atrophy which leads to the extinction of the soul through lack of cultivation. At most
rationalism leads toward a strengthening of the higher principles but not the highest of one's being and
thus is a 'saving grace' in a certain sense but, by virtue of its inferior status, is a limitation of what may
lie beyond itself i.e. the attainment of immortality, of the place in 'heaven' so-called, which is obtained
only through the cultivation of the self. Only thus may one attain 'truth' which far from being attainable
to all is attainable only for the few and never for the many regardless of any independence of any
relation to socio-economic status.

In today's world of scientism and its materialistic world-view those who have the false light have
managed to springboard themselves to the heights and to exclude all of those not equally corrupt or
corruptible from participation in the Jew world order, the Demiurgic prison planet of the material world
and its traps which serve to bind one to itself. Only the corrupt thus attain any power and their inner
corruption manifests itself outwardly in the form of their demonic language which is a projection of
their own mind, a mind of control-freakism and a lower naturalistic orientation: lust and the seven
deadly sins codified in culture, (degenerate culture) which brings all down into the lower planes of
material density and enables them to enslave all who have gotten caught in their traps-like moths
attracted to the Luciferian flame of the false light becoming trapped inside of the lamp and burnt such
is the nature of jewry and the Jew world order is a direct extrapolation of the consciousness of jewry
and of the beings who enslave them the entities such as Rudolf Steiner have claimed dwell in the
'eighth sphere' or rings of Saturn. The Demiurge and the Jews are working together to enslave the world
with the scientism of their own warped minds-the mind (hive mind) of a black magician who seeks to
impose itself upon all beings and enslave all to its will, absorbing their souls into itself- Sauron/Saturn
the 'Soul Reaver', matrix machine generator, generating the matrix which reduces all to lower density in
the earth plane and leads to the atrophy of their soul over time. The Jew is a stumbling block to white
survival with his materialistic language and a solution to the problem that is the Jew's spiritual
upliftment and living in the truth and unconcealing the lies of the enemy.

Hell: What?

The conception of hell has been around for a while and appears to derive from the Middle East and all
of these conceptions appear to have emanated from the mind of jewry. Jewry having been the basis of
all of these insane ideas. And yet it might be asked: are these ideas not also our reality and is that
Reality not something which one should concern oneself with? If so what is this hellish world
(assuming it exists) consist of and what is its nature and why should one concern oneself with it? The
hell world is alleged to be a 'lake of fire', a world in which postmortem the souls of mortal 'men'
(perhaps the term is indicative of all bipedal anthropoid beings?).This is not certain) go who have
transgressed the commandments of 'God' i.e. the karmic or cosmic law and who thus receive their
'reward' having reaped what they sowed in their mortal physical incarnation.

The alleged 'hellfire' of this realm burns the soul of its karma it is alleged by some and purifies the soul
of whatever redeemable elements of its being harmonize with the sum total i.e. with God. All else is
claimed to be dross, to be excreta the soul, it's incorporation into itself of the karma or negative
elements of its essence. The purified soul then allegedly 'goes to God ', i.e. to the heavens above, to the
higher dimensions or planes of being wherein it resides presumably ad aeternitatis. Such is the
generalized conception of 'hell' and this Christian-Jewish conception has its counterpart in other mythos
such as in that of the realm of hell-heim of the Edda, the Nordico-Aryan mythos and in Sheol in the
Jewish mythos.

The difference between the Aryan and (Solar-Uranian spirituality) and Jewish, lies in the fact of jewry's
pseudo-spirituality being an absurd confirmation of materialism and pseudo-spirituality which might
properly be called demonism or demonology. The pseudo-spirituality of jury is such that it orients
around a fantastical Otherworld without a relationship in any way to the mundane and the Aryan is the
converse, is a correlation or unification of spirit and matter resident within the enlightened being,
wherever the majesty and pseudo-spirituality of jewry based upon what Heidegger called "world fear"
is a marker of Jewish cowardice and escapism as they are incapable of remaining in a rooted manner in
the material plane (blood and soil) but are forever wandering the earth seeking to exploit and absorb the
energy of others for their personal self.

Hence the Jew, if hell is construed as a plane or dimension below the material plane, exists as a 'child of
hell' at least to some extent as they are living within the material plane and yet are bound by their
naturally lower tendency to the lower dimensions and their vampiric nature (both literal and proximal-
e.g. blood drinking and cannibalism and Usury banking and commerce) testifies to their relationship to
entities in the material plane who exist in the lower dimensions of reality. Hence the Jews have been
portrayed as 'svartalfs' (black dwarves) in the Edda and as dwarves in other Aryan mythology such as in
Bulgaria (Baba Yaga) and in the more contemporary Tolkenian mythos of the dwarves as demanding;
materialistic; covetous; selfish figures who exploits and use others as their tool to achieve their own
advantage as their entire history bears witness to.

The Jews thus dwell in hell drinking blood (the episode of Kvasir's blood in the Edda) and mining gold
(Tolkein; Edda) constructing all manner of opulent decadent baubles they can obsess over in their
covetous greed. The figure of Rumpelstiltskin in the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale is another example of
jewry's in nature-the trickery; the binding of the Aryan through a thieves pact; obsession over
materialism and white females. The character of Andvarri in the Edda, the dwarf who deceives the
Aryan deity Odin and who is deceived in turn with his riddle contest is another illustration of the
deception of jewry codified in myth and represented in Tolkein as Gollum. Gollum is a child of hell: he
lives in a cave under a mountain (Mount Zion; Mount Moria) and is enslaved to Sauron/Saturn/Satan,
the 'Lord of the rings', by the ring of invisibility which is that lust and desire object in the illusory plane
that binds them, to lower density material states of consciousness making them a 'child of hell'.

The Jew's and their modality of consciousness are synonymous, oriented toward materialism and the
satiation of lust and greed. Hence the figure in the Tolkenian mythos of Frodo must keep Gollum on a
leash (i.e. keep the Jew in the ghetto or keep them outside of the shires borders) else the result is the
invasion of the orcs (non-whites) and expansion of the power of Mordor.

Hell is thus the sphere occupied by the entities that Jewry is related to and is partially bound up with
themselves. Thus the mythos of jew and ry of a fiery lake (mount doom in Tolkein) into which Gollum
falls in his lusting for the ring of power (temporal power contra spiritual authority-rejecting God for
man). The hell region is a region jewry seeks to escape (perhaps) but are bound to and are therefore the
captives of those entities who possess them and who drain their energy from them and why Gollum in
Tolkein's mythos has his power and energy drained from him as he Gollum is possessed wearing the
'ring of power' of these beings who are trans-dimensional's or who exist in other dimensions perhaps in
the astral planes between the third and fourth dimension.

The figure of Dracula in Stoker's book is yet another allegory of Jewry and its need to drain the life
force from a more vital being as transmission of its demonic blood (demonic influence; perhaps
possession of others?) to the victim who then virally replicates it outward to others and spread the virus
of Jewry enabling these entities, creatures of hell, to feed upon them and to creep over all as so many
locusts, devastating the vitality of crops, absorbing their substance into themselves. The Saturnian
vampiric astral parasites have been called by Serrano if the writer is not mistaken 'Jehovah' which is the
deity (chief deity? Chief archon?) worshipped by Jewry and they are bound thereto. Perhaps these
entities on the earth playing (more creatures of hell? Or the same?) are also similar to the ring raids as
portrayed by Tolkein-beings who are capable of assuming physical form and are trans-dimensional
beings, such as is spoken of by David Icke and his disinformation regarding reptilians. However this
does not mean 'the reptilians' do not exist and that they are not the very beings called archons or
demons or djinn in the mainstream religious mythos.

Hell thus can be said to exist as an ontological reality and not a mere 'opinion' or 'construct of the
mind/brain' or 'psychological imago' but is ontologically real, objective reality and this is the sphere
perhaps of lowest density or perhaps which Rudolf Steiner has called 'the eighth sphere' around the
moon which works as a soul trap or vampiric spiders web into which souls are absorbed and works in
conjunction with Saturn and the entities who dwell within its rings and perhaps within itself to serve as
a machine to transmit to then your soul and vital energy. The priests of all mainstream religions work
together under Jewry to transmit the energy of their slave populations to augment their own energy and
to keep the masses enslaved perhaps not to the degree of a Gollum but that is debatable as they
themselves are either Jews or the goyim slaves of the Jews and 'twice the child of hell' of Jewry.

Heaven: What?

The heavens above are affirmed to be a plane or dimension of Being beyond this world, existing in the
higher dimensions. Perhaps this may be referred to as 5D or fifth density? The writer must concede
agnosia (lack of knowledge) on this topic save in so far as he can attain this dimension of Being and in
so far as he understands it as mediated through himself and his low-level of consciousness. He can
agree that the fabric of reality is of a gradation of vibrational frequency and of whatever substance it
may be called and that it does indeed exist. Further the writer affirms that only white people and in
terms of the finite, physical-metaphysical beings who exist on the earth can attain that state of being
which places them, to employ metaphorical language, in this realm which realm they exist in as an
aspect of their being.

Heaven is that realm which is elevated above the consciousness level of the common man and only the
Superman (he who can attain this level of being by virtue of his superlative state of mind) can attain it
as only he 'dwells in eternity' and thus can be spoken of in Daoistic terms as 'the heavenly man'. The
differences which exist on this earth and which demarcate the diverse kinds situate the Aryan elite as
the man of heaven, gods of the earth and those not Aryan as nearer 'demonic beings' in the sense that
they dwell in lower dimensions of being and are unable to attain the higher planes of being, i.e. the
heaven world.

This is not to say that all whites are able to attain that world or that they are all per se superior to all
non-whites it is merely a matter of the condition in which they are in and thus of what they the whites
do in terms of action in this world as means of placing themselves in that state of consciousness that
activates and preserves higher principles. Hence 'virtue cannot be taught' is a correct maxim of
Socrates, though himself a mongrel hybrid halfbreed and presumed crypto Jew.

Only whites go to heaven but not all whites go to heaven. Indeed many whites are voluntarily lowering
themselves to the level of the brute and are going the way of all flesh beneath the level of the beast of
the fields and becoming 'twice the child of hell' that the brutes are. They convert themselves either to
Wigger's (white niggers, half animals with beast consciousness, devoted to the material plane and this
to the exclusion of any higher plane) or to mimicking the behaviour of the Jew that, the De-man that,
the sub-man demon possessed vehicle of hell and thus 'twice the child of hell of the Jews'.

Their genetico-spiritual Constitution entails a greater purity and yet, being defiled, it drags down their
consciousness to an even greater level as whatever entities possess them are more able to be retained
within their consciousness as a more pure being which can hold (or rather be held by) the entity. Hence
they plummet from heaven into hell through pursuit of material advantage a devotee to Mammon and a
lusting after the things of this world (the flesh and the temporal delights which titillate their senses as
so many bobbles and bangles they cling to even as they are pulled down into the abyss through the
gravitational pull of lower density that they have conditioned themselves to exist in).

Heaven is the place of the kings of the earth the Aryans, who alone may transcend the material plane,
all others are in a sense simply waiting in purgatory for their inevitable dwelling in hell. Far from being
universally accessible to all the heaven world is accessible only to the Aryan who alone holds the key
to the kingdom and who alone may unlock its secrets.


The 'tradition of modernity' is an oxymoron as Tradition (meaning of course the only tradition, that of
the Hyperborean) is opposed to modernity in se and can never be combined into some form of syncretic
distortion of metaphysical-ontological principles. Truth either is or is not in the language of Tradition
which is the language of the gods in the most literal sense, the 'word' or 'verbum' of the cosmos and its
articulation in culture is necessarily True and can never 'exist' in combination with falsehood, i.e. with
the syncretic distortion of modernism.

The Christian and other Abrahamic religions are distorted projections of the consciousness of Jewry
who has mediated the Aryan Tradition through its self and incorporated into its own supremacistic
fantasies born of its Chandal Nature, i.e. born of his jealous hatred for the white man and it's 'gross
materialism' that it has codified in religio-dogmatic form and imposed upon all through the violence of
the sword as a means of coercing all to turn their own swords into plowshares and to till the fields for
their self-chosen masters.

Thus modernity is not opposed to Abrahamism, quite the contrary Abrahamism is modernist and
perhaps even modernity itself though it has metamorphosed into the contemporary illuminist and
secular humanist ideologies which are commonly, especially from the narrow sectarian perspective of
Abrahamism identified with 'modernity'. The modernism of Abrahamism is the logo-centric 'tradition'
not the logos or logoi of the antecedent hermeticism which latter is Tradition even if only in a distorted
form which has become distorted via 'the fall of man', i.e. miscegenation which has brought low all
Aryan culture though still qualifying as a 'Tradition'. As the creator of the Abraham of pseudo-tradition
the biological parasite the jew has attempted to usurp the Tradition for himself and portray it as his own
and portray the pseudo-tradition of Abrahamism as the 'tradition' of the Aryan race, an inversion of

The logocentric 'tradition' poses the Jewish deity 'YHVH/tetragrammaton' as the Absolute subordinate
perhaps only to the Ain Soph Aur or 'the boundless light of nothingness', the cosmic astral light or
mother-matter ('Mater' from which all manifests under the aegis of the Demiurgic imposition, the force
emanating from why YHVH). This is affirmed in logo-centrism to be the Jewish deity per impossibile
(the particularistic property of Jewry) and thus is imposed upon all as the 'God above' all else being
mere 'demons' and devils 'fit for the pit'.

From this logocentric pseudo-tradition antedates the rationalist-materialist worldview, a wooden

calculus of conceptual abstractions that have eventually found their way into what has been called
academic, ‘universities’ which perpetuate the logocentric tradition and it's ‘universalism’, it's Demiurge
at architecture of ‘wooden-iron’ conceptual abstractions which absurdly as a ‘scarlet tone’ (of blood)
blare from the trumpet of Zion-reduction add absurdum.

The absurdity of logocentrism lies in its purport (an impossible task) of correspondence between sign
and signified, word and object which leads to an analytical logic that reduces everything to units of
abstract principles, quantities, better mere ‘inventions’ and fictions inverted by the logocentrists as a

self-legitimating discourse that derives, ostensibly, from a unitary Demiurge as principal or monad
called ‘God’ or ‘Jehovah’ or YHVH. Hence from out of the one comes many and yet all are abstractly
conceived as units or entities whose ‘reality’, if such it may be called are purely ‘notional’, silly notions
that dwell in Mente and not in actua and thus are a ‘whole Lotta nothing’.

The logocentric tradition is inherently violent, a violation of being in its Being and thus must be
destroyed in its ‘imitation of the truth’. The truth of what Abrahamics call ‘God’ is falsehood, a mere
ding and sick (thing in itself) which is nonetheless a nothing, no-thing, a mere invention of the mind of
a Jew, a metaphysical limit concept without any correspondence to actual reality. Of course it could be
considered a real being qua the galactic center but this has no strict or necessary relationship to Jewry
and thus it is not an affirmation of the supremacy of the latter. The imposition of the Demiurge or
Monadic Logos of the center brackets assuming this is the conception affirmed (is an actuality perhaps
but Far from out of it, all the invention of those who conceptualize it, antedates the pseudo-tradition of
logo-centrism. This is the dirty womb from out of which emanates science and its alleged system of
‘wooden-iron’ absurd abstractions which affirm a correspondence between the ideal and real when in
reality science invents a similar cruel reality and imposes it upon reality distorting the relationship
between the beings of Being and Being, between organic life and inorganic artificial false reality.

The constructions of science and those of Abrahamism are the distortions of modernity which have
created a broken world of violence and slavery and amount to nothing good but result in the modern
world and all of its violation of the beings of being, of the creation of God and the creators whose
original Tradition has been destroyed by the greed and rapacity of the Jew and other shabbos goyim
who have had inculcated in their consciousness the ideology of logo centrism, i.e. of the semitic
supremacist Demiurgic imposition upon being of becoming of the purely phenomenal world and its
divorce from anything higher.

The Masonic ladder going toward the stars simply leads to the black hole of ignorance and the creation
of a world that is a hell not a heaven and dust must be destroyed in cycles for being to exist in a
harmonious relationship with itself on the earth plane. Logo centrism is the path to destruction, a purely
rationalist artificial land of make-believe that is violently imposed upon all and to their destruction.
Thus either it goes or its creators go. Such is the Faustian nature of what has been called ‘the West’, the
realm in which the son of mind sets on a burnt out world of war everlasting.

The West in thus must be transmuted into a compass that points North-not East-but toward Hyperborea,
the land of the Aryan race and its harmonious Tradition which is the only authentic and necessarily not
‘logocentric’ tradition. It is a tradition which is divine and thus Logocentric if such may be a usable
term, orienting around and corresponding to the Logos not to the Jewish Demiurge and all this
distortion and falsehood of Being, a Being of a purely rational nature which is at best an abstract fiction
of the mind.

Christianity as Degeneration...or Spiritual Protection and Empowerment?

The religion of Christianity is often touted to be a religion or invention on the part of jewery and thus
an inauthentic religion. Be that as it may the question here becomes: is Christianity a blueprint for the
innervation of the soul, of its weakening atrophy and thus a slave religion as Nietzsche termed it that or
is it not rather a religion more conducive to power and development of the person? The religion
preaches a reliance upon external authority, that which lies outside of oneself and thus this external
authority and one's relationship to it constitute the basis of the religion one which emphasizes a
devotion and prayer, a seemingly passive, contemplative path which may be termed a ‘Magian ethos’ in
Spenglerian terms, the ethos is characteristic of a mystic or monk, the archetype of the Christian, a
Thomas Aquinas or Luther being the most temporally oriented of same (oriented toward practical
affairs through a reformation of their own spiritual institution-the material form of their religiosity).

This may be a source of power for oneself personally and the community as a collective, the racial soul,
if and only if the doctrine of Christianity can ever be construed or properly understood along racial
lines or along lines supportive of the preservation of individual biological groups oft called ‘humanity’

today. The notion of ‘kind after kind’, seed having life in itself, could serve as a basis for racial
preservation in the Christian religion however it may also be subject to being overridden if interpreted
in a broader sense as quotes mankind or quotes human kind quotes which is more likely and thus of
little to no use to the white race and its preservation.

The reality of Christianity is almost certainly a counterfeit one engineered by jewry as a formula for
slavery of all non-Jews and the destruction of the white race. However this is not entirely clear and
maybe false. Regardless, the influence of Christianity as observed in its devotees is one of a weakening
influence that leads to suicidal extremes of self abasement and passively, a ‘turning the other cheek’
and ‘judging thee not’ without any willingness or willpower to oppose countervailing forces which
impinge upon oneself.

Christianity may conduce in a negative sense (negating influences from without) to spiritual
empowerment, a conservation and integration of one's energies and an elevation of one's consciousness
through attunement to the Divine Will, however only if understood along lines of spiritual strength and
resolve to adhere to the spiritual principles inherent in the Scriptures and a resource to oppose the
principles of that which conduces to deviance from higher forces or dimensions.

Christianity in its contemporary form is a religion of cowardice, a socialist gospel which preaches and
proselytizes a promiscuous mixing of each and all willy-nilly without rhyme or reason. Christianity
does is serviceable to the white race only in the form of the Christian identity construe all of its
doctrine and only thus when it qualifies a source of spiritual elevation.

The notion of 'God'; has both blessed and cursed the denizens of the earth for millenia. In the case of
the christian and Abrahamic would-be monopoly on the absolute it has been a curse; in the case of the
pre-Abrahamic conception of God a blessing for those who have been its adherents in their particular
regions of the earth and a curse for those who have had the misfortune to be their defeated enemies.
The 'God concept' or conceptualization by finite and fallible mortals of that which is perhaps less finite
and fallible has become usurped by a certain parasite tribe of exploiters who have had the audacity to
exalt themselves as the 'children' of this supreme Being, establishing themselves on a podium, a throne,
a pedestal and demanding all recognize their claim to kingship overall and their de facto Divine Right
to rule.
Such beings require dethronement, being cast down from the position of alleged superiority and into
the pit where they belong. 'God' then can be liberated from the smokescreen the jews have placed round
Him or rather the hologram they have made of him enabling the average goy to finally see to the extent
they are able the Supreme Being in his True light without any distortion save their own fallibility.
The deceivers of the earth will be removed and they will be replaced by True priest kings who have the
competence to elevate the population towards a greater standard of Being, to achieve their proper
destiny according to their ownmost proper nature, ie. according to their ontological structure.
All talk of 'God'; now serves the jew but has no value save as a negative example of that which is
ungodly and indeed, that which is demonic in its falsehood and in its deception, concealing Truth and
this as Self-interested objective for its own supremacy and self exaltation.
Smash the synagogues and churches and masques! Cast down all false idols into the sea into rubble and
establish in their place the supremacy of God in the form of an Authentic Aryan Tradition, a
rediscovery of the pre-Abrahamic culture adjusted for time and place and a destruction of the
Abrahamic 'curse' over the earth.

Asatru and Snorri’s Distortion

The Jewish created "Asatru" parallels that of their agent Snorri Sturlusson who was presumably
conscripted by them to carry out their psyop of the distortion of the Edda, the poetic encoding of the
Nordic mythos. Both entail elements of magic and morality as Bill White speaks of in his article "the
Masonic Asatru and the 72 master Masons of Baal". Snorri, having been a Christian, would have
willingly served the purpose of his cabalistic masters in invention of a Christianized mythos, a
distortion or a presentation of the karmic law (rita) of the Aryo-Germanic folk (as Guido von List has
written of in "the Secret of The Runes"). Snorri thus is an agent of the corruption of the mythos
introducing into it irrelevancies especially those along the lines of the quotes good versus evil quotes,
the classical Zoroastrian-magic in Jewish moralism that cuts at the root of truth with the rusty axe of

The Asatru is simply a re-presentation of Snorri's Christianizing of the Aryan (Nordico-Germanic)

mythos, subordinating the profound allegory of cosmic law to the petty moralism of an old nurse maid
in a nunnery which is the mentality of all Christians ("Will to power in ethics" as Spengler called it).
Asatru is a construct of jury to hook into itself naïeve whites who have a racial consciousness and to
distort their culture and is associated with Freemasonic initiation and thereby to corrupt the whites
transforming the latter into deviants who are opposed to authentic forms of traditional spiritual praxis..
The Asatru is led by and funded by Jews and is given publicity and even introduced amongst prisoners
in the J.O.G. (Jewish occupation government) prison system which are clear signs of its being
sponsored by jewry and indeed presumably invented by them ab initio.

The alleged founder Stephen McNallen, an apparent Irish man and possible crypto-Jew is yet another
typical case in point on jewry's usage of Shabbos goyim to serve as their front men who take the blame
for what jury does or to create the appearance of a non-Jewish group, movement, creator, etc.
McNallen is an anti-racist and therefore of necessity against the tradition of the Aryo-Germanic folk
which must of course be racial or 'special' in the biological sense, as they, that racial group, have been
its inventors and therefore are its keepers without whom there would be no 'Tradition' of this sort and
indeed no tradition at all as the original tradition was theirs I know pseudo-'Tradition' derivative there
from formed or distorted by nonwhites is viable.

Asatru thus is clearly a psyop and a pseudo-tradition that neither non-whites nor Jews can claim is the
authentic tradition nor affiliate themselves with whites under its banner-without any 'authenticity' as
there is 'neither Jew nor Greek', i.e. No relationship between Jews or Greeks or whites or nonwhites of
any authentic, harmonious, traditional nature, Tradition meaning Aryan, i.e. purity of race to the
greatest extent possible and all of Those not of the race have no tradition in any authentic sense but are
mere hybrids with hybrid pseudo-traditions that are syncretic formations of an original Aryan culture
and their own savagery through the rapine of white women and murder of white men by the savage
hordes who destroyed themselves in order to incorporate within themselves the blood of the Aryan and
his culture, attempting to magically expropriate for themselves that which they could never own as it is
an inauthentic theft and plagiarism of the Aryan Tradition.

Zionist Pig
The zionist gluts himself on material garbage. His religion is mammon and jewish supremacism; he
worships jews and castigates and murders his own race. If not jewish himself, in which case he
worships himself and castigates all others. The zionist pig lives to feed vampirically off the labour of
others-he is a userer and an exploiter. His falsehood, another of his defining traits which define him as
the sewage of the earth is mendacity-the habitual liar who delights in causing harm to others
(shaudenfreude) and then denying it to amplify his pleasure and power. He is the quintessential power
tripper whose power game centers around moralizing-making all manner of implied judgments and the
Other (and perhaps even his own) and tearing down and with bigoted prejudice the Other who is not
left to 'live and let live' but rather to live and to be left to die.
Thus the zionist is the pig of the sty gobbling up all of the scraps and feeding upon the excreta of
Others, their waste products called consumer goods and services. Of course the zionist perceives this
excreta as gold and within the context of his mammon worshipping world view he is right-however his
gold is merely valued as purely human and transient having no lasting value, not the philosophical gold
of the truly noble he who transcends the case materialistic weltanschauung, the 'modus vivendi' of the
mammon worshipper oriented downwards to the hell of the material plane.
The greedy pig zionist rends the earth as a pig rooting for truffles in their own sewage, the stink of their
own excess further inflating their ego and giving them cause for yet more self genuflexion. The zionist
in his own vainglorious mind and through his own specious blindness believes the entire world should
'serve his G-d" and that he should rule in the name of that god- a dishonest substitution of himself in
place of God, making himself his own messiah and attempting to usher into the world his Zion world
Those who disagree with the zionist are ruthlessly persecuted and subjected to at best (or worst?) a few
promised 'chances'-pretended chances or 'choices'-to serve the jew and their invented 'G-d' else to be
subject to whatever torturous abuse and ultimately murder by those who claim to have a monopoly or
God, whatever fate they decide.
The zionist pig is the space hog who hogs the mire, the sty of swill and slops and greedily gorges
himself on any and everything that he can accrue to himself and in ostentatious display posits himself
on a pedestal as the 'master race', the 'the altruist', the philanthropic anti-hero who worships before the
feet of the victim serving the servants as means of inflating his ego and accumulating for himself yet
more capital than necessary be it social or financial.
The zionist is a power mad desport obsessed with ruling the world and securing for himself a place in a
fairy land above and insisting that all accompany him, of course as 'amicitia inferiores' (inferior
friends), playing second fiddle to the jew as means of catering to his every whim, as his minions with
their prospect of obtaining a scrap or two depending on their socio-economic status and their use-value
to the jew who uses and discards his slaves as he sees fit as demonstration of this Divine Nature.
Zionism creates its scapegoat-that of 'liberalism' which is set before the mob to rend and oversees the
rites of sacrifice and crowns itself king over all in a new jerusalem. Such is the intention of jewry and
the dupes of judah eagerly grab for whatever material advantage they can to live their fleeting lives
chasing mammon and moralizing as their will to power.

Christian Obscenity
Jewdeo-christianity is the obscenity of modernity as it is the weed seed within which has sprung forth
the weeds of liberal modernity. It is thus a profanation of Truth and the differentiated order of God (ie.
the supreme Being). Christianity exalts falsehood and represents it as Truth while disguising and
destroying Truth and representing it if at all as false. Thus it is the inversion of the classical world
which preceded it and is the major destructive mechanism of jewry in the destruction of Aryan culture
through the introduction into the mind of corrupt jewish thought forms which create a scizoid soul in
the Aryan and which must be ousted in all of its chameleon guises be they one of the mainstream
religions or new age variants. It is the sickness which plagues the mind of the whites and which has led
them to the brink of suicide and extinction. The healthier value system of the Aryan Tradition, of the
Solar-Uranian Tradition is that which must be represented and manifested in any and all forms and thus
offered as a spiritual substitute to the pernicious and enervating influence of christianity.

Demiurge Dog

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

God is Tod, there never was

A man in the sky nailed on the cross
Creepy demons humanities dross
Invent a God to bear their cross

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

Plaintive cries of mewling kikes

"Oi! Oi! Oi!" Throughout the night
'Your God'-why hast thou Kike

Forsaken the truth of Aryan might

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

There God's cruel wrath bestows

Trauma and pain weak jew's moans
Would work upon Aryan foes
Their weak and sickly death throes

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

Hypnotize the weak of mind

Substitute Aryan for 'mankind'
Drag all to the depths in faith blind
Consumed by Demiurge mastermind

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

Worship the fiction that never existed
Worship its creators not the creator
Worship the Demiurge-Jews are fated
To drag down the week into the graveyard

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

Solar deity of radiant light

Phoebus Apollo upon the heights
Casting rays of voluminous light
Mortals shrouded in darkness-awaken to fight

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

Drag down the kike on the cross

Break has hooked nose-beaten raw
Burn the churches wicker men straw
Priests and pastors into the lake of fire

God is God there is no other
We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

Recycle the Bibles of the Demiurge

Print off copies of the history of the curse
Christianity has visited upon the earth
2,000 years of torture and murder

God is God there is no other

We are all one together forever
Such is the lie of Jewish Pied Piper's
Leading the scum into hellfire

The light of the North bathes the land

Banishing the darkness of the hidden hand
All kikes and christards buried in sand
By the shovels and axes of Aryan man

Christians to the Lions

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re Christian
Wishful thinking

Murdering your race
With a smile on your face
Believe your blessed by grace
Instead of total disgrace

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re a Christian
Wishful thinking

Murderer of your kind

Of a captive mind
Serving murdering swine
For dollars and dimes

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re Christian
Wishful thinking

Hatred for your kin

Supercilious grin
Pile up your sins
Think you'll get to heaven

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re Christian

Wishful thinking

Worshipping the Jew

Total, utter fool
Serve as their footstool
Exploited and abused

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re Christian
Wishful thinking

Think you'll show them all

At your funeral pall
Living to spite them all
While shopping in the mall

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re Christian
Wishful thinking

Christian liars
Burn in hell fire
Christian hate
Soaring to the pearly gates

You're a Christian
you're a bitch man
you’re Christian
Wishful thinking

Christian liars
Starting fires
Hypocrite liars
Christians to the lions!

Lie #2
Judaism...or Jews?
The lie that Judaism is the problem of this world, the ultimate cause of world unrest and that perhaps
not even Judaism itself but specifically the Kabbalistic doctrine of Isaac Deluria from the Zohar; and
perhaps also Jacob Frank the self-appointed Messiah amoungst other fringe occult elements of
Judaism-but still not Judaism and certainly not jews per se as a biological race or species.
This lie, that Jews are not at least in large part blameworthy for the chaos of this world is the lie of the
spin doctors of the hidden hand, the Jewish oligarchs who control the world. Whether they be called
'Ashkenazim' or 'Sephardim' or other subgroups and branches of the biological Jew is an irrelevant
matter. It is specifically this biological type-species or race-that is the instrument of whatever dark
forces have gotten control of this world during whatever epoch of its primordial history and these
specific beings in flesh bodies are indeed the culprit of 'world unrest' as Henry Ford designated them in
his work "the International Jew".
Thus the biology of the Jew is intertwined with the behaviour of the jew and this can be established as
an objective fact and not mere prejudicial opinion or conjecture. The question regarding what Julius
Evola called "the organic lie" which is the Jew, a genetico-spiritual ensemble of mendacity-of life
against life-is one which has been answered by this same writer in his work "Three Aspects of the
Jewish Problem".
The lies of the Jews are the veils he hides behind, the masks he wears to obscure his features and to
deceive the gullible 'Goyim' (cattle in Yiddish). He thus gives solutions to his own problematic, that of
the 'Jewish question'. These answers manifest themselves in the form of:
1) the state of Israel;
2) of assimilation:
3) of segregation into Shtetls;
4) of transplantation to another location such as a new Khazaria or Madagascar are Odessa in Ukraine;
5) feigning conversion to Catholicism or other new age, etc. religious covers or
6) denying his Jewishness among perhaps myriad other chameleon-like guises.
Regardless, of which option might be somewhat viable, the Jew has demonstrated the failure of most of
these thus far and thus still exists as a problem of world historical moment:
1) the state of Israel as Evola commented in the above work would serve only as a thieves’ den to
which Jews could escape punishment in countries in which they already dwell and would not move en
masse to Israel and hence that would not be an effective solution;
2) as to assimilation the Jews, being of a vampiric nature would not be assimilated, but would as Evola
also poignantly noted, assimilate others into themselves and thus maintain their hegemony;
3) the shtetls failed during the Middle Ages and the Jews own voluntary self-segregation simply
enables them to 'have their cake and eat it too', to control a ‘Gentile’ society while maintaining
separation within that society as a cancerous tumour on the host body;

4) another location would present the same problem as the state of Israel and would at most be possible
(a bare possibility but not likelihood) under conditions of sufficient pressure through e.g. War and
revolution such as in the third Reich;
5) conversos have already demonstrated that Jewishness can't be eliminated by waving a magical
religious wind over the Jew and that the Jewish nature remains, regardless of the religious mantle the
Jew wears;
6) the denial of a jews’ Jewishness by a jew is only as good as his word and that is notorious and hence
untrustworthy (cf.5).
Hence the only solution is the final solution unless Jewry has a miraculous 'change of heart’ during a
'second coming' of sorts. But even that might be just another lie, another ace up the sleeve to crown
himself Messiah over the earth according to the ‘Dominion mandate’.
God or Devil?
The Jewish 'God' or representation of the Absolute, the alleged 'Supreme Being', is universalized and
imposed upon all, this mere representation as if it were the Reality of all Realities. The reality of course
is Jehovah-YHVH is a projection of the ego mind of jewry and nothing more than a powerful thought
form or egregore that Jewry has constructed to vampirize the thought energy transferred to it (in
devotion and prayers) by the 'goyim' who they enslaved for their purposes.
Accordingly, jewry are simply the black magicians concealing themselves behind this fearsome figure
of a Supreme Being who blesses and curses those who adhere to or transgress the endless demands a
jewry. They who transgress are 'heretics';' infidels' or 'evil' and thus it is considered a 'Juss Bella' to
destroy them.
Such is the function of 'God' in the sociopolitical reality of the Jew, inside the matrix prison into which
all are confined. Once they have their mind program of Abrahamic religion imposed upon them by their
Jewish masters and it has become their behaviour, their behaviour is simply an acting out of the various
stories and episodes of what they call Bible and Koran, in other words having interiorized their
programming they have no choice but to 'serve God' which is to say to mimic the behaviour of various
Jewish heroes in the stories they have been indoctrinated with and which they in their infantile minds
Mimic as witless slaves (behaviour may consider 'virtue' and 'righteousness').
The scripts the goyim (cattle) act out are all serviceable to Jewry and their 'Dominion mandate', their
self entitlement to global dominion over all as slaves-all save those who refuse to bow to them as the
'master race chosen people'. These serve as templates for the behaviour of the 'goyim' ("What would
jesus do...?") and the goyim must as an ethical obligation abide by the 'universal maxims' of 'the Christ’
according to the template of these 'holy texts' which are nothing but scripts scribed by the pharasiacal
Jews who have formulae these texts as black magic formulate to subject the goyim to spiritual control
and mental-spiritual bondage to Jewry and their archetypes (Jehovah; YHVH; jesus 'the christ', etc.).
Thus the mind programs become so deeply rooted in their consciousness that their mind, whatever
uncultivated structure of consciousness it may be called (and undeveloped soul), becomes identical
with the program and thus they become as a body-soul complex a 'Christian or a 'Muslim', which is to
say a concretization of the thought forms and egregores that comprises their consciousness and which
necessarily manifests in the form of 'Christian behaviour': Christian charity, the pathological bestowal
of free material advantages to all of those most worthless; weak and stupid; but hypocritical facade of
help and 'Christian love’ being a mere mask of a passive aggressive will to power, a desire to dominate,

to treat with condescension and to one up the comparative 'inferior' (as evaluated by the Christian) and
to make a display of one self-importance of one's self-righteousness which masquerades as
‘righteousness’ per se, a false humility toward their own personal Absolute Supreme Being who just
happens to have a special relationship with themselves (the finite ego reflecting the mind of God by
virtue of being receptive to it, having a higher 'God consciousness’ that transcends the average every
day ‘goy'.
This constellation of behaviour incites Christians to a brutish violation of Otherness as a means of
posting their ego and absorbing the wealth of others for themselves and for their Jewish masters above
all. Such behaviour can hardly be considered ‘humble’ let alone ‘righteous’ and thus the hypocrite
Christian (which implies all Christians, universally) demonstrates the form of their 'godly' behaviour:
that of a veritable devil incarnate making sense of the maxim 'demon et deus inversus'.
The Christianity especially that plagues the white mind has been a viral infection which has led to the
subjugation of whites for almost two thousand years and which has led them on whatever wild goose
chase Jews have led them to, be it Crusades or sectarian wars or burning their own women at the stake.
The Christians have become the instrument of Jewish power madness and have facilitated the
intentions of Jewry over the earth as their witless slaves keyed up with violence and bloodlust in
desperate hopes of acting out their biblical prophecy (which usually recurs every few decades as
interpreted by the Jewish oligarchs who issue there fatwas, which trickle down to the local parasite
priest who echoes his master's voice as if it were the voice of 'God').
The egregores or thought forms which infest the consciousness of the Christian sheep are presumably
(and here the writer will venture a guess as to the ultima causa of their chaotic behaviour) directed by
or energetically bound up with entities who are also bound up with Jewry and who presumably control
or impel them to a greater degree in their behaviour. Those thought forms are energetic ties between the
entity and the 'goy' who is their energetic source, the source of bioenergy they vampirize as sustenance
for their continued vitality and empowerment, the Jews who orchestrate or engineer chaos on the earth
doing so as a means of eliciting a reaction on the part of the goyim, one of fear and lust and other 'sins'
which weaken the soul causing it to become dissipated and not integrated and thus more easily
vampirized by these entities which the Jews have called 'Angels'.
The gullible goyim have been indoctrinated to think that these 'Angels’ are benevolent and to 'welcome
them into their hearts' as they are indoctrinated to welcome Christ into their hearts(the egregore which
opens them up additionally to possession and vampirization).' Thus the goyim are conditioned to be
weakened and to passively allow themselves to be subjugated by Jewry as de facto cattle, assuming the
yoke with submission before 'God', i.e. before the Jews their sadistic abuser and slave master.
The God of Jewry is what is called in Gnosticism 'the Demiurge', the inferior deity which mainstream
scientism 'associates with the 'big bang’. This is the Freemasonic G.A.O.T.U, the Monad, or Being in
manifestation not the un-manifest which is beyond Being (non-Being incorporative of Being as an
hypostasis of itself), what the Jews call the Ain Soph Aur and the Muslims call Allah.
Thus the Christian deity is, paradoxically and presumably a tongue in cheek joke on the part of the
Jews 'the God of this world', shaitan the adversary of their God which supersedes it. The 'God of the
world' is the God of Christians which purported according to the 'scriptural texts' to be the God in
relation to whom one must have no God before him. However he is not the only God or deity and
certainly not the Supreme Being and thus is merely an inferior deity who, should 'He' have any reality
at all and not be a pure fiction of Jewry, is a being whose sphere of influence is only the phenomenal
dimension or the plane of manifestation of the Demiurge and indeed is identical therewith.

This Being is the generator of spatiotemporality, of finitude; death and the transients of existence.
Hence 'He' may be considered the 'God of becoming' though simultaneously be identical with Being as
becoming (the transient phenomena of existence within the phenomenal plane) is contained within
Being at a hypostasis of Being. Hence the Christian 'God' is one among others and is far from being
Christianity is a slave religion Jews have concocted to keep the masses broke and ignorant as Nietzsche
so eloquently discussed in"The Antichrist". The 'God' of the Jews which they arrogantly attempt to
proprietize as their own personal property is the True Supreme Being as, though they are in error as to
the nature of this ineffable Being that it is not their personal property, they are correct in posting the
ineffable over the 'Word' or 'Logos'.
The plague virus of Christianity which has been a blight upon the white mind for nearly two millennia
has led the white population to be weak and atrophied in their soul. It is the influence of the Jews and
their demonic entities by way of Christianity which has been the ultimate cause of all suffering
throughout the world for the entire Piscean age and largely during the preceding Aryan age (age of
Aries) astrologically. Indeed the true plague virus of the earth is Jewry and only with their removal
from power will this virus cease.
Regardless of the consequences one must divorce himself from Christianity and its related Abrahamic
viruses else he will become 'spell caught' by the Jews in the nets of their mind programs and end up
living in their matrix and having their soul vampirized by the entities who are bound up with jewry and
enable jewelry to take the earth for themselves.
The ideology of christianity: jew worship, making of those who call themselves 'chosen' by an
anthropomorphised and semitized deity a god-like group, demigods who are beyond criticism and
beyond opposition in even the most benign form of not worshipping jews. Those who refuse to worship
jews are by christians condemned to death and subject to the greatest possible punishment and hositility
as possible. In spite of the alleged opposition to jewry by the church from John Chrysostom; St.
Ambrose to Matin Luther, etc. They the christians have nonetheless looked upon the parasitical leeches
as 'chosen' by the Absolute, by the Supreme Being to rule the world for themselves over a mixed mass
of 'christian' slaves regardless of their biological differences.
Only the jews matter in the minds of christians- they are the only physical group of organisms on the
earth worthy of veneration or a preservation of their kind, all others being of no account, to be subject
to equalization 'in the eyes of G-d", of the jewish distortion of the Absolute which all others are to be
rendered subordinate of themselves, to the jewish 'G-d', 'G-d' standing in for jews as their personal
deity in relation to which they are 'more equal than others', are primus inter pares and thus to be granted
the lion's share of the wealth of the earth to 'suck the milk of the gentiles' and ultimately get whatever
they wish without any justified criticism or opposition to their will as the spoiled brats of the earth.
Throw a temper tantrum and cry 'anti-semitism' as means of censoring others and indeed, beyond this
engineer 'holy' laws according to their chosen status ex cathedra as means of doing away with critics
through outright murder as in the soviet union. Soviet slave society the end game of jewry and we are
all now soviet pawns on the black and white checkerboard of their matrix.
The golden calf of modernity is posited by zionism as jewry-'noli me tangere', the untouchable
international jew, heir to the thrown of his own creation. The purpose of zionists and jews is to worship
jews as means of worshipping their ego, putting themselves upon a pedestal as faux humble [self]
righteous bigots, serving the jews in the name of 'the lord'-Lord of the jewish imagination having no

actuality about it, a mere fictional figure of ludicrous proportions-a violent old rabbi spitting hellfire
and defecating brimstone on the 'goyim' at the behest of jewish intrigue, serving as a hologram of
jewish self-deification, an illusion to manipulate the minds of the stupid to venerate, to prostrate before,
to idolize, even should it mean their own death as it is the 'Lord' who is the standard of all, again
according to the jews. Thus G-d is a projection of jewish megalomania, an archetype of jewish
psychopathology-violent; egostical; control freakish and domineering; contemptuous of all others
('though shalt have no gods before me'); a child murderer; a woman beater; a genocidist; a liar
attempting to promise something he had no right to give, ie. the earth for the inheritance of jewry.
The father figure deity who the goyim must bow before with fear and trembling-the abusive, sadistic,
father figure whose giving is a taking and who takes the souls of they who worship at his feet-soul
vampire; eater of millions; Jehovah lord of the hosts of hell, of demons of the jewish self-chosen
people, the race of anti-race.
Master of Bastards
The jew being a bastard conceals himself in the mixed multitude. In a pure nation whose people are not
hopelessly mixed, the jew is revealed in all of his chaotic nature-he can't conceal himself and is
unconcealed for the sight of the average member of the ethnically pure community or nation. Hence,
with his subterranean nature he seeks to worm his way into the culture of the pure and to contaminate
its purity, to create a veil behind which he may conceal himself.
The pre-given mixed society he was usually instrumental in creating in the first place but whether or no
he cannot derive his substance from the mixed society as it is invariably a dying people, dying by slow
degrees and thus having no life force upon which to feed. He thus gravitates towards the pure and yet-
his paradox- he seeks to taint the pure with the impure or with a divergent group and thus render it
impure. In doing so he destroys himself and the nation he feeds off to the extent he can accomplish his
goals and avoid being cast out of the society before it exceeds the point of salvation from his rapacity.
He thus can be a master only for a vain hour and his mastery heralds the twilight of the culture and
leads it into the darkness of its former light. The jew is thus the senescence of culture and is himself an
embodiment of that senescence-he is the mongrel hybrid plagued by all manner of diseases and
infirmities that he attempts to overcome through a complex system of eugenical inbreeding which only
forestalls his descent into that same darkness he brings about in the societies of Light.
The Aryan on the other hand can be master of himself first and foremost- in control of his will and able
to, being healthy in his purity-his relative purity-controls his own destiny. Hence he is master of
himself first and foremost. He may also be master of Others-of the non-whites. However, he chooses, if
he chooses wisely a choice he has transgressed in previous times to avoid mastering non-whites and
simply concern himself with his own expansion and advancement, slaughtering his enemies if need be
and pillaging them of their territory and resources by whatever means most pragmatically effective.
This does not of course necessarily entail harm to others...
The jew on the other hand is not master of his own destiny but rather is beholden to the fate of his
degraded being which perishes by slow degrees over the millenia and can only sustain itself in
parasitical relationship to its host, the pure Aryan race. Hence his fate is extinction through his own
inner chaos, 'entropy' which exacerbates over time and becomes even more chaotic. As the jew
recognizes his descent into hell he reacts in stereotypical fashion all the more vehemently in
desperation to preserve his kind, his racial soul, with its chaotic character and thus his natural
tendencies are amplified beyond concealment-he reveals himself and his true motive principle in his

behavioural traits: megalomania; narcissism; egotism, and a self oriented acquisitiveness answering to
a desperate survivalistic impulsive borne of his own inner contradictions.
Thus the jew can only be master for a vain and fleeting moment as his means of perpetuating himself
are inherently destructive. Hence, as Maurice Samuels the jew said in his book "You Gentiles": "we are
destroyers". Though the jew grabs the reigns of state power through his subterfuge and through his
financial intrigue and incentive he simply drives the carriage of state into a chaotic frenzy and winds up
plunging off a cliff. Being a slave to his passions the jew is master of none and those who value their
existence will either flee the destroyer-perhaps an impossible task-or will overcome him and take up
the reigns of state and salvage themselves from destruction.
Shepherd Kings
The jews conceive of themselves in masonic terms and masons conceive of themselves in jewish terms
as 'shepherd kings' or absolute rulers who shepherd the flock of slaves and lead them to the shearing
and ultimately to the slaughter. The priests of the order of Melchizedek are the self-appointed rulers of
the world who purport to serve as mediators between 'man' and 'god', between the mortal and mundane
and the immortal and supramundane, their being the nexus between the two, the godman or Divine
Being who, by virtue of their self divinity are entitled to rule over others as they have invented or
crafted the rules which are imposed as iron manacles upon the 'flock', the chains that bind the sheep to
the shepherd.
The notion of the shepherd king may have a tangible and historical context as well, that being the
nomadism of the Near Easterner, wandering about with sheep in the desert wastes and tending his
flock, serving as a microcosm of the metaphysical macrocosm or societal transposition of a particular
occupational 'fach' (line of business). The false humility of the tender of the wayward sheep with its
implied condescension is characteristically jewish in their habitual tendency to look down upon the
laity or those beneath them in the hierarchy of their stratified societies as the witless sheep.
Perhaps they, the rabbinical leadership are right in so thinking as the evidence of history illustrates.
However in applying the terms to relations between themselves and Aryans the falsehood and boastful
hubris is laid bare, made clear and plain as day in the superlative qualities of the Aryan and the
comparative defectiveness of jewry. The latter claims for itself a monopoly on the Spiritual, on 'God',
and posits itself on a pedestal as the Shepherd kings of the world, the oligarchs who would enslave all.
Today as yesterday, the fact of jewish hegemony and attempted total uncontested power is the same and
presumably given the nature of jewry will never be otherwise until they are overthrown and
permanently subjugated, castrated from having any power ever again. The priest kings desport as so
many vainglorious superiors in their masonic regalia as in times of old the Baal priests of Canaan and
Bablyon, of Phoenicia and of Etrutria lorded over their charges with haughty arrogance and
manipulated their flock of sheep as so many 'goyim' whether jewish or no.
With respect to the non-jewish 'goyim', the Baal priests of today and presumably historically under the
influence of the jewish kehilla masters, the black magician rabbis had an even greater condescension
towards the non-jewish goyim as did their shabbos goy occult servants who became 'twice the child of
hell' of the jew in their treatment of their own population and in their defilement and destruction should
they have gotten that far of their own kind and the ultimate overthrow of the gentile nation which was
the jewish intention in the first place.

The shepherd king jew thus plays the role of the pied piper leading the goyim off a cliff to their
destruction. The two-tiered society that jews invariably create, that between a society or nation state
they have taken over of non-jews which they try by subterfuge to subordinate to themselves and to rule
over. This two-tiered society which is and has always been perhaps a nation within a nation, a parasite
society in the host body of the gentile society that absorbs the wealth of nations into itself even as it
exists in a condition of dependency upon the host thereby as the ultimate conclusion destroying itself
through its own rapacity and boundless greed and control freakism, a control freakism perhaps born of
its own 'world fear' as Heidegger called it or insecurity born of its own weaknesses in confrontation
with a greater force than in itself, a stronger and more powerful group such as the Aryan which the jew
understands can only be conquered if at all through the anaesthetization of mind control and Spiritual
bondage, through black magic and trickery never through overt means which would simply bring about
their physical destruction and death.
Thus the jew must and forever will exist in this tense relationship with the Aryan at least to the extent
of the life of either, should the Aryan finally become subjugated and even be permitted to live (an
unlikelihood) the hateful and vengeful jew will treat the Aryan as the soviets were treated in the
Bolshevik revolution and subsequently as abused, tortured and terrorized slaves whose lives will be
misery from sun up to sun down without respite from the abuse.
The 'witch hunts' and burnings under the jewdeo-christian regime as well as the contemporary form of
the witchhunt 'gangstalking' is a jewish phenomenon born of their sadistic hatred of their superiors, the
Aryan, and will only amplify in intensity and negative affect should the jew gain his Pyrrhic victory
which could exist only for a nasty, brutish and short period before the self-destructive anarchy through
despotic rule that is the intolerable rule of jewry-with everything (acts, omissions, etc.) micromanaged
by jews as the shepherd kings chaining and manacling the sheep goyim on a tight lease and giving them
minimal to no freedom to roam, to manifest their proper destiny.
This was the fate of the former Russian empire under the tsars when the soviet plague was imposed by
the 'carrion fowl of humanity' as Napoleon called the jews. The subjugated people of Russia were
demoralized to a status of untermenschen and derived a means to express their conscious life, their
souls, in an authentic way, forced to adopt the artificial culture of the 'priest kings', their freemasonic
universalism in its most crudely materialistic form denying and destroying their organic Russian
culture (and this also with the installation of the christian mind program through orthodox christianity).
Thus into the present and the future one can understand that jewish behaviour is stereotyped and
unwavering in its nature and so too the behaviour of the Aryan-that the Aryan must be free to decide his
own destiny, he will not lay down and assume the yolk as a fatted beast of burden and allow himself to
be subdued and enslaved by the enemy Other-or even of his own kind. This is the fallacy of the
contemporary 'fat and happy' bourgeois and other classes of whites who have tolerated the jewish yolk
of usurious tax slavery and coerced work and have to accept it as a normal, necessary evil that should
be never-especially in the case of the christians-as a delightful service to 'god' and his self chosen
people. Even these pathetic churls have a breaking point and beasts of burden can only carry so much
of a load at the expense of their higher principle of being, of their proper destiny.
The jew and especially his upper crust goyim believe delusively that the white man will bear their
burdens in silent stillness earning their bread through the sweat of their brow and simply contemplating
the jewish lord after their day's drudge of feudalistic serfdom. How wrong they are, for, when the
masses are threatened sufficiently and stripped of their freedom to manifest their own proper destiny
they will rebel and this as a life of serfdom is unworthy of pursuit regardless of the putative social
recognition (status/social capital) or material 'payoff'-it is a cost too high to bear for even the dumbest

slave. Fortunately not all are dumb or slavish and this is the caste of artisans, trades people, small
business owners and other s intelligent enough and not corrupt enough to discern Truth from falsehood
and aspire to greater heights than abject servitude to jewry. Once the wizard of Zion is spied out as
ultima causa of global strife then out comes the Aryan knife and the Shepherd king himself is served up
on the altar of foreign gods, the tables being turned on the table turner jew and the end result being as
in the case of the destruction of ancient Rome at its most decadent by the barbarian hordes of Aryans,
only in this case no christian mercy or pity but rather the visitation of cosmic justice with the hammer
of Thor against the foe.
Twice the Child of Hell
The shabbos goyim who serve their jewish puppet masters are what the bible calls 'twice the child of
hell' of the jew-they are even more diabolical as whatever demonic forces possess them are entities
who can perhaps exert a greater control or at least a more erratic control over their tools as they are
over time bound to jews in one might say a 'neater fit' than that of those whose genetico-spiritual
constitution is more related to these entities, namely the jews themselves.
The hold that is exerted upon the non-jew by the entities jews are bound up with is of a more erratic
nature and thus perhaps this entity must exert a greater influence to harness the soul or become bound
with it.
The demons act through the material vehicle (body) of the shabbos goy and exert their influence over
him implanting thoughts in the consciousness of the shabbos goy, eg. making them think they are a
righteous superior being who is above others, not subject to the possession they themselves have
This is the concept of 'satan' one might call it: to deceive the slave class into thinking they are in
control when it is they who are controlled. The same applies to the jew who controls the shabbos goy
and who deceives the latter into thinking he is in the driver's seat though being unseated by the jew and
the jew perhaps fully aware that he is not fully in control but impelled by demons to act according to
their will.
It is the shabbos goy non-jew who is the recipient of the shitty end of the stick of the relationship-a
cuckold of jewry and the demons who possess him, a servitor of evil who must carry out the whim and
wish of the entity as means of deriving whatever delights he has offered to him as his carrot to get him
to pull the cart for the entity.
The robotic behaviour of the shabbos goy testifies to his complete subservience and total lack of
independent will that is brought about through such possession. The entity controls but is not
controlled, and supplants the will of the shabbos goy with that of his own will that impels the creature,
the golem, towards whatever acts that serve his own purpose. This could be and is in the main the
employment of the shabbos goy as an instrument of the inducement of stress and harm to others, such
that the reaction on the part of the victim targeted elicits the adrenaline response and/or considered
from a higher point of view perhaps a weakening or opening up of the soul so that the entity can either
possess it or vampirize it for itself and bind it to the hive mind of which it is a part and which the jews
have dubbed: "spiritual israel", ie. the satanic hive mind which feds itself as a hive mind egregoric
entity and collective consciousness through such means and coalesces around the black magic of the
jewish religion which binds to itself all and which one can speculate transmits soul energy to planet
Saturn, the dwelling place of these entities, the Lords of hosts, ie. Jehovah.

The rings of Saturn, proven by Russian cosmonauts and NASA to be manufactured by alien craft of ice
crystals and at this time to be melting, are what bind all to the "lord of the rings' to Sauron/Satan the
jewish deity generator of time and the matrix of illusion which surrounds the earth plane, trapping all
into lower density and enabling the atrophy and vampirization of their souls. The golem soul hive mind
that is Yahweh-Jehovah and is comprised in large part by the souls of the dead who were trapped in
material density -to dense to ascend beyond its rings beyond the seventh heaven-are absorbed therein
and are presumably employed as energetic food, human batteries perhaps, to generate the matrix and
trap all in the earth plane of lower density-this as means of perpetuating the cycles of time as
experienced on earth, generation and corruption, Ixion's wheel, and perpetuating the cycle of abuse.
'The Semite: Supremacistic Construct
The typically implicit behaviour of jewry entails dogwhistling their own alleged 'supremacy' and is
codified in their bible which they wrote 'in their own image', ie. in the image of a megalomaniacal
despot fanatically obsessed with global dominion over all.
Specifically as it relates to their biblical claims the notin of the 'semite' that jews relate to themselves as
their putative lineage it is implied supremacy to refer to themselves as 'semites' as the ancestry of shem
and his seedline the semites is claimed to be a special group who received the 'promise of global
dominion' by the Absolute or some particular jewish deity that is affirmed to exist without proof or
evidence and which is affirmed to have the power to confer upon the jews the sum total or everything
on the earth plane.
The facts of course say otherwise that those who are jews are indeed a 'race' but whether any such
figure as 'shem' existed is a question that is only answered with an unsubstantiated assertion, on the
basis of mere 'faith' and 'belief' which is groundless. Of course it may indeed be the case that a figure
such as 'shem' existed and that 'shem' is somehow related to a group of beings or a being called
Perhaps this entity is a coterie of alien extraterrestrials or a singular leader thereof who are reptilian
hybrid entities and who are bound up with jews via genetic hybridity (genetic engineering) or via
demonic possession, these entities being alleged by some such as David Icke to be transdimensional
shapeshifters who have the capacity to transform themselves into non-visible (by the naked eye) from
exiting in the lower astral planes and able to bind themselves to their slaves who the jews who
constitute the servants of these entities who wish to take the world for their inheritance.
Regardless of its truth or falsity this concept of the 'semite' is the basis of the conflagrations of this
world and the enslavement of all to them. Should this concept relate to those who are considered 'jews'
today this would contravene the 23 words namely "that which is good for the white race is of the
highest virtue, that which is bad for the white race is the ultimate sin". Should however the claims of
some variant of christian identity be True then 'shem' was a white man and then indeed it would be
entirely subscribable notion to adopt the label of a 'semite' as an appellation of one's own kind.
The claims of other disinfo and conspiracy theory agents such as Maximillian de Lafayette that the
Annunaki created certain strains of the white race and that these certain strains are whites from
Aldebaran it would be a veritable boon for the white race should this be the reality and should the
Annunaki indeed be the creators of the white race via genetic engineering and the whites be these
'semites' spoken of in the bible. Such would indeed be a boon but one can never be entirely convinced
given the tangled gordion knot of disinformation which has been intertwined with Truth and thus only
endless research and speculation is available as a path towards answers.

What must be done in order to remove the jews from power is: 1) to demythologize those currently
existent who claim to be jews and to expose them as demon seed of whatever particular type bringing
upon the rancour of the masses especially the christians as means of deceiving the mental pollution
from their mind and directing their feral aggression against the proper target; 2) portraying whites as
semites or the 'chosen ones' via christian identity however implicitly to shift white self hate towards
self love however self effacing and non-egotistical. The alternative is to allow the concept of 'the
semite' to continue to be bound to jewry and to continue to disempower and demoralize whites. The
choice is either expose the semite construct for the fiction that it is to reachable demographics (eg. non-
christians) and employ the C.I strategy with harder core christians or die.
Jewish Obscenity
The conventional understanding of 'obscenity' is that which is deemed 'grossly offensive', obscene 'that
which has a repulsive character and that which elicits disgust and is beyond the pale of tolerance. The
historical understanding of obscenity as it relates to jewish cultural distortion is that of pornography,
disproportionate and asymmetrical art, sleazy and smutty literature and poetry, etc.
However what may not readily be discernible to most is the parrallel which exists between jews and
obscenity as a relationship between Creator and creation between that group creates a certain product
and that product which is created by them, thus a relationship of necessity which exists between the
two with jewry creating obscenity as a natural manifestation of their consciousness.
It is the jew who, viewed by their standards, must be viewed as obscene and the more jewish in the
racial sense and in the psychological sense the more obscene they are. The pornographic industry in
movies, cartoons and comics and literature and painting, plastic arts and indeed in music is the
hallmark of jewish culture creation which amounts to cultural distortion.
All of the cultural forms of jewry are obscene. Jewish music is the music of chaos and vulgarity. An
example is jazz music, a feral and cthonic rhythm that seemingly one might venture to speculate
derives itself from the middle eastern dionysiac orgiastic rites which, given its grinding cacophony and
chaotic tonality connotes the play of the passions in the trysting and desportings of the initiatic revellers
amidst sex and death rites.
The urban music of the negro is in a way a jewish construct itself which shares in the soul and genetic
structure of jewry and which is an even more degraded form of 'sonic tellurism' if such it may be called
which drags the conscious mind into the depths of animalism and conditions the mind to restructure
itself along these lines, transmitting into the consciousness a negrified culture which transforms the
consciousness into that of a wigger (since we creators are always viewing the world from the
perspective of the white race only whites are herein considered).
The obscenity laws of the catholic church and the turn of the last century were devised to prevent the
incursion into white society of jewry and the introduction into the consciousness of the population of
jewish ideas.
However they were obliviously inadequate in relation to the money power and its lugenpresse-juden-
presse and the money controlled by jewry bought the influence needed to overturn its laws through the
control of the mind and through the incentivization of racial treason amongst the ruling power of whites
who allowed their nation to fall into the hands of jewry and on that basis allowed their own destruction
through permitting the very obscenity they sought to prevent in the first place (the creedo catholico
'sicut judaeus non' obviously was ineffective to curtail the sewage from the cultural depths from rising
and contaminating the relatively pure waters of white cultures).

Of course the history of jewish obscenity is the history of jewry and the history of jewry runs parrallel
to that of the history of the white race for at least several millenia and thus the history of culture is the
history of contamination of cultural purity-culture in the higher sense of a spiritual kind having been
contaminated with the relative impunity of jewish ideas and ideals and thus bringing about the
degradation of the white culture. The whole affair one might say is obscene both on its surface and in
its depths and the only solution is the positing or affirmation of a cultural purfication or ethnic
cleansing of the culture of the white race and this through a manifestation of whiteness in every and all
forms of life as per Oswald Spengler's conceptions in "The Decline of the West"-that all creations of a
Creator entail the Creator as agent of the Creation. The soul of the Creator is placed in the Creation and
the Creation is a manifestation of the Creator's soul in tangible form and thus inextricably bound up
with him.
The outer is the inner and the inner is the outer-the soul of the race externalizes itself in the aesthetic
forms of its material vehicle's constructs and can be inferred therefrom. Hence one can infer that
foreign forms of culture are harmful to the racial soul and must be observed as one would observe a
virus under a microscope.
Should one have a stronger immune system he might be able to study that culture or art but none may
return from it to their own culture unblemished and untainted. This is not to say that a crystallization of
cultural forms occurs as the Racial soul is metamorphic, it transforms itself in relation to the Other-the
terroir- and grows or atrophies and degenerates depending upon the culture it interacts with.
The jews know this which is why they deliberately create a culture which harms by virtue of it s
discordant nature, its obscenity, when assimilated by the host as a morsel of food is assimilated by a
creature the strength or weakness being akin to the consumption of berries or witch hazel for a
The jew panders poison in the cultural sphere as means of destruction, poisoning of the host and of
weakening it with a gradual 'sickness unto death' initiated by the introduction of the beguiling, of the
mystique of the foreign, which the jew has learned through trial and error is the means of inserting the
thin end of the wedge into the host.
As a trick the jew anaesthetizes the area of the insertion of its pincers before burrowing in, and the
mystique of the unknown, the mysterious, is the mechanism of action that enables their penetration into
the host.
The taste of the nation at first may be refined and organic in the traditional sense but later becomes
more and more vulgarized as the influence of the jew increases. The degradation of society, of the
Aryan nations, and its culture is transitioned in a downward spiral towards total destruction. At this
point all jewry needs to do is to pull the plug and unleash the chaos then blame it on 'liberals'; 'satan';
'luciferians' or whatever other scapegoat and all of their christian slaves will inevitably follow suit,
slaughtering and murdering whoever the jews tell them. It is either this or there will be a sufficient
revitalization of the blood memory of the Aryan and he will awaken from the slumber he has fallen into
and overcome the parasite and his destructive influence. Victory or death awaits and it is only a matter
of time before either course is taken and whites live or die and with them all worthwhile culture on the
face of the earth.

Judaism and Jews

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Desert dwelling demon seed

Wander the earth bent on greed
Jealous hatred of Aryan breed
Kikes would annihilate better seed

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Jewish devils invent creed

Call it holy Christianity
Insert it into the mind of thee
Aryan God man of the Roman breed

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Jewish tyrants to dark age lead
Destroy the culture of the higher breed
Burn temples and libraries out of need
To blot out the light of Aryanity

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Aryan warriors following the solar light

Blazing a path into darkest night
Oppose the vileness of the kike
Called Bible-bodily, spiritual blight

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

A new world born from the past

The greedy Jews former soul repast
Frenzied path toward Dominion task
Aryan revival resistance to that

Jewish religion, Jewish racism
Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Kikes in desperation on the move

Enemies with nothing more to lose
Their time draws nigh which will prove
Their fate in hellfire-inevitable doom

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Aryan might asserts itself

Combating all demons of hell
Pashu bloody corpses smell
For dark forces the death knell

Jewish religion, Jewish racism

Jewish Dominion, Jewish prison
Judaized Christians, Jewish minions
Aryan's witness, Jews are finished

Aryan victory over the earth
Bringing light to all living worth
Casting out all Pashu dirt
Into open graves sacrifice to Surtr

Lie #3
Racism... or Realism?
The lie of 'racism' as plagued the white race for over one hundred years. The history of racism as an
'evil' or immorality traces itself to Jewish intrigue and their propaganda apparatus, their Soviet and
Weimar planning. Indeed the history of this lie of the 'evil of racism' (the ultimate evil of our times
according to the Jewish spin doctors, that being an affirmation of difference, and exaltation and focus
upon identity as conditio sine qua non of a higher form of life-at least it's basis) has become a religion-
yet another false dogma created by jewry as an ideology of denigration born of their spitefulness and
hatred for their superior as Nietzsche so eloquently discussed in his works "The Antichrist"; "The
Genealogy of Morals" and "The Twilight of The Idols".
'Racism' is the ideology of race-neither good nor evil in and of itself. However according to the
morality of the Chandala, of the untermenschen, the sub-human beast embodying itself in the Christian
creed of "there is neither Jew nor Greek". The ideology of race, in and of itself neither bad nor good,
serves as a means toward a recognition of truth and a 'living in the truth', acting according to truth and
establishing it as such, as an objective reality that must be dealt with-identifying oneself via a sound
doctrine of racial self-understanding, understanding of the 'Other' (of different types) and coming to an
understanding through reason and intuition of how to deal with oneself and one's own kind and what
relation one should have toward the 'Other'.
Racism dust is an essential conceptualization of ‘dasein’ in Heidegger's terms (‘there being’, who one
is) and failure to properly conceptualize things leads toward via the absurd dogma of 'anti-
racism'(“there is neither Jew nor Greek") a life lived against life, against one's own better interests and
the interests of one's own kind. Hence to attempt to shift attention away from or deny 'race' as a reality
and to properly conceptualize race is to sabotage one's own existence and that of his race.
The blind fools who are the white race of today live life ignoring life, in a state of blissful ignorance as
they understand that in order to profit from the current anti-white society and to be considered
'desirable' or 'socially normal' they must adhere to the abnormality of the sick society-they must adopt
its sickly creeds of self-abasement and suicidal altruism and suicidal anti-white values. Else they are
rendered outcasts, pariahs of the social and are deprived of the means to fulfill their proper destiny
according to their proper nature (their rightful place in caste, color and social function-’varna
shramdharma’ as it is called in the Vedic tradition).
Racism thus according to classical values, to Aristotelian virtue ethics, is 'good not 'evil', and certainly
not bad. No, it is bad for those not white for whites to adopt a suicide creed so that whites can be
exterminated from the earth through making concessions of power to the Other. The non-whites want
whites out of the picture now that they have all of what they falsely believe they would need from
whites in order to perpetuate an earthly kingdom of self-indulgence, serving their decadent whims and
wishes with the white man's technology.
Where the err of course lies in the fact that the technology in its current form is not sustainable nor are
any of the currently developed systems of social, economic and political organization. Perhaps they
have secret technology that they have derived from the white man in years past? Regardless, their
nature leads to devastation of the earth through their profligacy and, like a swarm of locusts would
simply lead toward their own destruction.
Hence the white man has yet another burden to bear-that being to sustain a world in a harmonious
manner. He must, in order to do so, recognize the necessity of racism as an ideology and as a fact in

order to preserve his kind and thereby preserve the earth and its diverse types. He must accordingly
'straighten out his thinking' as Ben Klassen advised to avoid the impending catastrophes of the Kali
Anti-Race Psychopathology
The race traitor has a certain set of behavioural traits that comprise a psychical complex: deviant
minded, 'unhealthy', divorced from natural instincts and survival instincts; overly intellectualized and
incapable of a sound intuitive understanding of Being/Reality.
The race-traitor is either 1) an 'anti-racist' in 'modernity' and throughout 'modernity's history' (the Kali
Yuga) or 2) he is a devotee (sometimes literally as with the christian who venerates the jewish anti-race
race) of other biological groups than his own, a worshipper of the 'Other' in today's modern world, the
'Other' meaning the non-white is established on a pedestal as the greatest of greats and object worthy of
veneration to such a degree that it becomes sacrilege to even speak of the non-white as an existing
being simply to pay silent lip service to the non-white through a perpetual walking on eggshells and an
obsequious prostration before this idol of non-white being.
Of course the anti-white displays this psychopathology for a variety of reasons and must interiorize this
modality of behaviour as a default tendency a reflex action of consciousness in relation to whites and
non-whites as means of implying his objectivity and broad minded 'spiritual' quality that purports to
stand above the particularity of biological difference, ie. 'Reality'. Thus in gesturing in this way
implying his 'moral' superiority' he purports to posit himself in a heaven world above and to look down
upon the peons of the mundane world beneath. This as a gesture of self-genuflexion before his vanity
The reasons why the anti-racist becomes who he is: cowardice; weakness in the face of significant
opposition to mainstream political discourse/propaganda, ie. the advocacy of anti-racist rhetoric and
correlative behavioural modalities, ie. anti-white hatred; race denialism; denial of white identity, its
construal as merely a concept, etc. as means of ignoring genocidal conditions imposed upon that race.
The anti-racist is weak in his constitution is of a female mind, incapable of drumming up sufficient
willpower to oppose the popular crowd and must side with it as means of deriving personal advantage
which in his reckoning though he would never acknowledge it, supercedes the value of his race and its
continuance and that of the culture which is a direct result of it.
The anti-racist who is apathetic as to the survival and continuance of his own kind is typically a
specious minded self-server who seeks his own self-interest and even overtly attacks his own kind as
means of obtaining it. The anti-racists who are devotees of 'Otherness' (non-whiteness) display an even
more pathological tendency-the veneration of that which threatens their own kind as competition for
territory and power and thus actively embrace the seeds of their own destruction within themselves.
They are the fertile soil in which these seeds take root, planted by the jew and other non-whites aping
the jews' behaviour to hijack the corrupt rotten weeds of the white race-those susceptible to anti-racism,
in whose soil these thought forms take root-and to have them spread and destroy all of that around
them. These are directed towards extreme selfishness, towards unhealthy attraction (fatal attraction) to
the non-white other and lack healthier instincts, their blood memory being weakened, and thus are the
prime candidates for the spread of corruption of the jew. They are the vectors of the jewish virus of
anti-racism which the jew introduces into them as mechanism of genocide and co-optation and
enslavement of the 'anti-race' mongrel mass of goyim over whom the jew lords as 'master of bastards'
as Hitler said. It is the defective who the jew identifies and singles out to mind control to suit his
agenda-the healthier stock avoids all of the deviant behaviour and tendencies introduced by the jew

those intelligent enough to understand their own good, the conditions for the maintenance of
civilization and who, though not overly intellectualized, are nonetheless intelligent in the sense of
rational and of sound mind.
It is the deviants of both upper and lower caste who the jew targets especially and for the most part,
once enough upper caste representatives can be corrupted with his falsehood and lies the trickle down
effect occurs, and leads to a wholesale corruption of the stock who imitate their socioeconomic 'betters'
in most cases-the lower caste driven to an even greater extent into poverty by the upper caste's
corruption are then led by the jews' rabble rouser to destroy their 'betters'. Unless of course the petit
bourgeois caste of the tradespeople and small business owners take action and caste out so decadent
and corrupt rulers. Failing this it is they who are often the casualty of the wrath of the mass directed
against them out of jealousy and spite incited by the jew.
The healthy instinct, the blood memory of the petit bourgeois is the salvation of society against the
viral infection of the jews and their pestilential mind viruses which they inculcate into the
consciousness of their deviant puppets to contaminate the society as a whole. The contamination of
anti-racism cannot inhere without the consciousness of those of healthy stock-this is why the jew
employs all manner of means to reduce the health of the stock to more effectively achieve their
objective of genocide: chemical means (pharmacy; poison water; fetilizer; pesticide; chemtrails;
vaccinations); biological (genetic engineering non-white invasion) psychological (demoralization
propaganda and the self-destructive rhetoric and sounds, sights and vibrations which play upon the
mind via media and cell tower, etc.) and any and all other means of reducing all to the lowest common
Once the stock is debased to the lowest level of contamination the jews can then incite violence against
them (as they are doing at the time of this writing) and have the more animalistic and violent non-
whites murder them as the ultimate bioweapon. Now it is the vaccine bioweapon that is being put forth
as the mechanism of destroying all whites, not jew worshipping race traitors, ie. all healthy minded
whites who have not sold their soul to the jew as means of facilitating the mongrel world order agenda.
It is the healthy minded whites who constitute the greatest threat to the jew and hence the jews
deliberate sabotage of the small business through their orchestrated chaos which all zionists and liberal
globalists have contributed to as means of further destroying the whit race whether consciously or no.
Anti-racism is the fanaticism of the mass mind which forever seeks to destroy and ferret out any
healthy minded whites-targeting them and spying on their own and suppressing, shunning and
exlcuding any of the former heros of society who would have been its defenders and protectors now
reduced to the level of a criminal; outcast; outlaw-all owing to the decadence and weakness of the
white population and this through the instrumentality of jewish black magic witchcraft-mind control
demoralization and the erasure of the culture of the white man, the beacon of light that is civilization.
To be anti-racist is to be an unhealthy and sick creature whose mind is molded into the shape intended
by the jew. To be a racist is to be a healthy minded representative of Tradition, an embodiment of the
blood memory that the jew can only attempt to defile and to attempt to destroy through his usage of his
'anti-racist' scum, be they upper class deviants or the dregs of society. In this world it is a war
everlasting and to the termination of either: racists or anti-racists-take your side and if you don't know
whose side you're on you might be an anti-racist having a deviant mind.

Tripartite Racial Conception
The following purports to be a preliminary presentation of the racial doctrine of Julius Evola as
originally outlined in his works "Synthesis of Racial Doctrine" and "The Elements of Racial
The works of Evola treated of the Aryo-Germanic races, those who are the closest to the Hyperborean
origin of the white race in its purest form and can still bear the label 'whites' appended to it. The Aryan
race, the Solar-Uranic race who encapsulates within itself the race of the body of a dynamic,
harmonious as pure, constitution that has the greatest and purest energy with the least obstruction
standing in its path and thus has the greatest willpower-this type will be treated of first.
The race of the body of the Aryan race is the purest body as least contaminated with disparate elements
and thus may be said to be that which most closely approximates godhood on the earth as it is that
which most closely resembles the white gods, bearers of all civilization and reflects their image in
itself, as well as their behaviour in its action: dynamic; controlled; willful; its separate parts, 'separate'
considered in abstracto, forming the greater symmetry of parts, the most proportional and least for that
reason inharmonious.
Thus it is an integral, dynamic system, the body of the Aryan race, and cannot be easily rendered
chaotic relative to that of others whose disparate elements are merely a latent form of chaos leading
inevitably to outward expression through their existence as, in the form of eg. disease states and various
psychological complexes based upon their inner schism. Thus the purer one is in body the healthier and
more well adjusted and integrated one is in the soul.
The soul of the Aryan is also harmonious-as much as can be in a world gone mad with "strife, endless
strife" as Heraclitus said. The Solar-Olympian race of the Aryan soul is that which transcends the chaos
of the transient mundane world and this based upon its attachment to its higher principles which are the
principle of its integrity and existence.
Even in spite of the dissolution of the modern world and its so to speak dissolving influence through its
chaotic culture and mixed multicultural clashing the whites stand the greatest opportunity of elevating
themselves above the fray unlike the mud races whose chaotic behaviour, whether within their own
homogeneous environment or within the multikult of volk chaos is revealed in its disintegrative
influence upon themselves and upon the environment in which they dwell.
The soul of the Aryan is one whose stability or stabilizing influence certainly, a result of the higher
spiritual principle, enables the emotions to be directed under will and this tempered and channelled
towards objectives which are determined from above not from below. Hence the ability of the Aryan to
exercise a self possession and self control which exceeds that of the non-whites to an incomparable
degree, demarcating as it were a separate species through this superlative faculty of reason
superintended by the supra-rational intuition ('intellection') of what can only be spoken of as 'god
consciousness', the immediate apprehension of essences (transcendental apperception). This faculty
takes us to the realm of Spirit, of the race of the Spirit in its only form, that of the Aryan race that alone
which can attain to a higher state of being beyond the mundane world.
This Spiritual faculty is the dwelling of the highest form of consciousness beyond all contingent spatio-
temporality existing in Eternity in the realm of the immortals, heaven. Only the white race can attain
this state of being beyond the realm of the soul in the astral planes and certainly beyond. The coarse
state of beast consciousness attainable by all of the lower bipedal forms and constitutive of the lowest

common denominator of consciousness. This is the realm, that of beast consciousness, that is the
province of the beastman and that is the realm in which he habitually dwells.
Thus it is fair at this point to treat of the non-white beastman and specifically those of the lower orders
of consciousness-the darker 'races' or species of bipedal entities whose outer visual appearance reflects
the lack of inner light in a fractal manner, the lack of light being a lack of radiance of the Spirit within
at higher non-visual planes.
The body of the 'dark' or black and brown 'races' is that of greatest density-the bones and flesh and
indeed even the eyes are covered with a thicker sheath of dense material-the eyes with a scleral
covering that oft-times results in glaucoma-like conditions and which coating is absent in all others; the
thick, hide-like skin which has a leather-like, grainy quality, the microscopic structure being of a
coarser quality seeming to protect the being in its comparatively rude environment. Nonetheless, the
muscular architecture and bones are, relative to the white man, not designed for the willful bursts of
exertion and capacity for endurance of great intensity under will of the Aryan but rather are designed
almost as if it were through genetic engineering for the purpose of low level grunt work carried out
with minimal energy expenditure over the course of many hours such as in cotton picking or perhaps
other agrarian tasks.
The musculo-skeletal structure of the white man by contrast with his thicker tendons and longer muscle
bellies; thicker bones and more linear form, though compact and powerful and not excessively lean or
subject to the androgynous hip structure as the negro further testifies to his, the white man's powerful
dynamism that propels him as the only appropriate vehicle of his furious will towards the achievement
of his creative pursuits and objectives.
The relative onset of puberty of the negro further underscores that his maturation is limited to the
purely physical task of manual labour which the history of the world has borne out as his vocation-he
doesn't mature beyond the physical as the white man whose speculative mind necessitates a greater
time for the flowering of his creative faculties enabling him to achieve the works of genius that only he
can attain.
The soul of the dark races may be characterized as that of a state of infantilism or a relatively low level
of imaginative flights of fancy combined with a tendency always towards the feral drives of fight, flight
fornicate, feed and propagate all of which consists of a tendency towards the excitation of the lower
faculties and a child-like propensity towards manipulation and dominance.
The soul of the dark races (and this to varying degrees) thus constitutes one that is nearly entirely the
plaything of fate to which it is subject not being guided and controlled by any higher principles which
enables it to overcome the play of the sense the pull of the lower drives which for it are the motor of its
existence. As with all hybrids the more interbred the more chaotic and yet also the more the share in
white blood the more intelligent, the more self-controlled and the less chaotic and inclined towards the
violence of a brute nature.
The hybrid jew could properly be spoken of as a 'de-man' or man devolved and demon possessed by
external forces (demons), partakes of both the black and the white blood and not for this reason alone
constitutes a receptacle of chaos which obviously manifests itself outwardly in chronic violence; deceit;
and the subterranean nature of jewry.

Additionally the mongrel hybrids who have been the leaders of all revolutions from Che to Lenin; Mao
to Stalin; Trotsky to Castro and all points in between, have been hybrid jews possessing both the
demonic element and the negro element and guided by the white and indeed perhaps (certainly?) the
demonic as well as in intelligence ('mente' in the occult sense as well as in the mundane).
The mongrel typifies chaos and the body of the mongrel is an outer expression of the inner schism, the
syncretic amalgam of soul essence deriving itself from all of the disparate blood types. The twisted
features of the mongrel bear witness to that inner chaos and this the mongrel knows and no matter how
'society' and its standards are changed and tweaked to accommodate the mongrel-indeed even should
all be mongrels there will nonetheless be class and hierarchy not only in aesthetics, merely the outer
form, but in mentality, behaviour and their outer forms of occupation and power share. The cases of
Brazil and South America, of the Middle East and indeed of the entire world have been mixed to
varying degrees over millenia and this serves as apodictic proof of the necessity of the differentiated
quality which is an axiom writer indelibly in the fabric of the Real with a laser and can never be effaced
irregardless of whatever human measures are taken or ostensive 'Divine' ones at that. Thus the
mongrel's outer being reflects its inner soul as the receptacle, bearing the false light within, that of the
mixed and chaotic being.
The Spirit of God dwells not in the lower types but rather only in the Aryan and hence qualifies the
latter as higher, as 'coming from above'. The Spirit can be best approximated and thus constitutes the
false light and this can be observed in the cultures which Evola characterizes as 'crepuscular remnants'
of the now extinct Aryan cultures in those particular geographical regions, eg. the Gobi desert
civilization becoming China; Tibet becoming race-mixed and transformed into a buddhist from a Bon
religion or Spiritual tradition; India becoming mixed and shifting from Vedism to Hinduism; the Near
East transforming into Arabs and losing touch with the ancient Aryan Ennead of Sumeria and Babylon;
Egypt also following this course and all of these previously Aryan civilizations degrading via
interspecial/'racial' mixture forming the mongrels of varying types in those regions now bearing their
The cultures which now exist in these regions are amalgams of non-aryan and Aryan (proto-negro and
proto-mongol extinct 'races' or 'species' of bipedal entity) are the outer expression of the race of soul of
the mongrel and indeed of its body as the cultural artefacts; buildings, etc. are developed to adopt to the
body type and to serve the distinct 'races' or 'species' purposes. Hence in Africa mud huts are adequate
and the rude implements of tribal war and the propitiation of the orishas which they venerate. For them
this is adequate and completes their being as a crystallization of their soul in a particular definite set of
circumstances wherein they dwell and carry out their purposes.
For the Chinaman a silken gown and a copy of the Analects of Confucius and the Tao Te Ching are
adequate as well as the opulent and indeed one might say decadent lacquered wooden and stone
carvings that surround the dinner table. Such an array caters to the taste of the being and is adequate, is
indeed the cultural completion of their form.
For the chaotic mongrel such as the jew the establishment of temples to their 'God' is adequate and yet
never adequate as they are driven by an inner restlessness without higher Spiritual principle other than
a fictive creation of their mind they call 'God' to roam the earth as the wandering jew seeking to rule for
themselves and themselves alone.
The Aryan finally is unending in his quest, yet his quest, spreading outwards over time and place is
nonetheless undergone with an eye (Odin's eye) looking towards Eternity, towards the pole star of Polar

Aryan Race
The Aryo-Germanic race, the descendants of Hyperborea, are generally conceived to be the degraded
remnant of the once pure race whose presumed inevitable extinction on the earth plane will arise owing
to miscegenation, to the interspecial mixture which occurred over the millenia with proto-negro and
proto-mongol elements. Such esotericists and philosophers as Julius Evola, Rene Guenon and Oswald
Spengler and Francis Parker Yockey, the oft-times termed 'traditionalists' and organicists respectively
have contained in their works (with the possible exceptions of Evola and Spengler though their tone
suggests in theirs as well a certain inevitable devolution; though Evola may be exempt from the
judgment) the suggestion of such an inevitable downgoing through the wave of the Demiurge, the evil
Perhaps this is not the case and will be discussed at a later time in another discourse but suffice it to say
it is a fair assertion to make that what is known as the white race has undergone a downgoing, a
devolution, fallen from grace, from the possession of the Divine Spark or Holy Graal as Jorg lans von
Liebenfels has stated.
Be this as it may the Aryan race nevertheless constitutes a stable biological amalgam of predominantly
paleo-racial traits which could properly be spoken of as 'Hyperborean' or even Polarian, of an earlier
epoch in its alternation or change as Blavatsky, Karl Maria Wiligut as others have contended. Thus it is
the purest and highest spiritual and material form.
This race, the creator of all civilization properly so-called is the only source of all worthwhile and
meaningful/culture is the bearer of all of that which is meaningful on the face of the earth. The
characteristic of this race may be seen in the mode of existence that formed a society throughout
history, fixing a caste which reflected those traits in hierarchical form: the caste of the priest
embodying what Evola called the 'Spiritual sovereignty' of the Race-the capacity of an immanent
transcendence, a superceding of the chaotic states of contingent that otherwise scatter the consciousness
and lead towards its fragmentation and atavistic regression towards the lower states of consciousness.
The priestly caste vocation of a communion with The Divine and an intermediation of the Divine forces
and their intervening and influencing the earth plane and the racial collective is their alloted vocation
and constitutes the crown of that race, its highest state of Being that can be attained by it and it alone.
Thus the priest caste in its traditional historical pre-christian form and whatever remnant of it still exits
to this day are the principle of authority for the race without which it pursues its course blindly and can
then be either enslaved or killed by the enemy as it would then have no compass with which to guide
The warrior aristocracy is subordinate in a traditional caste system based upon the self-organization of
the organism as a racial soul and biological race within the context of the contingencies of the mundane
world and the necessity as the expansion and advancement of itself. The warrior aristocracy embodies
the willpower of the race, perhaps it itself being unduly restricted to its own mechanical exercise-power
for the sake of power, for a venting of strength purely as an in-itself. The direction of the priest caste
towards Spiritual development utilizes the otherwise in large part Spiritually myopic questing of the
aristocracy and, harnessing it, directing it towards the Spiritual goal of the self evolution of the
Thus, though the Aryan race is a devolved product of previous degenerative forms that is has
assimilated into itself it is nonetheless oriented towards its expansion and the priest caste is the guide
just a the aristocracy is the willpower through which is acts on the mundane plane as soldiers having

had issued to them their marching orders towards a foe-a general strategy or direction being the
purview of the priests.
Thus the Aryan race seeks its expansion and advancement and all of the subordinate elements of the
organism-the artisans, the labourers, are directed towards the upliftment of the race in its quest for
The solar ray of Aryan consciousness projects from upon high from the higher planes and is mediated
through the priest caste and towards those who exist under itself receiving the light though the
themselves generate light as members of that race of Aryans the light is amplified by the priest caste (if
and when they are authentically Aryan) and serve their own kind are not, as during the period of
christianity, a self-serving group of parasites and/or deviant group of judaizers and castigators of their
own people, indeed as murderers of their own kind as of today. The light of the North-of the Solar-
Uranian race shines forth and grows ever brighter when it is allowed to shine.
The enemy the jew seeks to subvert that race by dulling its brilliance through countless means- through
the suppression of its higher consciousness and all of that cultural upliftment that is possible for it to
enhance itself and attain godhood which can't be attained by any other group.
It is reasonable with all of the foregoing to conclude that the path of the Aryan race has as its goal
godhood, the preservation of its kind and its advancement and expansion and though it is beset along
the path by enemies who wish to snuff out its light and drag it downwards into their own chaos and
inevitable doom it still moves forward progressively. Its purity will continue to maintain itself and from
out of itself like a butterfly coming out of a cacoon it will have attained its higher state of godhood and
shine in the light of its own refulgence.
The path is obstructed by the forces of evil-those of the jews and their non-white hordes and anti-white
whites and self-serving white traitors. These represent obstructions along the path needing to be cleared
away as it is they who depend upon white labour and creative genius and who suicidally insist upon
eliminating the very basis upon which they stand. Though their agenda is mongrelization they would
obstruct the progress of the white race and yet need the whites for their long term agenda though
amongst them many are blinded by the delusive belief that they can 'make it' without whites and that
they could have a world that they could make in their own image, a world of black and brown rubbish
that would serve as an impossible substitute for the creative and inventive white race. Thus it can be
seen that since they have convinced themselves of their folly they nonetheless fool themselves as their
intended goals are an impossibility and thus they are a failure a priori. The goal now is to induce as
many healthier minded pro-whites to come onto the side of their own race as possible before they miss
their chance and wind up on the side of the enemy.
The light of the Aryan and its culture will either be snuffed out or will be triumphant and will rule the
world for itself and itself alone. All other possibilities than the 'either-or' are ruled out-it is victory and
triumph or total defeat and the extinction of all culture on the face of the earth and the perpetual
warring of all others unto death. Even should the latter result and the white race cease to exist the
perpetual movement of the cosmos will continue and will eventuate in countless other forms eventually
and indeed all of these which exist at this time presumably Nordic aliens and whatever other forms of
life not visible or on the surface of the earth. Regardless the duty of the white race at this time is to
facilitate its own evolution and first and foremost to achieve its survival.
This can only be obtained through combat and force and the enemy understands this all too well. At
this point the white race still fails to understand the harsh necessity of combat and that without active
resistance in the form of force against the enemy directed towards the goal of their subjugation there

will be no hope of survival and at best it would perhaps buy a short span of time before the assault will
be led against them by the foe which would inevitably come one way or another.
Though the foe would undoubtedly attempt to corral the white race into an enclave of sorts, an
'ethnostate', it would simply be easier to destroy whites should this ever be a possible outcome of the
cabal's machinations. Hence, cowardly flight from reality, an escapism and a concealment or pure
withdrawal of forces from the battle is a recipe for extermination not to the superlative development of
the white race let alone the means towards its securing of its survival.
One must embody all of the virtues of the Aryan in order to achieve the goal of the 14 words, that being
the embodiment of the Olympian sovereignty of the priest caste to the extent possible for one, the
transcendence of the contingent directing of one's consciousness towards the god of the survival,
expansion and advancement of the white race the superlative consciousness of the priest caste, a
spiritually oriented consciousness participating in the higher planes-to whatever extent possible is a
necessity, be one of the lowest or highest echelon of society as social status in the modern world of
degeneracy no longer matters it is only who one is body, mind and soul, that matter and this-whatever
one was dealt as a hand from birth-is the rude material from which the higher states of one's own being
may emanate growing out of the primordial ooze like the state of beast consciousness or merely
rational consciousness towards the higher states of mind and being.
With this state of being one must develop oneself into a warrior and that of adamantine will,
uncompromising with oneself and others, maintaining standards and exceeding them in an effective and
if desirable and sustainable way (else not-he must be willing to go when called-)and enforcing
standards in his own race as well, not allowing any slackening or degenerate deviant behaviour to
result. The foe understands amongst many of their members the necessity of combat and victory or
defeat. Should they relent in their constant assault they will have conceded victory and from thence
they will be to put to the sword according to the principles of cosmic justice, of karmic law.
Their strategy is to deceive whites into thinking that their own survival as individual whites will be
better secured through racial treason than racial loyalty. The usage of guilt-tripping; demoralization
propaganda, is the main mechanism of the assault as they prepare to murder the white population with
vaccinations in a cowardly backstab. Enough intelligent whites will wake up and enough will take the
necessary means to bring the conflict to a hot one out in the open. Once this occurs the system will
spiral down in a tailspin and bring about its own destruction. This is what is necessary-a wakeup call
and a pushing over the chain of dominoes leading to the destruction of the system. The simplest
messages and facts are adequate to initiate the fall of the dominoes but they are not falling fast enough,
more muscle is needed to topple them and this is where the counter propaganda element enters in.
There is no need for any initial salvos of physical assault as the foe reacts hysterically over even the
merest trifles, the merest words.
Racial Authority: Body; Soul; Spirit
For the Aryan to be authentic in its Spiritual evolution and attain its proper state or what is proper to
itself necessitates the harmonious adjustment of all of its elements and governed by a direction of the
consciousness to the higher states.
The body must be an 'Aryan' and not a non-Aryan body type and act in the way of an Aryan-dynamic
striving; agility; superlative pound for pound strength governed by an adamantine will; a parsimonious
and self-supporting system, an efficient mechanism of the will to power of the Aryan-not an
excessively muscular and bloated form, or an excessively emaciated one but one, reminiscent of a

traditional soldier-wiry and muscular, taking in no more food than is necessary for its proper and
indeed its optimal functionality according to its original design.
The soul of the Aryan must be of a stable and equilibrious nature-not given to fluxuations in its mood
and attachment to material conditions but rather towards an elevation of a dynamic form which is
nonetheless equilibrious in the sense of an Aristotelian entelecheia. With the Spirit superintending over
all the lower states it functions harmoniously under its aegis in the mode of acting without acting (wei
wu wei), of immanent transcendence.
This may be contrasted with the body type of the mongrel: disproportionate; asymmetrical; awkward; a
body not given to efficiency of movement and energy economy but rather one that wastes its forces in
superfluous movements and corrections of its movements. The same could be said for the soul of the
non-white especially of the mongrel: wholly chaotic, given to all manner of unstable tendencies,
inharmonious states manifesting in chronic psychopathologies and effects and manifesting outwardly in
actions of a deviant and perverse kind-those kinds which lead towards greater chaos than less. The title
of the book "The Jew as Criminal" is one such example of the 'criminal', ie. transgressive and
disorderly conduct of jewry, the archetype of mongrelization of race. 'Spiritually' if such it could be
called, the mongrel plays host to demons and thus becomes a vehicle of their own tendencies which
almost certainly jar against their own. Thus the contrast between the mongrel and the white race
underscores not only the necessity of separation but of inevitable conflict for mastery of the world.
Pantheism: Jewish Tellurism
The philosophy of pantheism is that which fails to attain any comprehensive articulation of Deity
restricting itself purely to the mundane plane of the transient, of the world of becoming, of that which
comes to be (generation) and passes away (corruption/degeneration). It is a philosophy of finitude, of
'worldliness', in the most telluric sense of the word and thereby characteristically and definitively
jewish. Definitively as typifying the jewish character and nature of the 'natural man' divested of inner
light, of the light of the soul.
This worldview is a perfect encapsulation of modernity, of the modern world, which makes of it, a
jewish creed, the creed of worldliness. Of course the jewish creed in either its talmudic-torah form or in
that of its reformist or communist-secular form is nonetheless jewish-in all cases it may posit a 'god
above' but that god is pantheistic nonetheless as the fables of jewish emanationism codified in their
texts are little more than an arbitrary positing of a particularistic anthropomorphic (metaphorically
considered) 'deity' and in practice is only above the pantheistic worldview in a fictive manner of
The jewish character is thoroughly pantheistic as its contemplative relationship to Deity is outweighed
and superceded by its naturalistic and behavioural tendency, the tendency towards the exercise of the
passions in a state of feral indulgence: eat; drink and be merry-such is the tendency of jewry at its
highest height-at its lowest depth it is even more entrenched in the vile rites of Dionysos, of the cult of
the mother goddess which is its 'Ain Soph Aur'.
The telluric consciousness of jewry has served as the poisoned wellspring from which has emanated its
behavioural tendencies: its cunning and its greed, which are the Demiurgic tendency towards
materialism and a loss of spiritual power and strength through attachment to matter and all of the lower
drives and inclinations.

The creed of 'getting' is that of jewry-power and resource acquisition, the grspaing hand of the
merchant and of the taxman in his usurious acquisitiveness, having no regard for any universal
harmony or principles of cosmic justice, instead of taking what is needed and serving a higher purpose
they take what they don't need and serve a lower, one restricted to their own finite particularistic ego.
Their tribalism is yet another positing of tellurism and is the modality of their consciousness restricted
to the mundane plane while hypocritically pointing towards the heights, towards the Supreme Being.
The arrow fall short however, and perhaps intentionally fall upon those who they enslave and deem
enemies as is their usual tendency towards hypocritical praxis. Either they will be allowed to perpetuate
these tendencies or they will be obstructed. Should permission be granted them with a hands off policy
of not curtailing their usurious rapacity they will almost of a certainty consume the world as a plague of
locusts consumes crops-'canker worms and palmer worms' as the bible itself has referred to them.
That the jewish race doesn't aim high enough or with sincerity or genuine attempt, is proven by the
modern world of which they are the foremost representatives-a syncretizer of culture without any
genuine, authentic culture of their own and a syncretic form of biology , an 'anti-race-race' which is
held together by a textual narrative and instinctive tribalism of sympathetic elements that form that race
and leave it towards its natural predisposition of self empowerment and downward tendency towards
spiritual atrophy within the confines of a closed system of rigidified dogma not only in the form of
judaism and its Mosaic and Talmudic law but in that of its kabbalistic rotten core and the luciferian
path workings that it entails and all of the entities which are involved in their dark alchemy-possession
and obsession and the commission of karma against the 'Other' to feed the "Self".
Pantheistic naturalism is a religio-philosophical outlook that trends downwards and renders all debased
beings rooted in the realm of the lower astral planes and in the mundane sphere as the necessary
consequence of an ideologio-practical path of egocentric tellurism, of 'get', of mammon worship and
ego worship rather than the converse.
The converse is that of an upward striving and supercession and in Hegelian terms, a 'sublation' of the
material plane while simultaneously a dwelling within that plane an immanent transcendence, a True
luciferianism if such it may be called as oriented towards a self overcoming through the Self but not an
artificial and fictional attachment to the Supreme Being qua jewish particularism or to demonic entities
via black magic pathworkings but rather through a directional focus on the higher principles of one's
Being within the context of Being, attachment to the higher Self, the True self and not the self-
aggrandizement of the finite and particular without higher reference beyond the Self.
The Aryan path is that which is not pantheistic but the Solar-Uranic or Olympian path in Evolan terms,
the path of transcendence of the chaos of the material plane but not, as in the case of the jew and other
orientals a rejection of the material theologically and hypocritically with a clinging thereto in spite of
such boasts but rather a deliberate positing of oneself within the chaos and an attempt to transcend it as
a necessary test or challenge over self-overcoming, a springboard towards the Divine.
The Aryan path is thus the path of the warrior and the path of the gods not a contemplative, passive
relationship of receptivity before the Divine as if one were a powerless entity but rather, unlike the
near-easterner, an active engagement with the forces of this world both material and infernal and those
of the Other higher world, of its Spiritual-the former attempting to render aid towards comrades who
aspire to the heights and the latter a being-with or communion with the Deity in his multifarious guises
in an active, manner of rites and ceremonies always looking upwards and avoiding the pull of the
telluric undertoe that accompanies the lower pseudo-spiritual and indeed 'demonic' states of being and

actual entities which seek one's death through dragging down into oblivion those sources of energy-
organic forms-upon which they feed as vampire entities.
The societal formation of jewry clearly reveals their telluric egocentrism. In the soviet regime and in
the state of israel and indeed for millenia since they have taken over the region of the middle east
around Babylon and Phoenicia, the crops and indeed all animate life is devastated compared to that of
all territory in which the Spiritually Superior Aryan (now of course debased to the level of a Spiritual
jew with faded Divine Spark) which is full of life and vitality.
The difference is the telluric in relation to the Astral (Spiritual) orientation and forces with whom are
bound certain states of Being and through whom certain aeonic and energetic states obtain. In the case
of jewry and the demons which possess them their environment, as can also be experienced in their
shtetls, is of a low vibrational frequency and indeed is characteristically of a depleted and gloomy
character as of the haunting of entities which it is fair to presume do indeed haunt their territory just as
fleas or ticks accompany dogs. These entities almost certainly control and impel the jews to destroy and
consume everything they touch as means of augmenting their own life force necessarily at the expense
of others.
The Aryan, by contrast amplifies life and strengthens it, lending his own radiance to his surroundings.
The different paths and tendencies is between the path towards godhood and the downward path
towards destruction, between evolution and devolution. It is the christian mind program which, though
not naturalistic, has enabled the naturalism of jewry through the christians' veneration of jewry as its
'chosen' master race which simply echoes and accommodates jewry's own self selection of itself as self
chosen master over others. Hence it is christianity which is the foremost foe that has served as the
sword and shield which jewry availed itself of and continues to do so to this day. Hence christianity is
first and foremost in the crosshairs for eradication from the white mind as means of clearing away the
cobwebs of superstitious dogma which supports the supremacy of the jew.
The pantheistic naturalism of jewry which it has served up for the goyim in the form of 'illuminism' if
the creed of today fast replacing that of the former slave religion of christ-insanity and bestowing upon
its slavish and gullible adherents the 'false light' of 'illumination', ie. demonic possession allowing all of
those who fall victim to its influence to become possessed beings, mere robots or puppets of these
entities who avatar them on the earth plane using them as instruments of their will to facilitate the
engineering of chaos and the destruction of the population.
The hive mind pantheistic deity that these entities comprise traps within itself the lower level pawns
who are rendered mere energetic batteries and semi-conscious forms who are controlled in large part
(and in proportion to their attachment to the dogma of their religion and to the material lane and
consequently to these entities) they are will-less vehicles of these astral parasite vampire entities.
The hive mind entity that they end up becoming assimilated into is the 'Spiritual israel', 'all' that they
have been conditioned to venerate and thus implicitly to venerate themselves. Again in complete self-
righteous hypocrisy and self-deification based upon their performance, their zombie-like catatonia and
incapacity to exist independently of that collective hive mind entity.
Pantheistic naturalism is the religion of the mother goddess, of the 'Ain Soph Aur', which is the religion
and occult praxis of jewry. It was in large part blinded by the christian religion which they invented as
slave religion but now has become externalized as yet another black magic revelation of the method
and heralding of the new aeon which jewry wishes to control for itself over all reducing all of its pawns
to mere subordinate slaves.

The tellurism of jewry is the mundane manifestation of the evil tide, of the current of disintegration of
the Demiurge, the alleged deity which jewry purports to worship. Dragging all down in materialism is
the path of jewry while claiming spirituality for itself in hypocritical and false guises. The hypocrisy of
jewry has now been the real revelation of modernity and will undoubtedly close out modernity and the
old aeon of Pisces with a bang as the age of Aquarius dawns, a new golden age of truth and justice
under the aegis of Aryan mankind, a white imperium over the earth else should the hypocrisy of jewry
not lead towards adequate effective resistance thereto it will be a hell world of tellurism surfing the
Demiurgic current towards the abyss and being submerged in the shark infested black water and that
the path of the hero. For the coward and slave, the hyopocrite and self-seeker it is at best a shameful
survival under an Aryan victory or total annihilation under the jew.
'Racialism: a Dirty Word’
The Bolshevik revolutionary Selenkov was quoted in Julius Evola's work "Three Aspects of the Jewish
Problem" stated that 'we', meaning of course jewry but outwardly perhaps the 'communists', "would
make racialism a dirty word", by which he meant a disclosure of the program of jewry through its
propaganda mill, ie. to denigrate and defile pride of race, to craft public opinion to be that of the
communist party 'anti-racist', ie. the contemporary party line.
Thus we can see today that this plan has fructified and has great success for the jew and to the great
detriment of the Aryan against whom this salvo was directed from the beginning. Ever since the
installation of the anti-racist program during the course of that time period (during the interwar years
and even before perhaps for centuries, perhaps for millenia via christianity and the pantheistic mother
goddess cults of the Near East) the jews have brought things to a pitch globally inciting hatred and
violence against whites in their controlled press (Lugen Presse, Juden Presse).
This has however always been their strategy: to promise the moon to the rabble and convince them
through emotional mind manipulation, the repetition of slogans and catchphrases to attack the better
class of Aryans and to thereby decapitate via the hands of the unwashed and unthinking masses the
superlative heads of their betters, upon whom they rely for their substance and who they fail to
understand are their only protector against external foes not of their race as the Protocols of the Elders
of Zion speaks of.
Thus the anti-racist program is a program of the jew for the destruction of the higher type not only
through manipulating the masses to attack their betters in socio-economic position but for their betters
to have their mind injected with the mind virus and led against their own healthier stock and indeed
mentally and spiritually healthier which can be seen with both the literal and conservative upper caste
today both leftist and christian rightist, both being race traitors and against the survival of their own
kind and this not so much out of a guilt complexes instilled in them or owing to the egotism that is
determinative of their mode of consciousness-they have no willingness and perhaps no ability to exceed
that level of being and derive a sense of superiority but ostentatiously and publicly displaying their
'broad minded' morality which itself is just a mental program inculcated in their mind from their birth
by the jewish parasite through control of the 'Lugen Presse, Juden Presse'.
The upper caste especially is the greatest culprit in perpetrating the chaos of the suicide creed which
like a cancer metastasizes under their baleful influence and spreads throughout the host body fulfilling
the prophecies of Selenkov, of Israel Cohen's "Racial Program of the 20th Century" and of the Kalergi
plan for the Eurasian negro mongrel waste product of miscegenation, the intended outcome of the anti-
racist agenda.

The problem of the jew will always manifest itself in the host body as the problem of the upper class
dupe of judah who carries out his protocols witlessly and without understanding that they not only have
no substance but are in fact simulacra, fake ideas like candy coloured drug pills which induce
hallucinations-the hallucination of "One World", of the pantheistic promiscuity of jewish entartung
The solution to the problem of the anti-racist creed is racism, the 'ism' of race properly understood as a
qualitatively distinct group of beings that are separate and preserve themselves through themselves and
degrade and atrophy both spiritually and materially through mixture and through a failure of the
preservation of the rites and Traditional culture of its kind within a dynamic developmental form. The
racism of three degrees as propounded in Evola's "Synthesis of Racial Doctrine" but of a more
naturalistic and strictly proven nature. To be a 'man of race' is the antithesis of the anti-racist just as to
be the pure type of the Aryan is to be the antithesis of the mixed and mongrelized type of the antiracist.
Ex-Racists, ie. Race Traitors
Those who claim to be 'ex-racists' are living a life against life. They purport in many cases to have
'transcended' racism, ie. to have overcome any regard for or allegiance to racial identity and its value,
denying its value or being apathetic in relation to its value.
The ex-racists typically have misunderstood the racial idea if such it may be called from beginning,
inadequately understanding it or not having invested insufficient time and effort to understood it
properly and thus have had an inadequate grasp of the racial idea.
"Easy come easy go" is the phrase which applies as they who do not take sufficiently seriously an
understanding of Reality will:
1) not understand reality and
2) fail to act according to Reality, ie. to act according to Truth, to God, to the Divine Will and will
inevitably fall into paths of a deviant nature which leads them towards causing harm to themselves and
to others.
Accordingly the ex-racist follows a deviant path as he fails to comprehend:
1) himself and
2) his relation to God and
3) to his own kind and
4) Other kinds.
He fails to understand, as he would of necessity, had he an adequate comprehension of God, ie. the sum
total of Being, 'Reality' and himself and Others that the Racial Soul of which he is a part is the principle
or source from which he derives and without which he will cease to exist and should he fail to
harmonize with through comporting himself towards it in a harmonious, proper way he will simply
harm himself and thus harm others of his kind and indeed disrupt the harmony of existence.
The ex-racist in the typical case is a deviant who thus misunderstands Being or Reality and thus lives
life against life furthering the luciferian rebellion against God. He is a subscriber of self destruction and
his deviant life is harmful to the lives of others of his kind and of the Racial Soul itself. The ex-racist
was never a 'man of race' as the blood memory never existed within him to any adequate existent. He

was deviant in germ as he was a deviant in his own failure to act in accordance with God's will, ie. the
preservation of his own kind.
The typical case is the anti-racist or even the apathetic ex-racist who did not 'covert' into an anti-racist
but who instead simply 'sold out' like the hippies sold out to become yuppies. Such types are typically
young punks for privileged classes who pursue a path of 'racist action' because they wanted to rebel
against their parents and though well intentioned and possessed of perhaps somewhat healthy instincts
they nevertheless failed to maintain a consistent course and deviated owing to their inner weakness,
their deviant nature.
In many cases this could be a spiritual siphillis inculcated over the generations by christian
programming and the punk being of a priestly caste perhaps has had the great influence of christianity
polluting his brain and thus was unable to transcend his christian programming which had subverted or
even annihilated the blood memory with its egregoric thought forms or influence.
The 'ex-racist' usually converts to 'ex-racism' (either apathy towards racial preservation and identity or
a flipping of the racist script to the B-side of anti-racism going from one extreme to the other) owing
1) desire to obtain selfish advantage and/or
2) pathological altruism and a guilt complex possibly deriving from the pressure of social mores and/or
from the aforementioned universalist archetypes or egregores.
Thus he is the inadequately strong 'racist' who has failed to interiorize the racial idea, necessarily is
susceptible to deviance. It is only the 'man of race' who has within him the blood memory in a stronger
form who will rather cease to exist to convert to 'ex-racist' status.
The man of race has attached himself to the higher principle of his Being, the Racial Soul, and thus he
is a part of it and it is a part of him and he exists in harmony with it such that the Racial Soul is
strengthened by his influence and his own vitality is empowered by it, creating an overall greater
harmonious set of circumstances for his own personal prosperity and that of the Racial Soul his own
property as a soul improving and thus even should he die in the physical his soul continues whereas the
'ex-racist' is indeed the walking dead as he is a friend to none and this even in spite of his friendship
towards 'all' as he has betrayed his duty to his race to sustain it and this through combating external
threats thereto.
Accordingly he is a deviant walking dead whose personal power is feeble in relation to the power of his
Racial Soul from which he has become detached and which is harmed by his very existence. Perhaps
there are beings at different dimensions who actively work towards the destruction of those who betray
their kind? This may very well be the case or perhaps the Racial Soul itself as a body reacting to a virus
turns against the virus and attacks it in a spiritual way thus wearing away, expediting and ultimately
precipitating the death of the 'cancer cell', the sick soul which has deviated from the proper path and
this is destroyed at a higher dimension.
Metaphysically this may work out in the converse manner with foreign racial souls also: should the ex-
racist became bound up with the eg. jewish or chinese racial soul he will create inharmony in that soul
and his own degrading and deviant soul will itself be harmed owing to the discordant resonance of the
respective souls and since he, the ex-racist, has disempowered himself through attempting-per
impossible- to become part of a foreign racial soul.

He is the virus which floats from host to host seeking to replicate itself, its thought forms, its structure,
seeking a harmonious attachment and this fails of the attempt causing harm to itself and others. The ex-
racist is an impossible being ontologically as all vital beings must harmonize with and attune
themselves to in their action in life the Racial Soul with whom they are bound, else they cease to exist
and thus can't be an 'ex-racist' and exist. Hence only beings who are racists in the sense of healthy
minded 'men of race' can exist as they and they alone have the blood memory and thus only they can be
a vital being capable of sustaining life, either in this life or in the next. Those who attain immortality do
not do so through being an 'ex-racist' and certainly not an 'anti-racist' but rather through an affirmation
of race, of the blood memory through action and against the countervailing forces of the current of
disintegration the egalitarian weakening and universalism of the evil tide of anti-racism, of the
nihilation of vital being through the nihilation of identity.
It is identity which sustains life and those who uphold it and tenaciously cling to it maintain or augment
their vitality, those who seek to deny it or fail to affirm it stagnate and atrophy as a dead being, a
zombie of raceless unconscious mortality which is a being whose nature could be spoken of as 'being-
The ex-racist thus is a suicide in slow motion, a being who has sundered himself from his Being and
thus is 'being-unto-death' is pulled along by the current of disintegration. The integrated man is the man
of race and affirms his life as he affirms racial loyalty.
Race Blind Fool

Race Blind Fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

Blind yourself to the facts of life

Castrate yourself with a carving knife
Ignore reality to avoid the strife
Being anti-racist is worth your life

Race blind fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

Can't stand the truth cowardly and weak
Hide from the facts too blind to see
Shut your eyes to truth afraid to peek
Cowardly slave so virtuous and meek

Race blind fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

Can’t tell the difference between black and white

Intellectual sophistication a cowardly flight
Escaping the truth as it threatens your life
Of self-serving greed being anti-white

Race blind fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

Can't acknowledge the facts of reality

Won't face reason or logic lives in a fantasy
Utopian dreamer minds can never be free
When it shackled to lies for the sake of greed

Race blind fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool

Doomed to die

Obvious truth that a child can know

More than skin deep-Perceive the foe
Won’t man up and face Jim Crow
Burdened with self-hate-refuses to know

Race blind fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

The truth of biological reality

Racial facts so obvious to see
Hiding away incurring mortgage fees
Living to deny that Race is reality

Race blind fool

Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

Rahowa will come with bloody strife

Finish off the weak with the knife
Racial holy war blazing through the night
Aryan might carry us through the fight

Race blind fool
Pluck out your eye
Race blind fool
Doomed to die

Cowards who refused to fight

Burnt to death by niggers in the night
Molotov cocktails and stress and strife
Blazing down the suburbs finish the fight

Lie #4

Society...or Sewage?

What is conventionally referred to as 'society' is touted as the highest height, the standard or idol before
which all must prostrate themselves as a gesture of their desert of being included in what is called
'society'. Society and all of that which is 'social' in terms of behaviour and action, is elevated as the
standard that all must conform to, the standard of the 'mass’ or ‘proletarian untermenschen’. Whether
they be white-collar or blue-collar or simply the dirty collar of the vagrants collecting bottles off the
street and ladling out soup to their fellow vagrants in a soup kitchen, all are 'workers’ in the
proletarianized society and all must grind gears and undergo the aim or ties Asian process of aging ,
giving up their life force as a sacrifice to the idol 'humanity'.
The broad mass of goyim are set upon a pedestal as the standard attainable by each and all and by
definition. To exalt 'humanity' by articulating this phrase in a public place in word or implied deed (e.g.
helping some cripple or non-white) is a gesture that has bound up with it the constellation of rewards
and behavioural reactions on the part of the civic 'Other' into which one thereby becomes absorbed as
no longer (if he ever was) an isolate or marginal but a member of the proletariat, the workers and their
iniquity (crude materialistic strivings without reference to any higher principle than self stimulation and
the pleasures and comforts of a life of domesticity and the merit badge of being a 'proletariat').
This is the obligation that all have in today's world: to scrape and scratch in the dust before the Jewish
self-appointed master race and to live only to work and to have no quality of life save the lowest forms
of animal stimulation on the one hand and on the other, as an alternative to this a life of ascetic
nihilism, worshipping ‘The One’ or ‘God’ and restricting one's involvement in the world of the senses,
living a sterile life with no spiritual development, existing only to die as the alternative to existing only
to work.
The idols thus of ‘society', itself being elevated to the status of the 'God’ of the masses are its
hypostases of behavioural compliance, that being 'work’ as a material/mundane correspondence (the
devoted worshipper of ‘God’ in the kingdom of heaven on earth and that Edenic garden of
Gethsemane) and the empty abstraction of ‘the One' or 'God’ of whatever particular name depending on
the region of the earth and its distorted organic culture.
Such a society can only be spoken of as Saturnian and appropriately controlled and led by the Jews
whose 'monads come from Saturn’ as Blavatsky said'. A Saturnian in society means one oriented
toward materialism; restriction; control; limitation and death, a 'Satanic society' in the sense of being
adversarial to the Absolute Supreme Being though represented as the Elysium paradise utopia thereof,
controlled by the priestly inter-mediators (mediatrix dei) of 'the One' who govern all and deny all the
means to self-govern i.e. who unduly restrict the freedom of their slaves out of a sadistic desire for
power and to propitiate whatever form of entities they are bound up with. These entities feed off the
energy of the stressed-out masses, which latter are driven into a low vibrational state of consciousness
and thus more easily enslaved and vampirization of their life force, feeding the Jews and their masters
these dark forces.
Such a society has defeated the organic, vital basis of all healthy societies and has been reduced to a
state of complete sewage, a cloaca gentium, in which all are ‘equalized’ save the Jewish self-appointed
chosen people who rule over others as slaves and reduce all others to a state of witless subordination to
themselves under the guise of being a 'humble servant of God' or other trope they have been
indoctrinated with from birth.

The Cloaca Gentium of (post) modernity is the distillate of the Jewish Saturnian force which has
destroyed and perverted the formerly glorious Aryan societies. Hence to venerate 'society' and the mass
is to venerate sewage, placing it upon the pedestal as a false idol and casting the gods (archontic
hypostases of 'the One') into the flames.
“Society had its Chance”-James Huberty
The above quote was imputed to an alleged mass shooter, the stereotypical 'lone gunman nut' who in all
cases is posited as a white man who has for reasons unknown and indeed for no reason acted out
The obvious false flag operation designed to portray the white man as a diabolical figure nevertheless
as all psyops, was partially based in organic reality and thus contains grains of truth. In this case the
frustration of a white man attempting to seal the borders and shut out the parasitical pestilence of the
non-white mass and who, understanding the futility of attempting to cast out the demons from the body
of the white race, finally has recourse to desperate measures that simply worsen the original
The violent outburst so stereotypically imputed to the white man is a demonstration of his frustration-
frustrated by circumstances and an ignorance of coping mechanisms that might be best to handle the
situation. And yet when one is de facto frustrated by circumstances-what recourse is there but to act-
and to act in the most prudent manner-which may very well be 'irrational' in the sense of entailing an
emotional outburst directed towards a target. Perhaps such an outburst is the most rational thing of all?
After all 'society', or what calls itself such is something which cannot be tolerated by the white man,
insofar as he exists his essence authentically, ie. insofar as he is an Aryan, a noble being who lives at a
higher level of spiritual consciousness preserving order and decency in the world and condemning and
opposing chaos. He condemns and opposes all of that which subverts a harmonious world: all sexual
deviance; all anti-traditional relations between members of a state and race-hierarchy, authority and
rulership by elites; caste; duty to the state and race; exclusion of different ethnicities and kinds;
maintenance of order through service to the higher ideas of Tradition-of race and duty to the collective
and to the higher orders before duty to oneself.
This is the antithesis of society, to the promiscuous levelling equality of a ‘gyneacococracy’, to the
destruction of all apparent order. Such a 'society' no Aryan can tolerate, such as 'society' has
unfortunately had its chance and has revealed itself in its true colours, in its false light and thus must
cease, and if need be cease through the stereotypical manner of action that the presumed operative or
actor or manchurian candidate James Huberty is alleged to have acted.
Only in place of the ineffective strike against various hapless dupes of the cabal, the non-white hordes,
the strike would be more effectively directed as per the chart of Louis Beam in his "Essays of a
Klansman" targeting high level operatives who pull the strings of their lower level minions and
Society, that kosher matriarchy of jewtocracy, can only be defeated in the manner of the freikorps and
various other operations, perhaps even more clandestine and micromanaged and microcosmal, ie. lone
wolves and small cells striking major infrastructure and soft targets to dismantle the power structure in
precisely coordinated simultaneous strikes over large areas. The 'chance' society has been given by the
white man has brought about an exacerbation of change which is a rotten building whose ediface is
collapsing but still clinging to life. The solution can only lie in dynamiting the foundation at key points
to bring down the system. An attempt to escape to a Rousseauan dreamscape of a white ethnostate

paradise is a fantasy as all areas of the country are being covered by the non-white mass like mud, or
rather sprayed upon the white picket fence of a former Elysium. To bring back Elysium one must attack
the black magician who has blackened the once bright Aryan homeland.
The oft-touted vice of anti-social behaviour is considered by such as Julius Evola a virtue in the
modern context, as modernity is the inversion of values. He considers the anti-social personality to be
the embodiment or bearer of vitality that suggests that the anti-social person is the remnant of the
aristocratic ideal however paradoxical and again 'inverted'. The inverted caste system has elevated the
base, the cunning, the mendacious to prominence and has cast down the noble; heroic; the warlike; the
man of valour; the risk taker; the adventurer; the person embodying dynamic force, ie. vitality.
The Roman term 'Vir' applies to such a one and the antithesis of 'churl' or 'jarl' applies to the other, the
distinction between master and slave, between noble and base as Nietzsche contrasted in "Beyond
Good and Evil" and the "Genealogy of Morals" separating not in the chandal sense of christianism the
sheep from the goats ("Good" in the sense of pacifistic pathological altruism and "Evil" in the sense of
the very strong and warlike figure which has been the bearer of the standard of civilization and of all
True culture, ie. the Aryan).
The Aryan, assuming he has not fallen for the semitic mind pollution of chandalism and adopted it
hypocritically or insincerely, must of necessity be anti-social, for to socialize with those who are
adherents of chandalism is to no longer be Aryan. Thus the contrast is diametrical, a square of
opposition: in one corner the anti-social Aryan, in the other the social chandal and priestly caste
hypocrite who occupy the two corners, having elevated themselves through a thieves pact by sheer
weight of numbers, thus positing democratic quantity above aristocratic quality and imploding in on
themselves as a brown paper bag filled with faecal matter, falling with despotic inexorability upon the
beautiful face of aristocracy below them.
Such is the defilement of the higher by the lower through the orchestration of jewry. Facing such a
scenario the question must be posed: "How could one who is of any worth in terms of 'arete' (virtue in
the Greek) not be anti-social? How could one, unless thy were a theatre actor, a rogue and a hypocrite
be able to smile and endure the putrescence of the hypocritical chandal and his grandiose claims to
'equality' when the palpable distinctions obtain between the two natural castes which are of course
denounced and nullified by the chandal as mechanism of levelling equality.
Those who have the spiritual strength, "spiritual Virility" as Evola called it to reject the chandal, to
create separation between himself and the chandal, are at least to whatever degree aristocratic. The
'criminal' of society who rebels against its hypocrisy, through committing acts some of which may be
undesirable for many (eg. Bank robbery; break and enter; murder; arson; rape; assault and battery;
sedition) are indices of strength perhaps not necessarily directed in the most prudent way, at least
directed towards a higher purpose, that of willful self-assertion over and against countervailing forces
which seek to restrict (perhaps unduly even in relation to the touted purpose of the imposition of the
transgressed law) the action of the criminal. Insofar the heroic virtues of the Aryan inhere in the
criminal and the so-called 'sheep-like' conformism of the masses, of the conformist lemmings who
huddle together for shelter from the storm of the greater and more powerful forces from without.
The heroic is what is stigmatized by the sheepish mass and their shepherd kings as 'pagan', that which
is provincial or 'rustic', the behaviour from one who lies beyond the fringes, beyond the borders of
'civilization' and its over-refinement and rule-based action (or rather inertia and purely reactive

behaviour being tended by the shepherd's crook, the hired sheep dogs called 'security forces' and with
the incentive of being led towards a patch of clover and the occasion to propagate and gestate).
The 'pagan' is the hero and, though stigmatized by the priest caste he is the embodiment of aristocracy.
The priest caste has a vested interest in stigmatizing his rival for power as it is the greatest threat to his
tyranny the rival power which could unseat him from the position of hegemony he occupies.
Hence he must brainwash the broad masses to attack his enemies and to defile and slander them is his
best option-to brand them 'heretics' and 'devils' and all manner of other slanderous terms. The 'pagan' is
not as pictured in a slanderous caricature by the christian priest as a vile hedonistic devil worshipper, at
least not the Aryan non-christian 'pagan'. It is only the jew and other non-white pagans who may justly
be spoken of as 'pagan' in this derisive way.
Rather the pagan is he who lives outside of the laws of the 'civilization' of over-refinement, of rigid
conformity and rule-based preciousness. The pagan is the outlaw who is outside of the bounds of the
law and who is thus the freeman on the land, but not necessarily determined by any relationship to any
soil but one who transcends such a relationship, one who is not earth bound in that sense of a peasant in
the true sense of the word, but rather one who is a warrior as were the barbarians who entered Rome
and subjugated it.
This is why the 'civilized' decadent or rigidified society is for ever staring beyond the borders for fear
of the 'Other' both metaphorically and in a physical sense for protection against the threatening foe. The
'man of race' spoken of by Evola is the type who can be characterized by the term 'Spiritual Virility"-he
has the spiritual inner strength to transcend the context of his spatio-temporal conditions and be able to
break through the reliance upon the Other, upon the mass and its qualitative power or even the
qualitative power of the 'Other'.
The men of race however affiliates himself with those of a qualitatively and quantitatively more
powerful nature if they share in the same idea, that of the service to an Idea which exceeds that of crude
materialism and elevates them to the higher planes of being, empowering themselves in a crusade or
quest towards the realization of this Idea and a transcendence of their state-an ennobling of themselves
over and against the Other, the purely cthonic-tellurian state of the reign of quantity.
The Leader (Duce) or Fuhrer serving a higher Idea-that of Cosmos, of Zeus of Rome, of the Race, the
volk, and the latter two under the aegis of and attuned to the former-elevates all of those who rally
round him and qualitatively determines and conditions quantity, shaping and molding the mass into a
more vital and dynamic force like a fasces-myriad rods surrounding a double axe of power both
forward and backward looking, looking forwards towards the future development of the race and
backwards towards the lessons of history and past glories and tragedies. The Swastika also represents
the heroic archetype which the anti-social man is most drawn towards within the context of a sick
society whose values are antithetical to his own-the Pole Star is the Idea, the center of the swastika
around which all of the other members of the body politic orient themselves as a general leading
soldiers to war. The anti-social person of today is the hero of yesterday and of tomorrow. He is the
outcast, the spurned and the condemned, having no special prestige through having no social unctuosity
or background owing to his inner revulsion towards the falsehood and hypocrisy of the larger society.
He must be led to war, to understand that the enemy doesn't lie within himself but outwardly and that,
far from being in need of any sort of 'rectification' or behavioural modification' he is rather the modifier
himself of himself and of others and this through heroic action-even if this be in the form of crime; of
sedition; of vigilantism.

The sheepish mass with their cunning and hyper-conformist unthinking, their absence of conscious
awareness, of reality, is the chain which purports to be the moral law which binds him to the prison
world of the sheep's pen. The Shepherd king, priest of the sheepish 'flock' and hypocritical competitor
for power, employs his mind manipulation tactics to condition the slave caste to attack all of those
outside of society's bounds and to attempt if necessary, if the power isn't had to attack them, to at least
place them in a similar bondage via the art of black magic mind control. Such is the history of
christianity working in tandem with the sword to subjugate all of the white race over the last two
For any aristocracy to exist it must be undergone through the appropriate means and that means starting
with the anti-social elements of society, forming organizations if need be of a criminal nature and from
thence building power as a rival block.
The vandals and other 'barbarian', ie. Aryan aristocratic warrior tribes are the template for the future.
The Freikorps and Utasha, the Romanian Iron Guard and other similar organizations constitute the
template for such organizations only of a more clandestine nature an invisible empire such as the kkk
based upon initiatic hierarchy and exclusively Aryan in stock and understood to have developed
organically out of the race and not as an artificial construct by jewry and their subordinates. Building
power by any and all means outside of the system requires people of an antisocial nature, they who can
think independently of the dogma of the system and who thereby are able to circumvent its would be
panoptic vision and perpetual reactive target hardening against external threats.
The anti-social man of race within the context of modernity is the saviour of the white race from the
semitic scourge of hyper-conformist Abrahamic and socialist-communist despotism. His naturally
cantankerous and resistive nature is rejected by the system and its collectivist despotism that imposes
itself upon all and sundry in its panopticon style hegemony.
In the system all must cry on cue over the sickness of the 'victims' and whatever priestly representative
thereof, they must celebrate in the same way and at the same time the alleged triumphs of the priest
caste and all who fail to conform are subject to ostracism at the very least and ruthless persecution
perhaps as the rule-shunning; condemnation; even murder and indeed torture and dismemberment in
the most public and spectacular way in the case of the middle age tortures in public or the ancient
world of Roman gladiatorial contests. Not to say that such spectacles do not serve their purpose in
serving to sate the bloodlust of the masses and to reinforce the dogma of the society but it is who is
being punished that matters.
In the sick society, the healthy are tortured to death through cowardly and cruel means-in a healthy
society of Tradition, the sickly and perverse are punished to serve not the libidinal delights of the
masses and priest caste but the higher Idea of justice and the nobler values of the heroic society of
'virtutes', 'arete', in the classical sense not in that of the saccharine falsehood of chandalism with its
priestly caste hypocrites subjecting one to torture and murder via subterranean means for their own
delight and out of eyeshot of the sheepish slaves or even within. The Aryan's punishment is just, that of
the chandal is unjust. Cowards are always cruel even in spite of their sociability-indeed on account of
The Police: Archetype in Tradition and Modernity
In the ancient world did police exist? Or perhaps were they an absence entirely? It is difficult to resolve
this dilemma but the writer speculates that they were an absence in all Aryan homogeneous nations as
the people had no need of police save as themselves as enforcers of their own laws among their own

kind. Perhaps in some cases a specialized function existed in which police existed and this presumably
proportional to the complexity of the nation-the more complex the more need for police.
Nonetheless in a Traditional nation in which rulership was had by priests and monarchs and aristocracy
the Nation was governed and regulated by the enlightened superior castes who had regard for their own
population. Of course the past Aeon of Pisces being a distortion of jewry and entailing the presence of
jewry throughout much of its course cannot be claimed to be a Tradition but only a pseudo-Tradition, a
syncretic construct of jewry and their corrupt affiliates who placed the white population into a state of
slavery and terroristic bondage for countless years.
The pre-christian civilizations and authentic Traditions which now bear no name in many cases-their
self-ascribed name having been largely effaced by the sum of the pseudo elites of the pseudo Tradition
of jewdeo-christ-insanity and its destructive levelling equality.
Police did indeed exist during this period to protect the same and their privilege from the angry mob of
slaves who they had reduced to poverty and to a state of will-less inertia in terms of the fulfillment of
their proper destiny.
The police in an authentic society or nation or kingdom, one which is ruled secretly or openly by jews
and/or non-whites to whatever degree are a servant of the ruling power and the ruling power not
representation the population are an enemy of the population in potentia and in actua. When the ruling
power serves the population with the police under his aegis even though it maintains liberty within
bounds serviceable to the betterment of their own race. Some of the population merely exist in an
antagonistic relationship thereto as curtailers and restrictors of their harmony in that society.
The archetype of the police of modernity and indeed perhaps of police themselves originated in the
christian period with the sheriffs and which developed increasingly in proportion to increase jewish
power and the decrease of monarchical and aristocratic power.
The police today exist as putative servers and protectors of 'the community', but largely serve and
protect the exclusive community of jews and shabbos goy race traitors from privileged classes who
serve jews and who turn the police against the white population of the lower class and to a lesser extent
(though they create infinitely more crime) the non-white invader and slave labour that the parasite caste
chains to the wheel of their industry.
Thus it can only be understood can the infiltration of the police, to be a looming spectre of despotism
upon the horizon of modernity and must be acknowledged as an existential threat especially in light of
the fake pandemic and the impending forced vaccination of the population which would be undergone
through them as instrument, shooting people with a vaccine or a gun should they fail to comply with
either rolling up their sleeves or being put into a concentration camp and eventually murdered by them
or by whatever foreign hordes are being brought in to carry out the dead.
Damnatio Memoriae
The 'damnatio memoriae' or damnation of memory was undergone in the ancient world in cases of
those who had created intolerable strife or chaos and whose memory-all lasting relics, statues and
records of the person, the' transgressor', were destroyed by their antagonists in many cases their own
family. Today this manifests itself in the form of the chaotic nature of baby boomers and the inevitable
'damnatio memoriae' of posterity who would, assuming they were honest and good eliminate any
record of their baby boomer ancestor save perhaps a record of their racial crimes against their own

kind. Those baby boomers who have not transgressed unduly their own race would of course be exempt
from the judgment.
The crimes of the baby boomers can be synopsized in the following obituary of sorts, a 'malogy' in
place of a eulogy: the baby boomer was borne into an almost exclusively white society of
approximately (in most all white countries) 90+% and over the course of a life of sado-ethno
masochistic self-abasement; inebriation; virtue signalling and total devotion to the cause of the
egalitarian globalist agenda all amounting to or capable of being 'racial treason' owing to either: 1) self
hate and the jewish mind virus or pathological altruism and white self hate (liberalism; christianity)
and/or 2) the hedonistic self-orientation of these selfish people.
The men lived for their sexual and hedonistic thrills and the pursuit of status in the form of money that
defined their archetype as a 'respectable citizen' and opposing 'fascism' and 'patriarchy',etc. They both
have defiled the memory of their ancestors and accordingly both deserve the damnatio memoriae.
Those exempt form the judgment were the racial loyalists who counted only a minute percentage.
The fact that non-whites were enabled under the baby boomer generation to enter into white society
implies that the baby boomer generation were in part instrumental in repelling them without a protest
and in most cases tolerated and accommodated them as the years went by. Regardless of the generation
all of those who were and are traitors to their race and who have facilitated the invasion the genocide
The liberals, christians of all sorts and money grubs all deserve to have their memory erased from
history save as an archetype of racial treason, of the defilement of their own kind. The self hating
mental patients who live their lives for thrills and amusements at the expense of their own people are
the cancer virus of society that, if allowed to perpetuate itself, would inevitably lead to the destruction
of the race. It is only the decadence and mental defectiveness of the class of parasites and freeloaders
who work in office and government who are in the way of the survival of the white race, all others
typically have a much lesser tendency to interiorize this behaviour and to be able to overcome it and
only adopt it hypocritically when necessary to obtain their own personal advantages though admittedly
a trickle down effect of the sewage occurs. Nonetheless their memory is no noble or exalted one of
heroism as it relates to the white race, that which they apathetically disregard as an inessential thing or
pay lip service to its destruction as a neutral, indifferent matter or an actual possible and progressive
blessing). Their memory is one which is that of a coward and a traitor by active avoidance of any
confrontation with the existential treats which threaten the continence of white people as a collective.
Damnatio memorieae of the culture of the white race is the inevitable outcome should the cowardly
whites acquiescence to their own genocide and replacement by those of other kinds. The culture of the
white race would be totally destroyed just as the history of Alexandria was itself destroyed and just as
the christians under the aegis of the jews destroyed all of the culture of the European Aryans; as the
culture of the Egyptians and countless other Aryan nations was destroyed through the violent aegis of
the non-white savages and their own defective leadership who were insistent on tearing down and
destroying their own kind with whatever false promise whispered in their ear by jewry, of a 'better
tomorrow' or a temple of Solomon, the promise of preferment of higher socio-economic position, of the
plunder of their wealth, etc.
The alternative should these obstructions to white survival be removed is the damnatio memoriae of
jewry and of the cultural defilement of jewry, the presentation of jewish culture in its proper light
which is its own defilement. So too that of the non-whites and their chaotic syncretic 'cultures', the
products of hybridization of body and soul which tear down and defile the original Aryan culture form

which they derive. The establishment of a museum as in the case of National Socialist Germany for
'entarte kunst' as a means of humorously exposing the vile culture of jewish turd flinging monkey
artists that was used to defile white culture, can be presented once again in an updated version.
Damnatio memoriae is the fate of all degenerates, traitors to their race whose self serving nature trumps
the survival of their own people in their own mind and who would sacrifice all for their own advantage,
or even more defectively sacrifice themselves and their own kind first for the sake of the perpetuation
and takeover of savage brutes is an ultimate 'virtue signal' of spite for their own kind.
Such a behaviour is characteristically jewish and has trickled into the white mind and the mental virus
of christianity and its descendant liberalism.
The memory of the Aryan culture worthy of preservation is all of it which enables the lessons of history
to be learned and for one to improve his own kind-sometimes truth can be a dangerous thing and thus
must be omitted if sufficiently dangerous to the average fool.
Only those of higher status should have access to all forms of Truth or at least those who are
sufficiently competent. The example of magic sigils and incantations, etc. and their potentially
destructive influence comes to mind in the harm that can result from ideas, words, phrase, etc. that are
not serviceable to the continuance of their kind. The imagery and words, etc. that are a projection of the
jewish mind require elimination from the white mind should the latter continue and to exist in a
harmonious and authentic manner being able to realize its destiny according to its proper nature (suum
quique) and without the adulterating influence of the 'Other', the mind pollution of non-white otherness.
Hence the white consciousness must be subjected to only those influences which are authentic and
correspond harmoniously with its essence-all else must be treated in a negative manner, with rejection
and hostility as a viral presence and at best (or worst?) subjected to scholarly scrutiny in order to
extract from its chaotic tangle the primary Aryan elements which exited in the culture which had
degraded through the influence of the non-white element. Ethnic cleansing of the mind is the first step
towards a white reawakening and freeing of whites from the jewish yolk and their savage hordes.
Freedom or Fornication
The endless gabble about 'freedom' begs the question:: 'freedom for" and "freedom from"? else the term
'freedom' has no meaning. Freedom absolutely is nothingness as freedom is the negative as Hegel said
in other words in the words of Spinoza: "omnio determinatio est negatio" (every determination is a
negation)-All forms of freedom are particular, specific, which implies the negation of all Other
contextual possibilities obtaining.
To have the freedom to act in a specific way entails acting in all other ways that are contrary to it that
inhibit the realization of the act. To be free from Others, the imposition of Others entails the freedom to
act in a way conducive to that freedom else one is a bondsman of the. Other even if only in a certain
respect as in the case of a relationship between an employee and employer which necessitates that the
employer give up their freedom to enslave the employee (else their relationship would not be one of
slavery but bondage) and the employee give up their freedom to work for another employer in
competition with their employer for example and the list can be added to indefinitely in terms of
restrictive covenants and in contractual terms.
Freedom in today's liberal world, the 'modern world' of possessive individualism amounts to freedom
to be a slave to one's passions-to be able to descend to the depths and to partake of whatever salacious
delights occupy their mind and are implemented in their mind by the media and controllers. Freedom

means: "whatever I like (whatever stimulates me to the greatest extent possible) is whatever I get and
anyone who stands in the way is a tyrant or a despot."
This is the softening up technique of jewry who has created this form of rhetoric called 'liberalism' as a
mechanism of tearing down the white race through 1) atomization of the population via possessive
individualism which entices each to live for himself alone and have regard for others only to the extent
it conduces to his personal maximization of pleasure and minimization of pain and 2) enabling an
ideology based upon pure abstraction (such as 'the rights of man', etc) to govern society and the minds
of the populace itself as a means to enable foreign invaders not of their ethnic group to prosper at their
Christianity of course was the forerunner of liberalism but was an ideology (system of ideas) that
oriented around a suppression or inhibition of the passions and as a consequence generated all manner
of neuroses and mental/soul problems that wrecked havoc in the consciousness of the white population
and indeed in all populations.
Specifically its relation to whites, whose higher consciousness enables them to be sensitive to discord
and harmony, being attuned to Deity, having its place in Heaven so to speak (attuned to God) the havoc
and chaos of the inhibited consciousness and spiritually stultifying religion of christianity led inevitably
to much of the chaos of this world and its hypocrisy.
Both ideologies, be they the early version of egalitarian globalism under christianity or the latter which
developed out of it under liberalism weld one to slavery to an idea that has no correspondence to
reality, either the christian idea of a fictional man (assuming this is not meant allegorically) or that of
the 'rights of man' in either case leading ordine geometrico to the desire for freedom in a perverted
from-freedom for that which is not True or just in either case. In the case of christianity the freedom it
seeks is for all to worship this 'man deity' and the alleged commandments of his alleged father Deity
which implies as a necessary consequence slavish submission to jewry and their mental shackles of
blind faith and delusional belief in whatever their priestly caste says and all of its falsehood and
distortion of archaic gnosis, and on the other hand in the case of liberalism the freedom to serve the
lower self at the expense of the higher self.
Oswald Spengler in his "Prussianism and Socialism" differentiates between what has become referred
to as socialism and what he terms 'Prussianism' which referred to the culture of Prussia, the Nation, and
as it existed during the time of the late 19th and early 20th century and is reflected in large part in
Hegel's "Philosophy of Right".
Prussianism is basically duty to the Nation over oneself and a concern with performance within the
state in terms of doing one's proper duty according to one's proper nature and not attempting to
overstep one's bounds in his service to others and being given his proper place through prudent
decision making on the part of the state and its representatives.
The state ideally as the writer would extend this concept of Prussianism determines the probable
suitability of occupation based upon 1) the astrological natal chart of the person 2) observation of the
person' competence in certain fields or forms of action.
The idea or ideal of Prussianism is centred thus around duty and ‘proper nature’ in the Aquinian sense
and in the Evolan sense of suum quique and is thus just a Roman in its classical virtues of honour based
upon performance of duty; integrity based upon being open and honest and not wavering from one's

post (his capacity); will-to-power in the sense of creative enterprise and ambition and in the taoist
sense, being a gentleman whether one be a night watchman of the lowliest stamp (which the writer
himself has been) or the highest nobleman or 'junker' who constitutes the aristocracy of the Nation.
Prussianism harmonizes with the sum total of Being whereas what is called 'socialism' in the modern
jewish sense based upon the ideas of the (false) enlightenment and the communist manifesto creates an
inharmonious, inorganic state which amounts to what Julius Evola called a catagogic totalitarian
system, a system based upon an artificial assignation of roles and a coerced integration of organically
distinct groups whose difference is ignored, downplayed and projected for extermination as means of
coercively 'reconciling' apparent opposites or divergent groups into syncretic amalgams.
This with the hidden rulers state apparatus ruling over all and running roughshod over all for their own
benefit, crafting all laws and legislation in their own image as de facto man gods. Such a 'socialism' is a
simulacrum of socialism as it is a society in which all are prevented from playing their proper role and
in which all are reduced to servitude while those at the highest levels are elevated in most cases
unjustly based upon privilege and connections not merit and talent. Such a 'catagogic' totalitarian
system inevitably falls to ruins under its own inner chaos and impossibility of reconciliation of alleged
opposites whose essential properties create a jarring tension and thus are unnameable to any such
The socialism of jewry is an expropriation of organic socialism and an imposition upon organic
socialism, that is to say Prussianism, of that inorganic form of artificial state that masquerades behind
fluffy sounding words and phrases its despotic control.
In spite of the value of Prussianism in the Spenglerian sense it is not entirely adequate as overly
materialistic perhaps in his outward form thereof and thus the criticism of such as Evola in his
"Fascism and Tradition"; "Fascism Viewed from the Right" and "Notes on the Third Reich" apply as
critiquing it for being excessively bourgeois perhaps and inadequately aristocratic, not oriented towards
any higher ideal though perhaps Hegel's conception of the Weltgeist in the "Philosophy of Right"
would contradict this stance. His criticisms may not be entirely fair either of the junkers whose role was
a de facto aristocracy and that all of the aspects of the regime of Prussia were laid bare to all, especially
those not initiated into its highest mysteries.
The oft-touted notion of 'humanity' posits all bipedal anthropoidal beings on a pedestal and elevates
them to a lofty promontory which overarches all standards and thus lowers the higher to the level of the
lower of the creature forsaking the Creator, reducing all to the lowest common denominator, of the
brute, and rendering all a mere beast of burden enslaved to their passions and whatever other purely
'human' forms of existence are available to they who continue their conscious mind to other dimensions
of Being or rather becoming.
'Humanity' in this sense of course is a concept of a cthonic nature, of the 'natural man' and attains at
best a state of developed reason which is the reflex action of consciousness upon phenomena in the
phenomenal realm. Human thus is a comparatively meaningless term and has only a spiritually dead
offering to serve as a gift to itself.
Should 'human' be defined in some form of freemasonic forms of 'spirit man' or 'lucifer', man with a
'hue'; or 'spirit', the term may be reasonably adopted as a standard for the elevation of the merely
human to a higher plane or dimension of being.

Of course should this definition mean that it is simply a positing of a demonically possessed being as a
'lucifer' that would no longer be so desirable indeed it would be extremely intolerable should one value
True spirituality and not have his soul rendered captive to whatever entities or hive mind entity into
whose clutches he winds up and from thence becoming vampirized or disintegration as a particular
being remaining at most as a 'human' battery to be drained of his life force.
The term 'human' thus is inadequate as a term or description to apply to oneself should he value his
autonomy as a being that is not bound to others who are either of an insufficient elevation or who are of
a diverse kind (as in the definition of 'humanism' today) to enable him to preserve his autonomy.
Accordingly he must either understand the term 'human' as meaning a spiritually enlightened and not
demonically possessed being or he must reject the term as being one of contempt and designating a
state of being unworthy of himself. Hence he either predicates the term of himself as a description of
his glorious nature (ie. spiritually enlightened) based upon his genetico-spiritual constitution as an
Aryan else he must wholeheartedly reject it as designating a completely undesirable and unappealing
state of affairs.
However this is weltanschauung that cannot be shared in by any possessed of a higher mind at least in
terms of its conventional definition. Those who would embrace such a low state of being reduce
themselves to a state of animalism, debasing themselves to the lowest state of reality, that of the brute
who is falsely called 'spirit man'. Those who would appreciate living a decent life must ensure they
avoid all 'humans' who sincerely believe this infantile creed of levelling equality and must embrace the
creed of self-elevation not deification through seeking a higher standard of being or acknowledging
their own higher standard of Being attuned to god by virtue of their genetico-spiritual constitution.
The 'perpetual peace' agenda has been hypocritically broadcast by jewry over the whole earth as their
mask behind which they hide concealing their true motives of global hegemony and the enslavement of
The use of emotive terms they bind up with various emotions that create a pleasant state of feeling and
that condition the slave class to acquiesce to whatever jews claim to be 'the will of God' according to
their representation of what they deem to be the mind of the supreme Being somehow mediated
through their own finite and perverse minds.
Peace-what is the real meaning of this term? It means the negation of all strife. And yet within this
material plane wherein all is 'strife, endless strife' and "all life is struggle" as Hitler said; the fact of
peace being a reality is absurd as there is no such thing as 'peace', but simply 'the tension of
development' that constitutes their world and its mode of being, 'becoming' or transience.
'Peace' thus with respect to the material plane is 'death' in the most literal sense as the negation of strife,
of the negation of the material physical fact of the organism and thus is the negation of the organism.
Whatever other elements thereof continue to exist beyond the purely material plane are not
incorporative of the being in its entirely and thus are not applicable to that being on the earth plane.
Those who seek 'peace' seek death, and indeed death is the reward of those who refuse to participate in
this world of strife and they may then have, insofar as they live at all in some aspects of their being,
"peace'. Though it is at the price of their material existence and perhaps of their existence as a distinct

Thus the perpetual mewlings as the chandal for 'peace' are in reality an absurdity as it is simply a
gambit for their own empowerment, claiming they want 'peace' implies another is at war with their
implicitly vilifying the superman, stronger party and attempting to disarm them through posing as a
weak and pathetic party as means of eliciting disgust on the part of the superior and thus increasing
their own probability of enrichment at the expense of the Other.
Posing as a victim to elicit pity and even contempt if need be as an instrumental mechanism of personal
empowerment. Such is the strategy of the 'weak and meek', of the chandala which was codified in such
chandal religions as that of ancient Indian; hinduism; vaishnavism; buddhism in its mahayana and
degraded forms and christianity the foremost slave religion which has reduced whites to the level of
slave animals serving jews as their masters.
‘Peace' thus redounds to a cunning attempt to overthrow whites by non-whites, a cowardly tactic of
disintegration that precipitates the degradation of the white Nation through a progenation of their
chandal kind at the expense of whites and as history has born witness to a slave rebellion or a dysgenic
interbreeding with whites to degrade their stock has been the strategy for jewish survival, a
perpetuation of the parasite and his brood at the expense of the whites.
Thus 'peace' must be rejected should it be construed in the above terms as a laying down of arms on the
part of the nobler superior and acquiescence before a greater host of quantity or out of simple disgust
and pity for the useless and worthless who are unworthy of consideration by the superior 'master caste'.
Thus the slave caste employs the strategy of 'peace', the rhetoric of empty phrases-backed up if need be
through ultra violence in the form of the angry mob which is whipped up through yet more emotive
phrases with 'spiritual' trappings, having 'God' on their side, etc.
The powers and principalities are only susceptible of corruption through their vices and the chandal
(the jew most especially and nearly exclusively) has found it his most adept strategem to offer various
prospects for apparent advantage which have within them the seeds of destruction, encouraging and
inflaming the vices of the 'master' as means of becoming master themselves.
The notion of 'equality' is yet another sacred cow that all must prostrate themselves before as condition
of deriving advantage in the J.O.G (jewish occupation government). 'Equality' implies equality
secundam quid (in a certain respect) and thus is not nor could ever be absolute equality 'per se',that
being an absurdity.
Hence those who claim 'equality' exists amongst 'humans' and in relation to this alleged standard of
being (the human)posit the 'human' as a non-existent reality a mere concept, which has exhausted itself
in terms of its meaning in today's world.
The notion of 'equality' related to the concept 'human' is an absurdity prima facie as 'human' is merely a
hybridization of species, of bipedal entities, or separate species of bipedal entities entirely separate in
terms of their essential properties.
Hence there is no equality in term of hybrids (being a plurality save insofar as they are hybrids) and
indeed no equality beyond this in terms of genera or beneath this in terms of individuals. Hence the
notion of equality is absurd and meaningless in any actual sense but is meaningful as a mechanism of
enslavement of the population under the guise of their being 'equal', ie. equalized as a slave caste.

'Equality' has become the mantra of a collectivization of the populace and the population is browbeaten
into submission to this false drill and any who question it or oppose it are considered enemies of the
state beyond that, in terms of extremism, enemies of their 'God' Jehovah and in secular form 'humanity'
the earth god.
To reject the notion of equality is to embrace the differentiated order of being and in its mundane form
all of the different kinds in their difference seeking to negate their difference and forcibly mixing them
together as a slave caste, ie. precipitating genocide through gradualistic erasure of difference.
This mind control psyop worked well enough to tear down and destroy the white population through its
emotional rhetoric which the cunning jew understands works in playing upon their mind and appealing
to their empathic nature and which simply has deleterious consequences upon the preservation of
The naivete of whites, their lack of cunning, a result of their purity, has been the thumbscrew into
which the wily jew has inserted his nail and which has been used as a means of manipulating the white
population to serve his agenda and interests.
He, the white man, must disabuse himself of the pests which ring him round and seek to absorb his
subtance-negation meaning simply a severing of ties, an achievement of independence from the
parasitic horde that insists upon imposing itself upon him under the guise of 'equality', ie. an implicit
demand for the receipt of advantage from the superior white man.
To cast aside the notion of 'equality' from the mind of the white race is to cast off the shackles the
chandala paced on the mind of the white man as means of chaining him to the wheel of their usury
What little advantage the white man may derive from his adherence to this creed is outweighed by his
rejection of it. Up to the present it has served him well enough in fattening the enemy on his pure
blood. Hence he must decide whether he will go down with the ship of the egalitarians or if he will
instead jump into the more difficult craft of a life boat and separate himself from the sinking ship,
blowing a few holes in its hull as he exists to speed it towards its demise.
All are equal only in daath and thus being equal has only a negative value. Those who wish to live will
affirm their difference else they will cease and be absorbed into the cosmic womb.
Another catchphrase of the global tyranny goes under the name 'Love' and is considered the cardinal
virtue of the world order. Love connotes harmony, a balance of the forces which constitute Reality and
which have adjusted themselves to one another in a completely synchronistic manner with minimal
strife and maximal synchronism if such it may be called.
Of course the term 'Love' as so defined doesn't have any correlation with the cosmic order but rather a
distortion of the cosmic order wherein that which is represented as conducive to harmony or 'Love' is
instead conducive to its antithesis inharmony or 'hate', ie strife.
The globalist, race-mixing, jewish supremacist egalitarian agenda is far from harmonious and is indeed
the antithesis of Cosmos Order or Love it is a 'satanic' disorder in the sense of a violation of the
harmony of existence.

To displace and replace whites in their own territory of the hearth such that their culture is subverted
and distorted through being replaced with non-whites-this is 'satanic' in the sense of being antithetical
to anything orderly in a cosmic/divine sense and thus is corruption. Hence it is not Love but Hate, the
antithesis of Love and those who extol this as a 'cardinal virtue' simply demonstrate their hatred for the
white race as supporting conditions that disempower and harm it and this are actively working towards
creating genocidal conditions and creating overall harm not help towards their own.
Hence Love necessitates active opposition to those who seek to undermine and subvert what one loves
and should active opposition entail physical or metaphysical force employed against those who seek to
subvert and destroy one's own the inevitable consequences of supporting the 'Love' of the world order
of Zion.
Zion's world order is the disorder of God and God's order is the negation or annihilation of Zion. A
simple equation thus results: either one lives or one dies and should one live he creates either harmony
or inharmony in the world both in terms of quality and quantity depending upon its modality and
Should he, being of a certain type, create greater harmony in his life he is contributory to the purpose of
the Creator, should his life create the converse his life is antithetical to the purpose of the Creator and
thus must receive his reward that being negation.
This is the calculus, the outcome of which is 'Love' and entails what the world order and all of its
proselytes would call 'hate', an active antipathy and opposition to the inharmonious conditions and
agents who create these conditions that subverts cosmic order.
The fallacy of the 'Love' of the world order consists of asserting a false premise as its operating
principle that being: the universal 'x'-whatever 'x' may be. 'Mathematics'; 'science'; ' humanity',etc.-all a
false premise, all an abstraction having no correspondence to reality in any way or form. This is the
asserted 'Truth' that the jew world order and its proselytes extol and impose upon each and all with iron
Those who refuse to embrace the 'love' for non-white savages and the replacement and defilement of
their culture are targeted for extermination, all in the name of 'love' and any who refuse to participate in
this 'love'; and again subject to ruthless persecution, torture and murder.
The 'Love' of the world order is hypocrisy. It is self-love masquerading as universal love and this
because those who control it believe in their extreme arrogance that it is they who are the embodiment
of the universal, of god-consciousness and thus that they are the only ones who can attain any
communion with God and thus again that they are the only ones who understand 'Love' in a cosmic
sense. However they not only misunderstand God but they misunderstand themselves for that very
reason and this inevitably their 'love is heart breaker' a life taker as it does not tolerate otherness save as
'slave', not as autonomous 'Other' existing outside of the system.
The system being totalitarian permits and tolerates nothing outside of itself and thus any Otherness
which exists outside of it is 'to be annihilated' and 'negated' if not capable of being assimilated into the
B.O.R.G hive mind. All of that which can be brought into resonance with the B.O.R.G, with the
Leviathan, is considered 'love'-all of that which cannot be brought into the spiders web is caste aside
after all of its useful life's blood is drained from itself. The love of the system is a love of evil, of
inharmony of 'hatred' definition, ie. strife, endless strife and is a projection of the mind (hive mind) of
the cabal which serves the wire pullers of the system and which members are haters of all that is
superior to themselves, ie. the Aryan Race.

Butterfly Effect

The effect of propaganda is such that the more it is disseminated and replicated the more it spreads and
the more it spreads the greater its effect. The butterfly effect of propaganda is such that those who
become its audience or are members of the audience toward or against whom it is targeted become their
programming and accordingly cease over time and intensity of their programming to have any
independent thought, such that they are a mere cipher or robot who is controlled by whatever force
controlled their mind, either material being such as the so-called 'chosen ones or in a more
metaphysical level their masters the demonic entities who control the jews.

This is how the 'bio-computer' is programmed by the controllers and how the goyim are transformed
into goyim and into golem or robots of the black magician Kabbalists who enslave this world. Those
who are kosher approved slaves of Zion are they who are receptive to the programming either in its
theological form of mainstream religiosity (Abrahamism; Hinduism; Buddhism; Zoroastrianism, etc.)
or in its secular form of liberal humanism. The programming is targeted toward low I.Q (stupid) easily
controllable slaves whose willpower is at a low level and who live spiritually at a low level and thus are
unable to discern the difference between falsehood and truth-these are they who receive a kosher seal
of approval and receive the opportunity to slave before their master for a Scooby snack in the form of
filthy lucre.

They who would rebel are those who are of stronger substance, who despise hypocrisy and exalt a
heroic path in life even though that mean death as the outcome. The propaganda takes effect on those
who are emotionally weak and mentally weak, easily controllable through emotional manipulation,
through sound, sight and sensation. Those of a more intelligent nature are however equally susceptible
to the programming which is targeted toward them, the rationalist mind programs of Jewish-imagined
ideology that comes in the form of 'religion'; 'vain philosophy' of new age-Jew-age invention.

They, out of curiosity, take the bait and are duped into serving the world order out of their naïveté and
or self-serving corruption, believing (and of course never knowing) as belief is anti-thetical to
knowledge) that they are doing some beneficial act that serves their personal advantage either
spiritually, materially or both. These dupes of Judah are the goyim of the Jew world order, their mind a
construct of programming being largely identifiable with the contents uploaded into their mind and
leaving no room for anything else as all else is crowded out of the gated through the cultural
desecration and concealment of jury.

Thus the closed system of Zion is a slave prison whose key is concealed and hidden from the site of the
'goyim' and thus they remain trapped within the prison unable to escape. The key of course lies with
knowledge which they do not have as they are trapped in a mental prison constructed by jury via
propaganda. The thick haze or smokescreen of propaganda is impenetrable to those who have only a
dim inner light and thus they live their lives in darkness without any understanding of reality and thus
serve as the slaves of Zion who live at most for material advantages and infantile feelings which
reveals the depth of their consciousness, depth in the sense of bestial and debased from any spiritual
height. Those who are spiritual either oppose this concealment of truth and the delusion of falsehood
which is perpetually put forth to deceive and misinform the masses or they will become either slaves
without any mind of a spiritual level or dead, materially and spiritually, their souls absorbed into the
beings who control this earth.

Midgard: The World

The realm of Midgard as portrayed in the Edda is a material world, the mundane plane in which the
gods (Aesir) of interact with the average mortals from Asgard and receive into Asgard the Einherjar,
they who have attained a state of transcendence through giving combat in the material plane, through
living for a higher purpose beyond the mere concerns of the moment of they who are not able to attain
any higher state of consciousness, the jarls or slaves who cannot attain any communion with the gods
by virtue of their lower state of consciousness. The latter are trapped in mid-guard, in the material
world, and have no capacity to transcended as they are its captives. Within this realm which serves as a

springboard to the divine so to speak there is constant battle between the Jotun and the Aesir, the
mythic representation of higher and lower states of consciousness, of 'Being' perhaps and perhaps also
the objective reality of higher and lower entities (the writer assumes both to be the case). Those latter
battle one another to dominate and control the material world and the average man in the world of
'middle Earth' is trapped between varying factions (a war within himself between divergent forces-
centripetal, centrifugal, materialism and spirituality-lower and higher density).

The Aesir had become interbred with the Vanir and created a hybrid race of superior mortals, the Vanir
being the Venusians or Lucifer Spirits from Venus also referred to as the Divyas in the Bhagavad-Gita
and through warring with the Aesir to some degree nonetheless bound up with them in their essence
and thus operating at a higher level of power than previously (perhaps the historical fact of the creation
of man biogenetic engineering or interbreeding between the Vanier or Divyas and the anthropoids on
the earth?).

On the earth plane there are figures who are not oriented toward assisting the Aesir but rather hindering
them and working with or assisting the Jotun. Such figures as Loki who is setting up traps for the Aesir
and causing them to further involve themselves in conflict and strife and this to their detriment are clear
examples of the Jew and his perfidious nature, his violation of the Divine Will and transgression of
cosmic laws in his self-seeking advantage and destruction in the Ragnarok. Jewry seeks to bring this
cataclysm about for the fulfillment of their invented prophecies, attempting to co-opt the cosmic cycles
of time and posit themselves on a pedestal as the 'chosen ones' employing their hordes of savage
slaves(untermenschen and beast folk) to tear down and destroy the Aesir and obtain for themselves
total power with the Jotun. Perhaps the Jotun represent or are the entities Jews work with whether they
are physical or no is uncertain but the editor would suggest they are of a lower density of physicality
than the men of Midgard and indeed are earthy in the chthonic sense again perhaps literally as well as
allegorically representing lower states of consciousness of those of the earthbound soul. The svart-elves
(black dwarves) are also representations of Jewry and the thieving of Kvasir's blood that of the ritual
murder of Jewry. Thus we can see that midgard or 'the world' is the material plane and is the
battleground of the divergent forces both literally and allegorically. The Ragnarokr (Kali Yuga/end
times) leads to a new world of a new golden age (of Aquarius) with Lif and Lifthrasir being the
Superman (spiritually and materially) who have transcended the previous lower states of being and
become God-man upon earth after the Fimbulvettir.

The Ultimate Virtue Signal

The ultimate end result of the anti-racist creed is felo de se, the self-destruction of the Being through
acting according to his dogma which espouses the negation of his own being, of his own existence
which is necessarily bound up with that of his race. The sadomasochistic mentality of the anti-racist is
to 1) deny his own race has value and therefore is not worthy of preservation and, if not, remain
apathetic as regards his own collective survival 2) actively seek to negate, to destroy his own race. And
this via mixture or via sterilization or other means.

The example of the anti-racist male getting a vasectomy is a classic case in point and underscores the
literal self-castration of this behaviour of the self-hating. This apparently is what these devotees of the
creed of anti-race pursue as their Telos or end of life, a complete witch-hunt or persecution of anything
(after first purging their own self regard for their own race) that is reminiscence of a deviation from
their own racial soul, e.g. its culture; its architecture; music; art; language; etc. The creed of anti-racism
thus has as its logical outcome physical and spiritual death, the negation of one's being.

The behaviour of the anti-racist is that of an inquisitor-forever witch-hunting and spying upon all and
sundry and interrogating all and however subtle a manner to enforce their dogma and deny any
difference or ‘Otherness’ save the difference of anything non-white (and ultimately even that
difference, collapsing all organic distinctions into a monoculture of artificial invention without any
tangible or actual relationship to the cultural Tradition of Hyperborea and Atlantis and of all its did
more degenerated forms of Aryan mankind in the subsequent peoples).

The anti-racist is subscribed to a culture of artificiality and at best savagery: artificial as they think they
can transcend the organic culture of what came before what developed itself out of itself (the definition
of ‘organic’) and savage as the distorted cultures of nonwhites and their primitivism-the allure of the
primitive beguiling their superficial minds to partake of the distractions and curiosities of the physical
quotes other quotes, that which is so overtly different (grossly different) and which possesses
differences that are easily and palpably different from the white culture. The over regard paid to the
primitivism of non-white culture is a means of posing themselves the anti-white the anti-racist on a
pedestal as a ‘broad-minded’ and ‘worldly wise’ figure who is capable of transcending his own finite
racial culture, a gesture of his ‘superiority’ qua ‘learned and profound, objective’ beings.

Thus the anti-white is in reality far from being a ‘humanitarian altruism’, rather a complete egotist who
simply ostentatiously displays his putative ‘virtue’ (virtue in relation to egalitarian mores, the race was
creed of humanism) as a means of accruing to himself social capital and thereby acquiring what he
desires, namely an ego boost, self-reflexive self-genuflection before the mirror of his vanity. The anti-
white condense his own race as means of attempting to transcend his limitations and thereby imply his
superiority to his own physical-genetic collective. He would be King by condemning the very support
of his being and, like a fool in a madhouse sticks his neck in a noose and kicks the chair out from under
himself. Hence his is a suicide even as he lives, as his understanding of reality, which is a
misunderstanding, entails affirming his capacity to live and to simultaneously live authentically and in
opposition to his own race, an impossible feat.

The root or basis of the anti-white values is felo de se, and expectation perhaps existing at an ur-level
of their consciousness of another world, an afterlife or continuance of there being, dwelling in cloud
cuckoo land (Necolophrygia as Aristophanes called it in his play ‘The Clouds’). The anti-white white
derives his worldview from near Eastern religious philosophy, presumably what had been concocted by
jewry as a psyop to enable its incorporation into white/Aryan societies and enable itself to accrue to
itself the advantages offered thereby. The nation of his and in India; Zoroastrianism in Persia and other
forms of syncretism in the Middle East and Mediterranean region wherein the Jews live-all were an
instinctive emanation of the mind of jury as a survival mechanism to enable its continued parasitism of
Aryan civilization through attempting to beguile the mind of Aryans with the Universalist-egalitarian
creeds Incorporated of itself and, once it attained a foothold in Aryan society and incorporative of the
non-white, non-Jewish ‘Other’ as means of concealing its subterranean power games and blinding the
Aryan to its presence.

Thus the egalitarian creeds of jewry are devices designed to entice and deceive Aryans to work against
their better interests and the anti-racist fanaticism of today's world is yet another re-presentation of that
psyop which is designed to program the mind of the Aryan and to encourage and indeed via social
pressure mandate that they walk the plank of their own destruction into the shark infested waters below,
i.e., into the clutches of the beast-men and their rapacious greed and savage hatred for their superior.

Anti-racism as a creed has built into itself a positive feedback loop which ties into the dopaminergic
pleasure centers just as all creeds that are espoused and established as ‘the good’: to affirm anti-racism
enables one to post himself as a member of the popular crowd and thereby to attain instant approval
from the ‘competent Other’, the archetype of the average (or indeed above average) Joker which is the
puppet on the string of jewry who dances about pirouetting and signalling their virtue to the tune called
by their Jewish puppet master. This Pinocchio-like cavorting results in the chaos of modernity we see
before us today: a world gone mad and all and sundry gambolling about willy-nilly with all and sundry
and promiscuous abandon desecrating the temple of God, the culture of the Aryan race, through
mingling and mixing with the beasts of the field and attempting to transcend their own false
understanding of the culture they have at best a dim acquaintance with based upon the distorted
misrepresentation of the Aryan culture.

The Jews have as per their usual methodology made a counterfeit of the culture of the Aryan, have
presented it to them as an inferior article in relation to their own distortion and interpolation of Aryan
culture into their pseudo-culture which they then exult as the greatest of all things. Publicly they want
to Aryanize the culture of egalitarianism is in at least amongst the average goyim and those goyim they

need to keep for the purpose of corruption and use against their kind they bind to themselves through
the syncretism of Freemasonry and posit themselves however implicitly as the superior dispenser of
wisdom when in reality they are a dispenser only of poisoned apples which the gullible snow white (the
Aryan) partakes up to her detriment.

Anti-whiteness is the poison Apple which brings about the death of Aryan mankind should he be
foolish enough to continue to glut himself on its stimulating poison, the dopamine spikes and perverse
delight he obtains in morbid self abasement all in the name of ‘morality’ and its offspring: ‘humanity’;
‘equality’; ‘love’; ‘peace’, etc. all of which merely serves as a cover for the supremacy of jewry
overall. Anti-whiteness thus paradoxically is Jewish supremacy as only whites are able to oppose the
subterranean praxis of Jewish rapacity.

Primitivism and Taboo

The ‘modernist’ trend of so-called ‘body modification’ is yet another's ‘sign of the times’, of the ‘reign
of the quantity’ as Rene Guenon called it, a reduction ad primitivismus, a devolution any descent into
the tellurism of beast consciousness. Primitivism thus marks the path of the modern degenerate, a path
of degeneracy and stagnation, of a defilement via mixture with lower elements of the racial soul of the
Aryan man.

These elements are derived almost exclusively from foreign cultural sources which themselves are
degraded remnants in most cases of the primitive Lemurian racial stocks (non-whites) who become in
many cases intertwined through miscegenation with whites. The foreign culture of self-mortification, of
mortification of the flesh, does not manifest itself alone in the form of a hickory or birch rod in some
form of self-flagellation in the dark ages. Rather self mortification comes in the form of the defilement
of the mind first and foremost (the thin end of the wedge) with foreign culture and secondarily acting
upon that idea manifesting it into reality via actions that mimic or mirror the foreigner.

Hence we see such actions of primitivism under the foreign influence of South Sea Islanders and other
primitive stocks being introduced in society via the criminal element and sailors (which is in most cases
the same thing) and from thence over a period of a little over 100 years being mainstreamed by that
criminal element which took over the world via Mafia-style tactics, that being the Jews. Hence the
primitive stock of jewry, da hybridized product of whites and non-whites as mainstreamed its own
marginal culture and made the heretofore considered abnormal, normal. The normalization of
abnormality is the Jewish project of destruction, a cultural weapon, deployed against Aryan society as
means of usurping power for themselves.

Tattoos are simply one amongst countless other examples of primitivism: from the culture of inebriated
and soul destroying substances (alcohol and drugs) to that of the feral music of the jungle, to that of the
style of dress and manner of deportment-all mimic the Savage and all descend to their origin from
whence they came, namely the realm of the primitive. The primitivization of the Aryan race is the goal
of jewry as means of dragging down to a low level his conscious mind to the lowest level possible. This
is the technique of jury for detaching the white race from a spiritual power and strength thereby
disempowering it through primitivism and the materialization of the spirit within.

The sum total of all culture which exists in this world is largely either a preserved remnant of Aryan
culture which has still been degraded and contaminated by jewry or is a synthetic product of various
primitive cultures and the Aryan mediated through the consciousness of jewry which brought low the
white race to its basest level since its origin.

The introduction of such culture into that of the white man is achieved through the Jews appeal to white
curiosity, the wonder of whites and their desire to know and experience that which is different, to come
to understand other offerings and to perhaps empower itself or incorporate into itself (as individual
members of the collective race) sources of potential strength and power. This is the ‘Faustian dilemma’
of the white race: it seeks, insofar as it is healthy, to empower itself and yet seeks to accrue to itself
power and his expansion which entails the possibility of contamination of its purity with the culture of

the ‘Other’ and, accordingly, entails a susceptibility of defilement of the racial soul even should the
Aryan conqueror and assimilate whatever other elements into themselves from the foreigner: customs;
magical practices; language; artifacts; the foreign blood of the quotes other quotes through

This has historically been the downfall of the white race-to quest and attempt to go beyond the purely
restricted boundaries of its habitual domain and, in doing so, to threaten its own continuance through
such means, such ‘Faustian expansion’ if such it may be called. Nonetheless there are no
countermeasures to serve as a prophylactic means for the Aryan race and its expansion save through
ensuring that it maintains a culture properly its own and consistent with its essence and to negate and
repel all that which is culturally foreign and thus to maintain itself. This is the nature of life itself:
either expansion or atrophy and contraction unto death-either the collective grows or shrinks and in
order to expand in a stable or sustainable way (sustainable development being a term misappropriated
and misapplied by contemporary globalists).

To expand sustainably means to incorporate into oneself all of that which can be assimilated or digested
by the cultural organism which is necessary for its continuance and to excrete and removed from the
consciousness of the cultural organism or racial soul all that which is foreign to itself and which thus
has no place in itself and would simply be a cultural carcinogen such as is the Jew and all non-whites in
all their cultural ‘offerings’ which are merely demonic contaminations of the Racial Soul that generate
from out of themselves-the more they are introduced into it and the more popular they become (both in
qualitative terms in terms of contaminating the elite caste who changes policies and which causes the
distortion of the functioning of a Culture on a physical-Racial plane and, as above so below,
contaminates and distorts the relationship to the higher planes which in turn sickens and weakens the
Racial Soul).

Purification or what might also be considered or termed ‘rectification’ of the racial soul is necessary
and this through individual members spreading culture which is as classically white as possible and
casting aside critically all other cultural elements and presences; exposing them and castigating them
through critical reputation, showing them in their ‘Otherness’ and foreign nature and turning the minds
of individual persons toward an authentic culture which is authentically pro-white and which enables
the empowerment of the cultural organism as a positive feedback loop, reflexively generating positive
self regard rather than the contrary as is the case of today with the defilement of white culture under the
influence of Jewry stigmatizing and desecrating the cultural soul of the White Race, in terms of the
distortion of its history and the creation of constant false associations between the Aryan race and its
activity throughout history.

The purpose of the enemy (the anti-whites, they who are led by jewry to attack white culture through
multifarious insidious ways along the template of jewry’s subterranean strategy of warfare) is thus to
smear the pure Racial soul with its tainted blood and to convince enough whites to adopt this muddied
caricature of the white man as if it were a reality and thus to further escalate the entropy within the
organism as a conscious entity and to bring about his destruction through its own self weakening or
disorganization of its elements out of its original structural harmony.

The goal sought by jewry is destruction, a rapacious desire to undermine and condemn all of that which
it cannot have for itself as food to consume for itself. Hence to condemn and cast out jury and all of
their hordes becomes an ethical imperative for white survival. In the end there is no ‘all peoples’ there
is only culture war which necessarily is simply a war on a higher plane that manifests on the physical,
the outcome being victory in the subjugation of the enemy or defeat and death.

The Impossibility of ‘Individualism’

An ideology or weltanschauung is held by particular individuals or rather particular persons at

particular times and in particular places and is thus not existent in a vacuum but is rather a resultant
product or fact of a particular ‘conjuncture’, a context or situation, an ensemble of particular
circumstances and conditions. There is no such thing as a pure ideology but rather there is a particular

ideology formulated and devised by a certain people or person, a certain ideologue or group of
ideologues and held and subscribed to by a group of persons or an individual, singular person.

Hence the ideology of individualism, which presupposes:

1) individuals exist and that

2) such impossible beings can exist as a paradoxical or rather contradictory collective that enables a
person-who wrongly considers himself ‘individual’, an island unto himself-two ‘live his life’ in
whatever manner he sees fit save in so far and limited by his obstruction of the lives of others,
regardless of race; creed, etc.

The absurdity of this lies in the fact that ‘individual’ is a mere abstraction, a conceptual construct
divorced from time and space and thus ‘wrenched from context’, in fact never having had any ‘context’
in the first place and never having existed in the first place. Thus individualism held by those who have
fallen victim to this delusion has exacerbated the chaotic conditions of the modern world, where each
and all a fragmented one from another and thus wars with one another in a ‘war of all against all’
(bellum omnia contra omnis).

Such a society or nation is merely a fragmented block of marble, sundered into one million pieces by
the hammer blows of egotism, that takes from one to give to another and without reason or justification
save ‘do what thou wilt’, leading to a complete chaos and ultimate destruction. This is why Jewry has
introduced this chaos into the mind of the masses via their possessive individualist creed and which is
why it, this creed of divisiveness, has been a useful tool in severing the organic bonds which bind all
persons of the same kind together.

Possessive individualism thus is not a reality and purports to create a reality and the illusory false
reality it does create amounts to a mere world of fiction of an inverted dreamworld in which each and
all are atomic units that have somehow relations with others without having any influence brought to
bear upon their person from those other persons who themselves have or have not fallen victim to this
ideological plague virus.

The ‘possessive individualist’ is an absurdist as his worldview is a failed description of Reality and is
instead a construction of a fantasy that is merely a means of either:

1) the escapism of a coward unwilling to confront and or

2) a deluded person who cannot as on unable to perceive reality properly from his standpoint confront

Hence the creed of possessive individualism is a formula of Jewry for the destruction of the cohesion of
the racial soul of the area.

The ménagerie or kaleidoscopic welter of phenomena which the ‘individualist’ gathers together and
attempts to bind together with bailing wire and string with his glue of conceptual abstractions, falls to
pieces again in his unrealized ability in the actual world and thus the ‘individual’ either disintegrates
himself through living a life against his Racial Soul, pursuing all manner of avenues of ‘experience’ or
‘titillation’ else he adheres to the straight and narrow path of integration of the adherent resonating with
his Racial Soul which means adhering to a weltanschuuang blood and soil and soul-the blood is the life
all else is death.

The National Socialist weltanschuuang entails a recognition and even exaltation of the personality in
itself which necessarily implies in its relations, and it's ‘proper place’, situated in the beings of being in
their proper nature, i.e. in their essence. It acknowledges that a person is an organism (both mind, body
and soul) and participates in the organic world of beings and thus has a certain structure (mind, body
and soul) which must be preserved in so far as he is to live. This because as his life is determined and

influenced by the forces which impinge upon him and which structure his being in its being and this for
better or for worse-in the case of a society or nation which has ‘integrated being’, which is as pure as
possible in it's being, the person is as stable and strong as possible in his being and the case of a society
or nation that is disintegrated in it's being i.e. a multicultural and even an individualist racially pure
society leads toward a gradual downward spiral and to destruction through the Volk chaos in the former
case and through the selfish egotism of the ‘individuals’ in the latter.

Hence the National Socialist weltanschuuang together a strong nation which works in a harmonious
manner cohesively with all of its parts, playing their proper role according to their ability and according
to the needs and desires of the racial soul which supersedes all other considerations and is the deciding
factor or principal in the praxis of the nation or state.

Those nations or states which are based upon a multicultural edifice of clay and iron crumble through
inner weakness, all elements jarring against one another and vying for personal enrichment against the
interests of their own particular racial soul or with different racial souls integrated with one another
against others. In either case fragmentation is inevitable and results in race war with the stronger force
overcoming the weaker and the outcome being victory for the most clever, most powerful in all senses
of the word.

Individualism fragments and destroys, collectivism and organic states unify and strengthens. To attempt
to make a collective out of organic mixture and to strengthen it is us to combine clay and iron oxide
powder into a mixture and to construct bricks of it-the end result is fragmentation, as a mixture is not a
compound having no solidity or integral nature and thus falls to pieces leaving nothing but chaos and
violence remaining, a collapsed edifice which crumbles under its own weight and inadequate support.
Hence the danger of individualism and its violation of the integrity of the racial soul and the necessity
of its removal from a strong and healthy nation's foundational values and beliefs. However this is not to
say that organic collectivism, collectivism based upon a racial organisms integrity and stability against
countervailing forces, should violate or even could violate or do violence to the Destiny of the persons
who comprise it-quite the contrary-it is the fulfillment, the realization of their destiny as they serve a
higher ideal and participate in that organism as cells within a body. When disorganized the cells
become cancerous, serving their own purpose as ‘individuals’ and thus disorganize the nation when
organized they are healthy cells working according to the nature with the collective and serving the
organisms purpose. Such a nation or society can be likened to a tank: it is a dynamic vehicle of power
which engages Others, Other rival vehicles or unites with Others as a separate unitary vehicle and
works toward the realization of its destiny or purpose. Further it is strong enough to win as it ceases to
exist and is defeated by the Other, relates to it as an enemy, again the stronger force overcoming the
The individual is an abstraction and a person's actual being having actuality in itself and its relations. It
cannot be otherwise and will never be otherwise. Such is cosmic law, the metaphysical principles of
Reality and anyone seeking to violate those principles is an enemy of his own Racial Soul and thus
must be dealt with in the appropriate way. Those who serve their own self-interest over the collective
organism violate that organism and themselves and their punishment must serve the purpose of
subjugating the harm they visit or potentially visit upon the collective Racial Soul. Those who fail to
deal with such adversaries suffer the consequences of allowing them to fester. Such consequence can be
ignored but not the consequences of that ignorance as individualists believe in their delusion thinking
that they can escape the laws of life but suffer the death of fools.

Cloaca Gentium

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

The mire of life envelops the mass

Good citizen slaves the first are last
All are one- all others they'll beat their ass
Dragging themselves into the grave with better castes

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

Jealousy, envy, base-borne greed

The masses are asses who cannot lead
Betters must rule-give them what they need
Else all implodes through equality

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

Negrified Amerikwan dream
Dragged down into equality
Uncle Sam's utopian pipe dream
Things not always what they seem

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

The mind of the Jew extrapolated

On all society full of haters
For superiority those of inferior status
Biologically defective castigators

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

The meek will inherit the earth

The claim of Christ: "The last will be first"
The workers of the world will assert
Their hatred of superiors they wish to hurt

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs

Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

Into the sewer all leap with glee

Now they have their sex, their drugs-'they're free'
Free from the chains of an orderly
Society based upon principles of Divinity

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

Christian, commie all are one

Nothing better, no not one
All are equal or all are done
Into hellfire they leap each one
Following only begotten son

Society, propriety, abide by these

Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

The Aryan man alone can win

Smash out the teeth of kike grins
Crash down the churches into oblivion
Smash apart chandala and their sins

Society, propriety, abide by these
Society, humanity, sickly gutter creed
Levelling equality- all live for basic needs
Kow-tow and bow to chandal breed

Build anew on the rubble of the old

Establish a paradise-streets of gold
Aryan man has broken the mould
Of Piscean age Judaized souls

Lie #5

Democratic...or Demon-o-Cratic?

Free (Fee) and Democratic (Demon-o-cratic) Society (Slavery)?

What is the mask and what is the face in the(post) modern world of socialist grace (God being
transposed with 'the people’-vox populi vox dei', ‘the voice of the people is the voice of God’). The
answer is that the bourgeois democracy of today's world is represented by popular opinion itself created
by the popular media, that certain ‘fundamental rights and freedoms’ universally applicable to 'each and
all’ by virtue of their 'fundamental essence or structure’ as a 'human being' is an ethical imperative to
uphold. Such is the foundational principle of a democracy. The means to attaining this paradise world is
touted as the 'will of the people'('demos-cratia' etymologically denoting 'people power')
This of course is an absurdity as 'the people’ is at best an abstraction (or perhaps at worst) and serves as
a soporific or pacifier to assuage any of the potential or actual wrath of the 'broad masses' against their
masters who are the actual slavers of the population and to (mis-)represent themselves as the shepherds
of the masses, political whores who paradoxically are the pimps of the 'broad masses' and who exist as
vampiric parasites absorbing the wealth and energy of their slaves.
All popular assemblies; referendums and discussion groups are nothing but veils behind which the
hidden hand hides and serves as a means of confusing the masses while bleeding off any pent up
aggression, shifting the focus of their consciousness toward sub-causes of their problems which are
largely simulacral, invented by the dark forces for this purpose (divide and conquer and scapegoating;
transferring the sins of the hidden hand toward other targets as a means of escaping punishment by the
broad masses).
Thus the gods of democracy are ostensibly 'the people' (again an abstraction reducing concrete, organic
difference to abstract equality, nullifying and denying the existence of actual beings and eo ipso doing
harm to them in their being) while in reality being the hidden hand who exerts a controlling influence
over the confused and gullible population of democracies 'citizenry' who in their extreme naivety have
fallen for the bait offered to them by the cabal that they have any power while in reality having none
(the Emperor's of 'the people’ having no clothes and thus serving as a source of mockery for the hidden
hand to understand full well that they alone have power within such a system of 'governance').
Even the word ‘governance' with its effeminate tone and connotation of caregiving (the nanny state)
shows the hypocrisy of the system of 'representative governance' to be an absurdity given the hardline
totalitarian and thug-like reaction on the part of the police to any who call into question its false idols.
Thus the mask of democracy conceals the face of the cabal, the Freddy Krueger face of evil concealing
itself behind the cosmetic facade of benevolence and humanitarian altruism.
The slave system of democracy is yet another lie that props up the liars and facilitates their plans
through the generation of confusion and sectarian strife (secular or religious), tearing apart society from
within while maximizing stress amoungst the population and absorbing as much of its wealth as
possible and causing as much harm as possible to the indigenous population as they can to more
effectively take over for themselves the society of Others.
Once this has been accomplished should the Jews prove successful in their sabotage, they will then
install a totalitarian order after the fact that will enable them to exploit and enslave the witless peons
through hired goons under the guise of 'the people’ and 'the workers' serving the state as God and/otr
'the One' God of the Jews with his 'chosen people' ruling the world afterwards. Hence the phrase

'democracy is death' as it leads to the disintegration and implosion of the organic state of the indigenous
people and their culture.
Inversion of Values
The world of today is the antithesis of yesterday, it is the world of degraded subhumanity, the world of
'untermenscheit' (the condition of being an underman). Those who would live in such a world evince a
sickness of the mind and those who rebel against it evince a healthy mind. The sheep and the goats are
now the diseased sheep of the urban environment and the mountain goats seeking to ascend the heights
and living a rough life of challenge outside of the chaos of the 'cloaca gentium'.
However the mountain goats appreciate entry into the sheep's pen to partake of the feed that the sheep
are fattened upon at times not, to become decadent as themselves but rather to obtain more empowering
substance for themselves and necessary at the expense of the sheep.
The sheep dogs of the police and military of course, along with the jewish farmer who owns the animal
farm according to his own manufactured law, are the forces which stand in his way. He the goat, the
wild figure from outside of the borders of the decadent sheep's pen must thus find means of entry that
will enable him to gather for himself what he requires to serve his own advantage, to augment and to
amplify his own power and that of his kind. He in the Traditional world is the healthy being and the
society he seeks to obtain resources from being sick and decadent is simply 'up for grabs'-the strongest
obtaining for itself the most and the weakest the least-strong in the sense of whatever forces are
necessary to obtain the objective, being possessed of power that can be employed effectively to derive
what is necessary from whatever source and by whatever means.
The values of today and exemplified in society are defective and infirm and simply lead towards
civilizational degradation. It is the role of the wild goat to enter into the pen and butt the jewish troll off
the bridge which stands in his path, to cast aside the sheep dogs and to thereby derive what he seeks for
himself and his kind. The contemporary society is rotted out with corruption, the fatted sheep eagerly
bleating for more to sate their endless greed.
The goats must thus needs sharpen their horns and exercise their thews to prepare to ram the gates of
the sheep's pen, to break it asunder and to derive from it all of its spoils. To the victor go the spoils and
the only obstacles extent are the cunning mind manipulator farmer and his stupid dogs and sheep who
bow before him to slake their thirst of what they desire and which he gives them only after having
taken the lion's share for himself and having taken it from them in the first place having simply placed,
a few stakes around to cordon off the sheep's parcels of pasture-all the better to hem them in; to shear
them and eventually to slaughter them.
Face Your Accuser
The scum of modernity are twice the child of hell of the jew. They claim to be righteous superiors and
have an entitlement to dictate to all how they will be, but the reality is that what they call 'morality' is in
fact a mere construct of jewish programming, is indeed a 'nothing', other than a psycho-spiritual
program which has been installed in their biocomputer brains by the jews through repetition, classical
conditioning procedures.
The 'morality' of today consists of implying the immorality of others-of the 'Other' and condemning
them as if they were somehow 'immoral' (ie. bad) or deserving of some form of punishment based
upon the non-compliance with the positive dogma invented by jews and imposed without consent upon
non-jews under the facade of choice: 'join us or die'.

The jews give a choice to the non-jew which consists of adhering to their noahide laws-or else be
excommunicated. The savage stone-aged imposition, the characteristic behaviour of jewry who
imposes himself upon all and sundry regardless of the desirability of doing so to the Other.
Indeed it is the jews desires and those alone which matter to the jew and he imposes this obligation;
that the desires of the jew be perpetually sated by the non-jew and failure to do so constitutes a
transgression of 'morality' specifically within the larger system of 'ethics' (situational-the situation
determined by the jew in the way the jew will decide based upon the jew's desire or pleasure). There is
a particular sub category of situational ethics regarding accusations of transgression-the alleged
transgression's being unable to face his accuser. This occurs in the formal codification of law through
being able to inform against others anonymously and the accused not being able to identify the accuser
to have them substantiate their claim and to be able to refute it is left without recourse save to answer to
accusations brought against them be they frivolous or legitimate.
This is the de jure aspect of law. The de facto aspect of law being yet more sinister-the rumour mill
slander campagins of jewry against any who seek to oppose their imposition that are forced upon them
by the jewish "nation within a nation".
Not only can the accusers not be faced but neither can the accusation the rumour simply circulating as a
flechette from a grenade bouncing around and causing the laceration of the person's reputation.
This is the christian-communist imposition of jewry which denies those who do not serve them a right
to exist and indeed to have a memory of them exist, their person being wiped away from the earth as an
act of desecration of their person.
If the jew can get to that point he destroys the family line and indeed the nation itself into which he had
wormed his way in and sought to pillage for himself and his base ends. In a just society, by contrast,
with just laws, the accuser must be known and his accusation also, that way malicious slander cannot to
gotten away with and thus 'just society' exists always of course only in relation to a society of an
ethically homogeneous Nature, a 'Nation' properly so-called, an 'organic state'. Only thus can the
accuser be made manifest without endangerment as law does not operate universally in the mundane
plane contrary to all claims to the contrary. Law operates as a specific codification of the values of a
particular biological group, within a finite set of circumstances.
Perhaps the closest thing that approximates to universal law is the white race and the codification of
law though its consciousness in particular laws for particular times and places is the materialization of
the universal or universalization of the particular-the unification of spirit and matter in a forensic
context. The laws indeed might all be considered 'universal' in the sense of the differentiation of spirit
and matter but for the fact that all of those beings who are non-white are in no way differentiated
according to the Divine Plan but are rather mere mixtures and crosses whose barbarous laws
contravene those of God, not harmonizing with the sum total of being as not being in any way the
epiphenomena of those who derive from God, those who are pure in other words. Only the pure have
just laws as only they resonate with the Supreme Being, that is, in an organic state, in a state which
itself is formed and developed by and through the instrumentality of the pure and thus correlates with a
'city of God' or godly society and which has laws which attune with the Divine Will in a harmonious
In a sick state the accuser may accuse but is obligated to make his accusation public before the judges
whose role it is to adjudicate and, should it be within the public interest to do so the accusation must be
specific and distinct and relate to the accused and not be ambiguous or broad in scope but must be
substantiated with adequate evidence and witnesses if possible.

In today's modern world there is no evidence needed just the slander of the slanderer and this thrown
forth from themselves as the spotless white suitjacketed responsible member of society walks by. The
latter is punished either officially or unofficially for having sewage spattered on his coat and must
expend time and effort washing it away else leave it to stink and to be sullied by all. This is typified in
the case of the slanderous jew and his grapevine insinuations against others-the cultural practice
specific to jewry and defining of his nature.
Practical Idealism: Modern vs. Traditional
The practical idealism of the jew is the practical idealism of black magic witchcraft. Jewry creates
thought forms, ideas and magnifies them to reality through creating a beguiling or repulsive appearance
as means of attracting or repelling others towards or away from whatever they desire and whatever is
most serviceable to themselves.
The black magic lies in the deceptive nature of this act of contriving simulacra (fake) ideas and
attempting to reify them and convince the targeted person that the idea is or could or should be a
reality. Such as 'humanity' comprised of a random assortment or ragbag of non-white savages
juxtaposed without any hierarchy or differentiation into a collective, and established on a pedestal as
something to venerate and prostrate oneself before-of equality of that which is palpably different, in
terms of its essence of that which can never be equalized save in death and destruction.
The destruction of jewry is their black magic practical idealism, so called 'creative destruction'
attempting to reify their ideas through having others 'buy into' the idea through artful salesmanship and
advertising. The technique or magic of jewry lies in their employment of psychological (psyche in the
sense of soul) manipulation to entice others into a certain way of thinking or behaving serviceable to
Hence of another example of the negative form of this black magic, the jewish communist leader
Selenkov stated "we will make racialism a dirty word" and the perpetual bombardment of the
consciousness of whites with demoralization propaganda since the end of the second world war has
been the agenda, containing the behaviour of the goyim via behavioural modelling and through the
implementation of the anti-racist idea into their consciousness not via audio-visual propaganda alone
but by the transmission of radio frequency subliminals, voice-to-skull and other technologies that most
all people have no power to resist in their broken down state of debasement.
The practical idealism of jewry is thus far altruistic in the out-group sense but is in that sense a
malevolent act of war against the 'Other', the non-jew, and at most beneficial in terms of in-group
The practical idealism of the Aryan can work in the same manner only it is perhaps most inclusive of
universal order than the universal chaos of the jew, and can thus be construed as white magic the polar
opposite of jewish dialectics. Perhaps this is a cosmic plan and the two sides consciously or no are
participants in the eternal struggle for the self realization of the Absolute, or perhaps simply the polarity
thereof that exists in perpetual dynamism as the motor of evolution driving the progress of the world
towards whatever other states of being.
This is all speculation however and one can understand at least if not the telos than the meaning or
rather 'given of experience' and if sufficiently developed in terms of their consciousness, can
understand the difference between actions, ideas and states of affairs conducive to under stand those
conducive to chaos and from thence can infer if sufficiently knowledgeable and rational the proper

course of conduct, conducive to the 23 words: "what is good for the white race is of the highest virtue
what is bad for the white race is the ultimate sin" and universal order.
All ideas have their implementation or application and thus what is being applied and to what aim is
what matters. Like all weapons they are never inherently good or bad but their moral weight is purely
contextual if they are designed to serve a purpose which is value neutral ab initio. Those which are not
value neutral are possibly inherently good or bad and it so in specific ways: the symbol of the swastika
as inherently good for the white race being a symbol of themselves and their ancestral legacy deriving
from the Hyperborean. If the symbol (which is good) is placed into an irrelevant context that defiles it
that is bad; if it exalts it according to its Truth it is good. Thus can be seen what must be the standard
but only in a qualified way a service to the 23 word and (as a necessary result) universal order.
Murder is Murder By Any Name
The cabal's technique of murdering its opponents is represented in their self-serving manner as 'justice'
against any who oppose its one-world agenda who are targeted for elimination. The dishonesty and
trickery of the cabal represents its violent imposition upon others as 'help' or 'justice' or 'righteousness'
which obviously amounts to little more than ultra violent aggression against others though it may veil
itself behind the facade of these benevolent intentions.
The mode of the cabal is always subterranean, underground, deceitful and sub rosa never open warfare.
The warfare it wages may be styled 'omni-war' or war on all fronts against all of those it cannot
assimilate into itself, all Otherness being deemed either 1) potential energy it may assimilate into itself
or 2) that which is necessarily unassimilable and thus is demarcated an 'other', or enemy and placed
into the crosshairs for elimination.
The rhetoric of the cabal exists especially in the christian justification for war against the 'infidel' or the
'heretic' or he who does not believe in the ideology of christianity and thus is targeted as an enemy
'Other' with whom it is 'just' or kosher approved to go to war. In the descendant of christianity, liberal
democracy and its yet more cthonic variants communism and socialism, etc., the 'jus bellum' still
manifests itself as a similar variety of rhetoric based upon not 'God's will' or what is approved by the
priestly caste (run of course by jewry), but by the 'rights of man' and the priestly caste of jewry in a
secularized form of freemasonry.
On either case, all of those who oppose the egalitarian-mongrelization agenda are targeted for
destruction as the cabalists, upon having its 'peace', by which it means its the effacement of all
difference through levelling equality, the nihilation of all organic biological (metaphysical and
physical) difference.
The plastered on smile of the christian and to a lesser extent the liberal is the mask behind which the
murder machine of zion conceals itself. Its adherents put themselves into a state of cognitive
dissonance through this means, changing their mood state to make that which is undesirable and
unpleasant if examined impartially and in an honest manner pleasant and 'good', acceptable, approved,
even though covered with the mask of dishonesty.
The murder cult of the cabal is fanatically obsessed with the genocide of the superlatively intelligent
and creative white race as means of enabling jewry to rule by eliminating their competition for power.
They are a juggernaut who is not unstoppable and their time is short on this earth which can be seen
clearly at this time owing to the 'convergence of catastrophes' as Guillaume Faye has written of in his
book of the same name. The downward spiralling concatenation of events that will bring down the
cabal is already occurring and with inevitably precipitate their downfall.

The murder of the earth and its sentient life (at all dimensions) will cease once the violators of peace
who have the word 'peace' perpetually on their lips are eliminated in terms of their control system is:
super tsunamis; the extremism of state tyranny under unjustifiable grounds observable to nearly all; the
total global impoverishment and threat to the lives of the population via medical murder or the murder
by the police state. As Ice-T the mulatto crypto jew rapper said: "murder is murder by any name", and
the perpetual beating of the drums of war in the name of peace is the march of genocide of the murder
machine of zion which belligerently mows overall and sundry it cannot assimilate itself as energetic
food. The system is a vampire and a cannibal and eliminates everything it touches while it swells itself
to the breaking point in the name of empty phrases: peace; love; unity-humanity; democracy; God;
jews; equality. The sing song voice of the Zion machine deceives the goyim to walk into the combine
harvester of souls.
Princelings of Reversal
The chandala of jewry have manifested out of their mind, their soul, in the form of various texts they
call religion and political ideology, which they have employed as weapons of war (of mind war)
against their enemies foremost amoungst whom is the white population. The weapons of ideology the
jews have crafted are a direct result of their consciousness-that of a hater of superiority owing to their
own relative inferiority. Hence they have compiled myriad texts and religious relics that they have used
in order to dupe and deceive the gullible goyim to 'believe, believe, believe' and that has been their
mainstay in their repertoire of violent aggression against the "Other', their subterranean sneak attack
against white population who they were not able to overcome by main force though had they that
power they would have been all too willing to do so.
The strategy has thus been a covert war game, a cold mind war that has elevated jewry to their current
position, introducing insane ideas into the mind of the white population and causing them to act against
their own better interest as a collective biological group and serve the interests of jewry and their
hordes of non-white slaves rather than the interests of their own collective group.
The jewish strategy is too anaesthetize their host, through softening them up through crafting the
impression of their own weak and defective nature so that they could enter into white nations and
gradually build power, corrupt the leadership and foment revolutions to take that same leadership down
by playing both ends against the middle: rich against poor; female against male; one religious or
political faction against another with jews leading both sides against each other for their own benefit.
Should the jews get this far and not be removed via decrees of expulsion or via pogrom as a retaliatory
backlash against their usury, their poisoning of the wells; their ritual murder of children and other vile
acts of corruption and destruction they then have attained a state where they can be the rulership and all
others are reduced to serfdom and all competition to their power is eliminated.
Should they attain this state of mastery over the non-jewish nation they immediately declare themselves
a master race of superior beings and live a life of total luxury and indulgence as is their natural
tendency towards hedonistic abandon at the expense of their own population and at the expense most
importantly of their host who is reduced to serfdom as their puppet slave caste.
The rhetoric of 'the rights of man' and 'all being-equal before god', the rhetoric of chandalism, of slave
religiosity, is used to decimate the intelligent upper caste of whites (and non-whites in non-white areas)
and substitute them for themselves the jews with the promise of 'social justice' and 'equality for all' as
the incentive or carrot to motivate the slave class to murder their own upper caste. This after the jews
have corrupted the upper caste as means of creating an organic basis for the hatred of their own
superior kind who have demoted themselves in terms of authentic superiority by serving their own

power mad plans at the expense of their own population. The jews transfer their karma to the upper
caste thereby and attain mastery through this dialectic of intra-ethnic factionalism.
The falsehood and hypocrisy of the jew in claiming he seeks 'peace for all' and 'equality' serves to
springboard him into power at the expense of gullible dupes, his meat shields who he pays to destroy
his enemies once in a position of power his true nature manifests itself that of a decadent, avaricious
materialist and despot who crushes all under his gold heeled shoes and hides behind his police state of
hired goons as means of propping himself up in power. The soviet union, the Byzantine empire and the
pope serve as archetypes of jewish decadence and excess in their rulership over 'the goyim' who are
reduced to a state of total ignorance and poverty as witless slaves.
Commercialization and Transience
The jewish nature is that of a being who exists in a purely worldly state of being subject to the
transience of becoming of the material world. The jew has no attachment, by virtue of his genetico-
spiritual constitution to Eternity, to the higher dimensions of Being beyond the material plane in terms
of their frequency of resonance being of a more lower density.
Accordingly the jew may be characterized as 'telluric' or 'etheric' and thus is a worldly creature by
definition. His worldiness determines his consciousness and he has no capacity to transcend that state
of being as his genetico-spiritual constitution serves as the limitation of his mind.
Thus he lives in the world of illusion and seeks mastery of this world as the illusion-maker, the black
magician who invests his time and effort in manipulating his slaves within the material plane, trapping
them within and exploiting them for advantages to empower himself and to attempt to elevate himself
above the superior white population who he denounces and condemns as 'goyim' by virtue of his
concealment of Truth.
Those who live in the Truth, namely the Aryan race, are living in the world but are not of the world and
indeed are the very gods of the world who attempt to enforce the laws of God, ie. cosmic law, the laws
of Dharma/karma if such it may be called, as to punish those who violate the laws of God is Dharma
and those who transgress them cannot sin or incur karma however it may be phrased.
The transience of the world has its correspondence in the mind of jewry which is a collective hive mind
entity that is subject to the chaos of becoming but moreover is also a hive mind entity which is subject
to the vampiric astral parasites or 'entities' who control and influence them to a large degree and
employ them as these entities physical instrument upon the earth and which motivate the jews to create
crime and violence through subterranean underhanded behaviour and thus create turmoil to feed off the
released energy induced by the chaos. The jew thus is a 'child of hell', in the sense of being bound up
with these entities and having one foot in hellfire, ie. in the lower dimensions in which these entities
dwell and is shackled to them and this region by the chain of occult ties which they have no capacity to
sever again by virtue of their genetico-spiritual constitution.
Accordingly all the jew can hope for in this world is that which the world has to offer him, the
transience of existence and its fleeting amusements and pleasures. Hence his entire motivation is
directed towards accumulation of profit and the impossible attempt to perpetuate his material vessel as
a means of continuing to partake of the wine of Babylon and beyond his own finite life to secure the
perpetuation of his own biological group as a means of incarnating once again in the flesh in another
jewish form through the law of attraction, that like attracts like and thus the elements of his being, his
soul, reincarnate in a similar form within the larger hive mind of jewry, its collective Racial Oversoul.

Hence as a child of hell jewry has nothing but the material plane in which to dwell and thus lives in a
state of worldliness. This is why he is devoted to commercializing the world and all of its people and
culture as a means of accumulating for himself the sum total of all things on earth, having been
converted in energy that he may vampirize or absorb into himself as a means of extending his lease on
life within the material plane. Hence everything he seeks to direct his attention towards becomes
commodified, as his mind is forever seeking profit and material advantage as if he were superimposing
upon the world and all of its beings a balance sheet or a qauntitative analytic graphing software that
makes all things appear to him to be numbers and exchange values within a system of exchange that
controls and engineers for himself and his tribe and which is presumably a necessary function of his
own genetico-spiritual constitution.
The transience of the stock market with its ups and downs, lows and highs and the perpetual circulation
of goods and services and their exchange is the transience of the jewish mind superimposed upon
eternity in the material plane. This is 'economics', a purely jewish invention based upon an artificial
distortion of Being, of God and the functionality of the material plane and its mechanism of action.
The jews says in his talmud: "commerce is greater than thou art" and this means that the pre-given
organic reality that pre-existed the jewish pestilence is evaluated by the jews as a mere subordinate
concern, a mere thing of contempt. In such wise the jew exalts his ego and denounces and condemns
that which is 'Other' to himself as springboarding himself over Others and positing himself without any
justification save 'self legislation' as his affirmation of superiority.
Those who dwell in higher planes, namely the Aryan race, the white race, have no need of clinging to
the material plane in the jewish manner and throughout their history never had save at the present
moment, of a world of materialistic scientism and materialism which has dragged down their
consciousness into the mire and in all to manner cases making of them twice the child of hell as the jew
devotees of mammon and materialism and a completely self-serving being who cares nothing for the
future in any other dimensions and serves their creature comforts at the expense of their higher, True
self, their forsaking Eternity for the transience of material benefit.
The world of consumeristic greed is a reflection of the mind of the population, a world wherein all are
devoted in their attention towards bringing heaven upon earth in the sense of the spiritualization of the
material plane through the appropriate rites and rituals and indeed all facets of the culture of the white
man being oriented towards this purpose, from the geophilic structure of his dwellings to the strength
and quality of their materials; their sacred geometry being a reflection of the higher planes in the
material plane and so too in music; in plastic art; in their inventions and in tier way of dress; their
symbols; their language; their spiritual practices of their priest caste directed towards their gods and
indeed to the harmonization of their Nation with the Divine Will of which all of their gods are the
hypostases in their henotheistic worldview or weltanshauung.
The jews are the stumbling block along the road to Hyperborea and stand in the path of the Aryan Race
in their rediscovery of their Tradition which was largely sabotaged by jewry via christianity and
zoroastrianism, via buddhism and hinduism in different regions of the earth at different times in history.
This obstruction along the path of Aryan survival and victory must be removed in order to have a
spiritual world in which Aryans may live by themselves and be free from molestation by jews and all of
their savage hordes and may then have a world of spiritualized existence independent of any threats to
their survival or obstruction of their destiny.

At present the jewish usury system of commercialization and commodification of all things be they
sentient or inanimate is what governs the white created nations and serves as a spider's web of slavery
that harnesses people as human batteries who can be drained of their life's blood and then summarily
dispatched once used as so many flies trapped in the spider's web and drained of their blood.
The white race lives beyond this web and is alone capable of cutting its strands which have been wound
around its members necks and limbs and this will inevitably occur within a few years as of the time of
this writing. The commercialized world of jewry will soon cease and they will inevitably cease with it.
The system which will replace that of their evil system as that which we may call a kingdom of heaven
upon earth, a world spiritualized after the chains that bind the white race have been cut.
Democracy is the religion of the stupid masses which is formulated to pander to their egos, a religion
which "puts you in the driver's seat"-and points the vehicle off a cliff and subjects it to remote control
interference such that accelerates and plunges the captive occupant into the abyss.
Democracy is the meaningless charade that naive dupes have become deceived into looking upon as the
summum bonum when in reality it is the summum mortuum, the worst of all possible worlds.
'Demos-cratia': the people are placed on a pedestal for a vain hour then cast into the abyss once no
longer of use as slaves to the ruling elite; similar to the example of many athletes in the soviet union
who were elevated to stardom then cast down to the lowest depth when they no longer served the
system of evil in it self-genuflection, making the goyim into trained animals from an early age pumped
up with steroids and given a princely life at least insofar as it conduced to their ability to perform their
role as an exemplar of soviet strength then put on display in the olympic games after which consigned
to the most rudimentary conditions as a mere serf on the jewish plantation.
Democracy is sovietism where the masses are herded and managed, sheared and slaughtered at the
whim and wish of their jewish animal handlers, the husband men of the animal farm of Zion. The
illusion of 'people power' of 'freedom' is the cruel deceptive which Kai Murros called the "cruellest
slavery". The people have power-and then what? How much; in what way; of what quality and most
importantly of all what 'people', and what defines a 'person'. Within the context of jewish hypocrisy, ie.
democracy only they and their shabbos goyim who are members of the communist party of the
democratic people's republic (of whatever nation) have power and the latter to the degree jewry permits
and it serves their own personal pleasure and advantage.
In a democracy (whatever its particular name) the locusts on the animal farm. jewy, devastate all of the
crops and turn upon the animals once they have robbed them of their substance. Democracy serves as a
soporific, a mind numbing ideological drug that anaesthetizes and inebriates the conscious mind and
make it more easy to harness in service of jewry. 'X' marks the spot-place the Saturnian symbol 'X' into
a Saturnian cubus/box in the 'ballot box' and vote for your local jew or freemason both of who are 'on
the square' as 'compete ashlars' in their Solomon's Temple-and you will receive your just reward-that
being a slave collar, a tag (I.D-identification; intrastate passport; R.F.I.D chip implanted in their
physical body; vaccination with graphene oxide and its symbiotic relationship with their body and soul,
modifying it to suit the purposes of jewry, be it slavery, or outright murder-culling the herd animals on
the animal farm of Zion).
Democracy, once it has served its purpose as an anaesthetization mechanism will undoubtedly be
replaced by the totalitarian system of Zion should the jews have their way which will ultimately result
in a world similar to the dystopian movies 'T2: Terminator 2"; "The Running Man" or "Total Recall" all

ironically starring an Austrian alpha male archetype Arnold Swarzenegger who is in the films subject to
a transhumanist experimentation and conversion and plays the role of a hunted and persecuted figure,
not an unrealistic depiction of contemporary white men. Presumably this is predictive programming on
the jews' part.
Should the white race acquiesce to the Zion cult of 'democracy' it will inevitably result in the mass
chaos that jewry seems so keen on perpetrating and this through their agents such as Charles Manson
and his 'helter skelter" predictive programming.
Thus 'demos-cratia' is the illusion of freedom and 'the summum bonum' which is in reality mere
hypocrisy and deception conducive to the 'summum bonum' which is only provisionally and
temporarily good for jewry and their bought and paid for fellow hypocrites, liars and thieves.
Who benefits form democracy in real terms, ie. in terms of being able to fulfill their proper destiny
according to their proper nature? Qui Bono? The answer is: the scum parasite caste who freeload at the
expense of others and engineer chaos as a mechanism of further enriching themselves-again only
temporarily as such enrichment is not only robbery and thus unsustainable but is beyond that inevitably
doomed to fail as the substance upon which it feeds itself, the 'goyim' are reduced to extreme serfdom
and their quality of life to such a point as to render life nugatory and thus unworthy of sustaining even
in relation to the touted claims of the virtues of a 'free and democratic society'.
That democracy is antithetical to freedom can be seen palpably in its hypocrisy-only the scum class
have freedom: to do what they will whenever and however and all others are reduced to extreme
servitude and stripped of all freedom. The following is a brief sketch of the hypocrisy and illusory
nature of this 'freedom':
1) expression: verbal and others forms of communication are permitted only which are tolerated by a
'free and democratic society', ie. only those communications which the masses have been indoctrinated
to tout as 'good' by the controlled media and all else being verboten, censored and indeed considered
criminal or terrorism, ie. only speech or communication which makes the stupid mass of goyim feel
unpleasant or afraid or bad and which the controllers have an interest in prohibiting, censoring or
destroying as a cultural-communicative presence by its symbol, sign, cultural artefact, etc. Freedom of
expression means the freedom to express democratic ideas and only democratic ideas without any other
form of ideas permitted.
Hence freedom of expression is not freedom of expression of one's own independent thoughts, ideas
and opinions but rather the freedom to express whatever the government, 'the party' permits.
2) The freedom to move about the country-freedom insofar as the ruling power permits. Should you be
declared a 'terrorist' or 'criminal' your freedom is restricted and anyone voicing or expressing dissent
against the regime is labelled such officially or unofficially, denied a means to move about freely
especially unofficially through 'gangstalking' (the 'community policing' terrorism of the state) which
obstructs people's movement through sabotaging their vehicles; assassinating them in transit from point
A to point B; or depriving them of an income so that they have no means to travel as travelling
necessitates the necessary financial cost: only 'members of the party' may about at leisure as the
'princelings of reversal' as Johnathan Bowden called then, the parasite caste of exploiters who purport
to 'represent' 'humanity', ie. themselves, jewry and masonry at the expense of the 'goyim', ie. all who
are 'Other' to themselves.

3) The right to bear arms is curtailed as well as citizens being deprived of free possession of a personal
defence weapon that equalizes force amongst all by having their pdw (personal defence weapon)
qualified as : i) restricted; ii) prohibited; iii) licensed by the permission of 'the party' and thus alienable
by the party-what the master gives the master can take away and any 'elected representatives' are
merely the wolves in sheep's clothing who purport to be of and by the 'people' but are only of and by
themselves as the only 'hue-mans', ie. 'light bearers' or 'men of light'.
The antithesis of democracy is paradoxically or absurdly 'itself' democracy, not as not only does it
operate on the basis of illusion, deceiving the 'goyim' into supporting their own disempowerment
through 'representative government' and their own enslavement by those who they have allowed to be
masters, underscoring the fact of democracy being 'the vilest form of government' as Ben Franklin said.
Aristotle defined democracy as 'mob rule', however it is not the mass or 'mob' who rule but rather the
'shepherd kings' who rule over the sheep, the initiative priests whose demonic rites grant them in their
understanding a 'Divine Right' to rule over others.
Hence the phrase "democracy is death" as its parasitical usury and exploitation leads ultimately to the
nihilation of its adherents through the disintegration of the system which is imposed upon it. Hence the
additional phrase which accompanies it "death to democracy" as the only necessary solution to the
problem of democracy. The problem of democracy is its existence and the solution is its eradication.
No democratic society has ever or will ever sustain itself and thus it contains within itself the seeds of
its own destruction.
Accordingly democracy must be annihilated and since the parasite caste who rules society is insistent
on continuing along its 'progressive' course towards the destruction of civilization it will necessary
require force as Matt Hale stated: "when reason fails force prevails", and according to cosmic law the
stronger force overcoming the lesser and thus the cabal of evil being divided along endless lives in
terms of its legions and savages will destroy itself under the aggression (even if only defensive) of the
Aryan race which brought against it.
Hence the inevitable fate of 'democracy' is death either of itself or of the enemy who will fight with
extreme violence in its charateristically dirty way before it goes the way of the dodo.
Only the effective action of Freikorps-style legions will be possible to oust the foe, only undergone
adjusted to contemporary conditions, ie. 4th generational (or perhaps 5th generational) warfare
operating at the highest and most clandestine levels striking against the most vulnerable power points
of the system in terms of hard and soft targets.
Soon the end will come for the evil cabal of this earth and it will pave the way for a new golden age of
the Aryan in an Imperium, a Pax Albus (White Empire).
The modern institution of what calls itself academia is a perverted distortion of what preceded it even
decades ago. However what preceded it is itself a distortion of what came before it namely sacred
science, the Truth, mathesis universalis.
Of course the christian universities and their 'knowledge' was largely a distortion based upon abstract
concepts derived from Plato and Aristotle but nonetheless had at least a substantial basis for empirical
investigation and for the attainment of a high level of rational thought which latter was and is obviously
serviceable to the white race in its achievements in the realm of thought and thinking.

The precision and specificity of reason as it crystallizes in logic and symbol and natural language and
argumentation unconceals as much as it conceals Being, ie. Reality. It constructs Reality but
simultaneously imposes upon Reality an artificial simulacral Being that is the logical lattice work that
is imposed upon the mansion of God, the so-to-speak spectacle and stucco that is overlaid upon the
structure of Being.
The structure may be perceived through a glass darkly via what calls itself 'science' but which is in
Reality a mere distortion and misapprehension of Being or the thing-itself and is necessarily
perspectival: a certain being (sentient organism) perceiving Reality from and though its own finite and
restrictive vantage point.
The attempt to construct a 'mathesis universalis" out of a perhaps artificial system of concepts or ideas
based upon abstractions, founded upon metaphysical principles of ultimately the same sacred science it
claims to refute or supercede (when it, science, is 'scientism' derived from the latin word for wisdom
'scientia', ie. wisdom and not merely the jugglery of wooden abstractions based upon quantity).
Thus what is called 'science' today is in reality merely a pseudo-gnosis that has its existence purely
within a rationalist-materialist set of conditions and 'pertains'-if it pertains to anything rather than being
merely absurdly and arbitrarily imposed upon Reality-only to the extent of the phenomenal world of
the five sense and lower density and this fails to correspond with Truth as it does not relate to that
which supercedes its phenomenal-material sphere of contemplation.
The notion of 'application' or 'correspondence' between the abstract symbols of science and Reality
itself is a failure ab initio and falls flat of the realization of its Faustian project as it is incapable of
having any 'correspondence' to that which is other than itself.
This is the fallacy of logocentrism- that abstract symbols and words which are called 'concepts' are
considered to be somehow a mechanical means of 'deducing' Truth from itself and are in reality mere
inventions of fallible 'human' understanding having no source in any dimension higher than the
phenomenal world.
Of course a symbol in itself purports to be representative, symbolizing or denoting or connoting a
'concept' or 'idea'. That no actual real correspondence results means that what calls itself 'scientific
knowledge' is any oxymoron, as no representation of 'science' is a reality but is instead merely a
fictional conceptual construct that is employed to engineer and create Reality in a purely pragmatic
Thus we can say further that what purports to be science in the sense of 'scientia' is in actuality not
wisdom but merely 'worldy wisdom', ie. purely finite and fallible human understanding in its
manifestation and relation to phenomenon in a purely empirical way.
Hence it is a violation of God as it denies anything higher than itself and cannot properly conceptualize
itself. Hence 'science' may be considered Faustian or Luciferian, a rebellion against God and inevitably
a failure, an Icarian flight of fantasy into a non-existent realm of purely 'human' invention.
Even within this set of restrictive conditions of the purely phenomenal world that science purports to
'represent, predict and explain', those who are called 'human' are 'not human' as 'human' is a mere
conceptual abstraction which purports (the Luciferian fallacy of language) to correlate with objective
Reality are not human but are merely distinct species of beings who are conceptualized and labelled as
beings of the same sort-a fallacy as their 'similarity'; and 'difference' is merely a conceptualization and a
projection of understanding of the white race and indeed of others.

The whites of today's society have been infected with the universalism of 'science' by way of the
influence of jewry and near eastern merchants who invented mathematics for the purpose of
accounting, counting up their wares so that they could absorb more of material substance (energy) into
Perhaps the sacred science of paleo-history, of the white race, enabled whites to absorb more energy
into themselves and yet this 'science', this sacred wisdom or knowledge, was not 'universal' in the sense
of today's multicultural misunderstanding of reality but rather in the sense of the relationship between
the whites and Reality, the sum total of being in whatever of its aspects serves their purpose.
This is wisdom both worldy in a pragmatic sense of engineering, and otherwordly or having place in
the dimension beyond the material-phenomenal planes. It is the mode of relationship that exists
between Reality and the collective racial soul that either empowers it or reduces it to a state of slavery
or disempowerment or death.
Hence the only term proper to designate science qua wisdom is magic and the adeptitude or ineptitude
of the magician determines the value of the magic. Runes, glyphs, ciphers, symbols, etc. are of no value
in and of themselves and this pertains unequally to science in its contemporary form as the letter is a
mere profanation of the mysteries and degradation of the consciousness of the Race to the level of pure
phenomenality and indeed to the current quantitative reductivist worldview which reduces and to mere
atoms floating in the void and somehow manifesting reality through themselves of the alleged will of
an anthropomorphic deity, an absurd and nonsensical postulate.
The current state of academia is akadumbia-a jugglery of verbalism and empty phrases which desecrate
the ancient temples of gnosis and which even spit upon (and perhaps correctly) the hollow halls of
acadumbia in its catholic form, ie. 'university'. This university is false and could never be true but at
best is a pragmatic instrument for the development of reason and its deployment for the carrying out of
various empirical endeavours restricted to the purely phenomenal plane. That is all well and good and
perhaps these institutes will ultimately transform into technical schools or schools of wisdom, temples
which teach the sacred science that will be beneficial and empowering for the white race in its self-
expansion and advancement.
The racial soul concerns itself with itself and in concerning itself with itself it concentrates its focus
and energy and opposes all of that which is outside of itself-it negates the 'Other' as means of accruing
to itself more power and more expansion for its infinite project of self-empowerment as an in itself.
Science is either serviceable for the white race as a pragmatic tool of self expansion and advancement
as it is a mere indifferent superfluity is potentia or actual danger which threatens and thus must be
negated or subjugated in the appropriate way in order to achieve purpose.
Rather than make a god of science, science will either serve God or it will oppose it and thus, should
either be supported or negated or subjugated. The service of the racial soul by the white race entails
service to God as it the Racial soul is part of God, ie. the Creator, the cosmos, the Supreme Being and
this those who unduly restrict their consciousness to the veneration of science live a luciferian life in
the worst sense against God and thus against themselves.
The conceptions of Neitzsche and Heidegger both volkish and pragmatic, secure the white race and the
concepts such as the phenomenologists, the logical positivists, the 'scientists' all are oppositional and
antithetical to white survival as operating on the basis of fallacies, abstract terms that have (necessarily)
no correlation or correspondence.

The god of science is the false idol before which the broad masses, as in the soviet union of recent
memory which stood as precedent for subsequent ideological programming, prostrate themselves
before the god of science and venerate its priests the 'humans' in the white coats.
This serves as a happy limitation to their mind and which enables them to be reduced to slavery more
effectively by their controllers as they, being mere 'atoms and electrons', various quantitative units of
material substance (matter) have no regard for higher principles of their being and thus restrict their
consciousness to the mundane world and all of its delights which stimulate the lowest sense: panem et
Thus the masses having had their mind closed off at least in terms of concensus (mis) understanding of
Being content themselves (and yet still do not) with the stimulation of the lowest states of
consciousness and at best the mental masturbation of rational calculus in whichever of its guises
(science; debate; vain philosophy, etc.)
This is the formula for the restriction of the consciousness of the masses to the lowest level of existence
as one of the 'goyim', the cattle who are used as beasts of burden to furnish their overlords with their
own form of panem et circenses.
In a traditional society based upon 'scientia' and not upon 'science' in its modernist conception or form
of Nation, Race; flourished through being structured according to metaphysical principles that
correlated with the higher states of being becoming endowed with the conscious attention of the Race
and/or of its priests which reified the ideas which served to engineer a spiritual reality above that of the
lowest dimension of existence and which made of the Nation a spiritualized group of partially material
beings who then were able to empower themselves, extend their lifespan and attain godhood of their
own such that the Race became a superior group who were able to live at a higher level of Being.
What brought about their downfall was almost certainly their lack of purity via being mixed with the
gods (the Aesir mixed with the vanir, the Venusians from Venus, lucifer spirits who came into the
daughters of men) involuted into matter as materialized spiritual beings. The sacred science which they
had bestowed on them by the gods became misused and corrupted again owing to their mixed nature
and thus again led to their fall and destruction, the destruction of Atlantis via earth changes additionally
and the migrations of the Aryan Race throughout the world and the establishment of other civilizations
which purported to reunite the fallen Aryan with the gods, the layout of their civilizations being always
according to cymatics and the principles of sacred geometry, torsion field generators, energy
amplifying devices such as the pyramids all arranged according to the Pleaidic structure of the Orion
These societies were destroyed by jewry and their hordes of savages they conscripted to overrun and
overthrow the white race in these particular areas of the earth, transforming eg. Sumer into Akkad,
destroying Egypt and India via mixing of species and many other areas of the earth. This led to the dark
age of a fading sacrality whose refulgence was dimmed by jewry's invented religions: Buddhism;
Hinduism; Zoroastrianism; Abrahamic religions. The Truth however, 'God' if you will will banish the
The marginal, the outcast of society-he is the only healthy minded person who retains within himself
any vitality and harmonious form of existence. The 'normal', or individual carbon copy who simply
copies and pastes whatever information he has uploaded into his brain by the controllers of the world
order is the deviant, the corrupt, and demonstrates his inadequate strength of willpower to oppose the

degenerative influence of the controllers, implicating his own degenerate nature, being susceptible of
falsehood and of corrupt and perverse forms of action, that which deviates from Tradition, from a
healthy and robust form of life.
Those who allow themselves to be caged and to subordinate themselves to the world order and its
endless laws; bylaws; rules and regulations are weak, not necessarily of body but of mind. Those who
embrace or are receptive to the world order and its degenerate culture (a culture which degenerates) are
those who would not be looked upon as the healthy and sound backbone of a Traditional society or
Nation, they would instead be looked upon by its healthy elites and citizens as deviants.
A society based upon false principles. Those which accommodate deviance and degeneracy acts and
behaviours that lead towards those who rise in that society being of a degenerative nature, they who are
capable of tolerating and lending support to the corruption of society.
Hence a society based upon falsehood implodes of its own accord and necessarily has only a lifespan as
short as its principles are Truth or believed to be true and capable of being acted upon with minimal
damage or harm.
Of course it is a downward spiral-no matter how much the false principles are propped up or concealed
in their falsehood behind smokescreens of lies and hypocrisy, the society is a sinking ship whose
captain has adhered (perhaps) to the map of falsehood and has steered the ship of state into an iceberg
and stands forth on the prow as a lunatic with a captain's hat attempting to navigate the waters which
churn around him as he sinks down into Davie Jones' locker.
Thus the 'normal' can only result in destruction in a society whose norms are false and deviant from
Truth and the typical occurrence of course is that such people who openly adopt these deviant values
are invariable hypocrites or, like the captain, lunatics who sink into the abyss and who are at least
consistent with their principles as deviants, death being the inevitable outcome of their deviation
through a creation of disorganization within themselves as an organism, mind, body and soul and their
correlative behaviour.
The marginal conversely is the rebel and opponent against a world of rebellion against God and thus is
normal in a traditional sense, a person who eschews deviance and who actively opposes it by virtue of
his vital energy and healthier intolerance towards degeneracy and societal degradation which, as
aforesaid, has as its logical conclusion death and destruction.
The marginal thus, amidst the chaos of the jew world order, of modernity, can only be a rebel and a
hero in the sense of involving himself in a heroic, active opposition to the system and its corruption and
all of its agents who facilitate that corruption.
Thus the marginal can only be found on the fringes of society and not in the midst of society as a
comfortable and affluent one of its members, save insofar as he is the inheritor of position via his
ancestors, connections or as an oppositional power block to the system (assuming any such exist).
However the more powerful the system endures in its hegemony seeking to monopolize power, the less
options exist for the marginal to participate in the system as part of its organizational structure, hence
the only recourse he may have to any form of stability or stabilization of the system is to oppose it
outside of its laws.

The laws of society being corrupt and sustaining the gradual disintegration of the system the only
recourse that can be had by the marginal is to oppose it in the manner of:
1) a withdrawal from the system in a world of pure contemplative escapism-this is impossible as the
system will simply drag him down with it on a material basis and, spiritually it would precipitate the
death of his participation in the Racial soul which gives rise to and sustains his being ab initio or
2) an active opposition, in the form of forceful and effective nihilation of the system and its agents to
whatever degree is necessary for the purpose of sustaining his own self and the Racial soul upon which
his existence is dependant.
The marginal is the man of Tradition, the man in whom the blood memory has not been dousted by the
suffocation of degenerate culture (ideas; thought forms; foreign influence, etc.). He is the healthy man
of Race and is the antithesis of the degenerate modern. The man of race has an inability to live a false
life with a false smile on his face and thereby demonstrates his healthy nature, his inability to attach
himself to thought forms and various cultural sangs which capture the more deviant minded and which
drag them downwards into the abyss.
This type is he who the regime of the world order fears most and who is targeted by that regime for
destruction as no healthy minded people are permitted to participate within a society that tolerates only
the falsehood and lies which serve as its basis. Hence the term 'swamp' applied to the 'cloaca gentium'
of modernity and its downward tendency.
The 'Man of Race', the marginal, swims against the current and maintains himself in opposition to the
regime and its negative current along his utmost to salvage those of his race who retain elements of
health and vitality and focusing his attention on them understanding the limitation if his own powers
and that he can only do so much to ensure the survival of the Race.
Marginalization is no longer a social stigma but rather an improvement of one's kind-it is a virtue, and
the values of today's society have become completely inverted and thus are abhorrent in relation to a
harmonious Traditional society.
The marginal thus is a figure who is the saviour of the Aryan race from the degenerating influence of
the modern world and the normal person within the context of modernity is the very devil of Tradition,
a criminal in the most literal sense of the words subscribing to values that are deleterious, harmful to
the Nation, ie. what defines a crime: an act or omission that harms society.
The Traditional society or nation is harmed by modernity as modernity is a crime itself just as Tradition
is a crime in the eyes of modernity. 'Demon et deus inversus' (God is the Devil inverted) and in the case
of the oppositional dyad Tradition and modernity are opposed, those on the side of one necessarily
being against the other and thus creating conditions for conflict and strife and not a reconciliation of
those opposites, those antitheses, but merely an assimilation of one into the other depending on relative
strengths and weaknesses in the midst of the conflict. Thus it will either be Tradition which wins out or
it will be modernity and the consequence of the latter will be a civilizational collapse and inevitable
destruction whereas in the former case the world will undergo a spiritualization and a harmonious
world of order will perpetuate itself indefinitely. The marginal of modernity makes the latter world
occur, the normie brings death and destruction in his wake as the current of disintegration.

Psycho-Prisons and False Diagnoses
The soviet psycho prisons were perhaps a more blaitant version of those of today and yet perhaps those
of today are infinitely worse in terms of the mind control that is imposed upon the people in the
contemporary 'western civilization', i.e jewish occupation government.
The psycho-prisons of yesteryear whenever they began to be developed (cf. "The History of Madness"
by Foucault) were a means of justifying getting rid of those the ruling powers despised or perceived to
be a threat to their power or whatever purpose or agenda they had.
When, owing to the white population finally breaking free of the prison of the mind of christianity and
its ruthless methods of control (eg. witch burnings and other mechanisms of torture) eventually the,
what might be called 'naturalist' or 'humanist' turn in discourse gave rise to another theoretical construct
of knowledge/power relations , that being 'mental illness' which simply supplanted the old concept
(theological-demonic) of 'demonic possession', of 'the witch'.
Thus the conceptual turn towards the merely human away from the extra human (Divine and demonic)
led towards the invention of 'madness' as the new form of 'possession', of the 'dangerous' enemy 'Other'
who has bound up with it the ethical comportment on the part of the 'normal' of
In contemporary times the shift has been towards an ethical comportment of hypocritical
'understanding' which translates in practical terms to mean 'justifying the same ostracism and control
and regulation of the population as in the times of the medieval period and witch trials only now it is
the 'mental illness' which has been substituted for the 'demon inside'. Hence even though it veils itself
under the guise of 'tolerance/peace/helping people, etc.', the rhetoric of mental health is simply a
theological discourse that serves the new priests of the New Babylon of the jewdeo-masonic world
order in controlling and dispatching their enemies.
The deceptive nature of jewry operates in its power play (its chandal hubris) through the 'rhetoric of the
victim', portraying itself as a victim or defender of victims and seeking to 'care for' the 'Other' as a
means of controlling the 'Other' and this serving the ultimate purpose of achieving their global
government agenda.
'Mental health' is posited as the goal of the regulative process of the 'mental health profession' which
latter is the equivalent of the witch trials process of previous centuries before the humanist turn and
'mental health' being achieved even at the expense of forceable subjection of the individual to 'mental
health assessment', ie. 'interrogation as a witch' and the concomitant and resultant penalties, ie.
'remedial measures'; 'interventions';' 'forced drugging';' confinement in an institution and various other
harmful means of neutralizing opposition to their power.
The end result is declared to be 'purging the demons' or 'curing the sick' or 'rehabilitating the mentally
unsound', etc. whatever the rhetoric may be specifically to justify the imposition of that particular form
of violence.
The psycho prison is the new torture dungeon of the contemporary torturer, the psychiatrist or
psychologist, the 'mental health professional' whose 'authority' (priestly power) is displayed as a
justification for their violent aggression against the targeted person who is targeted either for
experimentation, so that 1) the cabal can be more adept in its control and regulation of the population
and/or 2) for the torture and murder of those the cabal decides are a threat or nuisance to its tyranny and

which it thereby seeks to eliminate so that it can obtain its agenda of global government and mastery
over the earth.
False Diagnoses of ‘Mental Illness” as Mechanism of Eliminating Dissidents
The rebels against God, the self-proclaimed 'elite man-gods' of the world order employ the rhetoric of
'mental health' as means of controlling and indeed if need or desire be destroying the population who
they have harnessed to pull their carts, to 'draw water and hew wood' for their own personal advantage.
Those who demonstrate behaviour which is the slightest aberrant or deviant from the standardized
behaviour the masses have been indoctrinated to adopt are fair game for being portrayed as 'mentally
ill' and to have intervention brought against them by the alleged farmers of the animal farm, the pigs,
who are the lazy parasite exploiters of the other animals, ie. the jews who absorb into themselves all of
the substance of their inferiors in terms of socio-economic position and power.
To label someone in contemporary times as 'mentally ill' is to label them a witch in the terms of the
past, is equivalent to attaching a stigma to them: they could be anyone and thus [non sequitor] ARE
This is the way (or at least one of the ways) the cabal has of defaming and destroying the reputation of
its slaves and turning their less intelligent and rebellious slaves against their more intelligent and
rebellious slaves, against they who alone have the capacity to liberate their fellow slaves from the slave
The usage of false diagnosis is the means of projecting upon the target a stigma and by virtue of the ad
verecundium fallacy (fallacious argument form expert opinion or authority) creating a simulacral
reality which is them imposed upon reality itself for their agenda, their purpose of desecrating and
destroying the identity of others.
Hence the jew and his cabal of self-serving garbage parasites who seek to enslave all of those less
corrupt and deviant than themselves the jew, through his smear tactics, employs their fellow corrupt
underlings to attempt to create an artificial concensus and attempts to reify their idea of stigma and
project it upon their target as a means of eliminating them, shutting them out of society and rendering
them a pariah who has no recourse but to live on the margins of society.
In the jew world order those who are healthy minded and are able to live more harmoniously according
to the Divine Will and the sum total of Being are looked upon as threats to the tyranny and this are
portrayed as 'mentally ill' as one of the many slander labels for their marginalization. The consequences
of such an artificial concensus is the ruination of the life of the targeted person via social ostracism,
perpetual harassment and abuse which is perpetrated by the jewish community as a collective who all
work in concert with one another to create this concensus.
That everything the jew says is false implies that everything he labels others as is also false if there is
no organic basis for such a label pre-existent. The jew will take those who are marginals, introverts and
various others who exist on the fringes of society and who are 'constructed' in their identity in terms of
public perception more easily than the known quantities of normal average people.
Nonetheless, should the jew deem it necessary, he will target anyone and transform him in the public
eye to the extent their powers permit anyone into anything serviceable to their agenda. That the
marginal or outcast is the 'enemy Other' in potentia of normal society means that to slander and smear
the 'Other' (even if previously normal) as 'Other'; is to draw upon the weight of ostensive authority and

legitimate the stigma and reify it as an actuality having the stupid mass believe it to be true and thus
transform shinola (the healthy minded, the sound of race genetico-spiritually) into shit (the deviant; the
'mentally ill'; the 'enemy Other'.
Hide in the Crowd

The nature of ‘modern democracy’ (a term which is a redundancy as all democracy is modernist, a
product of the modern world and largely synonymous there with) is a liability waiver, an absolution of
responsibility, a means of transferring responsibility from oneself toward others and hence is a typically
Jewish behaviour and system of government. Democracy is a coward system of pilpul politics which is
inherently irresponsible and all of those who gravitate toward democracy as a political ideology and
who seek to practice it are the weak minded nature, incapable of standing on their own and requiring a
mass to conceal themselves in, to hide behind and to use as a shield to shield their own lack of worth or

This and/or they are hypocritical opportunists who use the ‘democratic process’ to elevate themselves
at the expense of others and under the guise of ‘helping others’ or working toward the betterment or
attainment of ‘acts’, some apparently altruistic and selfless purpose. Of course the opportunists may
still use the system in an abusive way against itself and have higher values than the purely self-seeking
and thus at least be worthy of their salt as honest and upstanding members of their race and in so far as
those who use democracy abusively they are redeemable or valuable elements of their kind at work
democratically to abolish the ‘most vile form of government’.

Democracy of course is the politicization of the consciousness of a coward codified in law and
institutional mechanism,’government’. It is so false (of course there are no degrees of falsehood as
what is false is false and what is true is true), so overtly and palpably false that even calls itself
‘governance’ instead of government as means of deceiving the sheepish masses who believe that the
sheep’s pen in which they are confined is a benign pastoral realm with plenty of clover and sunshine
when in reality it is an iron cage concealed behind the Ivy of the grotto.

Democracy is thus a religion of ‘the world’ and of hypocrites and liars and self deceivers, they who are
incapable of honesty or standing openly and on the true stand on the shaky foundation of worldly
secular humanist systems of abstractions saturated in sentimentalism which has appeal to the stupid and
keeping them content with their lot and to those who share in slaughtering the sheep to fatten upon the
carcasses of their charges.

Those who reject democracy and to have no tolerance for it are of healthier mind. They and they alone
can be said to ‘resist the current of disintegration’ which democracy represents, to get off the quagmire
or quicksand upon which the contented sheep languished contentedly and allow themselves to be pulled
down into the abyss with the copious masses through the dissipation of power over a mixed multitude
and paradoxical concentration of power in the hands of the vermin or termites of society who consume
the substance of its foundation, ie. Members of the party.

Democracy is a creed of anti-racism as it is a creed of disintegration, the formula for a cloaca gentium
and, a melting pot of faecal matter which is a carrier of cultural disease that left such nations as those of
the ancient Mediterranean in ruins-and this via mixing that which is the creator of civilization with that
which is incapable and attempting to construct an impossible society of clay and iron. The heroic or
strong integrated man and woman are they who reject the modern world of democracy and embrace the
world of Tradition as embodied in the phrase ‘blood and spirit and soil’-a super Fascist state
accommodating free enterprise and personal responsibility for one's own failure as well as a devotion
of one's activity to the state and its people before oneself and yet not curtailing the ability of the person
to realize his destiny according to his proper nature.

This society or rather state is not oriented around a mass or ragbag of equals pulled down into the pit
like sewage draining down a greased pit into the underground such as is the case (and necessarily so) of
‘democracy’. Rather, the state Idea elevates and enables the person to ascend to their proper level and

to contribute and play their role according to their proper nature, they are ‘acids’ and which supports
and develops the population rather than degrading and debasing them as in today's world-a world of
defilement and debasement of that which is higher for that which is lower, a “Reign of Quantity’ in the
sense of Rene Guenon. The distinction is between quantity or quality between mere mass, the weight of
numbers weighed in the scale of democratic artificially constructed choice and the purity and virtue (in
the metaphysical-alchemical sense) of quality, of the noble and the conditions which enable nobility to
manifest itself through even the basest of types, to rectify the less valuable to the extent they are able to
be rectified and this as means of serving the higher idea of the Divine Will.

Accordingly, super fascism is the pinnacle of statecraft by whatever particular name it may be called
and democracy, ‘socialism’, communism represent the slime pit of the cloaca gentium into which all
plunge and are disintegrated into primitive savagery. Even should this latter course be the resultant
product of the ‘Democratic’ process of disintegration it would inevitably result in a re-presentation of
the world of hierarchy in which the noble arise however primitive they may be will attain mastery
however crude and violent, nasty, brutish and short their rule. Thus democracy is a self-defeating
absurdity in which the cowardly mass hide from the strong and intelligent, the creative, and valuable
and therefore destroys itself through its own nature as a seed of destruction planted in whatever soil, be
it the Edenic soil of paradise or the sludge pits of Mordor, it will be incapable of bringing forth any
strong and healthy plant or edifice upon which any bloom of culture may flourish.

‘Super-fascism’ or whatever the spiritualized form of the material state according to Tradition and
hierarchy may be called is the only rock of ages upon which any sustainable world may be formed and
the only path to victory for the Aryan race-the upward path toward the summit from whatever lowly
base one must begin. Those capable of ascending the peak must do so feeling within themselves the
inner imperative of excellence that is the hallmark of the truly noble and those who feel no such drive
or ethical imperative simply underscore their unworthiness to ascend the peak. The more difficult the
circumstances the more of a challenge to the person and conversely. Many buckle under the pressure
and the sooner they do and the slighter the pressure and their resistance the weaker they are. Many who
are very strong are crushed under circumstances no hero can vanquish and thus may be said to at least
have gone out a hero rather than the typical Democrat who will sell his birthright for a mess of pottage
if only to partake of the wine of Babylon for another day. The strong gravitate toward the ‘Super-
Fascist’ state Idea the week shelter in the herd of democratic hypocrisy and cowardice.

A.I: An Oxymoron

Metaphysically an intelligence may refer to a conscious being which is of an organic self developed
variety which governs itself with self-consciousness. It is ‘intelligent’ in so far as it is self-aware and
can act or forbear from acting, is capable of formulating a motive and coordinating its action in a
teleological manner, ‘motivated’ toward its ‘Telos’. A. I is not organic as it is a synthetic construct, a
resultant product which does not have life in itself but is instead a lifeless inorganic mixture.

Perhaps its elements can maintain themselves in a way that appears to ‘human’ perception to be alive
and self conscious and capable of formulating the above traits (motivations; coordination of its parts
directed toward a goal) but in reality, in terms of its essence, it cannot as it falls apart through its own
inherent entropy and thus will never sustain itself through itself but will necessarily malfunction
whatever its structure and however seamless it's structure appears and thus is not ‘intelligent’ or self-
aware as it cannot formulate any thoughts of its own, synthesizing information and creating anything
for itself and its inorganic structure testifies to this fact as that which is not ‘of God’ is ‘of the devil’, of
the world of illusion and has the seeds of destruction within itself and thus destroys itself.

Intelligence in the sense of A.I is construed as the ability of an inorganic man-made construct to operate
in a way that is as above described, as an organic pre-given ontologically valid reality and thus cannot
think it or be Intelligence as the latter is a property of organisms, thinking ‘intelligence’ do not arise out
of matter and are not a resultant product of material conditions but transcend that and thus are a
presence beyond the material plane and relate to it and to it alone.

Thus A.I is a non-entity, an absurd Frankenstein's monster doomed to self-destruct. It could never be a
reality unto itself as wholly lacking any higher principle of its Being, being devoid of any soul or spirit
and thus being a mere artificial mixture, a cyborg, constructed by human hands. It is rather an Icarian
project of ‘scientism’ and its proselytes, the ‘scientist philosopher's’, is doomed ab initio and must be
brought to a stop else the result may be a Terminator Two scenario with a collapsed world being the

(((Our))) Values... or Ar Values?
The values of the Judeo-Masonic cabal are those based upon abstract concepts, upon 'universalist
abstractions' as Giovanni Gentile called them. These values are nothing but empty categories which
contain nothing in concrete terms of any actual ontologically valid reality but are mere verbal
projections of the self-proclaimed shepherd kings who invent these abstractions and impose them upon
others as a means of constructing their identity and reducing all to the lowest common denominator.
The lie invented here derives from the Jewish consciousness and articulates itself in the phrase 'all men
are brothers' which implies the identity of all of those they call 'men'. Of course the term 'man' derives
itself from the Sanskrit term 'manas' for mind 'and to project upon the mindless the ontological property
of mindfulness (or being a mind, a fragment of the Divine Mind) is an absurdity that is committed by
these priestly caste parasites.
Such is the basis of the Judeo-Masonic and Judeo-Christian 'values’ of this contemporary world and
which is the foundation of modernity, indeed is synonymous with modernity itself , being merely a
pseudo-tradition (Christianity, Islam and Freemasonry) constructed as a syncretic composition of pre-
existent spiritual traditions in the Mediterranean and the Near East and which has sown the seeds of its
own destruction 'from the beginning' (Genesis of disintegration within the Kali Yuga during the last of
the Aeon's or Yugas of cyclical time within the last 5,400 years).
The values pertain 'to each and all' entailing the levelling of all hierarchy and thus all order and thus are
inherently anarchic and are the seeds of destruction of all higher forms of culture. ‘Equality' (all men
are brothers) implies that it would ever be a sustainable possibility for concrete, genetico-spiritual
forms to have any ontological property that would somehow (by what causal means this would be
possible is mysterious indeed to say the least) render them entitled on a concrete basis to anything at all
such as what are touted as 'God-given rights’ or 'the rights of man'.
Whether considered theologically or in secular terms such a notion is invalid as it pertains to nothing
within the ontological order of things (the fabric of reality) that would have any relationship to an
organisms’ teleology within this plane of manifestation. An organism is born into the world (‘dasein’,
there being, is 'thrown into the world'). These egalitarians say either by God (the supreme being) or by
their own choice and this implies purpose in incarnation. Such a teleology does not imply any right to
receive any tangible, earthly good or service, any 'benefit’ or action from anyone at all and simply 'is
what it is'-a being thrown in the world who, should this being seeks some end or purpose, must obtain
for itself it's 'benefit' or sought object.
There are no obligations, no rights, no equality. All beings are simply beings in the world and though
they may exist to whatever degree based upon their ontological properties in other worlds they
nonetheless exist within this world and thus have certain conditions in which they exist and thus,
assuming the existence of free will or self-conscious self-determination, have only so much in the way
of possible courses of action that can be pursued and thus certain specific purposes of objects obtained.
The fallacious conception propounded by these priestly caste hypocrites who abide by a double
standard ethics ('do as I say not as I do') impose their hypocrisy upon others in the form of a
universalist ethics that pretends to serve as a guarantee for 'each and all' of basic 'fundamental rights
and freedoms'. The absurdity of this is outlined above and the 'human' or better priestly caste invention
of this constellation of egalitarian pipedreams is simply a mechanism of control, a dupe or blind created
by the masters of the lie to enslave and exploit the population and suppress any potential revolt against
the system and themselves as its puppet masters.

Good an Evil vs. True and False
The conception of 'God' as an author of 'evil', the former being that which is overall harmonious for as
many as possible within the mundane world and the latter again its antithesis, has been the
conventional worldview of our times and deriving from perhaps Zoroastrianism. Universalism stems
from jewish syncretism and has made itself the basis for all culture on earth since that time, the advent
of the Kali Yuga.
Perhaps this has been intentional and was a plan from the beginning of an occult elite-or perhaps it was
a cosmic plan? Regardless it is and has been a reality for several millenia under the various aeons-iron,
silver, bronze; Taurean; Aryan; Piscean, etc. perhaps, it expresses a metaphysical principle of polarity,
perhaps it is this metaphysical principle simply a construct of the Kali Yuga, itself mediated and reified
through the consciousness of the Aryans under the influence of jewry.
Perhaps it is itself false that there is any 'good' and 'evil' in the sense of conventional morality and that
that which is instead simply True and false are the Polar opposites of a mentality that conduces to
greatest harmony on earth amongst those capable of that and perhaps indeed for all?
Truth-that which is-regardless of its happy or sad quality as it affects the purely finite and fallible
consciousness of 'mortal man'. Such is the value system and ethics of immortal man, of the immortals
who traced their own finite state of conditional existence and can attain higher states of existence
inaccessible to those with purely human perception and whose undeveloped consciousness is strictly
finite, confined to the matrix prison of the mundane world.
Such are 'beyond 'good' in the sense of affected by the conventional morality, however this does not
preclude but necessarily posits justice and this immortal being might be construed as a 'judge' properly
so-called, one able to attain a state of impartiality in judging of 'human all to human' affairs.
However this does not imply a betrayal of one's own race but rather a taking up a position in the
manner of Odin seated on air throne in Asgard looking over Midgard. He does not forsake or condemn
the world of 'man', of the lower orders of his stock-far from it he exalts the lower orders in attempting
to maintain them and develop them towards attaining a higher state of being, subjecting them to an
evolutionary process of self transformation through subjecting them to trials that serve as alchemical
workings that elevate their consciousness beyond their limited state.
The truth belongs to those who can grasp it, not to those who are born in a state of greater material and
social conditions than those of an inferior state which in the modern world, is largely a result of the
regression of the Traditional castes, indeed the result of a distortion of the castes by the jewish parasite
and his 'morality' of 'good vs. evil', of universalism, where all differentiation is attempted to be subject
to a destructive levelling. The Truth exposes the destroyer and subjects him to his appropriate fate
according to Truth, ie. to the laws of God, ie. the cosmos.
Degeneration: Spiritual and Material
The degeneration of all organism originates in that of their higher principles, spiritually the form of the
being degrades and degeneration over time and this crystallizes in matter, manifests itself in a
degradation of the physical form. That the physical is the consideration of the spiritual of the soul in its
incarnation in lower density and is dependant upon and supported by the higher spiritual principles
which supervene over its life and capacity to preserve its form.

The claim that all civilizations rise and fall with the mixture of races is of course largely true but not
totally. The mixture of the diverse 'species' of being falsely called 'human' today conduces to the
degradation of the civilization that was originally created by that originating creative race or biological
All history is the history of civilizational rise and fall through the causal impetus of miscegenation and
the all important elements of spiritual degeneracy which acts as the causa prima of civilizational
metamorphosis. The form of spiritual degeneracy is a result of the lack of spiritual strength of the priest
caste and leadership which governs the society and from there is a downwards spiral or collapsing
chain of dominoes the priest caste and subsequent castes subordinate in the hierarchy collapse on that
basis and lead to the nation or state becoming taken over by other rivals who are less spiritually
degenerated and of superlative competence in warfare though infinitely more brutal and savage (eg. the
Huns; the moors; Ghengis Khan, etc.).
Granted that Spiritual degeneracy is the motive principle of collapse and subsequent physical
degeneracy what causes the spiritual degeneracy in the first place? What leads to the slackening of the
vital principle of the Racial Soul and its constituent elements. Why would this degeneracy exist in the
first place precipitating the degradation of the racial soul and the physical manifestation thereof the
It is nearly an impossible question to answer and many would simply say falling back on the fallibility
of their own purely human understanding-it is god's will, there is no other explanation or discernible
causal principle of this cascade of destruction of the once vital form. Speculation abounds and
ultimately it must be laid at the feat of the Creator until one knowledgeable about the higher planes of
Being might have access to the key to this mystery.
Of course speculation abounding, guesses and hypotheses are an option for the seeker after Truth. That
which degenerates but only that being which exits in its concrete forms as bodily organism loses its
attachment to the higher spiritual principle, their Racial Soul and indeed with the Creator itself from
out of which the racial soul derived? This may very well be the ultimate cause of degeneracy-
detachment from the highest principles of one's being that one is apart of at the ultimate dimension, the
furthest expanse and scope of his individual soul and of the Racial Soul of which he is a member, ie.
This begs the further question: what causes detachment from 'God', from the highest principle of his
being? The answer consists in: all lifestyle practices; tendencies and inclinations that lead away and not
towards this principle. To delineate: sexual licence beyond the alchemical enhancement of the being; all
acts which create an overall weakening or dissipation of the being of the organism and lead to a
contamination of the mind that does not strengthen through the elicitation of combat (that keeps the
vital being strong in its capacity to resist external influences of a degenerative nature). All of that which
impinges upon or is taken into the consciousness of the being and leads towards disintegration;
disorganization; fragmentation-too sum up in a word: chaos.
This is the reason why the enemy, the jews and their anti-white coterie of evil (of chaos) impose upon
the white race states of chaos which modify in a degenerative way (as in the above phrase) the
consciousness of individual whites and hence the racial soul of the collective which amplifies the
disorganization and leads to a fracturing of the integrity of the soul and concomitantly the fracturing of
the body in the form of disease states and ultimately should it not be rectified through a strengthening
of the soul (as above so below), the destination of the organization often assisted with self causes
(assisted suicide of oneself, felo de se).

The means to combat the degeneracy of the Aryan race, so palpable today is through a spiritual
amplification an energetic augmentation of the body-mind, starting first with the mind as all is Mind.
Accordingly, for occultism mind supercedes matter, the latter of which is merely the concretization
thereof and thus derives itself from thence. This can only be done through two general modalities or
paths and this simultaneously: negative and positive spiritual pursuit and avoidance, acceptation and
The negative: detachment from all of the lower forms of culture which: debase, defile and ultimately
degenerate the conscious mind or soul. These come in the form of all of that which creates overall
greater disorganization or chaos than less and specifically in the form of: art; music; physical/sexual
practices (exercise, etc.); speech; conduct; thoughts; sources of information or ideas that are:
1) foreign to the Racial Soul-all non-white culture, all non-white thought and
2) thereby that which is harmful and that which is asymmetrical, inharmonious; ugly and coarse,
cacophanous; which is not aesthetically, emotionally or in any form of sensory affect capable of being
transcended by the being.
All such forms must be understood as ugly, as enemy forms or forms of 'Otherness", which must be
negated and superceded, serving as a springboard to combat the degenerative tendency and onslaught
that is perpetually thrown at one by the jew. It is not, however pleasant as it may be, adequate to simply
surround oneself with beauty: beautiful works of art; comfortable and leisurely circumstances with
silken sheets and perfumed garments of the finest craftsmanship. No that is a recipe itself for
decadence, for an overemphasis on a passive inertia of pleasure even if in the most epicurean sense. It
is a Magian, chinese understanding of life-a banal, static life of comparative indolence not unlike a
mandarin dressed in silken robes smoking opium pipe on an oriental divan. Such is not the recipe for
preservation and the avoidance of the degeneracy of the soul but rather it is the opposite path, that must
be tread, that which must ascends the mountain top, the wet path, the path of adversity and challenge.
"Virtutes Voliere Virscit" (virtue grows through a wound).
Experiencing "Otherness" must be undergone not as a passive receptive viewer or effeminate indulges
in exotericism but rather an iron clad warrior prepared for war against the other. All engagements with
'Otherness' are occasions for agnostic relations-all relations with 'Otherness' must be understood to be
what they are, namely 'agonistic-relations' of combat, of war and this per se and in all cases. Thus all
non-white culture must be treated of only with critical negation as 'that-which-must-be-rejected', must
be overcome as a defence of the Racial Soul.
From a positive standpoint all of that which one must surround oneself with culturally and in terms of
lifestyle is that which 1) augments one's strength 2) activates the blood memory of his ancestors and 3)
combats the enemy. All culture must be understood as mere implements of war and elements of one's
own inner being as constituent parts of himself that are taken into the mind or soul and become
interwoven therewith.
Thus one makes oneself an exposure to that which is external to himself and only that which is
culturally and in terms of lifestyle action authentic must be taken into oneself into one's soul else it is a
taking into oneself, into his soul, that which is poison. Hence the phrase of the national socialists:
'entartete kultur' (degenerate culture) and all entartung (of whatever kind it may be) must be excised
from the unconsciousness and supplanted with that which is empowering, generative of life, of vitality.
Taking further examples: in the realm of physical action: exercise that is undergone for the purpose of
playing child's games is largely superfluous and in most all cases a needless expenditure of time and

effort conducive only to itself and thus deviating from an overall spiritual influence or as it were
alchemical transmutative influence.
In the realm of sexuality the waste of one's energies on the fleeting moment of concupiscence of bestial
ruttings and the forsaking of the control and management of the energies in a tantric manner conduces
to the same degenerative process.
In the realm of culture the literature; philosophy; music; plastic and pictorial and animated art of non-
whites introduces these same chaotic states by virtue of their difference of their foreign nature. The
non-whites understand this and employ their culture (usually a distortion and perversion of organic
white culture) as a mechanism that harms the integrity of the white mind and introduces into it foreign
phrases; words; vocabulary; literary styles; modalities of thought and thinking; scientific orientations
and forms (cf. Spengler and his contrast of Magian and Faustian mathematics and Ludwig Bieberbach's
"Deutsche Mathematik"); forms of architecture and various aesthetic forms of products; colour
schemes (Prussian blue; the blue of the isreali flag; the red and gold of the chinese, etc.)all cultural
forms have their affect and as stated above must be taken into the consciousness if prudent only in the
above way-as friend, as that which is 'authentic' (that which harmonizes with the Racial Soul) or as
inauthentic (that which is inharmonious overall and weakness the Racial Soul).
"All life is struggle" as Hitler said and thus one either expands in strength or as a cancer expands
degeneratively, or he contracts in atrophy through failure of adequate challenge from external
impositions on his mind. Thus in a world of dynamism there is no stasis, no 'peace' or 'universal love' in
the magian semitic, near eastern or oriental sense is resting amidst 'the One' or 'God.
There is only dynamism and empowerment, else there is atrophy and degradation of the organism the
Racial Soul. It is either victory or death and victory means the perpetuation and maintenance of
homogeneity while evolving of life towards life forms that exceed in complexity and power those from
which they evolve or develop out of. Those who, being Icarians, reach too high, fall to the ground
through overwheening, overreaching not properly accessing the countervailing forces which impinge
upon one.
To overcome that which imposes itself on oneself from without necessitates the development of
adequate strength should one not practice or challenge oneself, test oneself against the foe and attain
victory, even should it mean one's own individual death such as in the case of war where individual
soldiers die for the collective of which they are a part. The Reality of Reality is that life is a war
everlasting and all fight and compete for dominance and power to augment their own and to necessarily
in the process taking from others owing to the finite scarcity of resources available in the environment
(energy; matter; territory; gold; water; food, etc.).
Degeneracy is a result of one's lack of spiritual life, of spiritual exercise conducive to empowerment of
the self and of the collective with the latter being given precedence over the former. The choice is
disjunctive: "in this world of eternal struggle...those who do not wish to fight do not deserve to live"
(Hitler). This is not a human choice but a suprahuman reality that exceeds any whim or wish of the
finite being in his comparative insignificance. The finite form of the particular being is merely a
physical concretion of the larger collective Racial Soul. It is not the plurality of individual persons who
comprise this soul from matter to spirit but the racial soul which conditions the plurality which
manifests itself in differentiated form as the particular collective group, as an octopus having many
tentacles connected to the central organ of its being its main body. The Racial Soul must came first and
in all things that one lives for and partakes of he must ever have this noble organism in mind which he
can conceive of only when he is directing his conscious awareness towards that singular organism. This

can be understood through the authentic culture of his Racial Soul mediated through its elements the
geniuses and particular limbs of physical organisms that emanate therefrom and from the connection
that exits within himself from the seat of his soul.
Stimulation and Burnout
Living in the world of the matrix entails hyperstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system: perpetual
work; sexual excess; bombardment of the senses by television and low vibrational frequency music
(monkey music) in short all cultural and circumstantial impositions by the jews which cause the
organism on the earth to undergo stress responses, to release energy that these beings or entities feed
off and empower themselves thereby.
Hence the slave system of zion is designed to assail the five senses and to trap the organism (the mind-
body-spirit complex) in five sense reality, in Maya, and then to gradually wear away their soul through
attachment by these entities which feed off it as their food source. Hence the obligation to live in this
world is an obligation to condition oneself to be a human battery (or animal as the case may be) that
can become a useful source of energy for these vampire entities and those they control on the material
plane the jews and their shabbos goyim (fellow priest slaves of these entities-freemasons and religious
clergy who are all initiates at higher levels and all of whom perpetuate the slave system for personal
empowerment though they themselves have their own soul vampirized by their controllers). Hence it is
a system of reciprocal use and abuse and a system of vampirization where a lifestyle of slavery is
mandated ("earn your bread through the sweat of your brow") as condition of continuing to live the
absurd life imposed upon one.
The inevitable end result of this 'lifestyle' of chronic stimulation seemingly without end is burnout, the
terminal point of this life, what is referred to as 'death' when the physical body fails to continue to
operate and the soul detaches from it form. Of course those who live in the physical don't necessarily
truly live as their lives are lived in the pursuit of meaningless drudgery, the secretion or release of their
vital energy, what is called 'work' which simply means 'production'; of energy.
Hence the obligation to 'work' on the part of the masses and the mere appearance of work on the part of
the slave master jew who beguiles the masses with the facade of being on earnest 'humanitarian' or
'philanthropist' who conceals his usurious exploitation of others under the facade of other regard and
absorbs attention (ie. energy) to himself through his claims to hard work or 'sweating on paper' tears of
blood for 'humanity'.
Thus the two-tiered society if bifurcated along lines of parasites and parasitized and the former run
roughshod over the latter as the master caste.
The perpetual stimulation of the masses not through work alone but through the bombardment of the
sense with electromagnetic fields and countless other impingements is designed for the purpose of
achieving the above purpose of draining the human batteries of their life force for the empowerment of
the parasite exploiter class.
It is the pathetic farce of the jewish carriage driver who whips the horses of the 'goyim' to drive the
carriage over a field of stones and then to cut the reigns and have them plunge to the rocks below the
edge of the cliff. The jew has been both lucky and unlucky throughout history and has often sailed off a
cliff with the horses or the horses have broken free and overturned the carriage causing the jew to fly
out and meet the fate he had intended for them.

Pogroms are the inevitable danger the jew faces and he always attempts to preempt and to direct the
anger of the goyim towards a convenient scapegoat as means of escaping his fate and 'taking the money
(energy) and running off to the next host body to attempt to vampirize it to fuel his endless quest for
Domesticity and Weakness
Domesticity is a recipe for death and destruction and this is why the jews insist on creating a society
centred around urbanity-all must live as closely as possible in the city so they may become
domesticated animals similar to wild bighorn sheep on a mountain being corralled and forced to be
trapped within the confines of the sheep's pen.
"My sheep hear my voice"-the voice of the jewish shepherd with his crooked staff which hooks the
goyim and forces them to "bow before me" the jewish self-proclaimed man-god. The formula for the
enslavement of the goyim is to have them acquiesce to their own enslavement through conferring upon
them pleasures (panem et circenses) which reduce their willingness to rebel and once again attain
Over time they become complicit with tyranny, having forgotten what it was like to be free and or that
basis enable jewry to rule. The jews however being boundless in their greed and paranoiac control
freakism exceed the bounds of domesticity and tolerance their 'goyim' sheep have been conditioned to
support and desire.
Either the sheep rebel at a certain point (the 'tipping point' it may be called) or they suffer a slow
destruction through their own decadence and degenerate nature. The inevitable result is death, or the
rekindling of an active vitality that leads to the breaking point of the bonds of their sheep's pens.
The correlation between domesticity and weakness is understood by jewry and 'domesticity' means a
slackening via comfort and having all of one's needs provided for and thus having no need to actively
seek them out and involve oneself in war or conflict with others as a means of obtaining them.
Lack of war dousts the warrior spirit or rather smothers it in the warm comforter of domesticity. The
gradual atrophy of the healthy instinct of the being leads it towards its death and destruction and
ultimately towards the death and destruction of all that it sustains.
Hence domestication is a recipe for destruction. However, that does not mean that sophistication and
refinement should be cast into the flames and a reversion to savagery be the proper course as some
form of alternative, as so many 'neo-pagans' claim which is the course of naturalism, of primitivism and
which entails the seeds of its own destruction having no attachment to any higher principle if construed
along conventional lines of most contemporary 'neopagans'. Such a course may not appear weak on the
surface in physical terms, but is spiritually weak as subjecting the adherent to weakening attachments,
to the merely physical and astral planes, the world of transient becoming and not of Eternity.
Controlled Opposition Minefield
The controlled opposition that is inverted and imposed upon the dissident by the jewish controllers is
designed as a 1) smokescreen to conceal the Truth so that none can understand the jewish wizard of
Zion hiding behind the curtain and 2) a honey pot or spider's web or trap that can be used to trap inside
the goyim and to lead them to the slaughter. The second function creates a simulated reality and
deceives others believe in it and act on the basis of it, both those they trap in the honey pot (the hapless
dupe who perhaps and typically had good intentions but who erred in extending trust to whatever

operative the cabal employed to act as if he were the 'leader' of a legitimate group or organization) and
those who are made to view the honeypot from a distance as an 'outsider' or marginal, a 'common
person' observing the fabricated 'reality' on their mind control devices, artificial hyper-reality that they
act upon as if it were a reality and thus concretize the reality in their action that their controllers created
in the first place, working off the controllers scripts or blueprints for action harmful to the white race.
To understand the controlled opposition and differentiate it from actual, real opposition is nearly an
impossible task as the former is so cunningly blended with elements of reality, as a simulacrum that to
discern its reality or falsehood becomes extremely difficult and most importantly the ubiquity of these
controlled opposition groups are such that anything genuine becomes buried in the heap of falsehood,
of 'simulacra' to the degree of time and finance invested can buy the loyalty of the slaves who serve the
kike-o-demons for a dollar, the paid military slaves, the paid poo-lice and other paid trash who insist
upon placing themselves first before their own race and before God.
Those who are genuine if possible to find and to affiliate oneself with are invariably persecuted and
hounded should the cabal succeed or achieve their purpose, to death, the result being the termination of
all parties that the cabal can reach that are part of the organization.
Controlled opposition thus serves as a honey pot or spider's web that catches the flies the jews wish to
eliminate and to shift the righteous anger the jews create through orchestrating chaos and implicating
other causes or targets, eg. "illuminati"; "white supremacy"; "liberals"; "christians", etc. any one but
jews of course, the witless masses failing to understand that the ones who are telling them who the
ultimate cause of the problems of the world are/is, is/are the cause itself, namely the jews which can
easily be verified through five sense experience and sound investigation, ie. reason and understanding.
Thus controlled opposition serves as a sword for the jews to set up boogeymen, monsters, for the broad
masses to attack and as a means of neutralizing opposition to their power.
Thus one must either set up an organization or contacts of his own or go it alone or, assuming it is at all
possible, stumble upon a pre-existing organization that can be trusted. Extending trust to the unknown
organizations or trusting in what appears to be their known qualities in the landmine field into which
the dissident walks in all attempts to oppose that which threatens his existence. In order to continue to
exist of course, he must oppose that which threatens his existence and all who acquiesce to the enemy
(that force or forces which threaten ones' existence) are suicidally stupid and fail to understand the
necessary course of action to take to ensure their continued vitality and survival. Thus it is not a choice
to refrain from action but it is necessary to act and this entails having to employ discernment in
differentiating between falsehood or simulated reality and Truth. Truth or falsehood is life or death and
hence to ignore Truth and live a lie is to precipitate one's death.
Aryan Values
Contrast these saccharine valueless values of the lowest common denominator with those of the Aryan,
values that are not as in the case of liberal and Christian Pathos, of the untermenschen, merely
sentimentalist pipedreams and puffs of perfume lacking all substance but are diametrically opposed to
these pathetic principles of societal and individual decay.
The values of honour; of virility; of power over oneself and a dominating will to power; an
indefatigable endurance in the face of countervailing forces; a stoical Ataraxia, an indifference to death
but a respect and regard for life, indeed more than life (‘mehr als leben’), life lived “lofty and full' as
Giovanni Gentile wrote in "The Doctrine of Fascism", and directed upward to the Divine and away
from the cthonic tellurian downward spiral of the consciousness of the base-born and grovelling sudra.

True aristocratic values (the name 'Aristos' being related to that which is 'Aryan', noble in
contradistinction to the base-borne, the Chandala- this of course meant ontologically and not in any
psychological, promiscuous sense of election, as if 'virtue could be taught' and was not inborn); True
aristocratic values- these are the values of the Aryan and whether the blows of fate have laid him low
reducing them to vagrancy or to a position to which they are ill-suited is irrelevant- it is only the blood
which matters and that means 'blood', the ontological state or condition of the being in their being
(mind, body and soul).
It is the jealousy and hatred of the Chandala toward the aristocratic type- of whatever race (those
capable of aristocratic being) that inspires a revolutionary violence against the higher type -a
resentment of their superiority, of their nobility and godlike qualities which radiate outwards as the
emanation of the Divine mediated through themselves as a God-man.
This not only elevates the nation by having the broad masses looking toward a higher ideal, and
archetype to which to turn and, casting their gaze upwards transcendence to whatever degree possible
their base-born estate rooted to the phenomenal and contingent plane of becoming. The aristocratic
values supersede the corrosive waters of becoming and fixed as they are in the firmament radiate their
astral light over the blind and foolish masses who need these stars to guide them toward a higher
destination and purpose in life, looking beyond their limited condition and toward godhood or sacrifice
for their nation as a service to the Divine and the earthly representatives thereof, the 'aristoi', they who,
again regardless of socioeconomic station embody within themselves the noble virtues.
Devotion to the Divine Mind and acting as an instrument of the Divine Will, the 'aristoi' understand the
necessity of self-sacrifice and transcending their own base-born estate through combat against that
which would drag one down, level all of the nobler culture of the world to mere ruins and establish this
as the desirable state of being, the sewer of the nations with any and every organic form fractured in its
being and torn to pieces through this process of revolutionary chaos. Such is the nature of an aristocrat
property so-called, an 'Aryan', one who is truly 'noble' in place of one who is base.
The characterization of the Chandala is a characterization of the organic lie: devious; hypocritical a
passive aggressive coward; an actor whose will to power manifests itself behind the actors’ mask of
false humility and pretense; a self deceiver and specious reasoner; one incapable of any constancy or
principled action, incapable of self-control and overcoming pettiness- jealousy; vengefulness; greed
and a sensualism rooted in the mire of consciousness.
This latter characterizes the jew, the former the Aryan. The difference amounts to the consciousness,
regardless of socioeconomic cast, of those who occupy the bottom of the pyramid and those who
occupy the summit with the gods, between the base metal of man and the noble metal of the God-man.

Ar values

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Greasy caftan and flea bitten

Crawling through desert unbidden
Sneaking, creeping cretin
Comes wandering Juden

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Into Rome hook nose goes

To the Empire of Roman heroes
Usury the weapon he chose
To slit throats of patrician foes

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Opened doors for cults of pathos
Desert creeds absorbed Aryan ethos
Contaminate blood of Patria's heroes
Revolutionary ferment boils the blood of Eagles

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Dark ages upon Aryan man

Desert demons subverted kith and kin
Shackle Eagles to iron maiden
True hell and damnation

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Aryan spirit like the Phoenix rise

Above the mire of Jewish lives
Breaking chains of mental ties
Jewish demons and Christians despise

Ar values never Christian
Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Jewry and affiliates contrive

Disintegrating creed of lies
More revolutionary fires
Burn Aryan Eagles alive

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

Aryan men unite and prepare

War against- the evil side's despair
Onslaught of force unprepared
The evil tide confronts Eagles from the air

Ar values never Christian

Ar values always Aryan
Ar values never humanist
Those of Atlantean Supermen

In ruins lies the horde of chandala
Aryan might and victory overall
Raise high the flag of swastika
Signalling victory, Atlantean Arya

‘White Supremacy’...or Aryan Supremacy?

The Jewish slanderers attempt to hold white people up to ridicule, scorn and condemnation with their
slanderous label 'white supremacy' attempting to portray all whites (that is to say Indo-European
Caucasian; Aryan whites) as supremacists’ whether they simply express a benign opinion of favouring
their ancestral culture and race or remain silent and express nothing.
In either case they are vilified by the Jewish slanderers and their sickly cretinous slaves (foremost
amoungst whom are the Christians and secondarily the non-whites and liberals) as 'supremacists'. This
will be discussed in the following as to why this is done and whether or not this label is merited and if
so in what way.
The notion of white supremacy is assumed by all to mean an ideology or belief system that affirms the:
1) existence of a collective biological group that exists and
2) an assertion that this group is or should be supreme, that is to say to rule over others and are better
than others.
Such is the conventional understanding of the term 'white supremacy' and is considered in today's
world as heresy, the ultimate sin, that must be rigorously condemned and annihilated prima face and
without question or comment and this by word and/or deed.
The conventional conception of this heresy is a whole or partial truth as regards:
1) that white people exist and are an identifiable group as is
2) that the group referred to as 'white' is indeed supreme in being ontologically superior to non-whites
and that they thereby have the power and capacity to rule the world and be supreme in power and
control. Though this may be the ultimate heresy to articulate, it is affirmed herein as the necessary
condition of a stable and sustainable world of universal order.
Though the conventional understanding of 'white supremacy' is that it entails a ruthless violation of
otherness and a genocidal praxis or hegemony over others that nihilates their ancestral culture and
tradition. Such conception however pertains to the Christian hegemony and its historical presence of a
perpetual violating of anything 'Other' than itself.
The ‘white supremacy’ label need not be one onerous, or a violation of Others but may indeed be
compatible with the preservation of Otherness- this is not a contradiction. Hence the question of white
supremacy is one that can be answered in myriad ways: Pro; con or in a qualified way in both cases-
Pro: as above a potentially benevolent supremacy over all globally. From the conventional (Con) view
(oppositional to white supremacy) a wholehearted nihilation of organic reality which has as its ultimate
conclusion nihilation of white people as a biological collective group through either mixing them out of
existence with those who are not white (a mongrelization or arabization protocol) or through overt
slaughter (i.e. genocide by forcible extermination of the ethnic population through e.g. vaccinations;
electromagnetic fields; radiation; poisoning or starvation, etc.).
The real violence lies in the conventional view which is inherently violent, as in a violation of white
people as a racial group and their destruction by these processes, rather than a 'live and let live' policy
in which whites may preserve themselves and others preserve themselves (a utopian conception given

the 'will to power’ of organisms). The alternative is that whites should place upon their heads the laurel
wreath and take up the scepter of global power and impose a universal order in the most harmonious
way consistent with the laws of God/Cosmos.
This latter conception is the only way in which a stable and sustainable society can continue and
though it may be the ultimate heresy it is nonetheless the master key to the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Though such as the Jews would storm the gates of heaven with main force, violating (an impossible
task) the fortress of God, they nonetheless will fail and be annihilated in the process as they receive
their karmic backlash, becoming flash fried with the electricity of the electrified gates of heaven that
bar all from entry save those possessed of the key to its gates, that being the Divine Electron or Divine
Spark (the Holy Grail) that only the Aryan man possesses.
Hence it is either white supremacy, indeed Aryan supremacy, or death for the white race and indeed all
other 'races' or subgroups of what has been conventionally referred to as 'human'. Hence white
supremacy is not a question in the mind of a wise man but an answer to the questions that plague our
time and must be worked toward, indeed striven for as a life or death struggle between the forces of
chaos and disintegration. The Judeo-Masonic/Judeo-Christian conspiracy and their underlings the
wiggers and niggers and of the forces of light and life the Aryan race and the spiritual adapts of
nonwhites who are capable of aligning themselves with universal order). The question: white
supremacy? The answer: yes and a thousand times yes. Indeed beyond this basic state of being Aryan
supremacy, the higher octave of white ontology yet incorporative thereof.
Faustian vs. Olympian Soul
Oswald Spengler attributed the term and concept 'Faustian' to the 'Western Soul', the racial soul which
does indeed characterize in part its nature. It is dynamic, it seeks to break through the spatio-temporal
limitations of the current spatio-temporal context of its particular contingent form. It disregards the
limits and thereby brings about its own destruction in a 'Faustian pact' with itself, an overwheening
Icarian nature that seeks that through itself and through its agency which it cannot attain and thus
precipitates its own downgoing.
Perhaps this is true in terms of a former aspect of willful striving to exceed limitations and become
more than what one is but whether it pursues this in an irrational and Icarian manner is a question. The
fact of so-called 'western civilization' as it currently exists can hardly be laid at the foot of the Aryan as
what constitutes the 'modern world' is largely a result of jewish distortion and hence not in any way
Aryan though the latter contains the former aforesaid Faustian element of limitation-breaking. The
'semitic' or rather jewish element entails the fatal flaw of western civilization, the defect in the
machinery which causes the system to fly apart and undergo a tailspin in its Icarian flight.
The question remains whether the Aryan, who forms one of the aspects of the dyad of 'western
civilization', the light side of that order and cosmic law adherence (Justice), can maintain itself during
this downgoing into the abyss brought about by the jewish gremlins who have dismantled the
machinery, indeed who have designed the machinery to be subject to self-destruction. This self-
destruction is christianity and its modernist variants liberalism and new age philosophy, the dogma of
egalitarianism, the denial of race, of the qualitative difference that delimits and segregates types
according to their essence (ie. 'racism').
The other element of the soul of the white race is that of 'Olympian sovereignty' as Evola termed it
which is that transcendental property of the soul of the Aryan that has, in a way, become trapped in the
prison of 'western civilization' with its Faustian and negative sense dynamism and which has forsaken
its place in Eternity. The Olympian soul is that which transcends the spatio-temporal conditions of time

and place and is the dwelling of the being called the white race collective in the higher component of
its Being, in the eternal realms in those of the non=-contingent as it were on Mount Olympus. The gods
of the earth uniting heaven and earth, gods above looking down and reaching out to the mortals below
attempting to elevate them to a higher level of Being and the mortals below looking upwards in their
mundane activity, orienting all of their worldly action to the heights of Asgard. Heaven, etc. call it what
you will, the higher planes- as means of elevating themselves in accordance with their True nature and
overcoming the drag of the sensational world of appearances, attaining a higher state of Being proper
only to themselves as noble, Aryan, in the sense of philosophical gold.
The Faustian soul as it relates to the jew is as that of Mephistopheles' in relation to Faust-the jew is the
tempter who inclines Faust to transgress the limitations of his being precipitating his destruction and
yet perhaps assisting in forging anew a transcendental state of being that supercedes prior limitations-if
and only if Faust, the Aryan, wills it in accordance with his True Self, if he transcends the temptation
that the jew places before him and does not allow himself to become decentered from his True Self,
from his seat in Asgard, on the Olympian Heights.
The symbol of the swastika is the symbol of transcendence in immanence-the polestar seen from the
ancient homeland of the Aryans, Hyperborea, the North Pole and the constellation of the Big Dipper-
the transient change of the seasons of time-seen at the equinoxes and solstices. This symbol unites
within itself both aspects of the Aryan soul, both Faustian and Olympian-the dynamic duo of willful
striving to break through limitations and the strength of mind to maintain one's Nature, one's integrity
in the midst of these changes-thus being a self-propelling wheel which endures through time by
transcending time.
The symbol of the jew is the Ouroboros serpent and yet this in its most negative aspect of Typhon,
Apep, Tiamat-the goddess of tellurism, of the corrosive waters of Maya which seeks to pull down and
submerge all into a primordial chaos, a oneness without differentiated form. The Ouroboros is eternal
in its chaotic nature attempting to encircle the world so that it may be absorbed by jewry and for jewry
alone. The serpent is the negative aspect of the Faustian soul which the Aryan himself may become
subject to-the Demiurgic flow of chaos, entropy, ever increasing destruction that the jew serves as the
instrument of and this in multifarious forms and guises. Mephistopheles is the tempter who seeks to
subvert and unhinge the White, Aryan race, to render the Aryan race ignoble through the beguilement
of the latter with whatever appealing curiosities that beguile their imagination-black magic witchcraft
traps which ensnare and destroy the Aryan should he not be sufficiently strong to overcome the
impositions from without of the jew which are simply concealed behind the attractive appearances that
the jew parades and makes appear desirable as forbidden fruit.
The Aryan, being Faustian as well as Olympian in his best form, pursues an investigation into the
proferred poison apple as Snow White was beguiled by the wicked jewish Queen in the fairy tale. The
Aryan wishes to investigate it and to understand and know it, to make it an object of knowledge and to
employ it for a creative purpose.
The white man in his fallen state, Faustian, without the Olympian modality of consciousness detached
from the higher state of Being which is his proper mode of existence, observes the poison apple,
cautiously weighs it and concludes that it is not what it is, namely a poison apple and summarily
proceeds to beat the jewish queen or at the very least should the queen be of superlative strength, to
conscript the seven dwarves to carry out the deed (Pleiades, the source of the Aryan Race, the inner
strength, will and skill brought to bear upon the enemy).

The conclusion is that there is only one path forward for the Aryan and that is in attack, in willful
dynamism directed in the appropriate direction-towards the foe in the most prudent way with the
appropriate level of intensity governed ideally by an Olympian detachment to ensure the combat will
be a victory not a defeat though the Aryan, the white man, allowing himself to defeat himself through
failing in the higher principles of his consciousness falls towards the hells in which the jews dwell and
all of their minions, the whites who have been dragged thither by the poisoned apples of status, money
and pleasures of the flesh which have afforded jewry a debt and a mortgage on their soul through
Mephistophelian pacts. 'Delenda Est Judaeus'-or delenda est albus!
Per Astera
Through a hardships the Aryan Race has forged its civilization of adamant over the globe.
Through intrigue and decay the jewish demon has caused it to rust and corrode.
The Aryan will defeat the foe.
Through struggle and strife he will cast them into Sheol
Through combat unflagging and indefatigable
The Aryan will rebuild his castles of old
It is hardship
the agon of strife between foes
which brings victory only to the brave and the bold
'Per Aspera'
through hardship
through strife one pays the toll
to the Keeper of Bifrost
Heimdall Aesa hero
Victory or Valhalla towards Asgard we go
Einherjar fighters with Valkyries go
It is hardship which has made the Aryan what he was- lack of hardship what he is. The contrast
between the 'was'; and the 'is' is great, perhaps antipodal-the former glorious heroism of the Aryan in
contradistinction to the decadent materialism of modernity: the former a tough and valorous figure who
had a willingness to sacrifice himself for the ideal of glory and conquest for the achievement of the
heroic Superior Aryan Race and its ancestral glory and future prosperity: the latter a sycophantic,
devious hypocrite who lives only for cake and thrills-a mammon-worshpper, a hypocritical poser of
humanitarian altruism.
The former a lean and hardened warrior figure be he artisan or warrior or priest; the latter a false;
doughy and disease in the making lump of decadent ease, or alternatively a swollen sack of muscle
stuffed with meat, the flipside of decadence embodying itself in the wanton expenditure of energy

seemingly without purpose or end-a mere in itself, exercise for exercises' sake; work for work's sake;
for the approval of 'society', a society of fellow decadent hypocrites.
The path towards defeat lies thither, towards the decadence of modernity and its laxity of standards, its
self-orientedness; its preoccupation and obsession with 'safety' and 'security' in a world where such
notions are of purely human invention and subserve the decadence of a society of weakness-security
without challenges and not directed towards any valuable end for Aryan mankind but rather directed
towards ends which are threatening to the very safety and security of Aryan mankind-and even the
white race considered from a purely mundane, materialistic vantage point.
The path of success lies in the upwards path of challenge, 'strife', hardship and the unification of the
white race through the presence of external threats-already a presence in the society as the foreign
invaders have been allowed through the gates and will soon be unleashed upon the masses of the white
population who, once that occurs, will no longer have the option to sit on the fence and serve
themselves yet more decadent dainties while their own kind starve to death.
The path towards victory is against the evil tide and this as an active from of opposition both physically
and metaphysically- in the former case the complete divorce of oneself from the society in all of its
forms of decadent action: alcohol and drugs; race-mixing and sexual deviance; working to assist the
system without purpose other than the accumulation of social and financial capital amongst morally
bankrupt scum. To physically- in a positive way regardless of the recognition paid one by the decadent
society or whatever 'payoff' he may or may not receive-a matter of indifference-to work creatively
towards the preservation of his own race- developing a sound mind in a sound body in a sound society
in a sound environment to the greatest extent possible. Victory comes in the form of active effective
resistance physically and metaphysically starting with oneself but incorporative of and directed towards
others. Metaphysically this is the work of the soul which is wedded to action-rejection of its negative
moment of all foreign contents of consciousness: sights (art); sounds (music; voices); and text
(language; books; poetry) that introduce into the mind foreign contents of consciousness which create a
deviation from the proper path from an authentic path, towards the heights through an integration
within oneself of ideas from all sources authentically Aryan. In terms of art only that art which derives
from the genius of the white race historically and ideally is as uncontaminated with the thought forms
of semitism of the jew and his vile tellurism.
A complete rejection of entartete kunst/kulture, of all 'entartung' (degeneracy), of all of that which
drags Spirit in the mire-or would attempt to do so if it could and which drags down the consciousness
of the Aryan race into the mire of the purely mundane and contingent and away from the eternal and
The music of the Aryan race in its martial form of military marches and even contemporary electronica
and the music of Bach's well-tempered clavier harpsichord all conduce to the elevation and
invigoration of the soul which elevates one out of the mire.
That of poetry and visual arts which are skillfully executed and designed to enhance the vibrational
frequency through metre and proportion are paths to victory and all of that inharmonious that jars
against the consciousness must be cast down from its pedestal upon which it has been placed by the
jews and his minions who seek to defile through subtle means the nobility of the Aryan race through
their subterranean secrecy and vileness.

The statues of the Aryan race which were cast down by the hands of deceived masses of whites at the
instigation of their jewish handlers and mind manipulators and replaced by monuments to the
untermenschen are a sign of decadence and weakness of the white race. To cast down the monuments
of these savages and to reestablish oneself on a pedestal as the Aryan hero is necessary.
The war is a culture war but first and foremost it is a racial holy war and the culture of the white race is
not christian but rather Aryan, Hyperborean and free of all semitic admixture save through the curse the
jews have placed upon it called christianity. The true statue of the Aryan are those which the christians
smashed and destroyed led by jewish rabble rousers to burn down most of the knowledge of the ancient
world. The Aryan race is the last bastion of civilization and its culture has been entangled with the jew
such that jewry has hijacked the white race and defiled,; concealed; destroyed and supplanted most of
its culture with a syncretic distortion of its own invention.
The jew must be rooted out of the garden of Eden as the weed he is else there is no future for the white
race and indeed civilization as a whole which would be choked out by the weeds of the untermenschen
within a short period of time. This is the breaking point of the chains of jewry-either the Aryan will
burst its bonds or sink into abject slavery and atrophy within a short span of time as the larger society
consumes itself.
The resurrection of the hero is the resurrection of the Aryan race through first and foremost a spiritual
rebirth, an awakening from the dogmatic slumber in which it has been lulled by the distorting creed of
christianity and its modern variant liberalism and possessive individualism. The creeds of the jews are
designed as mind control to influence whites to destroy themselves and are of foremost concern to any
combat-in order to gain victory one must: 1) know thine enemy; 2) have a willingness and 3) ability to
fight. The creeds of egalitarian pacifism are rooted in the mind of the white race and must be uprooted
and cast into the flames in order to face the foe.
1) who thine enemy is is difficult to understand when the enemy conceals itself behind the facade of
powerless victimhood and transfers attention from itself thereby as well as through the creation of
scapegoats who are brought out to take the blame. The smokescreens and blinds the jews conceal
themselves behind are their main technique of power-mind control, world control and this through
black magic, not mere psychological manipulation.
Deception and distortion are carried out in the higher planes and on the lower planes the jews' ritualistic
black magic-the invocation of entities and the conscription of them to possess others as their
instruments on the mundane plane in addition to the manipulation of circumstances according to aeonic
conditions and astrological alignments in conjunction with these beings.
How to combat them is simple: exposure, and then the appropriate means of removal from all power
that leads to the harm of the white race. Exposure is nonetheless a great difficulty as the jewish control
of most all means of technological communication and the creation of laws prohibiting their exposure
make such an exposure a difficult endeavour indeed. Nevertheless their exposure is necessary and all
means must be had to do so for, when enough whites in positions of authority recognize the nature of
jewry, they will be forced to act if only in self interest, contrary to the wishes of jewry and for their
own self-interest (ie. survival).
However most whites who derive a comfortable living from the system will continue to serve it against
the interests of their own race for as long as they deem prudent and as a means to continue deriving
slops from the trough. The pigs of Zion derive their trash in the form of money and material benefit
allocating to themselves a place in the sty in which they can spawn piglets. Such however is attained at
the expense of the white race and thus must cease-must be made to cease through the appropriate

effective action. Traitors must be brought to justice in open public assembly or clandestinely through
the knife or the gun. Once enough of the white masses recognize their true enemy and the threat posed
to themselves they will either fight or they will hide-those who hide are the vast majority of fence
sitters who represent a collective of weaklings who will be justly demoted in the future security once
the whites win if they are lucky enough not to receive justice in the form of a rope or a guillotine.
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
The contrast between those of today who are virtuous in the classical sense and those who are vicious is
stark and the latter preponderate in the teeming milliards. The vicious are the archetype of modernity
and they may be characterized as the inverse of Benjamin Franklin's maxim which illustrates
microcosmically the macrocosm of degenerate modernity: "Early to bed and early to rise makes the
person healthy, wealthy and wise." The modernist creed is that of the converse: "Late to bed and late to
rise makes the person sick, poor and stupid."
Today's world is a world of the latter trinity: stupidity; sickness and poverty, which is exalted in a
characteristically jewish manner as a defilement of all higher culture and sophistication, dragging all
down into the sewer of degeneracy-the hell-world which is created by jewry, being their disintegration
protocol for the destruction of white society.
The generations of the 60s and 70s (the doomer generation) typified this behaviour, those it is prevalent
in and those of the subsequent years also: the result, in spite of the possessive individualist cred of the
boomer generation and of liberal modernity, the impoverishment of posterity for the sake of the
affluence of their forebears without regard for the transmission of wealth to posterity amounts to the
impoverishment of the latter especially in tandem with the systemic bias against white people as a
collective group.
The older still living generations take out a mortgage on posterity's future and gamble away their
inheritance, seeking social and financial capital at their expense. Their lives, and those who have
followed in their image of degenerate dissolution have created a world of poverty, of haves and have
nots at diametrical extremes of the spectrum and this in the name of peace; love and unity in reality that
of their own self seeking greed and desire to be important in the eyes of their fellow social climbers.
The aristocracy of blood had no need of competition-the mentality of the possessive individualist is that
of the jew in whose image that ideology was crafted during the time of John Locke and around the time
when the jews had been readmitted into England. The merchant mercenary self-seeker typically lives a
life "maximizing pleasure, minimizing pain" as his entire mentality orients around accumulation for the
purpose of hedonistic thrill seeking whatever those thrills entail. An example is the dopamine spikes
and thrills of athleticism beyond what is necessary to serve a higher purpose (health and defence of the
nation and its clarification through collective action) or the snorting of cocaine or administration by
whatever route of whatever drug of choice, or the atrocities of jewdeo-masonic ritualism-all serve the
selfish self and hedonistic thrill seeking at the expense of one's own kind. The ill health concomitant on
the basis of this pursuit is palpable in the average pursuer of such forms of dissolution: alcoholics; drug
wars; sex addicts and the demonic possession concomitant upon the masonic ritualism that necessarily
follows involvement with jewry.
The dogma, if such it could be called, of modernity is that of materialistic idealism in the sense of
Stalin: a black magic attempt to reify the ideas that are crafted by jews based upon the principles of
secular science, of the profane pseudo-gnosis of masonry and its jewish kabbalistic controllers.

Scientism and secularism are the particular forms of this materialist idealism and 'man' is exalted in
place of God in the sense of the sum total. This leads to and supports the possessive individualist creed
of jewry as it makes all-of those who serve themselves at higher levels who are members of the
communist party: who are government agents demon possessed or at the least hyper-rational robots. All
others being given an even more materialistic and dumbed down world view, creating the two tiered
society of the neofeudalist communitarian society which is already here at this time only conceals itself
behind the platitudes of the dogma: human rights; love; peace; God; 'humanity', etc..
These would be god-men purport to be healthy, wealthy and wise but that itself obtains if at all and
only as an appearance in the material plane. The reality of course is that in terms of health they have at
most a fleeting superlative physical robustness but, being possessed by demons, have their soul
vampirized and atrophied and accordingly cease to exist post mortem and are therefore far from healthy
as they are cancerous in their soul.
The motives and actions based thereon do not correlate in the way in which they are represented
publicly and thus they are all deceivers who are pursuing motives wholly at odds with those they
publicly espouse. Not practicing what they preach they could hardly be very healthy in mind as their
thoughts and emotions jar discordantly with the circumstances and are feigned and false which creates
lesions on their soul having lived a hypocrite life of falsehood.
Therefore they are sick in the soul though to all outward appearances of superlative health, a health
which again is fleeting and is in reality the sickness unto death of the soul which to the higher principle
that crystallizes in concreto and which determines the longevity of the physical body.
That and all of the karma attracting to these touted 'lucifer beings' creates massive discord and certain
vengefulness on the part of God (ie. the sum total) which carombs against them and brings about an
inner cacophony and tension which far from an evolution instead leads to devolution unto death.
The wealth of these degenerate moderns is obtained largely through unearned means-they employ
cunning sneakiness and treachery within a pre-existent system of treachery to exploit and use others for
personal advantage, draining others of their life's blood vampirically and absorbing into themselves
their substance.
This 'wealth' in whatever form it may be (the blood and adrenochrome of sacrifice; the taxes and tithes
gleaned from the sheared sheep by the self-proclaimed shepherd kings, the gold and mineral wealth, the
land and cultural artefacts and intellectual property-the sum total of all of that parasitical and
plagiarized from whites) is indeed mere fleeting and transient materiality. The wealth of the jew and his
cronies of today, especially the latter are merely lumps of matter that titillate themselves and stimulate
the lower drives, and enable others to perceive one as having desirable things.
Of course the wealth enables them and this most importantly to augment their personal energy at the
expense of their own kind-the absorption of the energy of the Other, being able to buy from them with
the incentive of empty promisory notes (fiat currency; digits in a bank account and other abstractions-
nothings which represent somethings, some-things that themselves at most serve as an incentive to
goad the goyim into working for what they desire never for what they need as their desires and needs
are deliberately conflated by jew in the media and the larger society).
The only real wealth is the substance stolen in the form of bio-spiritual energy by jews form non-jews
especially whites. What is called wealth today represents a simulacrum, an iron meat hook painted gold
to entice the goyim to hook themselves on it and be consumed by the jew after draining all of their

blood in ritual murder which is the 'story of their lives' as witless goyim who run on the jews' slaughter
house track to their doom for this incentive.
The lack of wisdom of course exists in the fact that the jews cannot create a closed system that will
constitute a self-propelling wheel that will enable them to parasitize and live a life of kings on the
backs of their captive charges as not only their rapacious greed but megalomaniacal control freakism
necessitates their own self-destruction through going beyond the pale of tolerance, of their dogs' body
slaves who will either go down with the jew or will rend them.
The modern shabbos goy naively assumes in his lack of wisdom that he is guaranteed a future simply
by playing the jews' usury game and that they are guaranteed to win simply by being a clever liar, an
ape of the jew. This behaviour underscores their stupidity and justifies the label predicated of them
'shabbos goy' (stupid animal in yiddish).
Jewry is the architect of modernity which had its origins with his advent, his troublesome presence on
the earth and which has spiralled out of control over the Aeons and has led to the destruction of nearly
all of the culture of the white race over the millenia and over the earth: Tibet; ancient Gobland (Gobi
Desert); India; Middle East; North Africa; Europe; America, etc.
To be a modernist living for thrills and possessive individualism is the same as the bring about the
suicide of one's own self both materially and spiritually. The soul atrophies in proportion to its
possession buy entities and the body fades away degenerating with age in proportion to a lack of
spiritual power and virility. No spiritual power and virility can be obtained through the vile rites of
masonry, simply the cunning games of a Simon Magus, a purely self-seeking trickery and slippery
manipulativeness so characteristic of the jew.
The degenerate modern is twice the child of hell of his jewish master, having a motivation wholly
egocentric and not rooted in any higher ideal and thus limited in power by his own finite power as a
particular being. Jewry by contrast has its collective and its archetypes or egregores and entities which
empower it beyond the level of the finite particular and in the latter case of the entities that they
vampirize jewry they enable the vampirization by jewry of the energy of the 'goyim', the cattle upon
whom they feed as a vampire bat feeds on cattle.
This still however is not 'wisdom' in any higher sense but simply the instinctive survival mechanism of
jewry in its operation, in its limited state of survival which depends not on itself but on outside sources
to feed itself and thus is not self-sustaining and self-sufficient but by definition vampiric and parasitic
and thus atrophies over time through entropy and its own finitude and degradation which leads to its
Though the vampires proliferate they simply bring about greater entropy in the system-hence the more
they progenate the more chaos they generate and the more the host society will crumble to ruin. The
edict of jewry of 'be fruitful and multiply' necessitates this outcome: should they be allowed to have
their way and those feeble enough to enable them to attain this state they are simply bringing about
their own destruction though they may have infinite momentary advantages they are receiving as
payment and incentive for their racial treason to their own kind. These traitors who deprive their own
of a means to increase in power bring harm to themselves as, in nature, that which does not expand
contracts and "as below so above" and vice versa-to rob the substance of one's own robs oneself to give
of one's substance gives to oneself; as a part of the greater racial soul.

It is only within the Kali Yuga of modernity and the end of this Aeon that has witnessed the degenerate
nature of the white race and its fall from the spiritual heights of the material depths in chasing after a
lump of gold cast from an airplane and forgetting to open the parachute or that one even has one. The
parachute that will enable whites to transform the brick of gold into one of philosophical gold is the
spiritual awakening that is upon 'the west' now and which has a material counterpart in an awakening of
a dormant Racial blood memory inherent in the white population. The shabbos goy race traitors if
irredeemable based upon their soul structure, the contents of their consciousness and their inability to
face reality must be cast out of the racial soul as a tumour that threatens its existence.
‘Ex Occident Lux’
"From the West-light" and this in two senses. First should "The West" be construed as a cultural
amalgam of jewry and the Aryan race, a dyadic tension of opposites not necessarily seeking or
susceptible of reconciliation but existing in a state of tension, but which nonetheless creates from out of
itself the chaos which encircles this earth as a vicious ouroboros serpent entwining the globe in its
pythonic embrace, suffocating all and attempting to consume all of the substance of all-if this is the
way in which 'the West' is conceived them light can only emanate from out of these tensions which
reveal to all the relationship between chaos and order within the matrix system of the world and how
this comes about through the dialectical process.
Should 'The West' mean the culture of the Aryan race, bestowers of Order upon the world, it is the light
itself concretized in the form of the material plane in the custody of the organism, the Racial Soul, of
the Aryan who was neither East nor West in the Polarian and Atlantean epoch but was Polar in the
sense of Hyperborean, the possession of the gnosis of Reality, of Being, of Truth. This Truth simply
became degraded after the fact by subsequent mixtures that the Aryan had undergone, has become
contaminated with the cultural distortion of the non-whites and their Lemurian blood and correlative
soul type and culture hence becoming 'Eastern; and 'Western' geographically through the migrations of
the Aryan race from Polar Hyperborean and esoterically becoming 'Western' in both cases regardless of
the genetic stock or geographical location, "Western' in the sense of the setting of the sun of mind, of
gnosis, becoming submerged in ignorance, in Maya, in the materialized world of things and thinghood
and the orientation downwards of consciousness rather than upwards towards a higher state of being.
The light of the world has always and forever found itself mediated through the consciousness of the
Aryan as the highest form of Being on earth. Those who venerate 'The East' simply posit themselves on
a pedestal as the 'broad minded' fool whose broad mindedness is so broad as to be nothingness, having
no structural arrangement or particular reference to anything particular (higher)and thus being a
veneration of nothing, of simply the stereotypical and largely fictional 'culture' of 'The East', fictional as
it appears in their mind via the superficialization of media conduits and yet still the culture is MSG
(monosodium glutamate) a false flavour owing to its adulteration genetico-spiritually with the non-
white hybrids existing in those regions who have brought low, the original Aryan culture in those
particular regions which are now the 'crepuscular remnants' as Evola called them, of the Ur-culture
which preceded them and which culture is now de facto a fait accompli, a terminal culture in the
Spenglerian sense.
However the syncretic forms which have arisen owing to jewish intrigue have in a way neutralized
these cultures even if only artificially as a terminally ill patient have received an artificial organ
transplant as means of perpetuating itself. Nonetheless they are still degrading owing to the tension
between what was the previous culture that had their biological race as a particular group formed as a
result of hybridization and the modernization imposed upon them by jews in the latter's exploitation of

them in their intended Zion government and as a means of building them up to hurl at the white
"The West" thus is largely a jewish creation and this has been imposed upon what could properly be
called "The North": the Aryan, the Polarian; the Hyperborean as means of hijacking it in slavery to the
jews and by the jews as the would be masters of the earth. Once this is adequately known (perhaps as
of the time of this writing it is) then 'the West' can descend into dusk and dust and the Northern Light
will shine once again refulgent on the horizon.
White Supremacy or Death
The perpetual browbeating of whites by jews regarding 'white supremacy' is the jews' fear of whites,
refusing to allow themselves to be mixed out of existence expressing itself. The paradox and dilemma
of jewy and indeed of all non-whites is that:
1) whites are needed to maintain civilization so that they can leech off it and indeed so that they can
survive while
2) seething with jealous hatred of whites and desiring their death.
Hence whites are, in the mind of all non-whites, 'supremacistic' simply by being alive. Not being
enslaved by the non-whites and even should they attain such an impossible task of slavery (whites
requiring freedom to determine their own future in order to sustain life and otherwise they will cease to
have any willingness or ability to create or invent).
Whites thus, insofar as they are to live, ie. insofar as they are to be independent must be 'supremacist' in
the sense of independent from the control of jewry, must be supremacistic, ie. must evaluate themselves
as of a superior nature beyond that of others of 'other kinds', 'supreme' if you will.
Should non-whites wish to live they will do so at the behest of the white race in a relationship of
subordination as dependant upon gratuities dispensed by whites, else they will eventually cease to exist
or not be able to attain or maintain a sustainable set of conditions which would perpetuate their
Hence the necessity to be a white supremacist in order to:
1) ensure the existence of white people and
2) the existence of non-whites. Hence whites must be supreme else they will cease to exist and thus
white supremacy is, contrary to the ideology of the world order which currently exists, essential to
civilization which, but for the civilization's jewish adulteration would be a harmonious and thriving
However, given the world order's insistence upon imposing its egalitarian, artificial world of inevitable
chaos and impossible equality, will result in the inevitable collapse of civilization and the inevitable
survival of remnants of whites who will simply reconquer the earth and transform it into a spiritualized
world of a True 'sustainable system' that has banished all entropy that previously existed in the old
order-the entropy (chaos) of the jew and their hordes of non-whites. Hence the formula for those who
would be the remnant is supremacy and the motto should be 'supremacy or death-no compromises".
White supremacy is the object of jealousy of the non-whites as they can easily discern that white
culture is that alone which can be spoken of as culture in the higher sense. Hence whites are an object

of jealousy and are targeted with extreme hatred simply by virtue of their identity as a superior being:
non-whites, should they have any shreds of wisdom would be wise to simply acknowledge their own
inferior status and appreciate the conditions they have been offered by the whites which they
thanklessly abuse and misuses to either harm whites or take without gratitude. Thus they will receive
their karmic backlash inevitably and soon enough.
Atlantis and Lemuria

The lost (sunken) continent of Atlantis was one of the earliest regions upon which the white, Aryan race
dwelt and which so far as occult doctrine goes sunk, owing to an Earth cataclysm which was caused by
the gravitational pull of the moon being placed (as an artificial object) in its gravitational field which
caused the old golden age to cease to be a one season world of 'paradise' and became subject to the
changing of the seasons (or into the rotation of the earth on its axis-the creation of that same 'axis') and
thus subject to time, to Kronos, to the influence of the entities who dwell in and have captured planet
Saturn through the generation of ice crystals which constitute its rings, entities (ETs) purported to be
from the Orion constellation who are bound up with the Jews on this earth.

Atlantis thus was the 'Arctic Homeland in the Vedas' as the book of the same name by Bal Gangadhar
Tilak explains in copious detail, of the Aryan race during the Atlantean ad hoc wherein those races
came into formation and whenever they developed the thriving Hyperboreans and Atlantean
civilization. Atlantis thus is synonymous with whites and as occult lore would have it fell apart because
of the operation of Atlantean black magicians and this cosmic catastrophe. Perhaps these black
magicians were jewry or one of their precursors and were thus again involving themselves in their
distortions and perversions of Aryan white magic (i.e. Magic which creates overall greater than lesser

Some have claimed that jewry were the 'slaves of Atlantis' and that as such they were merely a group
of captives of the prior sunken continent of Lemurian area to the South Pacific which spanned their
regions and around the area of modern-day India. The latter continent was at war with Atlantis and
venerated the God Pan, was a continent devoted to mother goddess worship and its Cthonic-tellurian
animalistic rites of savagery which can still be seen throughout the non-white world and all of its multi-
various forms (luciferian rites of black magic ritualism). Thus a clear distinction can be drawn between
Atlantis, the concretization of the Solar-Uranian spirituality of the Aryan race and Lemuria, that of the
Cthonic-tellurian beast man and his Jewish overlord. One must stand with his own should he value
continuance in this world as the world of animalism is once again rearing its ugly head and the noble
Aryan warrior must either strike off the head of the beast of Pan or else be consumed by this demonic
It is spirit versus matter for dominance and victory or death for all culture on this earth, victory going to
the white man or defeat for all. Of course the beast races understand all too well that they have nothing
but 'this world' and thus will not be able to maintain any culture without whites conferring upon them

In its current form the culture of the nonwhites is simply not sustainable and thus must change in a
manner more harmonious in relation to God else it will cease, and those who would expropriate for
themselves should they ever be able to destroy their hated enemy the white man would simply destroy
themselves through the unsustainability of the current technology and of their own uncreative
ineptitude and mere imitative capacity. Hence it is either a world of whites and survival of culture or a
burnt out world of chaos and inevitable extinction. This is why the non-whites, descendants of
Lemurian, have a death wish as they know they cannot sustain or attain civilization without the white
man's inventive creativity. Atlantis will win out either in this world or in the next.

The Hyperborean Tradition and its Distortion

The Tradition of Hyperborea, it's spiritual culture which materialized in physical form under the aegis
of the Aryan race during an epoch of the same name and during subsequent periods of degradation that
culminated in the degenerate world as contemporary modernity. The tradition of Hyperborea was a
traditional culture based upon spiritual-metaphysical principles which brought the kingdom of heaven
upon earth and facilitated the spiritualization of the 'people', of the 'race' or 'species' who alone still
possessed the Divine spark derived from the gods who created the stock of this earth mixing their blood
with whatever beings who existed upon the earth and creating God-men.

The allegory of the Vanir in the Edda giving custody to the Aesir is an allegory of this degradation or
'fall of man', the Venusian Divyas or God's creating civilization and conferring it upon those who
possessed the majority of the store of their blood. The lesser beings of Lemuria, those who are the
nonwhites of today's world (at least in their original form now distorted through subsequent mixture
with the Aryan through voluntary-eg. Indian, to some extent Egypt, and involuntary means of slave
rebellions orchestrated by the devious Jews). This stock was at various times enslaved by the Aryan
and thus created a world of degradation or mixture, the Jews themselves being one of the hybridized
stocks from the evil union of mixture with the animal man.

Hence the tradition had been subjected spiritually and physically to contamination and the inclusion of
jewry and the other slave caste of the Aryans throughout the millennia had reduced their culture to a
corrupted remnant, importing Lemurian the mythological elements and suppressing, perverting or
destroying all of these the subsequent stocks had no interest in preserving. Such was the case of Egypt
and India as well as the Americas in which the stock of Atlantis, the Aryans were degraded. Carrying
forward to the present we see the results of such deleterious mixtures, the corruption of spirit into the
mire of lowest density states of consciousness and the collector gently and of modernity. New York and
Los Angeles, and the Jewish stronghold of Tel Aviv serve as prime examples of the corruption of Aryan
cultures by jury and it's plagiarism and theft.

The Kabbalah of the Hebrews, now the Kabbalah of Jewish distortion derived from subsequent epochs
and areas through which they had wandered and in which they had granted to them power, wealth and
theft. This is distortion of the Tradition which has become a Jewish hijacking and expropriation for
itself to serve its materialistic tendencies.

Modern theosophy and masonry and so far as the writer has any acquaintance with them both in terms
of being subject to the harassment of Jewry and their affiliates and their employment of cabalistic
rituals against himself and his reading of the publicly available and admittedly largely dated works of
Masons and illuminists from the turn of the century and some updated sources enable him to conclude
that the distortion of the Hyperborean tradition is still a Gordian knot tied up by jewry and not yet
disentangled from their influence. Rather it is a stolen property of the Aryan race which latter have had
their own minds distorted and perverted by jewry and thus are incapable of understanding their own
good as not living an authentic life in accordance with the Tradition which has been concealed by
jewry. Accordingly they are like a blind Hoder being led to cast mistletoe at Baldr by Loki and to
destroy the light of Asgard, i.e. the Hyperborean Tradition.

The Warrior Priest vs. The Degenerate

Tradition confronts modernity in the clash of distinct, oppositional types: the degenerate modern
represents (by definition) the degenerate being who has degenerated (degraded inequality) from that
from whence he derived his being as an organism deriving its being in the archetype of ancestry. What
the cause of degeneracy is is not of concern here but it is clear that the degeneration of type has
occurred and that this degeneration is a fact as any comparison with prior stages of Aryan history bears
witness to.

The past (paleohistorically) of the Aryan race was one of Tradition in which the naturalistic
meritocratically-based hierarchy of types reflected the proper nature of the person, each playing their
proper role according to their proper nature, what is appropriate for themselves as their destiny, what
role in the society is essentially suited to themselves. In the traditional society there was a caste of
priests; of aristocratic nobility, of artisans and tradespeople and of serfs which latter did the work of a
more menial kind. Each played their role and served the nation and was part of the nation and this
created a world of harmony and insured to the greatest extent possible the empowerment and
development of the race. The highest caste was a rulership who united the nation and its people with
the gods as mediators of the Divine Will and the nobility administered the practical affairs of state as it
related to the common people who were in a sense ‘the Commonwealth’, the means and instruments of
execution of the policies and orders of the administrative cast who received their instructions or
advisements from the priests who intermediated upon their behalf.

The character of the warrior and of the priest (there was not always a distinction present) was at of that
transcendence in imminence, and elevation of the racial collective to a state of harmony with the racial
soul, with the higher planes of its being. The figures are both of the transcendent character, the
aristocracy being limited to the lesser and the priests to the greater mysteries, the warrior caste
becoming a perfect man or ‘man perfected’, the priests elevating themselves to man-godhood, reaching
beyond the purely human state, the former suited to the mundane world of the exercise of temporal
power, the latter to confer upon that power their spiritual authority for the upliftment of the collective
group. The warrior is a sovereign who is as the gods of Olympus superintending over mortal man and
the priests are they who combined with yet higher forces.

Thus the warrior's attention is directed toward the material plane and his relationship thereto is one of
an active comportment towards its particular affairs, engaging the problems of life in a relationship of
adversariality and of dominance, of prudent and just control exercised within the limitations of their
function and under the spiritual guidance of the priestly caste. The active aggression of the nobility is a
character of the warrior elite which aggression has historically been misused and perverted to serve the
ends of the more influential priest caste or their own ends as rogue nobility who had broken away from
their proper place within the nation and adhered to deviant paths. This was and is one of the
instrumental means of degeneracy which leads to the modern contemporary world.

The character of the priest was as yet, and perhaps still is, in some cases oriented towards a
transcendence not for themselves alone but through themselves a transcendence of their baser state and
an upliftment of their kind as a collective group, a spiritualization of materially dense bodies and an
overall empowerment of the collective through a spiritual emphasis, elevating their consciousness
beyond the transient phenomena of the mundane world. The priest thus is a figure who is ‘in the world
but not of the world’ and exists in the world only as a mediation or intermediary between divine and
temporal. His character is thus removed from passion and above the petty transience of emotional
particularism and his devotion to his kind is undergone to a higher form of praxis which has no
relationship to the purely mundane world of becoming nor the condition of the purely ‘human’ or
material conditions (highly). This character has been largely perverted for base ends via the
degeneration of ‘humanity’, of the Aryan race into its current state and the spiritual state is reflected in
the contemporary forms of what calls itself ‘spirituality’, i.e. occultism and in modern Freemasonry and
similar illuminized organizations. Thus the degeneracy of the inner is reflected in the degeneracy of the
outer and as the outer becomes ever increasingly more materialistic and crude so can the inner-be
inferred in its concomitant degradation to lower density states of being.

This state amounts to and results in the degenerate modern of today's ‘modern world’ of 'entartung'
(degeneracy in German) and the figure of the ‘degenerate’ of today. The previous two figures priest and
warrior were integrated men, they who existed their essence, living in accordance with their proper
nature and accordingly were ‘men of Tradition’ in the classical sense especially in the pre-Christian
sense, "men of race which means men who live according to their soul blueprint or archetype, who
preserve themselves and develop themselves as a 'entelechia' in Aristotelian terms against any
countervailing forces which threaten their continuance in their nature and which threaten the mores and
cultural norms of their society over which they superintend.

The contemporary figure, irregardless of his social prestige and indeed perhaps on its account, is the
antithesis of the Traditional man or more properly spoken quotes man of tradition quotes and he
belongs to tradition and is an integral part thereof, he does not possess a Tradition as if it is a
commodity but belongs to it as an element of its essence; the modern man is a degenerate both
spiritually and materially-he is ‘disintegrated’ in his being, his essence, his soul, and all of his physical
practices and lifestyle are directed toward this disintegration: a diet of a vegan nature (rendering
weakened and feeble, disempowering the person and their soul and body); other than a diet of animals
and easily assimilable plant food (fruits and cooked vegetables and herbs); a sexuality oriented toward
the degeneration of the body/mind through licentiousness, stimulation for the sake of stimulation and a
wastage of the energies of the soul and body; a constant exposure to stimuli of any and all varieties-
anything that works up a stimulus to excite and activate the body in a reactive way and does not
strengthen it in a proactive manner, being of a certain quality that it induces in the person a stressor of a
beneficial sort needing to be overcome; the exposure of oneself to only minimally challenging stimuli
that lead to the atrophy of the body-mind, of the person and the gradual disintegration of the soul.

The modern world, including of course the modernist syncretic artificially constructed religion of
Christianity is a world of disintegration. However integration will almost certainly be a possibility in
terms of obtaining a differentiated order through a spiritualization of the material plane and this latter
through the person focusing on the development of the person in a direction of power, the ‘yoga of
power’ as such it may be called and away from the degenerating influences of the modern world either
in the form of atrophy via weakness and ennervation through Christian and New Age pacifism and
through the excess and wastage of energy, of disintegration via the sensationalism of a bombardment of

Care: White Self-Hate vs. White Self-Regard

The false association created by jewry between whites caring about themselves and what they call
‘hatred’ is only a projection of their own survivalistic tendency. In order to survive one must have self-
regard, in order to have self-regard one must have an understanding of themselves and their collective
race is a valuable being. The Jews have been attempting to defile and undermine whites for millennia
and to cultivate in the white race a self understanding as a defective or malevolent, bad, undesirable,
repulsive, hateful, detestable being.

At this point in time just on the eve of the Rahowa (racial holy war) that Jewry is instigating by their
cultural defilement and teratological distortion of Aryan man the war is on the brink of erupting now
that the Jewish demon seed have imported all of their shock troops to murder and defile the white race.
Self-hating whites who have become decadent and their privileged lives have become corrupted by the
media distortion of white identity, have facilitated out of the suicidal mindset the invasion and almost
certainly will pay dearly for their self harm to the racial soul of which they are a collective. Those who
are self hating whites are the waste material and cancer cells of the host body and those who are
capable of reformation and of rectifying whatever harm they have caused had best do so before it is too
late and they wind up on the side of the enemy.

Thus care for oneself as a person entails care for that collective of which he is a part else selfish ‘care’
is inauthentic and false, is only a concern for his transient life in (or rather his distorted understanding
of himself) as at all dimensions he is a being integrated with the racial collective soul spiritually and
materially else disintegrates through detaching himself from the source from which he derives his being
and identity. Those who fail to properly understand themselves as a part of a collective group
themselves and live a lie, that of the ‘individual’ which is of course an impossible feat as ‘no man is an
island entire unto himself’ and the ocean of being will simply absorb him in detachment from the
Racial Soul hence one must bind himself to his own Culture at all levels of his being in order to
optimally integrate himself and to strengthen himself and participate with his collective group as a
unitary being.

Those who cause a weakening of the Racial Soul are necessarily a harm thereto and accordingly must
be curtailed in the harm they cause their own kind and this is specific to the harm-a specific remedy
being needed either in the form of execution or the form of simply educational rectification of one's
consciousness to set it back in a state of harmony with the racial soul, a ‘fundamental attunement’ to
Being through themselves and with those of a similar nature, the more similar the more harmonious
and vice versa. To gravitate toward foreign culture is to sabotage one’s own by introducing cultural
viruses that lead to dis-organization and fragmentation of the organism and are thus a harmful
expulsion and if need be negation of foreign culture and foreigners is necessary especially in the case
of the members of the race who introduce foreign elements into the culture, those contaminated with
‘Otherness’ and who should either be quarantined or disposed of as a defilement of the blood, other
culture organism as they contained within themselves the bad seed of destruction, a defective soul
which gravitates away from its own and toward the harmful ‘Other’.

White Supremacy or Death

White supremacy or death!

Fight the forces of Aryan death
White supremacy or death!
Oppose the chaos or there's nothing left

"White supremacy! White supremacy!"

The words the Jews cry
vilify: calumniate, cruxify, pillory!
"White supremacy! White supremacy!"

White supremacy or death!

Fight the forces of Aryan death
White supremacy or death!
Oppose the chaos or there's nothing left

Disintegrating forces would rot away the Truth

Rotting of our culture Jewish intrigues proves
Demonic rabble would white culture pollute
Nihilated the nihilator's-salvation of the youth

White supremacy or death!
Fight the forces of Aryan death
White supremacy or death!
Oppose the chaos or there's nothing left

Exposing the evil horde while time’s still on our side

Put the crosshairs on the kikes and muds; christards and left-side
Prove worthy of our ancestors for us they fight and died
Prove to them our worthiness annihilate the lies

White supremacy or death!

Fight the forces of Aryan death
White supremacy or death!
Oppose the chaos or there's nothing left

White supremacy over Jewish hegemony

White supremacy over suicidal tendencies
White supremacy! Aryan supremacy!
Victory in this life or eternity!

The Truth

We live in a world of illusion and illusion makers. The masterminds of this world of illusion which is
best to speak of as a 'matrix', an entropic chamber, a leaden tomb in which all phenomena perceived by
the dumbed-down masses are a perpetual transience of these illusions, a kaleidoscopic wonderland of
apparent good. The term here of course is 'apparent' as all of the simulacra with their multicoloured
hues are merely a rainbow world of hyper-reality in the sense of Baudrillard, a simulated fiction or
global theatre in which all is a stage and in which only hypocrites can be anything but poor players.
Those who are capable of Truth and incapable of lies-the few-are marginalized, excluded from society
and given the 'ostraka' as their prize by the collectivized automata of the global despotism of the hidden
hand. They may live in the truth, to whatever degree that is even possible for them, pulling aside the
tantalizing veils of these dancing figures of this multicultural multi-verse and observing only dancing
skeletons underneath which are harbingers of their destruction.
Those who live in the Truth and are not beguiled by the siren call of this apparent good its multifarious
guises can manage to bring combat against the matrix and tear its veils to shreds with the sword of
truth. To avoid the endless pitfalls of this world of illusion one must do one's utmost to raise his
consciousness above the welter of phenomenon and avoid all of its enticements, the vicious sirens
whose needle sharp teeth exist behind the cosmetic mask of 'apparent good'.
Such truth seekers and those possessed of truth(to whatever degree they may have been able to
cultivate their own mind and their own thoughts independent of the illusion matrix and its apparent
'freedom' to be anything and everything one chooses. The average person's choices are however
confined to the matrix and outside of this they are non-existent. Hence he the average person, exists
within the leaden coffin of this realm of illusion, pulled in every way by the hidden hand and the will of
its controlling occult forces who manipulate him into following whatever path of destruction best
serves their ends.
The traps these forces put forth are indeed best likened to the myth of Odysseus and the sirens in
Homer's epic poem. The sights, sounds and sensations; the mental and philosophical curiosities of the
matrix are perpetually at play round-the-clock followed in a trance of hypnosis by the average person,
the ‘profane’ or ‘mundane’ along the current of disintegration into the grave, chasing chimeras into the
Thus, in order to avoid the fate of the pashu, the animal man whose sole concern consists of the
delicacies of the matrix, the excitation of his sensory faculties and consequent immersion in the
corrosive waters of Maya, who, should he have the capacity to transcend the matrix and dwell in a
higher state of being, live an ascetic’s life devoted to strengthening the 'I' and empowering himself and
others with whom he lives and values.
All else is chaff and dross and must be discarded from the crucible into which he immerses himself. He
must face the illusions of the matrix, recognize that its ubiquity is concealed behind multifarious blinds
and that he must unconcealed truth if and when it is most pragmatically useful to do so.
Of course being a seeker of Truth, dwelling in higher planes through living an ascetic life divorced
from the phenomenal plane yet dwelling within it in bodily form he faces the nature of these illusions
and confronts them in their being-he recognizes that they are indeed illusions and that they must be-
again if pragmatically desirable-dealt with and whatever specific and appropriate way to elevate the
consciousness of the better type, of the redeemable potentially or actually 'Aryan' race. All else is a
futility, a mere squandering of time and effort and thus is counter indicated as a path toward the stars.

The Truth and the lie best exemplified in the diametrical opposition between the Aryan, the Jew, the
female and most of the chandala beastmen (both white and non-white). Those who have the capacity
for Truth must seek it out as it is the only path toward the stars and must model all actions on this
principle as the foundation of their lives. Those who fail in this purpose simply fail in life and go the
way of all flesh following the clockwise path of Demiurgic time flow into the abyss.
The Truth lies in the reverse path, that of the left word swastika, against the current of disintegration,
against the temporalizing finitude of the Demiurge, what that pashu beast men (be they white or other
species) call 'God'. Thus the war is simultaneously material and spiritual and for all of those incapable
of truth an occult war. Only the Aryan is capable of pulling aside the veil and perceiving the fact that
his material body and not himself dwells in illusion and that all non-Aryans are conditioned within the
leaden coffin of the Jewish Saturnian matrix, contentedly fattening and fornicating to their hearts
content completely divorced from the higher planes, unable to discover, to unconcealed the True self
which lies buried beneath the festive garb of the reveller, that debauchee and the mammon worshipper.
Let the fools content themselves with their merriment, a wise man as Seneca advised “avoid the festive
hatted crowd" and devotes himself to the cultivation of wisdom only he does not neglect his duty as an
Aryan to his fellow Aryans. He exists within the matrix in a state of inner calm and peace, of readiness
to act within the stillness of his soul dwelling within eternity and yet poised to fight against the evil tide
of the Demiurge and its agents, to attempt to the extent possible to reverse the course of the path of
salvageable souls and work toward the creation of the world of light against the twilight of the gods, of
the Aryan race, as they are dragged into the inevitable chaos of the Ragnarokr.
Only, like the figures of Lif and Lifthrasir in the Edda some will survive to create a new world after the
final catastrophe which will lay waste to this fallen world and re-create an Elysium on earth as it is in
eternity, becoming the sonnenmensch, the Sun men, solar beings radiating their light over the earth. All
of the failed Aryan dregs of this world who have failed their mission will perish in the abyss with all of
the pashu and their memory will be blotted out.
Having confined their existence to the leaden coffin of the Saturnian matrix chasing after illusions they
will go to their proper destiny. Those who have broken free of this illusory world through a life of
ascetic action, of acting without action, without affect, will be the True inheritors of the kingdom of
heaven and gain the ultimate victory. The forces of chaos will consume themselves even should they
win in the physical and thus defeat both materially and spiritually will be their reward. Indeed they
have already lost as their lives of malevolent abuse and harm toward others have situated them within
the lower planes and they have not lived in the Truth, though they believe they know of it by inference,
by rational calculus they will never dwell there. The truth is a property of the Aryan and none other.
To overcome the enemy one must banishes lies; to banishes lies one must become acquainted with
Truth; to become acquainted with Truth one must live in the Truth and this requires discipline; a rigid
adherence to the law of spiritual virility-that only the man of action in thought and deed can overcome
the evil tide of the Demiurge- action in the form of reason and in that of the supra-rational intellection,
strengthening the 'I' and transcending the material matrix of illusion while acting within this realm of
illusion. Acting out one's role as an adept player on the stage of life in accordance with his duty as an
Aryan, living in the truth and understanding that all is Maya in the phenomenal realm.


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