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Essay Structures and Formats

Type 1(a) Do you agree or disagree?

(40-45) Intro ( take a strong position)

(60-65) B1 (writer’s position)
(60-65) B2 (writer’s position)
(60-65) B3 (Refutal - other side - other people’s opinion)
(40-45) Con

A group of individuals are inclined to think that ________________________. If questioned, I

strongly (A/DA) with this viewpoint (optional - as ______). My position is elaborated further with
reasons and examples.

The foremost argument to justify my stand is that ________(MP1)_________. ______


Furthermore, _______(MP2)_________. ______________________(Exp+Eg2)_____


On the contrary, some others are of the opposite opinion. To begin with, they claim that
_________(MP1)________. ___________(Exp+Eg1)_________________.

To conclude it can be commented that _____________________________.

Type 1(b) To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(40-45) Intro ( take a 80% position)

(60-65) B1 (80% writer’s position)
(60-65) B2 (80% writer’s position)
(60-65) B3 (20% writer’s position - other side)
(40-45) Con

A group of individuals are inclined to think that ________________________. If questioned, I

(A/DA) with this viewpoint to a large extent (optional - as ______). My position is elaborated further
with reasons and examples.

The foremost argument to justify my stand is that ________(MP1)_________. ______


Furthermore, _______(MP2)_________. ______________________(Exp+Eg2)_____


On the contrary, it can also be stated that ___________. To begin with, ________(MP1)____
____. ___________(Exp+Eg1)_________________.

To conclude it can be commented that _____________________________.

Type 2 - Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

(40-45) Intro (Do not take a writer’s position)

(85-90) B1 (view 1)
(85-90) B2 (view 2)
(40-45) Con + Writer’s opinion

There is an ongoing debate regarding _______________________. A group of individuals

believe that ________________________. However, others are of the view that _____________
_________. Therefore, both the views will be discussed before giving my opinion.

Examining the former view, the foremost argument put forward by the proponents is that
______(MP1)________. _______________(Exp+Eg1)______________________. Moreover, ____
_____(MP2)_________. _______________(Exp+Eg2)_________________.

On the contrary, those in favour of the latter opinion have their own arguments. To begin
with, they claim that _________(MP1)_______________. _________(Exp+Eg1)____________
_____________. Besides this, __________(MP2)___________. ___________(Exp+Eg2)_______

To conclude and give my opinion, I would support the ________ view. This is because

Type 3 - What are the advantages and disadvantages?

(40-45) Intro (do not give your opinion)

(85-90) B1 - advantages
(85-90) B2 - disadvantages
(40-45) C (summarize and give opinion optionally)

It has been observed that __________. There are a myriad of benefits as well as drawbacks
of ___________________. Both the aspects are elaborated in the ensuing paragraphs.

Analyzing the brighter side of _________, the foremost one is _____(MP1)____. _____
(explanation 1 + example 1)____. Moreover, ___ (MP2)______. ___(explanation2 + example 2)____.

On the contrary, there are some darker sides of ___________. To begin with,
_____(MP1)____. _____ (explanation 1 + example 1)____. Besides this, ___ (MP2)______.
___(explanation2 + example 2)____.

To conclude, there are both merits as well as demerits of _______________. However, I

believe that _____(Topic)________ is more advantageous/ disadvantageous because
______________ .


(strong position) (80-20 position)
(40-45) INTRO (40-45) INTRO
(85-90) BODY 1 (+ve/-ve) (60-65) BODY 1 (+ve/-ve)
(85-90) BODY 2 (+ve/-ve) (60-65) BODY 2 (+ve/-ve)
(40-45) CONC. (60-65) BODY 3 (-ve/+ve)
(40-45) CONC.

It has been observed that __________. If questioned, I believe that benefits outweigh the
drawbacks of __________ (to a large extent). My position is elaborated further with reasons and

Examining my opinion, the strongest benefit of ______ is ____( MP1 )_____. __ (explanation
1 + example 1) _______.

Moreover, ____( MP2 )_____. __ (explanation 2 + example 2) _______.

On the contrary, there are some drawbacks of ___________. To begin with, _____(MP1)____.
_____ (explanation 1 + example 1)____.

To conclude, there are both merits and demerits of _______________. However, I believe
that _____________ is more advantageous/ disadvantageous because ______________.


(40-45) Intro (no opinion)

(85-90) B1 - problems
(85-90) B2 - solutions
(40-45) C (solution oriented conclusion)

It has been observed that _________. There are several problems due to such a trend.
However, some effective measures can be implemented to overcome the issue of __________. Both
the aspects are discussed further.

Analyzing the issues that arise, the foremost one is ___( MP1 ) ____. ___ (Exp1 + eg1)_.
Moreover, ___( MP2 ) ____. ___ (Exp2 + eg2)__.

On the contrary, some steps must be implemented to rectify these predicaments. To begin
with ___( MP1 ) ____. ___ (Exp1 + eg1)_. Besides this ___( MP2 ) ____. ___ (Exp2 + eg2)_.

To conclude, although there are several issues due to ______________, but taking steps such
as __________________ can solve the problems to a large extent.

(40-45) Intro (no opinion)

(85-90) B1 - causes
(85-90) B2 - solutions
(40-45) C (solution oriented conclusion)

It has been observed that _________. There are several causes of such a trend. However,
some effective measures can be implemented to overcome the issue of __________. Both the aspects
are discussed further.

Analyzing the reasons, the foremost one is ___( MP1 ) ____. ___ (Exp1 + eg1)_. Moreover,
___ ( MP2 ) ____. ___ (Exp2 + eg2)__.

On the contrary, some steps must be implemented to rectify this predicament. To begin with
___( MP1 ) ____. ___ (Exp1 + eg1)_. Besides this ___( MP2 ) ____. ___ (Exp2 + eg2)_.

To conclude, although there are several causes of ______________, but taking steps such as
__________________ can solve the problem to a large extent.


(40-45) Intro (no opinion)

(85-90) B1 - causes
(85-90) B2 - Effects
(40-45) C (solution oriented conclusion)

It has been observed that _________. There are several causes of such a trend. However,
some effects are also observed on __________. Both the aspects are discussed further.

Analyzing the reasons, the foremost one is ___( MP1 ) ____. ___ (Exp1 + eg1)_. Moreover,
___ ( MP2 ) ____. ___ (Exp2 + eg2)__.

Focusing on the effects that arise due to this situation, the primary one is ___( MP1 ) ____.
___ (Exp1 + eg1)_. Besides this ___( MP2 ) ____. ___ (Exp2 + eg2)_.

To conclude, although there are several causes of ______________, but taking steps such as
__________________ can solve the problem to a large extent.

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