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Curriculum and Planning.

Curriculum and planning are essential

components of school-based management, which is a system of decentralization

that gives schools more autonomy and decision-making power. Curriculum refers

to the set of educational goals and learning experiences that are designed to

meet the needs and interests of students, while planning refers to the process of

developing and implementing strategies to achieve those goals (Mboya &

Kimaro, 2021). In school-based management, the curriculum is often developed

at the school level, in consultation with teachers, parents, and community

members. This allows schools to tailor the curriculum to the specific needs and

interests of their students, and to ensure that it is aligned with national and

regional standards. Effective curriculum development requires collaboration and

communication among all stakeholders, as well as a commitment to ongoing

assessment and evaluation (Aina, 2021).

In addition, planning is also a critical component of school-based

management, as it allows schools to set clear goals and priorities, allocate

resources effectively, and monitor progress towards those goals. This can involve

developing long-term strategic plans, as well as short-term plans for individual

courses or projects. Effective planning requires input from all stakeholders, as

well as a commitment to regular review and revision based on feedback and

evaluation (Sekhu & Du Toit, 2021). Overall, effective curriculum and planning

are essential components of successful school-based management, as they

ensure that schools have the autonomy and resources, they need to provide

high-quality education that meets the needs of all students.

Moreover, recent studies highlight the importance of curriculum and

planning in school-based management, and the need for school leaders and

policymakers to focus on these factors to improve educational outcomes and

promote academic excellence. For instance, a study by Ogunlusi and Agbatogun

(2020) examined the impact of school-based management on curriculum

development in Nigeria. The authors found that school-based management was

effective in improving curriculum development and delivery, but that there were

still challenges related to teacher training and support. Another study by Belay

(2021) focused on the role of planning in school-based management in Ethiopia.

The author found that effective planning was essential for ensuring that

resources were allocated efficiently and that educational goals were achieved,

and that school-based management had improved the quality of planning in


In addition, a study by Valdez and Castro (2021) examined the impact of

school-based management on curriculum alignment in the Philippines. The

authors found that school-based management had increased the alignment of

the curriculum with national standards, but that there were still challenges related

to teacher training and support. Finally, a study by Huang, Liu, and Ma (2022)

investigated the impact of school-based management on curriculum innovation in

China. The authors found that school-based management had led to more

innovative and responsive curriculum development, and that effective leadership

and communication were critical for supporting this process.

Additional References:

Aina, O. A. (2021). School-based management and curriculum development in

Nigerian secondary schools. International Journal of Educational
Management, 35(1), 61-76.

Belay, A. (2021). Planning in school-based management: A case study of

Ethiopian secondary schools. International Journal of Educational
Management, 35(3), 544-558.

Huang, Q., Liu, B., & Ma, Z. (2022). Curriculum innovation and school-based
management in China: A case study. Journal of Educational Administration
and Policy Studies, 14(1), 29-41.

Mboya, D. J., & Kimaro, J. (2021). School-based management and curriculum

implementation in Tanzanian primary schools. Journal of Educational
Administration and History, 53(2), 113-126.

Ogunlusi, O. J., & Agbatogun, A. J. (2020). School-based management and

curriculum development in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Administration
and Policy Studies, 12(2), 19-28.

Sekhu, M. A., & Du Toit, P. (2021). School-based planning and budgeting in

South African schools. Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Studies, 13(2), 33-42.

Valdez, R. C., & Castro, J. L. (2021). Curriculum alignment and school-based

management in the Philippines. Journal of Educational Change, 22(3),

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