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New process

introduction to new

Bhupendra Rawat
In a situation, where people are new to the
process and the team is also new.

Setting up such a team can be crucial for an

individual and management as there a number
of challenges the team might face and giving
such a great responsibility to new people can be
risky. But with proper planning and training, team
can and prove to be producing the effective
results and be successful.
Given such situation I would present few pointers
in such
1. Goal setting: I would work with the new joiners to establish
clear goals and objectives for the project. This would help them
understand the purpose of the new process and software, and give
them a sense of direction as they work towards the project's

2. Communication: Effective communication is crucial when

introducing new processes and software. I would ensure that there
are clear lines of communication between the new joiners, their
mentors, and other stakeholders. This would help ensure that
everyone is on the same page and that any issues or concerns are
addressed in a timely manner.

3. Documentation: It's important to document the new process

and software so that new joiners can reference it in the future. I
would work with the team to create clear, concise documentation
that outlines the steps involved in the process, as well as any
relevant software features or functions.
4. Performance tracking: I would establish a system to track the
performance of the new joiners and the success of the project. This would
help identify any areas for improvement and ensure that the project is
meeting its goals and objectives.
1. Continuous improvement: Once the new joiners have a basic
understanding of the software and process, I would encourage them to
continuously look for ways to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. This
could involve identifying areas for process improvement or exploring new
features of the software that could enhance their work.
2. Feedback loop: It's important to establish a feedback loop to gather
input from the new joiners about their experience using the software and
process. This feedback can help identify any areas that need improvement or
further training and ensure that everyone is aligned and moving in the right
3. Cross-functional training: Depending on the nature of the process, I
would consider offering cross-functional training to the new joiners. This
would involve bringing in experts from other areas of the business to provide
a broader perspective on how the process fits into the overall organization.

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