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With the grace of the almighty god who has given us health and the opportunity to
complete the task of engineering the ideas given to us. The engineering ideas contained are
MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY which we make in a book. We are also
grateful to the lecturers who gave us so that we could channel our ideas.

We hope that our collection of MATH MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY,

and BIOLOGY ideas can provide a reference or update of ideas that can later be beneficial
both to ourselves and to the readers. We also hope that our collection of engineering ideas
can later be developed and can be useful in the future.

We as writers also realize that there are still many mistakes in our collection of ideas
both in writing and in any case we as writers expect readers to give criticism and suggestions
for the good engineering of our ideas going forward.

Finally, we as writers hope that our collection of engineering can be useful.

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