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수강 신청 관련 경험

Question IM3 1일차

Have you ever had difficulty trying to register for a class? Explain this
story from start to finish.

수강 신청 관련 경험
Answer IM3 1일차

Yes, actually just last year I had a lot of trouble trying to register for some
of my courses at university. For my first and second years I just had to
submit a paper registration for my courses but last year everything went
online. The only problem was that the system was poorly designed and
everyone had a lot of trouble registering. At first, the system would not
accept my student ID and then I could not even find my course in the
system. What should have been a simple thing to do actually took hours.
It was so frustrating.

집안일을 거들면서 일어난 일
Question IM3 2일차

Talk about a memorable experience that has taken place in your house.
What made this memory special or unique?

집안일을 거들면서 일어난 일
Answer IM3 2일차

I guess the most memorable experience for me in my house was the day
my younger brother first came home from the hospital. There is almost
10 years between us so I am old enough to remember. He was born in
winter and the weather at the time was freezing. When he came home,
he was wrapped in so many blankets that I couldn’t even see him. But,
when we got indoors, my mom took him out of his blankets and after a
while she let me hold him for the first time. I couldn’t believe how small
he was and it is something I will never forget.


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