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Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr.

Memorial National High School

Division of Dinagat Islands
San Jose District
Special Science Class

The Effectiveness of Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus Extract as a

pesticide Against Aphids

An Investigatory Project

Submitted as an Research Proposal

SY: 2019-2020




The Effectiveness of Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus Extract as a pesticide

Against Aphids

Rationale and background of the study

Nowadays, control of aphids is not easy. Pesticides do not always produce reliable results,

given resistance to several classes of insecticide and the fact that aphids often feed on the

undersides of leaves. So the proponent conducted this proposal in addition to help farmers and

our environment because nowadays farmers used Pesticides that contain harmful chemicals which are

linked to cancerous cellular activity but not also humans, our environment is now facing a great danger

because of it. Children who have been heavily exposed with toxic pesticide were indicating losses in cell-

mediated immunity, according to Department Of Health Some pesticides are quite hazardous, as they can

be harmful to humans and other living things. They can contaminate land, the air, food crops, and water

ways and seriously harm or kill native animals, pets and domestic animals. In addition to being hazardous

to the user, pesticides can also cause great harm and sometimes death to a person or other living things


With the innovation of technology, farmers and householders invented multiple remedies for

eradicating pest’s infestations from their garden plants. Toxic sprays might eliminate garden pests, but

they are harmful to you and the environment which leads towards this study in finding a cheap alternative

for organic and natural pesticide using ingredients found at lands like lemon grass that are commonly

used. This study was also conducted to be more resourceful and to create an effective insecticide without

harming the health of individuals and destroying garden plants.

This organic pesticide is so helpful to humans and in our environment. Pesticides are

important. They help farmers grow more food on less land by protecting crops from pests,
diseases and weeds as well as raising productivity per hectare. Without pesticides, more than half

of our crops would be lost to pests and diseases.

Statement of the problem

 Does the Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus Extract can kill the aphids?

 Is the Lemon Grass pesticide effective?

 Does the lemon grass pesticide affect our environment and us humans in a harmful way?


 No, the Lemon Grass pesticide can’t kill the aphids

 The Lemon Grass pesticide is not effective it can’t kill the aphids.

 Yes, the Lemon Grass pesticide can cause harm in our environment and can harm human.
Related Review Literature

The review of literature for this study focuses on the benefits of using lemongrass as an

organic pesticide and its effects. This organic pesticide using lemongrass oil, with its pleasing

aroma and overall effectiveness, lemongrass oil has become one of the most popular of all

natural insect repellents. Lemongrass oil, which is closely related to citronella, repels a greater

variety of pests than most natural "one-scented" oil mixtures. Lemon grass (Cymbopogon) is a

genus of about 55 related grass species or varieties.

The lemon grass plant or the oil extracted from it is used in cooking, aromatherapy,

medicinal preparations, teas and cosmetics. It also has insecticidal and pesticide properties and

the extracted oil is used in insect repellents and insecticidal sprays. The same chemical

compounds are found in all lemon grass varieties, but the amounts may differ. Its extracted oil

will help repel mosquitoes.

Lemon grass has long been used in natural insect repellents which contain citronella oil

and help deter mosquitoes with its strong fragrance. Lemon grass also has anti-larval activity. A

2004 study in Brazil published by Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, an international journal

of biological and biomedical research, showed that the essential oil of lemon grass could kill the

larvae of the mosquito that causes dengue fever. Lemon grass received its name owing to the

lemon-like fragrance it puts out from its leaves when crushed or boiled. It is popular perennial

grass, the leaves of which grow up to one metre long; it is cultivated in many countries for its

fragrant leaves and its oils that can be used as insecticide, repellents. So the proponent conducted

this proposal to prove that the lemon grass oils can be used as pesticide too and can kill aphids.

Materials/ Equipment

 Lemongrass oil

 Rubbing alcohol or distilled water

 Rosemary or eucalyptus oil

 Liquid hand soap

 Lemongrass plants

 Spray bottle

 Stirring rod

 Bowl

General Procedure

1. Purchase pure lemongrass oil to use as a pure, natural and safe insect repellent.

2. Put the chopped lemon grass in a boiling water to release its essence for 30 minutes.

3. Pour 1 ½ cup of lemongrass oil and ½ cup of rosemary oil in a container. ¼ cup of liquid hand

soap, ½ cup of distilled water and 1/8 cup of alcohol in a separate container.

4. Dilute the lemon grass oil and rosemary oil in rubbing alcohol or distilled water.

5. Pour the mixtures into one container for easy applications.

6. Mix lemongrass oil with other types of natural oils such as eucalyptus oil and rosemary oil to

create an even stronger pesticide.

Note: Rosemary oil, which can be extracted from the common rosemary plant, can be combined

with lemongrass oil for a more aromatic formula than will repel an even greater variety of


8. Add a few drops of lemongrass oil to liquid hand soap until its scent starts to dominate the

scents of the product.

9. Mix them all together and put the mixture inside the spray bottle.


 Maddela, M. Et al. (2015-2016) Homemade Organic Insecticide with the Use of

Lemongrass Oil

 Catapang, A. Et al. (2015) Lemongrass Oil as an Alternative Insect Repellent

 Lemongrass Oil as an Alternative Insect Repellent


 Benefits of using organic pesticide

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