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Overthink of everything

Especially in relationship, I put to much trust towards people. But at the start, I don’t want to put a
feel, effort, or even anything else that consist love. I started for feeling guilty and poor about what
he have done to me. But through out, his effort, time, and all the things that he give to me

1. Support system
- Accompany thru all the things I done : printing, delivery, meeting, assignment, amenities
like laptop and internet also organizational needs.
2. Taking care of the sickness I through
 Menstruation needs
 Journaling needs
 Treats
3. Willingness to give
4. Trust he gave
5. Patience of my emotion

But it’s not all of it,

I just don’t know how to put my emotion calm and steady. I think I already do a lot of things that
makes me calm

1. Reading quran
2. Busy for future things

But the more I think about future, the more anxious I become. Stressed out of the unpredictable
things that scare me away from my reality.

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