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1- As university students what good things can you do for the environment?

Write three ideas.

A- We must be more aware of climate change, as a main idea to help the environment, is to
plant more trees to help us with pollution.
B- As a second idea, to further implement the use of non-polluting means of transportation,
such as bicycles.
C- The third idea to help the environment is the decontamination of water sources, helping
to clean them from plastics and harmful objects.
A- What first inspired the sisters?
- The were inspired after leaming about people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Princess
Diana and Nelson Mandela.
B- What Chalenge or problema are they facing?
- Empty water bottles, plastic cups and straws seemed to be everywhere. Ball produces
an enormous amount of plastic garbage every day.
C- What lesson does Green School Bali teache its students?
- Students are taught to become the leaders of today.

3- Read these questions and give your opinión:

A- What big problem do the sisters want to deal whith?
- Ball produces an enormous amount of plastic garbage every day
B- According to the third paragraph. What is their goal for now?
- The challenge of dealing with plastic waste
- Is to make one village completely plastic-free
C- What steps have the sisters taken toward theair goal?
- A youth organization called Bye-Bye Plastic Bags
- Creating booklets to educate children about the garbage problema
- Making devices to collect plastic from streams and rivers

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