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Analisis faktor impulse 1. Nurhidayah Variabel Independen Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

buying konsumen alfamart 2. Makmur bahwa secara parsial hanya

1. Display Product
kota tengah (2022) variabel price discount, bonus
2. Price discount
pack dan store atmosphere yang
3. Bonus Pack
memiliki pengaruh yang
4. Store Atmosphere
signifikan terhadap impulse
Variabel Dependen
buying, sedangkan secara
Implusive Buying simultan variabel display

product, price discount, bonus

pack dan store atmosphere

berpengaruh secara bersama-

sama terhadap impulse buying.

Impact of shopping 1. Fajar Destari Variabel Independen The results showed a significant

emotion towards impulse 2. Ketut Indraningrat positive effect on discount

1. Discount Program
buying in e-commerce 3. Maulita Nanda Programs and Website Quality
2. Website Quality
platform (2020) Nilam Putri on impulse buying with shopping
3. Shopping
emotions as a mediating variable.
Besides, the result also showed
4. Online Review
an insignificant impact on online
Variabel Dependen
Implusive Buying

Effects of Interface Design 1. Jinjing Yang Variabel Independen The findings show that

and Live Atmosphere on 2. Cong Cao 1 consumers’ visual appeal,

1. Interface Design
Consumers’ Impulse- 3. Chensang Ye perceived arousal and
2. Live Streaming
Buying Behaviour from 4. Yangyan Shi engagement play a mediating
the Perspective of role in the relations among
3. Visual Appeal
Human– Computer interface design, live atmosphere
4. Consumer
Interaction (2022) and impulse purchase. To
promote the sustainability of a
5. Consumen live-streaming economy,

Engagement livestreaming platforms need to

6. Variabel design attractive live-streaming

Dependen interfaces, build a pleasant live-

Implusive Buying streaming atmosphere and

enhance consumers’ positive

emotions, while preventing their

irrational purchasing behaviour.

The Effects Of Mobile 1. Nurul Ittaqullah Variabel Independen The results showed that Mobile

Marketing, Discount, And 2. Rahmat Madjid marketing and Discount have no

1. Mobile Marketing
Lifestyle On Consumers’ 3. Nursaban Rommy significant effect on impulse
2. Discount
Impulse Buying Behavior Suleman buying on marketplace
3. Lifestyle
In Online Marketplace consumers. While Lifestyle has a
Variabel Dependen
significant positive effect on
Implusive Buying impulse buying behavior in

marketplace consumers by

35.1%. The simultaneous effect

of Mobile marketing, Discount,

and Lifestyle on impulse buying

in the marketplace is 20.9%.

While the remaining 79.1% is

influenced by other factors not

examined in this study.

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