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NIM : 4163342024






A. Background

In Indonesia there are two types of orangutans, namely orangutans living in the forests of
Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) and orangutans living in Sumatra forest (Pongo
abelii). In both there is little difference, Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) has reddish-brown
hair color and brighter. While the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) has long and tangled
hair is dark red brown.

The Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) is the most endangered orangutan among the
two species of orangutans present in Indonesia. This type of Sumatran orangutan loses its natural
habitat quickly because their natural habitat in the forest has been disturbed by human activities.
Deforestation activities for the benefit of oil palm plantations, mining, and poaching make the
orangutans increasingly urged. Not only their homes are being snatched away, these animal food
sources are also increasingly difficult to find. Not surprisingly, cases of orangutans found near
settlements are increasingly being heard. In addition to diminishing habitats, declining orangutan
populations are also caused by illegal hunting and trafficking. A sad sight can be seen when
these plain-eyed animals are forced to enter behind bars for sale. Tragically, the orangutans that
are sold are usually small orangutans separated from their mother.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. Populations of extinction status of Sumatran orangutans continue to increase
2. Problems that will arise if the extinction status of the Sumatran orangutan increases
3. What to do to prevent and maintain the biodiversity of orangutans especially in northern
C. Objective
1. Pembaca mampu menganalisis, menginterpretasikan dan menyelesaikan masalah terkait
dengan status kepunahan orang utan yang semakin meningkat
2. Mengharapkan pembaca mampu lebih menjaga dan melindungi keragaman hayati orang
utan sumatera agar tingkat kepunahannya berkurang


According to IUCN, for the last 75 years the Sumatran orangutan population has declined
by 80%. Currently, the estimated population of the Sumatran orangutan is only about 6,500s
(Orangutan Conservation Action and Strategy Plan, Dephut 2007) and in the 2002 edition of the
IUCN Red List, Sumatran orangutans are categorized as Critically Endangered or are already
threatened with extinction. This is due to the evil human hands that destroy their habitat and the
high cases of killing and selling orangutans. If this is not prevented, it can be predicted that
orangutans will be extinct within the next decade. In indonesia Orangutan Sumatera (Pongo
abelii) only occupies the area around the forest of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to sumatera north,
precisely in Gunung Leuser National Park area, starting from elephant tin, aceh middle until
sitinjak in south tapanuli. In addition, a small percentage of the population is also found in the
River Basin (DAS) Batang Toru North Sumatra. From the latest data held by ANTARA
SUMUT, the Sumatran Orangutan population is estimated to be only 6,624 individuals and
belongs to one of the most endangered species. To stop the continued decline of orangutan
population in Sumatran forest, there is a need for real action from the government and society. It
received the attention of The World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia (WWF-Indonesia) and
launched the Sahabat Orangutan donation program which enables all individuals from various
groups to support orangutan conservation efforts.


A. Destruction of the ecosystem

The killing of orangutans causes even greater damage to the ecosystem, the collapse of
trees. This is because orangutans act as grain distributors in all forest areas that play a role in
balancing and conserving ecosystems. Referred to as "gardeners of the forest", orangutans are
basically consuming large amounts of fruits and then sprinkle the seeds throughout the forest.
Orangutans also help the growth of new trees. Through his behavior that often breaks the
branches of the tree and takes the leaves when eating or making a nest, the top of the tree
becomes open. This will make the sunlight can burst to the ground. Small trees will get sunlight
and grow quickly.

Thus, in the end the choice falls on the hands of each human being. The Government
through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has committed to protect the forest areas that
have become the habitat of orangutans as well as other living things. Several areas such as North
Sumatra, Jambi and East Kalimantan have operated forest and land fire prevention patrols. This
conservation effort certainly can not only be done by the government, but also the contribution of
the wider community, business actors, environmental organizations, and community groups. The
simple steps that can be done by each individual as quoted from the page is to suppress
the amount of demand and consumption of products that are extracted from the forest in an
unsustainable manner such as oil palm, or reduce the use of paper and electricity.


A. Save Orangutan Habitat

The degradation of forested areas in Sumatra, in addition to impacting the water cycle,
oxygen, and microclimate cycle cycle, has also affected the breaking of many wildlife ranges
such as orangutans. Today forest destruction in the country reaches 2.7-2.8 million hectares of
Indonesia's forest area, as in North Sumatra there are 894,146 ha of heavily damaged forest area
of total area of 3,742,120 ha. The condition is characterized by a number of cases found
Orangutan which are isolated in the fields of the population or outside the conservation area both
in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra, so the threat of hunting against these
protected animals becomes even greater. From this it can be concluded that the decline in the
number of orangutans is directly proportional to forest destruction. Therefore, as a first step in
saving the Sumatran Orangutan from extinction is by way of saving habitat first. This can be
done by stopping forest clearance for oil palm plantations, fighting against illegal logging,
reforestation and promoting the movement of a thousand trees.

Because if we preserve orangutans without preserving their habitat, because orangutans

are wild animals who prefer to live in the wild rather than in captivity or in the zoo. Research
proves that orangutans living in captivity and quarantine age are shorter than orangutans living in
the wild. So, the rehabilitation of orangutan habitat is the absolute price in this Sumatran
orangutan conservation effort.

B. Giving Awareness to Society Through Seminar

All over the world on August 19, commemorating the "World Day of Orang Utans" in the
event held a seminar on preserving orangutans in the follow various communities aimed at
making people aware to preserve orangutans. Because as we know especially in Indonesia the
level of murder and sale of orangutans is quite high because in general the community does not
know or do not consider the orangutan as one of the pride of our country. And people who are
aware of the importance of preserving orangutans are still very few. Therefore we must increase
community solidarity to protect orangutans in various areas of Sumatra, both in urban and rural
areas. Therefore, we have to organize seminars on orangutans, socialization, direct education on
conservation of the people, especially in Sumatra, dissemination of posters and slogans about the
survival of Sumatran Orangutans from extinction, warning not to open plantation land in
conservation areas, other. With this kind of activity people get information about orangutans and
can raise public awareness to participate preserve orangutans.

C. Improving the Quality and Quantity of Sumatran Orangutans

Not only to improve the habitat of Sumatran Orangutan and to raise awareness to the
people, we also have to conduct research on orangutans, such as the treatment, behavior and
daily habit of orangutans such as eating, sleeping, grooming, mating, maternal behavior and
more. It is important that we are not wrong in taking action in captivity and conservation. In
addition to improving the quality and quantity of Sumatran Orangutan can also be done with
breeding and rehabilitation.

D. Improving the Relationship Between LSM With Related LSM, Government, And

Conservation of Sumatran orangutans is not possible only by government, or certain

LSM, but there must be support from all parties, including support from the international
community. For example, in saving orangutan habitat, forest departments should work together
with environmental LSM, policing, and surrounding communities, because it is very difficult if
they work individually and the problem would be lighter if done in cooperation. Governments
and LSM involved in the Sumatran Orangutan extinction problem must work together and
establish relationships with surrounding communities, such as providing education or skills
training to the community, so that the community can meet its economic needs, because in
general the people who catch and sell the orangutans and forest encroachment in conservation
areas is motivated by economic factors, they are unable to meet their economic needs and are
forced to engage in this illicit activity. If these actions can work well and create a harmonious
relationship between the government and the community, the hope for conservation of Sumatran
Orangutan is getting wide open. As President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said, orangutans are
symbols of tropical forests, by saving orangutans we have saved tropical forests that prevent
carbon emissions.
 Chances of success

With this paper, we hope that the opportunity to realize the interest of Indonesian society,
especially the younger generation is increasing to maintain the conservation of Sumatran
orangutans and other types of orangutans. Because by knowing the benefits of keeping this
animal society and the younger generations to come will be benefited.

 Values of Innovation

Menurut kami, nilai nilai inovasi yang terkandung dalam rekayasa ini sudah cukup baik.
Karena selain meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat, hal ini juga meningkatkan kesadaran diri
pemerintah agar lebih memperhatikan kelestarian orang utan sumatera dan jenis orang utan
lainnya. Pemerintah harus tetap berusaha mencari tahu hal apa yang harus di lakukan untuk
menarik minat para masyarakat Indonesia agar saling berlomba lomba untuk menjaga kelestarian
orang utan agar tidak mengalami kepunahan. sehingga tidak ada lagi yang perburuan liar,
pembakaran hutan secara liar, penjualan hewan secara legal dan lain sebagainya. Yang
mengakibatkan kelestarian orang utan khususnya orang utan sumatera megalami kepunahan.
Dengan meberlakukan sangsi sesuai dengan peraturan undang undang Indonesia .

 Estimated impact

By doing this innovation, the impact we think about is the sustainability of Sumatran
orangutans and other types of orangutans in Indonesia. In addition, this innovation will also help
in developing the Indonesian economy which is now beginning to weaken by attracting foreign
tourists to visit the animals that have started to become extinct.


A. Conclusions

The Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) is the most endangered orangutan among the
two species of orangutans present in Indonesia. This type of Sumatran orangutan loses its natural
habitat quickly because their natural habitat in the forest has been disturbed by human activities.
Deforestation activities for the benefit of oil palm plantations, mining, and poaching make the
orangutans increasingly urged. Not only their homes are being snatched away, these animal food
sources are also increasingly difficult to find. Not surprisingly, cases of orangutans found near
settlements are increasingly being heard. In addition to diminishing habitats, declining orangutan
populations are also caused by illegal hunting and trafficking. A sad sight can be seen when
these plain-eyed animals are forced to enter behind bars for sale. Tragically, the orangutans that
are sold are usually small orangutans separated from their mother or mother.

The problem that often arises when the diversity of Sumatran Orangutans is reduced is:

The killing of orangutans causes even greater damage to the ecosystem, the collapse of
trees. This is because orangutans act as grain distributors in all forest areas that play a role in
balancing and conserving ecosystems. Referred to as "gardeners of the forest", orangutans are
basically consuming large amounts of fruits and then sprinkle the seeds throughout the forest.
Orangutans also help the growth of new trees. Through his behavior that often breaks the
branches of the tree and takes the leaves when eating or making a nest, the top of the tree
becomes open. This will make the sunlight can burst to the ground. Small trees will get sunlight
and grow quickly.

Which must be prevented from the extinction of the diversity of orangutans sumtera are:

1. Rescue Orangutan Habitat

2. Giving Awareness to Society Through Seminar
3. Improving the Quality and Quantity of Sumatran Orangutans
4. Improving the Relationship Between LSM With Related LSM, Government, And Society
B. Suggestion

The government should pay more attention to and affirm the extinction issue of Sumatran
orangutans and other types of orangutans. Do not just multiply the infrastructure. Because
Indonesia is useless rich infrastructure but poor natural resources. Because as we know and have
explained above and in this paper that orangutans play an important role in the preservation of
natural resources.







A. Background
Indonesia merupakan Negara yang memiliki keragaman hayati yang melimpah baik flora
maupun fauna.Kekayaan keragaman hayati ini membiarkan keuntungan yang besar bagi
masyarakat. Di antaranya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan manusia juga mengandung protein,
karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin dan mineral. Protein sebagai salah satu sumber pembangun tubuh
dapat berasal dari tumbuhan (nabati) dan hewan (hewani). Protein yang berasal dari hewan
mempunyai kandungan yang sempurna dibandingkan dengan protein nabati. Oleh karena itu
pengadaan sumber protein hewani harus diupayakan.
Namun , sekarang ini banyak dari masyarakat indonesia yang tidak menjaga keragaman
hayati di indoneisa . contohnya peledakan bom di dasar laut yang mengakibatkan keragaman
hayati hewan Invertebrata di dalam laut seperti phylum Echinodermata dan lainnya ikut mati .
Dengan permasalahan ini lah , kami akan berusaha mendapatkan ide ide yang mungkin
dapat mengatasi masalah di atas .
B. Rumusan masalah
1. Apa apa saja hewan invertebrata yang ada di bawah laut ?
2. Masalah apakah yang muncul apabila keragaman hayati laut di rusak?
3. Hal apa yang harus di lakukan untuk mencegah kerusakan keragaman hayati bawah laut ?
C. Tujuan
1. Pembaca mampu menganalisis, menginterpretasikan dan menyelesaikan masalah terkait
dengan menjaga keragaman hayati bawah laut serta dapat mengamalkannya .
2. Mengetahui lebih dalam masalah apa yang muncul apabila merusak keragaman hayati
bawah laut.


A. Hewan Invertebrata
Hewan Invertebrata adalah yang tidak bertulang belakang, serta memiliki struktur
morfologi dan anatomi lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan kelompok hewan bertulang
punggung/belakang, juga sistem pencernaan, pernapasan dan peredaran darah lebih sederhana
dibandingkan hewan invertebrata.

2. Filum filum hewan invertebrata bawah laut

a. Filum prifera
Forifera merupakan hewan air dan hidup di laut bentuk tubuh seperti tumbuhan yang
melekat pada suatu dasar laut, jadi forifera dapat berpindah tempat dengan bebas, tubuh forifera
seperti tabung yang memiliki banyak pori (lubang kecil pada sisinya dan mempunyai rongga di
bagian dalam) forifera dapat berkembang biak dengan cara generatif dan vegetatif.
Forifera terdiri dari tiga kelas:
1. Kelas calcarea
Terdiri dari zat kapur (spikula) dan hidup di laut yang dangkal, contoh; seghpha SP, charsarina
1) Kelas hexactinelida
Terdiri atas zat kersik dan hidup di laut yang dalam. Contohnya pnerorepa SP
2) Kelas demospangia
Tubuh lunak bahkan tidak mempunyai rangka, contoh spongia SP
 Filum mollusca
Sesuai dengan namanya, hewan lunak mempunyai tubuh lunak yang dilindungi
oleh cangkang dari bahan kalsium (kapur) mollusca bersifat hermoporit,
mempunyai sistem pencernaan, sistem pernapasan, dan sistem pengeluaran
Mollusca dibedakan menjadi 4 kelas :
1. Kelas lamilli brancuiata (golongan karang dan tiram)
2. Kelas gastropoda (golongan siput)
3. Kelas cephalopoda (golongan cumi-cumi)
4. Kelas amphineura

 Filum Echinodermata
Kata di atas berasal dari bahasa Yunani echimos (landak) dan derma (kulit) semua
hewan yang termasuk filum echinodermata biasanya hidup di laut, bentuk
tubuhnya simetris radial (sisi tubuh melingkar sama). Mempunyai sistem
ameudakral (sistem pompa air). Rangka dalam berkapur dan memiliki banyak
duri yang menonjol. Daya generasinya sangat besar.
Filum enchinodermata terdiri dari 5 kelas yaitu:
1. Asteroidea (Bintang laut)
2. Ophiuroidea (Bintang Ular Laut)
3. Echinoidea (bulu babi)
4. Holothuroidea (teripang)
5. Crinoidea (lili laut)
A. Berlimpahnya kekayaan bawah laut indonesia
Dengan menjaga keragaman hayati bawah laut, Indonesia akan mendapat manfaat dengan
berlimpahnya kekayaan bawah laut Indonesia, nelayan akan di untungkan dengan naikknya
perekonomian para nelayan.Namun , dengan tidak sabarnya para nelayan,mereka menggunakan
cara yang di larang oleh peraturan perundang undangan Indonesia yaitu dengan meledakkan bom
ke dasar laut agar mendapat hasil laut yang melimpah tampa memikirkan resiko dengan merusak
keragaman hayati bawah laut seperti terumbu karang dan lain lain. Oleh karena itu sebagai
generasi muda mendatang, manfaatkan kekayaan laut Indonesian dengan cara yang benar,agar
kekayaan bawah laut kita terjaga dan di olah sebaik baiknya agar dapat menaikkam
perokonomian Indonesia dengan cara mengolah limbah limbah laut menjadi kerajinan tangan
dan lain lain dan juga menjauhkan laut dari orang orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan
memberi hukuman yang sesuai dengan peraturan undang undang Indonesia.

1. Menjadi perbincangan di kaca internasional

Dengan menjaga keragaman hayati hewan invertebrata yang ada di dalam laut maka
indonesia akan menjadi perbincangan di kaca internasional khususnya para peneliti . karena
Indonesia masih di lengkapi dengan hewan hewan invertebrata yang langka yang akan
mengundang para peneliti asal luar negeri untuk mengamati hasil laut kita yang masih terjaga.
Dan itu juga bermanfaat bagi perekonomian Indonesia dengan menarik wisatawan luar untuk
melihat lihat kergaman hayati Indonesia.oleh karena itu sebagai masyarakat Indonesia kita harus
saling menjaga keragaman hayati laut indonesia .

2. Menaikkan perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia

Seperti yang kita kethui teripang adalah salah satu hewan invertebrata dari filum
echinodermata yang banyak di manfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan dan dijual dengan harga yang
sangat tinggi di pasar internasional dan bahkan Indonesia sebagai ekspor tertinggi dari hewan
invertebrata ini . Ini dapat kita manfaatkan untuk menaikkan perekonomian Indonesia dengan
tetap menjaga kelestarian laut agar hewan invertebrata ini tetap terjaga dan menjadi primadona di
di pasar internasional dan menjadi daya tambah untuk meningkatkan perekonomian Indonesia .



A. Peluang Keterwujudan

Dengan adanya tulisan ini , kami merasa bahwa peluang terwujudnya minat masyarakat
indonesia khususnya generasi muda semakin meningkat untuk menjaga kelestarian hewan
invertebrata bawah laut.Karena dengan mengetahui manfaat dari menjaga hewan invertebrata
bawah laut masyarakat dan generasi muda mendatang akan di untungkan .

B. Nilai nilai Inovasi

Menurut kami, nilai nilai inovasi yang terkandung dalam rekayasa ini sudah cukup baik.
Karena selain meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga kelestarian hewan
invertebrata bawah laut, hal ini juga meningkatkan kesadaran diri pemerintah agar lebih
memperhatikan kelestarian laut Indonesia yang sangat indah ini.Pemerintah harus tetap berusaha
mencari tahu hal apa yang harus di lakukan untuk menarik minat para masyarakat Indonesia agar
saling berlomba lomba untuk menjaga kelestarian alam bawah laut Indonesia sehingga tidak ada
lagi yang namanya peledakan bom di dasar laut yang mengakibatkan kelestarian alam bawah laut
dan hewan invertebrata yang di bawah laut mati. Dengan meberlakukan sangsi sesuai dengan
peraturan undang undang Indonesia dan menghukum dengan membatasi jumlah alat yang akan
di gunakan untuk para nelayan dan juga harus di lakukan pemeriksaan pada setiap nelayan.
Karena ada kemungkinan salah seorang nelayan yang akan melakukan tindak kriminal yang
mengancam kelestarian hewan invertebrata yang ada di bawah laut .

C. Perkiraan dampak

Dengan melakukan inovasi ini , dampak yang kami pikirkan adalah akan terjaganya
kelestarian hewan invertebrata dan hewan lainnya yang ada di bawah laut yang berdampak
positif bagi masyarakat dan negara. Selain itu , inovasi ini juga akan membantu dalam
mengembangakan perekonomian indonesia yang sekarang ini mulai melemah dan lebih
meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan generasi muda tentunya.


A. Kesimpulan

Hewan Invertebrata adalah yang tidak bertulang belakang, serta memiliki struktur
morfologi dan anatomi lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan kelompok hewan bertulang
punggung/belakang, juga sistem pencernaan, pernapasan dan peredaran darah lebih sederhana
dibandingkan hewan invertebrata.

Masalah yang sering timbul apabila keragaman hayati hewan invertebrata di rusak adalah:
1. Seperti yang kita ketahui salah satu hewan invertebrata dari filum Echinodermata ada
yang bertugas sebagai pemebersih laut yaitu dengan memakan bangkai bangkai hewan
yang sudah mati. Itu akan bermanfaat bagi kelestarian alam bawah laut agar tetap bersih
2. Kelangkaan hewan inverterata bawah laut akan terus meningkat dan sulit untuk
menemukamn sepesiesnya kembali
3. Seperti yang sudah di jelaskan di atas bahwa salah satu hewan invertebrata dari filum
Echinodermata yaitu teripang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat karena
harganya yang tinggi di pasar internasional yang apabila tidak kita jaga maka
perekonomian khususnya nelayan pesisir pantai akan berkurang.

Adapun hal yang harus di cegah dari merusak keragaman hewan invertebrata alam bawah laut
adalah :
1. Menggunkan media pembelajaran kepada siswa/i generasi muda agar dapat menjaga
kelestarian laut dengan memberi pelajaran Bology system yang berkaitan dengan hewan
2. Lebih dapat mengawasi nelayan yang tidak beratanggungjawab yang merusak ekosistem
laut dengan adanya pengawasan yang ketat
3. Memusnahkan alat alat yang dapat merusak keragaman hayati hewan invertebrata di
dalam laut seperti alat peledak bom dan lain lain
NIM : 4163312002


In our daily life activity, we find many events related to probability theory. One of the
activities we often encounter is trading activities. Have you ever wondered whether every trader
is thinking about the level of his merchandise? In my opinion, based on the experience I have
experienced, not many merchants have used the basic concept of opportunity to determine the
level of sales of their wares. But not infrequently, traders who use the theory of opportunity to
determine whether the merchandise to be sold is likely or not to sell on the market, even though
the trader does not use the concept of opportunity directly from the mathematical concept.
As a flashback, I will explain a little information about the theory of probability.
Experiment is an event that gives an observable result. The results observed in an experiment are
called experimental results. The set of all possible outcomes for an experiment is called sample
space. Each element in the sample space S is called the sample point. Thus, in the sense of
opportunity, always the basic assumption is assumed that the possibility of one of the elements in
the S example space is equal to the possibility of other elements appearing. The steps to
determine the probability value of an event are as follows:
1. Write down the sample space of the experiments performed
2. Write down the set associated with the event
3. Determining the probability value of an event.
If I associate with the topic I use in the engineering of this idea, then we need to
determine the sample space first, in simple language, the sample space is called the reason of the
merchants in determining the level of merchandise. The next thing to determine is to determine
the probability value of an event, or to determine the value of a merchandise.
In the explanation of this idea, I give an example of how to calculate the odds of odds of
risol cake sales divided into three kinds of toppings: risol containing vegetables, risol containing
chicken and risol containing sausage cheese. Then is it important for traders to determine the
conditions of culture and weather in the residence of the community around the place of trading?
The answer is very important, because the conditions and the weather greatly affect the level of
sales of a merchandise.
In this case, risol risks affect the target community, the weather conditions of the sales
environment, the economic level of society. It is worth noting because, it is not possible
merchants will get a high income when selling Risol in areas that people can not afford and
weather that does not support.
When we create a business, of course there are initial costs such as rent place, purchasing
business equipment to other business equipment. RoI will focus on the size of the profit or loss
of an investment made. RoI is usually within a percentage and is used as a consideration in
making business decisions as a way of comparing business profits or comparing the efficiency of
various other investment opportunities.
Therefore, the calculation of business opportunities that have been exemplified, is very
important to do because it can help entrepreneurs in determining the type of merchandise and the
reduction of business failure rate.

NIM : 4163312003



How do I determine whether a card is good or not? How to determine the winner of the game?
Therefore, the player who gets the most difficult card to get (that is, having a very small chance of
occurrence) is the winner. Thus, the good sequence or not of a card must be mathematically calculated
using probability theory. Here are some combination of recognized cards on Poker:

 1. One Pair: Is a card with one pair composition. For example, two-hearted and two-spade. The other
three cards do not form anything.

2. Two Pair: Is a card with the composition of two pairs. For example, three-hearts and three-diamonds,
seven-curls and seven-diamonds, and one other card do not form anything.

3. Three of a kind :Is a card with a composition of three kinds. For example, As-heart, As-kink, and
Assekop. Then, the other two cards do not form anything.

4. Five Straight: is a card with five consecutive compositions. For example, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and
As. At least one of the cards should be of different interest with the other.

 5. Flush The five: cards have the same interest, but not in sequence.

 6. Full House: Combined of Three of a kind with One Pair. There are no cards that do not form anything

7. Four of a kind Four kinds: For example, there are four As. One remaining card does not form anything.

8. Straight Flush Five: in a row and all have the same flower. For example, the Nine-hearted, Ten-
hearted, Jack-hearted, Queen-hearted, and King-hearted.

9. Royal Flush : Like Straight Flush but specifically for the order of Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and As.
Everything has the same interest

         To check which card combinations are higher than other cards, mathematical calculations can be
calculated. But before we begin, we first calculate the various combinations that may arise if five cards
are shared. This combination is the universe of all other combinations.

1. Five Cards (Semesta)

Since the number of cards is 52, then the calculation becomes as follows:

52 !
52 C5 = = 20x 49 x 51 x52= 2.598.960
47 ! 5 !

Next, we can start counting for the combination of recognized cards in the Poker game. To make it easier
to imagine, I use images the following:

Shovel: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K As

Heart: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K As

Curly: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K As

Wajik: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K As

2. One Pair

For one couple, we can take 4C2 , ie the taking of two cards from four cards available (eg, Jack
card). Because there are 13 possibilities, meaningless 4C2 x13.

For the remaining three cards, call it three cards no pair, maybe we are tempted by using 48C3
because it took three cards out of 48 possibilities. But of course it is wrong. Because if if the three cards
were related (ie, all of them are As), then not One Pair's name, but Full House. Therefore, for three cards
no pair, is used 12C3 , ie from the remaining 12 types of cards (from 2 to As, except Jack) taken three card
types (Eg: 4, 7, and 9). Of these 4, 7, and 9, there are 4ᵌ combination type. Thus, for three cards no pair,
can be taken 12C3x4ᵌ.

Thus, the number of card combinations for One Pair can be calculated as follows:

4C2 x13x12C3x4ᵌ=6x13x220x64=1.098.240

Thus, One Pair's chances are: 1.098.240 : 2.598.960

Or around 1 : 2,3665

3. Two Pair

To take two pairs, use 13 C2 , ie two of the 13 cards are available (Eg, Queen and King). Each
pair has a number of occurrences 4C2 . Thus, the total number of occurrences for two pairs is 13C2 x 4C2 x
4C2 .

Meanwhile, for one remaining card (card no pair), means we have to take one from

44 card rest, ie 44C1 . Thus, the number of possible combinations of cards for Two Pair can be calculated
as follows:

13 C2 x 4C2 x 4C2 x 44C1 = 78 x 6 x 6 x 44 =123.552

Thus, the Two Pair opportunity is: 123.552 : 2.598.960

Or around 1 : 21,04

4. Three of a kind

To take three similar cards, use 4 C3, taking three cards out of four available cards (for
example, Jack cards). Since there are 13 possibilities, the total is 4C3 x 13 Meanwhile, for two cards
no pair, is used 12C2 , ie from the remaining 12 types of cards (from 2 to As, except Jack) taken two types
of cards (Eg: Queen and As). Meanwhile, from Queen and As this, there is 4² combination type. Thus,
for two cards no pair, can be taken 12C2 x 4²

Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Three of a kind can be calculated as follows:

4C3 x 13x12C2 x 4² = 4 x13x 66 x16= 54.912

Thus, the Three of a kind opportunities are: 54.912 : 2.598.960

Or around 1 : 47,33

5. Five Straight

To get five cards in sequence, can be the following sequences: 2-3-4-5-6, 3-4-5-6-7, 4-5-6-
7-8, and so on up to 10- JQK -US. A total of nine types of sequences. Each sequence has a
combined amount of 45. Reduced by a sequence that has all the same interest in (in order to avoid
Straight Flush), to be 45-4.

Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Five Straight can be calculated

as follows:

(45 −4)× 9 =4× (44 −1)× 9 = 4× 255×9=9.180

Thus, the Five Straight opportunity is: 9.180 : 2.598.960

or around: 1 : 283,111

6. Flush

To get the same five cards of interest, meaning we can take five cards out of 13 cards available, ie
13 C5 . Reduced with nine order cards (in order to avoid Straight Flush), to be 13C5 -9 . Since there are four
types of flowers (Spades, Hearts, Curls, and Diamonds), then the result is multiplied by four.

Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Flush can be calculated as follows:

( 13C5 -9)x4=(9x11x13-9)x4=1278x 4= 5.112

Thus, the Flush opportunity is: 5.112 : 2.598.960

Or around 1 : 508,404

7. Full House

To take three similar cards, use 4C3 , that is, taking three cards out of four available cards (for
example, an ace). Since there are 13 possibilities, the total is 4C3 x13 . For one couple, we can take 4C2 ,
ie the taking of two cards from four cards available (eg, Jack card). Since one type of card has been taken
for the three types, there are 12 possibilities left 4C2 x12.

Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Full House can be calculated as follows:

4C3 x13x4C2 x12= 4X13X6X12=3.744

Thus, the Full House opportunity is: 3.744 : 2.598.960

or around 1 : 694,167
8. Four of a kind

To take four similar cards, Used 4C4 , namely the taking of four cards from four cards available.
Because there are 13 possibilities and 4C4 is equal to one, then the total is 1 × 13. For one card no pair,
then we take one card from the remaining 48 cards, that is 48C1 = 48

Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Four of a kind can be calculated as follows:

1×13× 48=624

Thus, the Four of a kind opportunity is: 624 :2.598.960

Or around 1 : 4.165

9. Straight Flush

To get five cards in sequence and with the same interest, can be the following sequences: 2-3-4-5-
6, 3-4-5-6-7, 4-5-6-7-8, and so on until 9-10-JQK. Altogether there are eight types of sequences (10-J-Q-
K-As not included because it is Royal Flush). Each sequence has only one type of combination because
the interest must be the same. Because there are four flowers, the total becomes 8x1x4.

Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Straight Flush can be calculated as follows:

8×1 × 4=32

Thus, the Straight Flush opportunity is: 32:2.598.960 Or around 1 : 81.217,5

10. Royal Flush

Counting the Royal Flush is the easiest. It is clear that there are only four possibilities for Royal
Flush, 10-J-Q-K-As Spades, 10-J-Q-K-As Heart, 10-J-Q-K-As Kink, and 10-J-Q-K-As Wajik. Thus, the
number of possible card combinations for the Royal Flush is four. Thus, the Royal Flush opportunity is:
4: 2,598,960 Or around 1 : 649.740

To check whether or not the calculations are correct, we need to calculate the remaining
combinations first, ie combinations that do not include the nine combinations already mentioned.
This combination we call it as a combination of no pairs because the lowest value and do not
form anything.
11. Combination of no pair

In the combination of no pairs, there should not be the same numbers (2-10) as well as
the picture (J-Q-K-As). Must not be fifth in a row and nor should they have the same flower.
Therefore, to calculate the number of possible combinations, we can use 13C5 , ie take five cards
from 13 (2 to As) cards available. Since each number and image has four kinds of flowers, then the five
cards taken have the number of combinations 45. Thus, the total combination becomes 13C5 X 4 5 .
However, Five Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, and Royal Flush are still included in this combination.
Therefore, the number of no pair combinations is 13 C5 X 45 reduced by the four newly mentioned
combinations, as follows:

13 C5 X 45 - (9180 +5112 +32+ 4)= 9x 11x 13x 45 -(14328) =1.303.560

Thus, the chance of occurrence of the no pair combination is 1.303.560: 2.598.960 or about 1:
1.99374. Thus, once we know the various opportunities of each card combination in poker, we can sort
the combination of cards from highest to lowest. This sequence is labeled in the following table:

No Combination Combination Opportunity of

Name Amount Occurrence
Ratio Fractions
1 Royal 4 1: 1,53908 x
Flush 649.740 10-6
2 Straight 32 1: 1,23126 x
Flush 81.217,5 10-5
3 Four of a 624 1 : 4.165 0,0002400
Kind 96
4 Full House 3.744 1: 0,0014405
694,167 76
5 Flush 5.112 1: 0,0019669
508,404 41
6 Five 9.180 1: 0,0035321
Straight 283,111 82
7 Three of a 54.912 1 : 47,33 0,0211284
Kind 51
8 Two Pair 123.552 1 : 21,04 0,0475390
9 One Pair 1.098.240 1: 0,4225690
2,3665 28
10 No pair 1.303.560 1: 0,5015698
1,99374 59
TOTAL 2.598.960 1

In the table shows that the total number of existing combinations is 2,598,960. This number is the
same number of combinations of the universe as calculated on the Five Cards. In addition, the sum of all
chances of each combination is one. This is in accordance with probability theory, where the number of
occasions each event must be equal to one. Based on that fact, in the meantime, we can assume that the
calculation that has been done is correct.

Apparently, the chance of occurrence of some combination of cards in a Poker game has a
relatively small value. How, then, can one obtain high combinations (such as Full House and so on)? One
of the secrets lies in the number of games. Do not forget that this Poker game is not only done once, but
reversed. So, do not be surprised if after 695 lap times, you get Full House when the new card (First
handed out no redeeming card) The second secret lies in the exchange of cards. Remember that every
player has one chance to exchange one or more of his cards that do nothing. With such regulation, the
chances of getting a good card multiply. This is due to the subjective factor of the player who holds the
good card and discards the card that does not form anything. Thus, the spread of opportunity is no longer
random (random) again. Opportunities increased dramatically. The calculation for this is rather difficult
and takes a long time because apart from relying on the first card, the calculation also depends on the
number of players.

NIM : 4163312004



In the science of genetics, Probability / possibility plays an important role. An example in

genetic transfer of genes from parent or parent to gametes. Probability / Possibility is the
occurrence of an event between all events that may occur. And the role of the theory of
probability and the use of binomial formulas is very important also in studying the science of
genetics. The importance of understanding the theory of probability is that since this theory has
much to do with human life, especially in the Biology field, the theoretical relevance of this
possibility is very close. One of the things often associated with probable theories is genetics
such as the transfer of genes from the parent to the gametes, the fertilization of the egg by the
spermatozoa, the reassembling of genes in the zygote so that various events can occur different
combinations. Possibility is a term to indicate uncertainty, meaning anything that is not certain to
happen can be called may happen even if it may or may not happen. The possibilities are often
also called other names such as probabilities, probabilities, opportunities, and so on. The
expectation of an event is not the same for every event and every time. Therefore the magnitude
of the possibility of a different event can be the same can also be different.

The formation of individual marriage results which can be seen in phenotypical form, is
basically just the possibilities of meeting male gametes and female gametes. The offspring of a
marriage or crosses can not be ascertained, but only by the chance. Accordingly, the role of
theory is probably very important in studying genetics. To evaluate a genetic hypothesis required
a test which can alter the deviations of expected values into probabilities of such inequalities
occurring by chance. This test should also consider the size of the sample and the number of
variables (degrees of freedom).

This test is known as the X2 test (Chi Square Test). In the science of genetics, the
possibility of taking an important role. Theory is likely to be the basis for determining the
expected ratio of different types of genotype crosses. The use of this theory allows us to predict
the likelihood of obtaining a particular outcome of the cross. .

The chi-square method is a way that we can use to compare experimental data obtained
from crosses with expected results based on theoretical hypotheses. In this way a geneticist can
determine a probability value for testing the hypothesis.

NIM : 4163312005




A. Filling Slots

If a first event can be done in different ways, the second event can be done with a
different k2 and so on until the nth event, then the number of different ways of all these events is
K, where: K = k1 x k2 x. . . x kn K is often referred to as the number of places available with
multiplication rules or multiplication Rules. To determine the number of available places besides
using the rules of multiplication, also use tree diagrams, cross tables, and consecutive pairs.
Example 1 Suppose there are two black and blue pants and four shirts yellow, red, white, and
purple. How many color pairs of pairs and shirts can be formed?

Answer: From the above problem can be solved by the enumeration rule, many possible ways of
the event can be determined by using the following method:

B. With the Table Cross

From the cross-charts and diagrams above, there are eight different pairs of colors of
pants and shirts that can be formed, namely: (h, k,), (h, m), (h, p), (h, u), (b , k), (b, m), (b, p),
and (b, u),

C. With Seeking Pair

Suppose that the set of pants colors is denoted by A = {h, b} and the color shirt is
denoted B = {k, m, p, u}. The set of ordered pairs of set A and set B can be written {(h, k), (h,
m), (h, p), (h, u), (b, k), (b, m), (b , p), (b, u)}. Many elements in the set of ordered pairs are 8
different colors.
Example 1
Suppose from Semarang to Bandung there are two roads and from Bandung to Jakarta there are 3
roads. How many roads can you travel from Semarang to Jakarta via Bandung?

Answer: From Semarang to Bandung there are 2 roads and from Bandung to Jakarta there are 3
roads. So, all there are 2 x 3 = 6 paths that can be taken.

Example 2

Of the five numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are to be arranged a number consisting of 4 numbers. How
many numbers can be constructed if they can not be repeated?

Answer: The first number (as thousands) can be selected from 4 numbers: 1, 2, 3, and 4. For
example the number 1 is selected. Since the numbers can not be repeated, the second number (as
hundreds) can be selected from 4 numbers, ie 0, 2, 3 and 4. For example the selected number 0.
The third number (as tens) can be selected from 3 numbers, ie 2, 3, and 4. Suppose the selected
number 2. The fourth number (as a unit) can be selected from 2 numbers, ie 3, and 4. Thus, there
are 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 96 numbers that can be arranged with numbers that should not be repeated.

Example 3

From the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 there will be numbers with 4 numbers and no repeating
a. How many numbers can be formed?

b. How many odd numbers can be formed?

c. How many numbers less than 5,000 can be formed?

d. How many even numbers and greater than 2,000 can be formed?


a. The number of thousands there are 6 possible numbers, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose
the selected number 1. The number of hundreds there are 6 possible numbers, namely 0, 2, 3, 4,
5, and 7. For example selected number 2. The number of tens there are 5 possible numbers,
namely 0, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 3. Number of units there are 4 possible
numbers, namely 0, 4, 5, and 7. Thus, many the number that can be formed = 6 x 6 x 5 x 4 = 720

b. An odd number if the unit number is an odd number. Number of units there are 4 possible
numbers, namely 1, 3, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 1. Number of thousands there are 5
possible numbers that is 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 2. Number of hundreds exist
5 possible numbers, ie 0, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 3. The number of tens there are
4 possible numbers of 0, 4, 5, and 7. Thus, many odd numbers can be formed = 4 x 5 x 5 x 4 =

400 numbers.

c. Number that is less than 5,000, then: The number of thousands there are 4 possible numbers,
namely 1, 2, 3, and 4. Suppose the selected number 1. The number of hundreds there are 6
possible numbers are 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose the selected number 2. The number of tens
there are 5 possible numbers that is 0, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 3. Number of
units there are 4 possible numbers, namely 0, 4, 5, and 7. So , many numbers can be formed = 4

x 6 x 5 x 4 = 480 numbers.

d. An even number if the unit is an even number, that is 0, 2 or 4. Numbers greater than 2,000
and the number of units 0, then: The number of thousands there are 4 possible numbers, namely
3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 3. The number of hundreds there are 5 possible numbers,
namely 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 2. The number of tens there are 4 possible
numbers, namely 1, 4, 5, and 7. Numbers greater than 2,000 and number the units are 2, then:
The number of thousands there are 4 possible numbers, namely 3, 4, 5, and 7. Suppose selected
number 3. The number of hundreds there are 5 possible numbers, namely 0, 1, 4, 5, and 7. Eg
selected number 0. There are 4 possible numbers, namely 1, 4, 5, and 7. Numbers greater than
2,000 and the number of units 4, then: The number of thousands there are 4 possible numbers,
namely 2, 3, 5, and 7 For example, number 3 is chosen. The number of hundreds there are 5
possible numbers, namely 0, 1, 2, 5, and 7. Suppose selected number 0. The number of tens there
are 4 possible numbers, namely 1, 2, 5, and 7. So , many gene numbers ap and greater than 2,000
can be formed is = (4 x 5 x 4) + (4 x 5 x 4) + (4 x 5 x 4) = 240 numbers. 3). Factorial Definition
and Notation n factorial is the product of positive integer times from 1 to n. The notation of n
factorial is denoted by n! (read: "n factorial")

D. Understanding and Notation of Factorial

n faktorial adalah hasil kali bilangan bulat positif dari 1 sampai dengan n.
The notation of n factorial is denoted by n! (read: "n factorial") n! = 1. 2. 3. . . (n - 2). (n - 1).
n Example 5 Find the value of 0! Answer: From the factorial definition: n! = 1. 2. 3. .... (n - 2). (n - 1). n. . .
1), (n - 1)! = 1. 2. 3. .... (n - 2). (n - 1). . . 2).
If equation 2) we substitute to equation 1), then we will get: n! = (n - 1)! . n or n = (n 1)! n! 􀀐.
If n = 1 then we will get the similarity: 1 = (1 1)! 1! 􀀐 or 1 = 0! 1! , So, 0! = 1!

NIM : 4163312005




A. To learn about probability and fairness

Students participate in several occasions activities and test the fairness of some game.
Student groups become assigned game designers designing a 'fair game' for a toy companies;
explain the rules of the game and explain mathematically why the game is fair. Finally, groups of
students present their games to the leaders fictitious (fantasy) toy company in order to convince
them to buy the game.

B. Curriculum-Framing Questions

 Essential Question
Is life fair?
 Unit Question
What are the definite chances of the events to come?
What determines justice?
 Content Questions
What is the probability?
How do you measure the chances of an event?
How do you determine and present the likely outcomes?
What is the difference of experimental probability and probability theoretical?

1. Activity Overview:
Introduce the idea of probability by discussing the opportunities of the events that occur.
Encourage students to focus on the language of probability by using their life experiences,
revealing return to a certain, impossible, impossible, and impossible event. Record these events
and introduce students to the probability scale, gradually from zero to one. This activity intends
to create students engage in probability talks.

Materials needed:
 Trash
 Paper Ball

Procedure Activity:
 Stand 3 meters away from the trash can and hold the ball in your hand. Ask the students,
how can I enter this ball into the trash on this first pitch?
Focus on discussion in grammar: surely, perhaps, impossible and impossible.
 Ask students what is the meaning of probability. Ask them to mention the situation using
 Tell the class that probability can be displayed on a probability scale. Line drawing
stamped writes to display the scale. Ask students to name a number that can show an
impossible event (0 or 0%). Write "0 IMPOSSIBLE" at one of the end points of the scale.
Ask for it students to mention impossible events such as: tomorrow will be 12 hours a
day, or when throwing two dice you will get the number 0. List the students' responses on
the graph paper to Show all units.
 Ask students to name the best figures in indicating a definite event (1 or 100%).
Encourage students to mention definite events and record their responses in their
mathematical journals. For example: tomorrow there will be 24 hours a day, or next week
will be there are seven days.
 Mark ½ or 50% on the scale and ask the students what they think will mean in scale
probability. Ask them to mention events to be grouped in the event with "An equal
chance". Ask students to make predictions about tomorrow's weather. Estimate where it
is on a probability scale that represents the best chance of a probable prediction their
weather. Students need to explain the reasons for positioning their forecasts on the scale.
When time permits, ask students to create their own graphs in the math journal create a
probability scale and place events along the scale.
2. Understanding the Opportunity

The following is a series of activities intended to guide students to understand "chance".

What is an opportunity? In preparation for this lesson, fill in three bags / pockets with the
proportion of clam and pasta pastes as elbow shape following. Write the three populations on the
 Bag 1: 8 shells, 16 elbows
 Bag 2: 16 shells, 8 elbows
 Bag 3: 4 shells, 20 elbows

In this experiment, students take turns to put their hands in the bag without looking, take
a paste, and note the shape. Explain to them that the number of pastes forms shells and elbows on
each bag had been written on the blackboard, but the bags were not labeled, so they did not know
the pockets with which pasta population. Select a student to choose a bag and tell that class the
student's job is to try and think of the paste population in the bag without looking into the
pockets, but by using some mathematical probability ideas. Then, students it will replace the
paste and the other students get their turn.

1. Question the Content, How do you determine and present the possible results? Guiding a
discussion to generate answers to the question. Write numbers one through six in a columns are
presented and explained to the students that they should observe the results. Start experiment,
record the results and shake the bag each student gets a turn. After six tries, ask the class what
information our examples reveal about what exists in the bag? After a few guesses, do 6 more
experiments (number 7-12), and record the results. Ask students, Which part of the shell example

2. Make students work in groups to find out which parts of the populations A, B and C are
produced by shells. Guide them to compare this to examples and estimates which population
they think and why. After discussing their basic ideas and reasons, tell students that the
mathematician has done the experiment and found that when we are make a lot of random lottery
like we do to the paste, a pattern emerges. Probability is one way to predict the emerging pattern
and be able to reliably estimate what is inside bag. Then empty the bag to see if their estimates
are correct.
3. Self-assessment in mathematical journals: Use the students' response to the problem below for
find out more about what students have learned and what misconceptions they might have: There
are some pastas in the bag. The students take turns taking the pasta and taking note of the shape
and replace the paste. After 12 shoots, they have removed 6 shells, 4 shape of elbow, and 2 forms
of bow tie. Write down what you know for sure about the contents of the bag and you know it
may be true.

Is this a fair game?

Rock Paper Scissors Often known in English as Rock Paper Scissors or RPS, this game is
also known in the world others as Jenken, Jan Ken Pon, Roshambo, Shnik Shnak Shnuk, Ching
Chong Chow, Farggling, Scissors Paper Stone. Divide the class into a league (player A and
player B) and let them play for 15 times. Use paper graph or overhead projector (OHP) to record
the results of player A with red and player B with other colors (How many times player A wins
1, 2, 3 etc.? How many times player B wins? How many times balanced / series?) Compare the
results. Ask the students, is the game fair? (explain that this means an equal winning chance for
all players).

Ask the students, to explain why they think that's fair. Try to stimulate / dig out of the
students that it is fair because that every student has an equal chance of winning (50% or ½).
Introduce to students a tree diagram as a tool depiction to observe the possible outcomes of the
game: This is known as the probability tree. To refer to the Content Question, What is the
difference between experimental probabilities and theoretical probabilities? Compare this
mathematical model to what happens when students play. (theory vs probability experiment)

Ask the students to play, now three players use the following rules:

1. A wins if the three hands are equal

2. B wins when the three hands are different
3. C wins when two hands are equal

Ask students to consider these questions: Is the game fair? Why or Why not? What
determines justice? Invite students to create a probability tree in the journal their math to
determine the possible outcomes. (There will be 27 results - three more branches than every 9
possibly above. This is unfair because player C has a higher chance of winning than players A
and B) Warn students of the Essential Question that was discussed at the beginning of the unit, Is
life fair? Is justice in life has to do with justice in the game, if so, how? And if not, Why not?

Throw Dice: How's the Chance?

Introduce this activity by discussing possible results that can be obtained when rolling
dice. Students should be able to identify that the probability of the results is a number from 1 to
6. Then ask, What is the possible number if two dice are thrown? Make students work in groups
to find out these opportunities in throwing some amount. Guide each student in groups to create
row of numbers for possible numbers (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) and put a "x" for each number to

Let the students roll the dice 15 times. Make a chart frequency distribution (a sequence
marked "x" to indicate how many times that amount is appear). Have students compare their
group data with the entire class data. Ask the people students, Have all the numbers equally
appeared ?. Otherwise, which amount is more likely to appear and which ones are less likely to
appear? Introduce the students to the idea that a table can be a useful tool for showing results
possibly (mathematically) from the sum of two dice. After the students do it in the journal table
their maths, now they may complete it:
Ask the students, the questions below:
Which number is the highest possible chance of the next dice roll? Which is more likely low?
What is the total possible results? (36)
How many times each number appears in the table?
What does it mean to us? (The probability of the sum emerging; for example: 9 appears 4 times,
thus 4/36 or 1/9 probability to throw 9) Guide the students to record their responses to the
journal mathematics.

3. Seeing Competition
In this activity, the students create a 'fair game' based on what has been done they learned
in previous activities and games. Bring what they have learn together by giving some games
using probabilities and opportunities. Allow students to play the game while keeping track of
their thoughts, why fair and why not be fair. After the group of students has played at least two
different games, invite all groups to discuss and make a list of common reasons for fair games
and how the occasion involved.
In mathematics journals, guide students to show what they have learned from toying with
game and encourage brainstorming ideas for designing their new game. Offer a list of questions
for students to think about.
 What is the determinant of justice?
 What makes a game interesting? z How is the probability used?
 What rules can be used?

So, engineering the idea by doing the game 'Fair Game' is expected to make it easier for
students to understand the probability and students also can learn justice through this game.

NIM : 4163312010



Poker is a card game that is old enough. This game has also evolved to create various
rules. In fact, in Indonesia, is known a Cap-Sa game, which is partly the idea of taking off the
Poker game. There are also other variants such as Texas Hold'em Poker are popular in
cyberspace. The essence of this game is: each player has five cards, the player whose best card is
the winner. Basically, Poker games are a game based on luck, or we call it Hockey. Yes. Hockey.
So, the player who gets the most difficult card to get (that is, having a very small chance of
occurrence) is the winner. If so, a good sequence or not a card must be mathematically calculated
using the opportunity theory. Here are some combination of recognized cards on Poker:

 One Pair
One couple. For example, pair eight.
 Two Pair
Two couples. For example, the Queen and couples number five.
 Three of a kind
Three of a kind. For example, there are three numbers nine.
 Five Straight
Five in a row. For example, 7, 8, 9, 10, and Jack.
 Flush
The five cards have the same interest, but not in sequence. For example, all shovels.
 Full House
Combination of Three of a kind with One Pair. For example, two 10 digit and three
Queen cards.
 Four of a kind
Four of a kind. For example, four As.
 Straight Flush
Five in a row and all have the same flower. For example, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, and all
are curly.
 Royal Flush
Like Straight Flush, but specifically for the order of Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and As.
Everything has the same interest.
Well, to check which card combinations are higher than other cards, we do the
mathematical calculation of chances. But before we start, we first calculate the various
combinations that may arise if there are five cards that are shared. This combination is the
universe of all other combinations

Five Cards (the Universe)

Since the number of cards is 52, then the calculation becomes as follows:
Then, we can start counting for the combination of recognized cards in the Poker game. Here is a
list of cards we use: 

 One Pair
For one pair, take, that is, take two cards out of four available cards (for example, Jack
cards). Because there are 13 possibilities, meaningless. For the remaining three cards,
call them three junk cards, wrong with us. Because, if if the three cards were related (ie,
all of them are As), then not One Pair's name, but Full House. Therefore, for three junk
cards, used, that of the remaining 12 card types (from 2 to As, except Jack) is taken three
types of cards (Eg: 4, 7, and 9). Of these 4, 7, and 9, there are 43 types of combinations.
So, for three junk cards, it can be taken. Thus, the number of card combinations for One
Pair can be calculated as follows: One Pair Opportunity is: 1.098.240: 2.598.960 Or
about 1: 2,3665

 Two Pair
To take two pairs, we use two of the 13 cards available (eg, Queen and King). Each pair
has a number of occurrences. So, the total number of occurrences for the two pairs.
Meanwhile, for one remaining card (junk card), it means we have to take one of the
remaining 44 cards, that is. So, the number of possible combinations of cards for Two
Pair can be calculated like this: Two Pair Opportunities are: 123.552: 2,598,960 Or about
1: 21,04

 Three of a kind
To retrieve three similar cards we use, that is, taking three cards out of four available
cards (for example, Jack cards). Since there are 13 possibilities, the total is. Meanwhile,
for two junk cards, used, that of the 12 types of cards remaining (from 2 to As, except
Jack) taken two types of cards (For example: Queen and As). Meanwhile, from Queen
and As this, there are 42 types of combinations. So, for two junk cards, it can be taken.
Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Three of a kind can be calculated
like this: Three of a kind opportunities are: 54.912: 2,598,960 Or about 1: 47,33

 Five Straight
Here are five consecutive cards: 2-3-4-5-6, 3-4-5-6-7, 4-5-6-7-8, and so on up to 10-J-Q-
K-As. A total of nine types of sequences. Each sequence has a combined number of 45.
Subtracted by a sequence that all have similarity in interest (in order to avoid Straight
Flush), to 45-4. Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Five Straight can be
calculated as follows: Five Straight Opportunities are: 9,180: 2,598,960 Or about 1:

 Flush
To get the same five cards of interest, meaning we can take five cards out of 13 cards
available, ie. Reduced with nine order cards (in order to avoid Straight Flush), to be.
Since there are four types of flowers (Spades, Hearts, Curls, and Diamonds), then the
result is multiplied by four. Thus, the number of possible card combinations for Flush
can be calculated as follows: Thus, the odds of Flush are: 5.112: 2,598,960 Or about 1:

 Full House
To take three similar cards, it is used, taking three cards out of four available cards (for
example, an ace). Since there are 13 possibilities, the total is. For one couple, we can
take, that is, the taking of two cards from four cards available (eg, Jack card). Since one
type of card has been taken for the three types, there are 12 possibilities left. Thus, the
number of possible card combinations for Full House can be calculated as follows:
Thus, the Full House opportunity is: 3.744: 2,598,960 Or about 1: 694,167

 Four of a kind
To retrieve four similar cards, it is used, ie the retrieval of four cards from four available
cards. Since there are 13 possibilities and are equal to one, then the totals are. For one
junk card, we take one card out of the remaining 48 cards, that is. Thus, the number of
possible card combinations for Four of a kind can be calculated as follows:
Thus, the Four of a kind chances are: 624: 2,598,960 Or about 1: 4,165

 Straight Flush
To get five cards in sequence and with the same interest, can be the following sequences:
2-3-4-5-6, 3-4-5-6-7, 4-5-6-7-8, and so on until 9-10-JQK. Altogether there are eight
types of sequences (10-J-Q-K-As not included because it is Royal Flush). Each sequence
has only one type of combination because the interest must be the same. Since there are
four flowers, then the total becomes 8x1x4. Thus, the number of possible card
combinations for Straight Flush can be done

NIM : 4163312013




Here are the learning steps that can be used to find the concept of permutation are:

1. Stimulation
Many types of simple games that we often do to fill the time blank of poker and card
game monopoly. It turns out that for each game we can apply one theory in matatika, namely the
theory of opportunity. For each game, the subtitles used are different. The poker game uses a
combination theory, while the monopoly game uses basic theoretical opportunities.
2. Identification of Problems
Based on the background mentioned above, there are some problems that are any game
that can be played by using the theory of opportunity and strategy in a simple game with the
application of probability theory.
3. Data Collection
Techniques In this study we used data retrieval techniques in the form of studiliteratur
and experiment.
4. Theory Games
Game theory is one way of learning used in analyzing the interaction between a number
of players and individuals who show rational strategies. Game theory was first discovered by a
group of ahlimathematics in 1944. The theory was invented by John von Neumann and Oskar
Morgenstern containing "The game consists of a set of rules build a competitive situation from
two to several people or groups by choosing strategies that are built to maximize their own
victory or to minimize an opponent's victory. The rules dictate the possibility of action for each
player, a number of information received by each player as the progress of play, and a number of
wins or defeats within various situations. "(J von Neumanndan and O Morgenstern, theory of
games and economic behavior (3d ed. 1953).) The point of attention in analyzing decisions by
using game theory is the strategic behavior of players or decision-makers. Strategic step used is a
strategy of each player to be a winner in the game. If a player uses strategy A, another player will
define a strategy B to anticipate A's strategy of the opposing player. It will invoke the opposite or
reciprocate. The decisions made by one player may be caused by a decision made by the
opposing player. The problem is, a player can plan various decision alternatives so that an
opposing player will provide various alternative decisions to anticipate.
5. Rules Monopoli Games
This game begins in the starting plot and goes on accordingly with the figures pointed at
the craps. Players who stop on a building ground that is not owned by another player, are entitled
to buy it from the bank at a set price on the board. The main purpose of owning the building as
much as possible is to collect the lease from the player who stops on the property. Rents can be
levied even more if the building is built on houses or hotels. Players who take the General Cards
and Opportunities must adhere to the instructions and information contained on the card.

1. PREPARATION: Each player at the beginning is given a dollar of 150 dollars.

2. START: Game starts in the start plot. After that, the player's beans are run in turns with the
number of dice to the plots in the direction of the arrow. If the dice points the same value
for three times in a row, the player must go to jail.
3. SALARY Every player after going through the starting plot is given a 20 dollar salary by the
bank. If a player stops on a building ground owned by a good person with a dice or is
required by a chance card or general fund, the landlord is entitled to collect the rent on
the land.
4. BENEFITS FOR PLAYERS If a player has a building complex (eg Indonesia and Malaysia),
he or she has the right to collect the rent on the wake land twice as much. Homes and
hotels can only be built on one building complex.
5. BANK The obligation of banks is to pay salaries and gifts, and sell land, houses, and hotels. In
addition, the bank's obligation is to lend money with mortgages.
6. JAIL: The player must go to jail because The seeds stopped in the swarms of the prison. Got
orders in jail3. Both dice show the same number three times
7.OUT OF PRISON: A player can get out of jail:
 The dice roll shows the same number
 Buy a "Get Out of Jail" card from the player
 Giving a 5-dollar fine to the bank.
 Players are given three times the throw of the dice to get the same number. After that, he
must pay a fine to the bank.

6. Long-Term Opportunity to Land on a Plot in Monopoly

A. Revenue per Throws Enemy Ditch for Every Property with Player Assumption
Using Prison Strategy I
B. Revenue per Throws Enemy Ditch for Each Property with Player Assumption
Using Prison Strategy II
Average Revenue per Throw Dies from Other Boxes

If we know when the money lost or returned when making a pawnshop can also be
useful. For example, if a player has all the red property and no home on the property, players
would want to know which property should be mortgaged so that the player loses the least
possible income when the property is pawned. Below are two tables, for Prison I and II
strategies, which contain many of the average dice throws required for the mortgage of the
hilangkarena property due to reduced lease and the many dice-averages of the opponents
required to keep the property redeem costs back. The calculations are done in the same way as
the previous tables.

NIM : 4163312014



The basics of Poker games have been around since very long, but the origin of actual
Poker is not known clearly. Starting from just five players initially, this tournament evolves into
one of the biggest and richest events in the world. The cost to enter the WSOP arena is $ 10,000,
but many players can avoid the payment by winning other smaller tournaments called "satellite"
in exchange for admission. Poker games use a set or more playing cards, but the game will be
discussed here is a poker game that only uses one set. The playing cards consist of 13 types (ie
As, King, Queen, Jack, 10-2) and 4 types (Spade , Heart, Club, Diamond).

Opportunity of Occurrence

Now we will calculate the chance of occurrence of each combination, starting from that
but before that we have to calculate how many events are all (universe / sample space). Poker
game takes 5 cards out of 52 pieces of cards, no matter the order, so the number of events that
exist is C (52, 5) = 2.598.960 This is the value of S (Universe). The chance of an event
occurrence is P = | E | / | S | where E is the number of occurrences desired, and S is the value of
the Universe.

1. Royal Flush
For each type, there is only 1 possible royal flush. So that total there are 4 possibilities.
Opportunity = 4: 2,598,960 = 0,000154%
2. Straight Flush
The easy way to calculate is to use the first card benchmark in the sequence
straight flush. There are 9 possibilities (As - 9) for each type. That means there are a total
of 36 (9 x 4) possibilities.
Opportunities = 36: 2,598,960 = 0.00139%
3.   Four of A Kind
There are 13 possible 4 cards in common, because the remaining cards are random, then
there are 48 possibilities.
The total is 13 x 48 = 624
Opportunities = 624: 2.598.960 = 0.024%
4. Full House
For Three of Kind, we take 3 cards out of 4. It's the same as C (4.3). There are 13
possible card types, so multiply 13. For One Pair the rest, we take 2 cards from 4, C (4.2).
And there are 12 possibilities left, since 1 type has been used for Three of Kind. The total
is C (4.3) x 13 x C (4.2) x 12 = 3.744
Opportunities = 3.744: 2.598.960 = 0.144%
5. Flush
Flush means in each type, take 5 out of 13, but should not be in sequence. Then C (13.5)
should be reduced by 10 (Straight Flush and Royal Flush), then multiplied by 4. The total
is [C (13.5) - 10] x 4 = 5.108
Opportunities = 5.108: 2.598.960 = 0, 197%
6. Straight
There are 10 possible series (which starts from A-2-3-4-5 to 10-J-Q-K-As). Each card is
free of type, but it should not be the same. Means there are 45 possible types minus 4
(same type all). The total is 10 x (45 - 4) = 10,200
Opportunities = 10.200: 2.598.960 = 0.392%
7. Three of A Kind
Means taking 3 out of 4, there are 13 choices. The remaining 2 cards must not form
anything. If we have three aces, then the last 2 cards should not be As, or equal (Pair)
because if As then it will form Four of Kind, and if Pair then it will form Full House. So
2 cards that should not be used that is 4 As (3 As has been used and 1 As again should
not) and all types of pair. So we can calculate as follows. 3 The first card has the
possibility of a number of C (4.3) x 13 = 52 The fourth card has 48 possibilities (must not
be the same as 3 scratch cards) The Fifth Card has 44 possibilities (should not be equal to
the 3 initial cards or the fourth card). Since the fourth and fifth cards have no effect on
the sequence, they must be divided by 2 !. So the total is 52 x 48 x 44/2 = 54.912
Opportunities = 54.912: 2.598.960 = 2.113%
8.  Two Pair
Means there are 2 pairs of cards. The last card should not be the same as the previous
card, so there are 44 possibilities of the last card. We need to choose 2 pairs of 13 types
that exist, and each pair has possibilities of C (4.2) The total is C (13.2) x C (4.2) x C
(4.2) x 44 = 123.552
Opportunities = 123.552: 2.598.960 = 4.754%
9. Pair
For the same 2 cards, there are C (4.2) possibilities, and there are 13 types to choose
from. So there are C (4.2) x 13 = 783 the remaining cards should not form anything, so
all three must be of different type (type has no effect). Means we take 3 out of 12, and
each has 4 possible colors. So there is C (12.3) x 43 = 14,080 The total is 78 x 14,080 =
Opportunities = 1.098.240: 2.598.960 = 42.257%
10. High Card
The five cards must not form anything, meaning they must be different, and should not be
the same color or sequence. By Type (As - K), there are 10 types of banned combinations
(Straight). So there are C (13.5) - 10 = 1277 possibilities Type (D, C, H, S), there are 4
combinations that are forbidden (flush). So there are 45 - 4 = 1020 possibilities Total
there are 1277 x 1020 = 1.302.540 possibilities
Opportunities = 1.302.540: 2.598.960 = 50, 118%

NIM : 4163312015



Theory of opportunity and statistics in the field of information technology systems. Keep
in mind, today, many entertainment industries that involve the role of scientists in the field of
informatics, one of which is online games. A lot of online games are popular in the crowded
social networking like one of them on facebook lately.

As is known, combinatorial theory applications are widely used in problem solving, one
of which is to calculate and determine opportunities. Talking about online games that apply the
theory of opportunity and statistics, of course our mind will drift to the card game (poker),
dominoes and the game of trivian territory (trivian). The calculation used by a domino to find out
the odds of victory is by applying the theory of free opportunity.

Believe it or not, the theory of chance and combinatorial theory is born from a gambling
arena. In fact, many probability theories use the concept of combinatorial theory itself. Before
calculating the possibilities, we need a sample space in which the sample space has a sense of the
set of all possible outcomes of an experiment. The sample space itself is classified into two: the
sample space is discrete if its members can be calculated, and is said to be a continuous sample
space if its members can not be calculated. This means we will use discrete sample space
because our objects can be calculated.

Donimo one of the online games that exist today. Dominoes, like playing cards and dice,
are something of a generic game device. They are simple building blocks that can be assembled
in countless ways to create a variety of games, ranging from simple to complex, from games
where gameplay is almost mechanical, to games that require great skill and strategy.
In the most popular domino set, double-six, the numbers vary from 0 (or empty) to 6.
This produces 28 unique tiles, as shown in the diagram below.

Domino refers to the point value (or pips) at each end, with the lower number usually in
the first list. Thus, a tile with 2 at one end and 5 on the other is referred to as "2-5". A tile of the
same number on both ends is called "double" (or doublet), so "6-6" is called a "double-six". For
values on dominoes, double-six is the "heaviest" while double-blank. "the lightest". Tiles that
have ended up with the same number of points are members of the same "suit". For example in
double-six sets, there are seven suits (empty, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), each with seven members (0-5, 1-5,
2-5, 3-5, 4 - 5, 5-5, & 5-6) form the appropriate "toddler". To double, each tile belongs to two
matching pairs.

 Hughies Domino (Blind Dominoes)

Blind Hughie is also known as "Blind Dominoes", "Secret Dominoes", "Blind-Man

Block" or even "Billiton". This game is usually played by two people only. In this game, we use
the same basics on the Domino Block game, but in this game of twenty-eight tiles, players really
do not know what tile is in their hands.

This game will end with either playing all of its tiles, or when the exercise is blocked
(there's no chance to update it) and hello happens, the winner falls off the number of events that
players have.

How to play this game is very easy, where after the domino in shuffle (shuffle), each
player who pulls a tile to determine who is first, the player will start playing first he has the
heaviest tiles. After the tiles are supported and re-shuffled, the actual new game will start. Each
player then pulls the tile to help them in playing this game. Next, the first player spins to the left.
The number of tiles drawn is 14 pieces for each player.
The tile is scaled and arranged before play, face-down and edge-to-edge (row and column
shapes). The players have to decide for themselves how to tile them, and in order of how to play
them. For example, they may decide to create a long line, playing left-to-right. In this case, the
leftmost tile is the "first" domino, and the rightmost tile is the "last" domino and do not forget,
the tile must remain in the facedown position.

The first player turns first to play the first and full domino in the middle of the table. He
then embraces the second tile, and plays if he can. He keeps giving it up as long as he builds it.
As soon as he meets the tile where he can not play, he returns and moves to the end of this line.
If it can happen double, he must accept to stop playing. Substitution to the next player, who plays
the same way, flips the tile, plays as long as he can, and stops playing the game has stalled in the
middle of the game.

With our ability to understand the theory and concept of opportunity, then we can win
this Blind Domino game easily. In this game, we simply apply the theory of free and
combinatorial opportunities as I mentioned above.

To find out which opportunities are the tiles we can, we will use the first summation of
the written theorems:

"If A and B are any events, then:

P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A ∩ B) "

Unlike poker, dominoes are a simple game as one example of a game that applies one of
the law of opportunity.

The relationship to the system and information technology here is its use in online games
which recently became the trend of most people to reduce the saturation in living daily activities
that mostly deplete the brain.

With game rules that do not allow swapping or retrieving tiles that have been withdrawn,
the chance of knowing which players will win will be easily noticed.

NIM : 4163312017




This BlackJack game has some commonly used techniques, such as KO, Hi-Lo, Hi-OptI,
etc. But of the many techniques that are often used in this counting process, basically the same,
IF2091 Paper Discrete Structure - Sem. I Year 2010/2011   ie high cards have a negative value
and low cards have a positive value. Below is a table of open card values with various

On this occasion that will be discussed is the Hi-Lo technique, commonly used
techniques, as well as those used in film 21. In this game, it takes teamwork to gain profit. A spy
will be placed on one table. This spotters is the first person to sit at the table and do the initial
calculations. He only does minimum bets to do the calculations, until the right moment he will
call a major (big player) who has the main task in setting the strategy to achieve victory.

In this game the player has several step options that can be taken, namely:

a. Hit, ie take a card again from the hands of Bandar.

b. Stand, ie persist and not take the card again from the hands of Bandar.

c. Double Down, ie the player is allowed to increase the bet by 100%. Instead the player must
take exactly 1 card again from the hand of Bandar. An additional bet is placed next to the
original bet.
d. Split a pair, ie a decision that can be taken by players only at the first opportunity. Players can
divide 2 pieces of cards in his hands into 2 separate parts. And that means adding bets for the
same amount. In this split a pair, the player means controlling 2 pieces of cards separately.
e. Surrender, this decision can only be taken at the first opportunity. Surrender means the player
is out of the game and the player will lose half of the bet he put.
On the first card issued by Bandar, each card has the same chance, that is 1/52, with the
number of decks used either 1, 2 or multiples. The first task run by spotters is to calculate the
card that has been out of the port, and calculate it according to the card value shown in Figure
3.1. once it is felt that the counting value is already large enough, then, spotters will call Big
Player to join on the table in question. Usually a Spotter will wait until the count value reaches
+15 or more. This will provide benefits for players as it increases the possibility for players to
defeat Bandar. This is because the player has various options to do, while Bandar does not have
many options other than hit and stay. In this tactic, Big Player will play until the vcount card
comes out to be almost 0 or the deck of the card is re-shuffled, which means the calculation is
again repeated to 0.


Each low card has a +1 value and a High card has a value of -1. While the middle card
has a value of 0.
If we take the example that Bandar uses 2 deck cards, then,
- Number of Low Card (2,3,4,5,6) = 5x4x2 = 40
- Number of Middle Card (7,8,9) = 3x4x2 = 24
- Number of High Card (10, J, Q, K, A) = 5x4x2 = 40
P (Low Card) = 40/104 = 5/13 = 38.46%
P (Middle Card) = 24/104 = 3/13 = 23.08%
P (High Card) = 40/104 = 5/13 = 38.46%
Therefore, if we do the calculation, will not every table can be filled by Big Player,
because to get count +15 just is not easy.
Assuming we have reached count +15 with outgoing cards that are 20 low cards, 5
middle cards and 5 high cards, then the chances of the card appear are:
P (Low Card) = (40-20) / 74 = 20/74 = 27.03%
P (Middle Card) = (24-5) / 74 = 19/74 = 25.67%
P (High Card) = (40-5) / 74 = 35/74 = 47.3%
Now, Big player will be instructed to enter the arena. Now we suppose the best
possibility is we directly get 2 pieces of High cards in sequence. Opportunities for this incident
are: P (2HighCard) = 35/74 * 34/73 = 22%
From the above percentage we can see that chances are we get high card is very big. But
wait, the possibility Bandar get high card equal to our opportunity, even Bandar has a greater
opportunity. Now we do some calculation of opportunities with various combinations according
to the rules on the actual BlackJack game. for the notation below, let's say player A and Bandar
1.       P (A 2HC, B 2HC)
= 35/74 * 34/73 * 33/72 * 32/71
= 4.55%
2.       P (A 2HC, B 1HC, 1MC)
= 35/74 * 34/73 * 33/72 * 19/71
= 2.7%

HC: high card
MC: middle card
LC: low card

P (A 2HC, B 1HC, 1LC)

= 35/74 * 34/73 * 33/72 * 20/71
= 2.84%
4.       P (A 2HC, B 2 MC)
= 35/74 * 19/73 * 34/72 * 18/71
= 1.47%

The four types of possibilities above are the most lucrative possibilities for the player and
allow the player to get paid 3/2 of the bet amount when he gets the BlackJack.
Now we will try to compare if we do the game with the value count 0 or with a card that is
still complete 2 deck.
The possibility that happens still be taken in accordance with the 4 events above as a
comparison we get 2 pieces of HighCard and beat Bandar.

1.       P (A 2HC, B 2HC)

= 40/104 * 39/103 * 38/102 * 37/101
= 1.99%
2.       P (A 2HC, B 1HC & 1MC)
= 40/104 * 39/103 * 38/102 * 24/101
= 1.29%

HC: high
MC: middle
LC: low card

P (A 2HC, B 1HC & 1LC)

= 40/104 * 39/103 * 38/102 * 40/101
= 2.14%
4.       P (A 2HC, B 2MC)
= 40/104 * 24/103 * 38/102 * 23/101
= 0.78%
From the above calculation it can be seen that our chances of getting an absolute victory
are very small. With more and more high cards on the deck, players will be more profitable.
Maybe we would think that if the percentage we get a high card to be large, then the
percentage of Bandar to get a high card will also increase. That is true, but again there are things
that may not have occurred to us, that is, Bandar can not do anything other than hit or stand. So
in the condition of count +, then the player will benefit from the split.
With the split, will benefit us if the player gets 2card middle, while Bandar get 1 High
card and 1 Middle card. With position 2 Middle card in hand, then we are in a difficult position.
If we do hit, then we must get a low card so that our card does not exceed the number 21. If we
return, get a high card or middle card, then almost 100% of our cards will be burned.
Therefore, if we get the condition as in the above position, which is best for us to do is to
split the card. If we get 1 piece of high card for each part of the card that we split, then we are in
the same position with the strong Bandar. Especially if we have exceeded the number of Bandar,
then Bandar will be forced to hit with the position of the card in the hands of 1 high card and 1
middle card. His chances to bypass the numbers we have achieved will certainly be very small.
This is the advantage of being a player when we are on count +. Here is a comparison of
conditions as above if we are in position count + and count 0.
In count +, we use permisalan like we used before, that is card left in deck is 20 low card,
19 middle card, and 35 high card. With this condition, if we get 2 middle cards and done split,
whereas we assume Bandar get any card, but here we together know that the opportunity to get 2
high card is not too high, as long as Bandar does not get 2 high card then with split like the
assumption above, we can match the Bandar. Thus, the opportunity to obtain a high card is as
P (A 2MC & 2HC)
= 19/74 * 18/73 * 35/71 * 34 * 70
= 1.47%

If we compare it with the possibility we do split on count 0 is as follows .

P (A 2MC & 2HC)
= 40/104 * 24/103 * 38/102 * 23/101
= 0.78%
With the above comparison, it is possible to reach the middle card and 1 card High jump
up to 2 times on count + this is an advantage as players who have more choice of steps.
Why split is more advantageous when high card? This is because the split is dividing the
2 pieces of cards we hold into two separate parts and we control the two parts of the card
separately from each other.
When we are on a positive count, which means a lot of high cards are still on the deck,
when we get the middle card, we can easily reverse the situation if we get high card, which turns
out the opportunity to get a high card was much more open on count +.
While in normal condition, when we get 2 middle card and we do split, then, still big
chance that we will get low card. This poses a new problem for us. If we get a low card, then it
means we must mengam, a new card bil again. This means we are doing a combination again and
our chances to win back are at stake. This will certainly minimize our chances to win the game.
The picture above illustrates the position experienced by a Bandar when he gets a high
card and low card. With a choice of only hit and stand stunts of the City, then, when the player
gets a card value greater than that amount, then the City must hit.
In condition count 0, then the City has a chance to get a low card, which means the
opportunity for Bandar to remain in the game with a higher value is wide open. With the
permisalan 6 cards that have been out of the City, then the opportunity keliuu low card is
P (1LC) = 40/98 = 40.81%
A very large number that can reverse the situation becomes profitable for Bandar. But on
count + then we try to simulate with count +15, the rest of the card is 74 and the card that has
been issued by Bandar is 6 pieces.
P (1LC) = 20/68 = 29.4%
Opportunities for the City to get a low card is reduced by up to 10% more. And this is an
additional 10% profit for players. And below is an illustration of how Bandar does not get a low
card that causes all of its value to be burned.
This is what makes the profit on the player side will be greater than the City to be able to
win the game.
Though from all the calculations we can make, we can never be sure that we know for
sure what will happen in the future, but at least we can know the opportunities that exist in front
of us and we can do the calculation of opportunities where the largest.
The calculations we use above are simple calculations using 2 decks of cards. If we use 8
decks of cards, the complexity will increase as the number of possible combinations increases.
IF2091 Discrete Structure - Sem. I Year 2010/2011 But all we can count and estimate using
combinatorial theory and discrete opportunities.

NIM : 4163312019



Opportunity definition: Opportunity of a desired event is the ratio of the number of
sample points of the desired event to the number of members of the sample space of the event.
Opportunities are also called probability values. We recognize it as a "play" card. Though "remi"
is actually the name of one card game that the English people called playing cards or game cards.
There are 1001 kinds of card games. Every country even the territory of a country has its own
kind of game. In the country we are familiar with the terms game "four-one", "remi", "hoe", etc.
However, popular in many countries such as poker, canasta, blackjack, casino, solitaire,
bridge with a number of players that can be different. As we know today, a pack of playing cards
contains 52 pieces. Divided into four suits or types of cards (Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club), each
consisting of 13 cards (from As, 1, 2, etc. to King). Plus an additional card in the form of two
cards joker, black and red. When and who the inventor of playing cards is not known for sure.
Allegedly the embryo originated from mainland China or Hindustan around the year 800. How
the story to get into Europe was a bit vague. Probably carried by merchants, soldiers, or nomadic
tribes. Clearly, this type of card game - whether coming from the East, Egypt, or Arabia -
appeared in Italy sometime in the late 1200s. After that it spread to Germany, France, and Spain.
A number of historians suspect, the game card was the result of the evolution of a kind of game
of chess played by the shepherds in West Asia. While shepherding, they play chess using
Other experts argue, the card game is an evolution of a kind of ceremony to communicate
with the gods. Four sticks or arrows marked with four different symbols, thrown on the altar.
Which staff is falling, that is what the priest interprets as the decree of the god. History does not
record who exactly the figure of Jack, Queen, and King on the modern card. But characters on
the previous cards continue to change from time to time. On an old card from Italy and Spain, all
four of his King cards depict the kings of the great kingdom of the medieval world. Then when
King Henry III of France ascended the throne, the noble costumes on the cards changed
according to the fashion of the day.

Limits of Opportunity Values

The probability value of an event (P) meets the nature, meaning
If P = 0, then the event never happens or is an impossibility.
If P = 1, then the event is a certainty.
If A is an event occurring, and A 'is an occurrence where A does not occurs, then:

The set of bridge cards contains 52 cards consisting of four groups known as leaf /spoon
(), curly (), diamond () and heart (). Leaf and curly cards are black, while diamonds and hearts
are red. Each of the groups of form each consists of King, Queen, Joker, As, number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 and 10. If a set of cards is shuffled and taken one card at random, which there may be as
many as 52 possibilities.

NIM : 4163312021



Bab 1


Latar Belakang

Teori peluang adalah cabang matematika yang bersangkutan dengan peluang, analisis
fenomena acak. Obyek utama teori peluang adalah variabel acak, proses stokastik, dan kejadian:
abstraksi matematis non-deterministik peristiwa atau kuantitas terukur yang dapat berupa
kejadian tunggal atau berkembang dari waktu ke waktu dalam mode tampaknya acak. Jika koin
individu melemparkan atau gulungan dadu dianggap peristiwa acak, maka jika berkali-kali
mengulangi urutan kejadian acak akan menunjukkan pola-pola tertentu, yang dapat dipelajari dan
diprediksi. Dua hasil matematis representatif menggambarkan pola tersebut adalah hukum
bilangan besar dan teorema limit pusat.

Sebagai dasar matematika untuk statistik, teori peluang adalah penting untuk kegiatan
manusia banyak yang melibatkan analisis kuantitatif set besar data. Metode teori peluang juga
berlaku untuk deskripsi sistem yang kompleks diberikan pengetahuan hanya sebagian dari negara
mereka, seperti dalam mekanika statistik. Sebuah penemuan besar fisika abad kedua puluh
adalah sifat peluang fenomena fisik pada skala atom, dijelaskan dalam mekanika kuantum.
Bab II


Pengertian Titik Sampel dan Ruang Sampel

Titik Sampel adalah anggota-anggota dari ruang sampel atau kemungkinan-

kemungkinan yang muncul, sedangkan Ruang Sampel adalah himpunan dari semua hasil yang
mungkin pada suatu percobaan/kejadian dan Ruang Sampel merupakan suatu percobaan yang
dapat dinyatakan dalam bentuk diagram pohon atau tabel. Contoh titik sampel: Pada percobaan
melempar 2 (dua) buah mata uang logam (koin) homogen yang berisi angka (A) dan gambar (G)
sebanyak satu kali, dari percobaan tersebut dapat di tentukan ruang sampel sebagai berikut.

Kejadian yang mungkin terjadi:

AA : Muncul sisi angka pada kedua koin

AG : Muncul sisi angka pada koin 1 dan sisi gambar pada koin 2

Contoh Penerapan Titik Sampel dan Ruang Sampel pada Permainan Dua Dadu

Maka bayaknya kejadian keduanya gambar = 1

1. Dua buah dadu dilambungkan bersama-sama. Tentukan:
1. Ruang sampelnya
2. Banyaknya Ruang Sampel
3. Banyaknya kejadian mata dadu 4 pada dadu pertama.
4. Banyaknya kejadian mata dadu 5 pada dadu kedua.
Karena ada dua buah dadu maka kita buat tabel berikut:
1. Ruang sampel
Karena ada dua buah dadu maka kita buat tabel berikut:
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6)
2 (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (2,6)
3 (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6)
4 (4,1) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4) (4,5) (4,6)
5 (5,1) (5,2) (5,3) (5,4) (5,5) (5,6)
6 (6,1) (6,2) (5,3) (6,4) (6,5) (6,6)
S={(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),   …  (6,4),(6,5),(6,6)}
1. Banyaknya Ruang sampel, n(S)= 36.
2. Misalkan A adalah  kejadian munculnya mata dadu 4 pada dadu pertama.
Kejadian A = {(4,1),(4,2), (4,3),(4,4),(4,5),(4,6)}
Banyaknya kejadian mata dadu 4 pada dadu pertama, n(A)=4
1. Misalkan B adalah  kejadian munculnya mata dadu 5 pada dadu kedua.
Kejadian B = {(1,5),(2,5), (3,5),(4,5),(5,5),(6,5)}
Banyaknya kejadian mata dadu 5 pada dadu kedua, n(B)=4



Dalam permainan dua dadu ini, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kemungkinan
Banyaknya mata dadu dengan mata yang sama
mendapatkan mata dadu yang sama adalah
Berapa banyak kedua mata dadu
6 1
¿ = kemungkinan mendapatkan kedua mata dadu yang sama. Sama seperti kita memainkan
36 6
permainan yang saat ini masih populer di kalangan anak muda, yaitu LINE Get Rich.

Permainan ini juga menggunakan rumus teori peluang yang tadi sudah saya beri contoh,
dan di permainan ini juga kita bisa menebak angka berapa yang akan keluar dan hasilnya ganjil
atau genap. Dan dalam permainan lain, ada juga yang menerapkan teori ini (Walaupun sudah
masuk dalam kategori judi).

NIM : 4163312022



The poker game is a card game that can be played by many people and can use 1 deck or
more. Apparently in this card game tucked the use of combinatorial principles and opportunities
in setting strategy.

1 deck consists of 52 cards each consisting of 13 cards Spade (S), 13 Heart cards (H), 13
Club cards (C) and 13 Diamond cards (D). The basic sequence of card combinations (with 5 card
poker hands) in this game is:

1. Royal Flush

"Royal Flush" is "Straight Flush" but the highest value. In other words is the best Straight
and Flush combination. For example, a 5 card Spade card and its value is 10-J-Q-K-A.

2. Straight Flush

5 card combinations between the card in hand with the table is a kind and sequential card.
Eg 4-5-6-7-8 cards and all the same type (Straight and Flush).

3. 4 of a Kind

Combination of 4 cards of the same value, for example 9-9- 9-9-J.

4. Full House

Combination of 3 cards and 2 cards of the same value, eg 8-8-8-K-K

5. Flush

Combination of at least 5 cards that have the same type, eg 10-4-Q-7-2 and all types of
6. Straight

The combination of at least 5 cards in sequence but the form of the card does not have to be
the same, eg 7-8-9-10-J

7. 3 of a Kind

Combination of 3 cards of the same value, eg Q-Q-Q-5-As

8. 2-Pair

The combination of 2 cards is the same and there are 2 pairs, eg 3- 3-6-6-K

9. One Pair (2 of a Kind)

Combination 2 cards of the same value, eg 5-5-2-J- As

10. High Card

If none of the above mentioned above then the winner in the highest card set. A higher value
card will outperform a lower value card.

The use of probability theory on poker

Opportunities from card combinations that can occur on this poker game are sorted from the
most unfavorable combinations (allowing to win) are:

The sample space for this poker game = C (52,7) = 133,784,560

1. Royal Flush

Frequency = 4 * C (47.2) = 4,324

Probability = 4,324 / 133,784,560 = 0.0032%

2. Straight Flush

Direct flush frequency (including royal flush) = C (4.1) [C (1,1) * C (47,2) + C (9,1) * C
(46,2)] = 41,584
Straight Flush = 41,584 - 4,324 = 37,260

Probability = 37,260 / 133,784,560 = 0.0279%

3. Four of Kind

Frequency = C (13.1) * C (48.3) = 224,848

Probability = 224,848 / 133,784,560 = 0.168%

4. 1 triple, 1 pair and 2 kickers

Frequency 1 triple, 1 pair and 2 kicker = 13 * 4 * 12 * 6 * 55 * 4 * 4 = 3,294,720

5. 1 triple and 2 pairs

Frequency of 1 triple and 2 pairs is 13 * 4 * 66 * 6 * 6 = 123,552

6. 2 triples and 1 kickers

Frequency of 2 triples and 1 kickers is 78 * 16 * 44 = 54,912

7. Flush

Frequency: C (4,1) [C (13,5) * C (39,2) + C (13,6) * C (39,1) + C (13,7)] - 41584 = 4047644

Probability: 4,047,644 / 133,784,560 = 3.03%

For other card combinations and the odds can be in the table below:

Hand Frequency Probability Odd

High Card 23,294,460 17.4% 4.74 : 1

One Pair 58,627,800 43.8% 1 : 1.28

Two Pair 31,433,400 23.5% 1 : 3.26
3 of kind 6,461,620 4.83% 1 : 19.7
Straight 6,180,020 4.62% 1 : 20.6
Flush 4,047,644 3.03% 1 : 32.1
Full House 3,473,184 2.60% 1 : 37.5

4 of kind 224,848 0.168% 1 : 594

Straight 37,260 0.0279% 1 : 3216


Royal 4,324 0.0032% 1 : 30939


Total 133,784,560 100% 1:0


NIM : 414331234





Dalam Mata Kuliah Metode Statistika terdapat satu materi tentang peluang. Peluang yaitu
pembahasan pengukuran tingkat keyakinan orang akan muncul atau tidak munculnya suatu
kejadian atau peristiwa. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendiskusikan dimulai dengan suatu percobaan.
Hasil suatu percobaan (outcomes) atau titik sampel. Peluang disebut juga probabilitas yang
berarti ilmu kemungkinan. Namun dalam kenyataannya, banyak kesulitan dalam menghadapi
materi peluang ini. Kurang nya pemahaman dalam mengartikan suatu peluang membuat hasilnya
akan menjadi salah. Dan oleh sebab itu, perlunya dilakukan rekayasa untuk mempermudah
dalam menentukan peluang.


2.1. Metode
Peluang Matematika

1. Pengertian Ruang Sampel dan Kejadian 

Himpunan S dari semua kejadian atau peristiwa yang mungkin mucul dari suatu
percobaan disebut ruang sampel. Kejadian khusus atau suatu unsur dari S disebut titik sampel
atau sampel. Suatu kejadian A adalah suatu himpunan bagian dari ruang sampel S.

Diberikan percobaan pelemparan 3 mata uang logam sekaligus 1 kali, yang masing-masing
memiliki sisi angka ( A ) dan gambar ( G ). Jika P adalah kejadian muncul dua angka, tentukan
S, P (kejadian)!
Jawab :

2. Pengertian Peluang Suatu Kejadian 

Pada suatu percobaan terdapat n hasil yang mungkin dan masing-masing berkesempatan sama
untuk muncul. Jika dari hasil percobaan ini terdapat k hasil yang merupakan kejadian A, maka

peluang kejadian A ditulis P ( A ) ditentukan dengan rumus : 

Contoh :
Pada percobaan pelemparan sebuah dadu, tentukanlah peluang percobaan kejadian muncul
bilangan genap!
Jawab : S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} maka n ( S ) = 6
Misalkan A adalah kejadian muncul bilangan genap, maka:
A = {2, 4, 6} dan n ( A ) = 3

3. Kisaran Nilai Peluang Matematika

Misalkan A adalah sebarang kejadian pada ruang sampel S dengan n ( S ) = n, n ( A ) = k
Jadi, peluang suatu kejadian terletak pada interval tertutup [0,1]. Suatu kejadian yang peluangnya
nol dinamakan kejadian mustahil dan kejadian yang peluangnya 1 dinamakan kejadian pasti.
4. Frekuensi Harapan Suatu Kejadian 
Jika A adalah suatu kejadian pada frekuensi ruang sampel S dengan peluang P ( A ), maka
frekuensi harapan kejadian A dari n kali percobaan adalah n x P( A ).
Contoh :
Bila sebuah dadu dilempar 720 kali, berapakah frekuensi harapan dari munculnya mata dadu 1?
Jawab :
Pada pelemparan dadu 1 kali, S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } maka n (S) = 6.
Misalkan A adalah kejadian munculnya mata dadu 1, maka:

A = { 1 } dan n ( A ) sehingga : 
Frekuensi harapan munculnya mata dadu 1 adalah

5. Peluang Komplemen Suatu Kejadian 

Misalkan S adalah ruang sampel dengan n ( S ) = n, A adalah kejadian pada ruang sampel
S, dengan n ( A ) = k dan Ac adalah komplemen kejadian A, maka nilai n (Ac) = n – k,
sehingga :

Jadi, jika peluang hasil dari suatu percobaan adalah P, maka peluang hasil itu tidak
terjadi adalah (1 – P).


Jika menggunakan rumus-rumus saat menyelesaikan suatu soal peluang, yang tidak
memahami rumus akan kebingungan. Oleh karena itu ada langkah yang mudah untuk
mengerjakan soal tersebut yaitu :

1. Menentukan banyaknya seluruh kejadian yang mungkin.

Misalnya Kiki mempunyai 4 pilihan hari, sedangkan Rani mempunyai 4 pilihan hari. Jadi
banyaknya seluruh kejadian yang mungkin adalah :
4 x 4 = 16

2. Banyaknya kejadian yang diharapkan

Sperti pemisalan diatas, kita mengharapkan kejadian hari berurutan. Ada 3 macam urutan
Senin – Selasa
Selasa – Rabu
Rabu – Kamis

Tetatp urutanya bisa saja Kiki atau Rani deluan. Jadi total kejadian yang diharapkan =

3. Membandingkan kejadian yang diharapkan dengan total kejadian

Peluang = kejadian yang diharapkan / total kejadian yang mungkin
= 6 / 16
Kadang, nilai peluang kita ubah dalam bentuk persen, yaitu :
3 / 8 = 37,5 %

NIM : 4163312005



Probability or commonly reffered to as probabilities can be viewed as ways to reveal the
size of an uncertainly or possibility events occur. To express an uncertainly uncertainty or
certainty required mathematical modeling which is theoretically expressed by distribution. The
probability value of an event in a given experiment between 0 and 1 or between 0% and 100%. If
the probability of an event A occurs denoted by the notation P (A) then, probability [not A] or
complement A, or the probability of an event A will not occur, is 1-P (A). Simply the probability
of an event occurring or can not be represented in Table 1 below.

Table 1 The probability of an event occurring or not

Type of representation The event occurred The event did not happen
Percentage 100% 0%
Integers 1 0
Probability notation P[A] 1–P[A]

In apps in everyday life, distribution opportunities are very useful for analyzing the
occurrence of an event or event, if the event is finite then the object of its distribution differs
from infinite events. The object of opportunity distribution is a random variable in which this
object is a function that associates a real number in each element in the sample space.
The types of distribution should be understood as the basis for determining probability
tests. And in conjunction with testing of experimental objects, the selection of distribution will
facilitate the calculation of opportunities. Judging from the object of distribution probability
study will be known term random variable which is classified in large group that is discrete and
continuous random variable, where each variable has some kind of distribution.
In any type of experiment we do then every process that goes through the measurement
process will get a possibility. The probability of the experiment will produce a numerical result.
The number can be viewed as a value obtained by a random variable.
If a sample space contains a finite point or a series of numbers as large as an integer,
then the sample space is called a discrete sample space whereas the random variable defined in
the sample space is a discrete random variable. The discrete random variable X determines the
probability distribution if for the values X =x 1 x 2 … . x n there is a chance p (𝑥𝑖) so that:

∑ p x i=1
t −1

p (x) is called an opportunity function for a random variable X at the price X = x. A

value that is expected to be an event can be viewed as a value of hope or expressed by (X) read
"expectations". Where is the value of an expectation a random variable can be obtained by
multiplying each random variable value by its probability and summing the result.
∈ (X) = ∑ xi . p (x)

Definition 1:
If the random variable X gets the price x 1 , x 2 , … . x n, with the same opportunity, then the
discrete uniform distribution is given by:
𝑃(𝑥) = n

𝑃 (𝑥): Opportunity occurrence of x
𝑥: variable price
𝑛:many observational data / sample size

Theorem 1
The flat discrete uniform distribution 𝑓 (𝑥, 𝑘) is μ= E ( x )=∑ x . P( x),
𝜇=𝐸(𝑥)=Σ𝑥.𝑃(𝑥), where E (x) = Expected x The discrete uniform distribution variance is
σ =∑ ( x−μ ) . P( x )
2 2


To plan the supply of an item x, a convenience store needs to estimate the daily demand for goods
x. According to sales records, it is known that the daily demand for goods x is ranged between 0-5
units. This request has a random fluctuation, so it can not be determined the chance of the request.
In this case, the demand for goods x can be modeled following the uniform distribution.

To facilitate the completion of the above example, a calculation aid will be used as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2 Calculations for distribution probability

∑ request x Probability of 𝑥𝑃(𝑥) (x−μ)

2 2
(x−μ) 𝑃(𝑥)
Requests 𝑃 (𝑥)

0 1/6 0 6,25 1,04166

1 1/6 1/6 2,25 0,37500

2 1/6 2/6 0,25 0,04166

3 1/6 3/6 0,25 0,04166

4 1/6 4/6 2,25 0,37500

5 1/6 5/6 6,25 1,04166

Total 15/6 17,5 2,9166

Based on the calculation in table 2, the average expectation of demand per day on
goods x, is as follows:
μ= E ( x )=¿ ∑ x . P ( x ) ,= =2.5 unit perhari
i=1 6
While with the uniform distribution approach, then the average demand per day to the goods x is
sebgai follows:
σ 2=∑ ( x−μ ) . P(x )=


σ =∑ ( x−μ ) . P(x ) = √ 2,9166 =1,7078 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡.
2 2


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