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The next year I will go on vacation to Acapulco and I will take sunscreen because
there wiil be a lot of sun so I will also bring a bottle of water since it will make me
very thirsty due to the heat, obviously I will take my cell phone to take nice photos of
the place where we are because if I don't take it i won’t take photos and that will be
very sad, So that we don't get bored we are going to play cards, in fact we like to
play cards and we even spend money my family really likes enchilado cheese, and
it is very typical of there, so we will use a knife to cut it, Chilate is very typical in
Acapulco, it is a chocolate drink that is taken cold and tastes delicious, we might
even do it, usually if there is no good music on the radio we play music from our cell
pones because we won't comfortable, I hope to have a great time on these

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