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Some research states that"lemon grass can really be used as an ingredient in making insect repellent

and it can really repel insects."(Balitostos 2019)That is why we chose it as the subject to be refenced in
this research as it is provem by many researchers and experts.

The Lemongrass oil would be the specific ingredient. in creating the desired product."Lemongrass oil
derived from some species of grasses in the family of Poaceae (particularly Cymbopogon citratus) posses
a highly effective insect repellent potential"( TBN Thi, TT Bui, TM Nguyen, TH Nguyen 2020)

It was proven that lemongrass is one of the most effective insect repelant."The effectiveness and
application of natural insect repellents such as citronella grass, lemongrass, rosemary, peppermint, holy
basil, tea tree, neem, lavender, thyme, lemon eucalyptus, clove, and cinnamon oils, as well as synthetic
compounds permethrin, allethrin, malathion, DEET, DETA, IR3535, and picaridin, are compared here.
The insect repellent and insecticidal effectiveness of natural compounds in their pure form are very low
due to their high volatility. The effectiveness has been greatly improved through slow-release systems
such as encapsulation of the essential oils and is comparable to synthetic compounds used for insect
control purposes.(Divan Coetzee, Jiri Militky, Mohanapriya Venkataraman)This studies states that
lemongrass can be an effecient insect repellant and this research will further proove it's effectiveness
through a series of test.

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