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Climate change





Climate change

Human health is one of the most significant aspects of life that is affected by climate

change. Heat-related disorders including heat exhaustion, heat stress, and dehydration are

becoming more common as temperature increases. In addition, extreme weather events such as

floods, hurricanes, and droughts can lead to a range of medical issues such as infectious diseases,

waterborne illnesses, and mental health issues. These health risks are particularly concerning for

vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and those with preexisting medical


Notably, Florida is mainly associated with the Republican Party, while California is

mainly associated with the Democratic Party. Florida has always been identified with the

Republican Party and its current governor, Ron DeSantis, has made it a priority to protect the

environment from the harmful effects of climate change. In support of this, Florida aims to invest

100% in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and to reduce the state's carbon

emissions Bennett, A. (2022). Through strategies including expanding the use of clean energy

sources and funding energy conservation technology, Florida hopes to lower the state's

contribution to global warming.

California is a state associated with the Democratic Party, and its current governor,

Gavin Newsom, is an outspoken advocate for reducing the effects of climate change. His last-

minute legislative effort to combat the climate crisis was generally successful, as parliament

enacted rules to establish interim objectives for 100% renewable energy and regulate programs

to reduce emissions from the atmosphere. (Lopez, 2022). In addition, the California Climate

Change Initiative is a policy that sets a goal to reduce carbon emissions through measures such

as the transition to electric vehicles and the development of renewable energy sources.


Bennett, A. (2022). Florida sets goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050.


Lopez, N. (2022). California approves big climate change steps — but one ambitious one fails.

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