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"I can't believe you left me alone with him.

You knew what he was

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capable of, and yet you still left me to suffer at his hands. Did you
Previous 7 Days even care what he did to me? How he made me wear those
ridiculous clothes and treated me like a doll?"
Curse of Strahd

She takes a deep breath and continues, her voice shaking with
anger and pain. "And then you come in here, thinking you can just
swoop in and save the day? You have no idea what he did to me.
You have no idea what he put me through. And now you expect
me to just thank you and move on? It's not that simple."

She pauses for a moment, her eyes filled with tears. "I don't know
what to do anymore. I thought I was safe with you, but now I'm not
so sure. How can I trust anyone after what I've been through?"

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