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Group Members: Lateisha Ramsay

Danae Greaves
Alyssa Inniss
Hakeem Mason
Kelly-Ann Holder
SCHOOL: The Lodge School
REGION: Barbados
Table of content

Statement Problem

Child abuse first caught the nation's attention in the 1800’s and over the years it
affects more 3.6 million children, under the ages of eighteen. Child abuse can be
generally expressed as the mistreatment of a child. However, the topic of child
abuse can then be broken down into numerous forms of abuse. The following
would fall under the different aspects of child abuse: sexual, mental, emotional,
physical or neglect are all different forms of abuse. Child abuse is more common
than we would like to believe and here in Barbados. We find child abuse is more
common in the homes of under privileged youths and the most targeted victims are
girls as stated by UNICEF, I think it is essential for us to pay more attention to our
youth in our society and communities. With that being said, with the information
gathered, studying the topic at hand we can possibly aid in helping to prevent such
a grotesque topic such as child abuse.

The Aim of this school-based assessment is to get a clear understanding on
whether more needs to be done to prevent child abuse.

In an effort to highlight the subject at hand, here are some significant questions that
is essential to evaluate our aim:
1. What influences someone to abuse a child?
2. In what ways has child abuse affected the victims?
3. What is the most common form of abuse in your region?
4. What would be the most efficient ways to prevent child abuse?
Literature Review

According to …. child abuse is a worldwide problem with no social, ethnic and

racial bounds, it states that “Child abuse can leave with serious, long lasting
physiological damage” child abuse victims or survivors stated by () among the
majority of studies showed that adults survivors physical childhood abuse had
more medical problems than non-abuse individuals and those who bear the
consequences of mental abuse and neglect suffer from depression, anxiety, post-
traumatic disorder stated by ()

The most terrifying outcome of child abuse or neglect is suicide and the risk of
attempting suicide, according to (Felitti) indicated that adults expose to four or
more experience in childhood were 12 time likely to attempt suicide than those
who had no adverse childhood experiences. Stated by (Gilbert et al.,2009)
retrospective studies (which record participants recollection of past traumatic
suicide in adults and the higher rates of suicidal behavior in adults of child abuse
and neglect has been attributed to the greater like-hood of adult survivors suffering
from mental health problems.

According to {} not all cases of child abuse is reported in some cases family
members who observe care givers interacting with children may suspect abuse or
witness abuse and professional involved with the child may suspect abused based
on behavioral, emotional or verbal clues, neighbors may see hear or suspect
maltreatment based on their observation. Although they may suspect or be aware
of abuse, many people are reluctant about reporting their suspicions because they
don’t want to get involved or may believe that parents have the rights to treat their
children however, they choose. Some environmental factors that can contribute to
child abuse are unemployment, particularly when coupled with the individual and
family factors described above, are a higher risk of child abuse or neglect.

In (text book) Stated Child protective services play a major role in the protection of
the children who endure child abuse like here in Barbados UNICEF put in place
legislation to protect children an aim to stiffen penalties and strengthen
enforcement and monitoring mechanisms like educators who also ensure children
know about their rights and how to protect themselves from abuse, parents learn
the alternative ways to discipline their children without resorting to and teaching
them violence.
Sociologist tells us that one function of the family child the basic social need but
with child abuse this hinders the child's need to socialized due to low self-esteem
because, according to () children who suffer from neglect feel most of the pain on
the inside. Many children suffer from feeling guilty, often blaming themselves for
the abuse they also find it difficult to have relationships and experience loneliness
and bullying.
Section 2
Research Design
Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem. The
problem being properly accessed and examined is child abuse. Both primary and
secondary data was executed during this investigation. The usages of the internet,
text books and human experiences was an inordinate contribution to the studies
that occurred. The research was of the Quantitative type which allows the
collecting and analysis of information. Research instruments and tools was
employed to the procedure.

The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire A questionnaire is a

formalized set of questions designed to obtain information from respondents. This
was a quick and educative method to collect information from various individuals.
There are many advantages of questionnaires. The created questionnaire comprises
of two different types of questions: like open-ended and close-ended. Each
question gave the respondents was a quick and essential way to complete the
document. Close- ended formatted questions can be easily answered without
consuming much time as the respondent just needs to select one of answers listed.
This is the perfect solution while using quantitative statistics because there will be
a fixed number of answers options and can easily ascertain the number of people
selecting each option. Open-ended questions allow respondents to include more
information, including feelings, attitudes and understanding of the subject. This
allows researchers to better access the respondents' true feelings on an issue.The
advantageous side of the Likert Questions is that they are the most universal
method for survey collection, therefore they are easily understood. It also allows
them to respond in a degree of agreement; this makes question answering easier on
the respondent.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, our questionnaire was not distributed

physically. A Google docs link was created so that it can be done electronically.
An Amount of twelve (12) questions were prepared to keep it short and smooth to
keep the respondents intrigued. It was required that each individual who completed
the documents' identity stayed confidential therefore each person is able to express
their feeling thoroughly with being judged from peers. We weren’t given a specific
timeline nevertheless the process was done swiftly. When recording the answers,
we tallied up all the responses and the results were illustrated by a pie chart and a
bar chart.

Instrument Use to Collect Data

Sociology Questionnaire
I am a 6th form student of The Lodge School. My SBA research topic is child
abuse, I assure you that any information provided will be confidential and you will
remain anonymous. We would be contented to hear your feedback.
* Required

1.Gender? *
A. Female
B. Male
C. Other:

2.Age? *
A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18

3.Who do you live with?

A. Mother
B. Father
C. Grand Parents
D. Other:

4.Are you a victim of child abuse? *

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe

5.If you answered yes, which type of abuse did you experience? *
A. Emotional Abuse
B. Physical Abuse
C. Substance Abuse
D. Neglection

6.Do you know someone who has been abused as a child? *

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe

7.How do you think child abuse will affect a child? *

A. Their Behavior
B. Their Mental State
C. Their Development
D. Other: _________________________________________

8.Children who have been physically abused will usually tell someone soon after the abuse? *
A. Strongly disagree
B. Disagree
C. Neutral
D. Agree
E. Strongly agree

9.The abuser is someone the child knows well from his/her surrounding environment. *
A. Strongly disagree
B. Disagree
C. Neutral
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree

10.What influences someone to abuse a child?

Your answer ___________________________________

11.How can child abuse be prevented? *

Your answer ____________________________________

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