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Best piece of work 11th Grade-Reflective Essay

The piece of work that I chose is “The pollution crisis”. In this project we need to

explain the pollution crisis, what causes it and topics related to the pollution crisis, for

example what causes pollution, what are the effects of pollution, among others.

I chose this project because I like topics related to the earth and this project

helped me understand the problem of pollution, what causes it, how we can help, what

modern technology can we use to help this kind of problem, how the pollution impact on

biomes and ecosystems, What are the limiting factors that affect our ability to address

this problem, how long it will currently take for the ecosystem to recover etc. This was a

group project, so we needed it to communicate with each other, for consequently I was

able to make more friends.

Another reason I chose the project is because I like investigating different topics,

I need it to research about how pollution is caused and how we can help about it, I also

like doing slides, I like being creative and doing visuals. I like doing slides that don't look

boring. I did my research on the internet because it is the easiest way to find information

about this topic. I also did research on the internet because it has recent information.

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