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MANANAM_SESSION 1 26/05/15 4:15 PM

Retreat – means Mananam – e.g. withdrawing one’s army in difficult situation –

and then reflecting on one’s strength and weakness
MANANAM – comes after shravan

CHINTAN – remembering the same thing again – chinta and chintan is almost
same - e.g. chanting is good
MANANAM – Reflective Thinking – e.g. why and how chanting is good –
SP – try to understand the same subject from all angles of vision
ATMA-PARIKSHAN – INTROSPECTION - Self-reflection - e.g. how is my
chanting and how it can be improved – how I got benefited – why am not

Mananam – what one hears a siddhanta – and what one practices – comes closer
through mananam
Reflective thinking helps to bridge the gap between Theory and Practical
E.g. Stickers during SP – ‘chant and be happy’ – how one becomes happy –
how much I have become happy
One should think with open mind from all different angles

mananat papas trayati

first there is information and then there is assimilation and then there is
1. hear - eating
2. try to understand – digestion
3. apply – transformation – get the energy

manan is very important in all fields

many successful businessman also do manan – strength and weakness – why
profit and loss in business – why not progressing
Manan for everything - swastha, sambandha and in all aspects, spiritual
progress, my relation with krishna

What happens we do mananam

1. Questions will be arisen – attitude – internal thinking when comes in one’s
achar i.e. behavior that is called as attitude
e.g. fight with a devotee – internally negative thinking – then whenever we see
him – try to neglect – back towards him
Questions will come regarding – whether my attitude is right or wrong – how it
can be improved
2. We get idea – where we do need to make change and how to apply
Although we know – but cannot work out due to conditionings and habits
English proverb - If you quit – it becomes a habit
3. Respond effectively to new challenges
4. whatever you have learned – you will be able to apply one lesson in another
subject – e.g. – u have learned – what is retreat – then how to do retreat – then u
can do retreat of other subjects also
5. deep and grave understanding and not shallow knowledge – of the same
subject happens by mananam
6. baladeva vidhyabhushan – 4 kinds of people coming to Krishna – 1st two
(aarta and artharthi) doesn’t make much progress – but if he becomes inquisitive
– he starts progressing – and when he becomes gyani – more progress – and
after becoming vigyani – much more progress – then comes to Shuddha Bhakti

1. RECEIVE KNOWLEDGE – by hearing and reading
lots of questions – for understanding the subject
What I want to achieve by reading and hearing?
How? Why? What?
Personal manan – 2 lectures of every subject – like first subject ‘shraddha’ –
and then 1 hour manan
Without knowledge manan is not possible – e.g. how to fly aeroplane
E.g. repeating like parrot – chanting ‘hare’
Not repeat like parrot
Meaning in own words and examples and explain
U have to take out some time - If u just go from one page to second page – then
u will never understand
He has said this right thing – if I will do how I will be benefitted – if not then
how I will be the looser
E.g. japa – granthi paddhati – contemplation after 4 rounds
What we have learned should be applied to solve our problem/weakness –
whether getting benefitted or not
If benefitted – then teach to others – preach – one’s own understanding becomes
more deep – polished
E.g. nirjala ekadasi, e.g. premananda pr – kaccha sabji
Nidhidhyasan – deep meditation


Where am I?
Where I want to go – i.e. goal?
How much I have gone till now?
E.g. Kanistha to uttam, Abhasa to prema bhakti

Then how I can expedite the process? – CHANGE OF HEART
U have to change - The way you talk, the way you see, the way you smell, eat,
behave with others, sadhana, holy name, bhagavat, guru, dham, giriraja
U have to change the thinking wherever it needs to be corrected – if u want to


E.g. Indians vs western – accepting kc very easily
Misconception of Indians – we already know everything
Most of the people – don’t even know their own weakness
We think – I know everything – e.g. SP – problem of Indians

To understand that I am in ignorance – that is like vamandeva step – trinadapi


Then progress starts

Self-imposed Barrier created by your own negative & ignorant thinking
Get conditioned
e.g. Scientist did the experiment – putting fly inside the bottle – tried to come
out – but failed – then developed the conception – I cannot become free now –
even if the lead gets opened – will remain inside
e.g. pralhad and American – long steel pillar – hook – banana – iced water
falling – 4 monkeys at a time in the room
similarly – shuddha prema bhakti is not for us – nitya siddha Krishna prem – SP
in NOD – every child has the potential to walk – from very beginning has a
nature of loving affectionate pure devotional service
e.g. child elephant


Internal attitude (bhavana) – thinking (vichar) – meditation (dhyan) – decision
(nirnaya) – routine activity - habit – more negative attitude
Attitude has to become positive – SP in NOI introduction
E.G. narada to yudhisthira – how to deal with senior, equal, junior

Till the time – attitude is negative – one cannot progress


From Bhagavat Mahatmaya – Dhundhukari and Gokarna section –
shravansya vibhedena phala-bhedo’ tra samsthita
shravanam tu krutam sarvair na tatha mananam krutam
phalabhedastato jato bhajanadapi maanada

Cow – Jugali
e.g. SNS – Everyday hearing SB class – like jewels, diamond points – even if
you can collect one diamond point daily – then at the end on one year you will
have 365 diamonds
Understand one point – Try to apply


7. The small rivulets that almost dried up during the months of May and June
now begin to overflow their banks, like upstarts that suddenly overflow the
limits of expenditure.
One should learn gravity from the sea and the rivulet. The sea is always within
its limits, in spite of the many rivers pouring water into it. (Also in Bhagavad
Gita) Similarly, one should properly use the assets of life and not squander them
for purposes that have no permanent value. Uncontrolled, sensuous persons play
with the assets of the body and accumulate wealth. But the strength of the body
should be used for self-realization, not for sense gratification.
Human beings have two kinds of temperament. Some are introspective, and the
others are extravagant. Those who are extravagant are enamored of the external
features of phenomenal beauty and have no insight into the whole
manifestation. They are practically asleep to introspection, and thus they are
unable to derive any permanent value from the assets of the human form of
body. But one who has developed introspection is as grave as the sea. While
those who are extravagant are calm and quiet in sleep, such grave persons use
the full advantage of the human form of life.
Although the animal propensities of the body should be minimized, those who
are extravagant temporarily overflow in material enjoyment. Nonetheless, as
soon as the rainy season of life is over, they become as dry as dry river beds.
Life is meant for the right cause, or sat—that which exists for all time. In the
material world, nothing is sat, or eternal, but the bad bargain of the material
world can be used for the best purpose. The mind dedicated to extravagance is a
bad bargain, but one can make the best use of the mind by introspection.

Therefore I advise you to read our books daily as far as possible and try to
understand the subject matter from different angles of vision by discussing it
frequently with the devotees at the New York temple. In this way you will
gradually become convinced, and by your sincere attitude and devotional
service you will make progress.
A sincere devotee should be ready to hear all the shastras like upanisad,
Vedanta and goswamis literatures, for one’s own progress

Without hearing these scriptures, a person cannot make actual advancement

Without hearing and following those instructions, bhakti will just remain a show
and will create havoc in society

Bhakti seva – shruti, smrti purana ke anusaar hona chahiye

Jo adhikrut bhakta nahi hai usko shuddha bhakti kabhi nahi manana chahiye
In sandesho ko pachan karne se – paramatma ko nitya dekh sakta hai – this is

mananat papatas trati mananat svargam asnute
mananat moksham apnoti chatur vargo mayo bhavet

- bhakto ko manan se premabhakti prapta hoti hai


Smaran – navadha bhakti me se ek – sa vai manah krsna padaravindayo
Manan – jo suna va padha hai use alag alag drsthi se buddhi laga kar samajhna
aur abhyasa me lane ka prayas – dusare ke sath charcha

Vastavik pragati – manan se sakshastkar – bhakti ko amal karne me asan

Sattva guna helps one to reach the level of nistha – jaha shanti, sthirta va
samyamit rupa se sadhana hongi

Agar bahut gambhirta va tivrata se shravan kirtan karenge aur aparadh se

bachenge – to nistha
But how to avoid aparadh – jab 5 mehman – jo rajas va tamas se aate hai – laya,
vikshepa, bhautik swad lagna, swad na lagna

As a driver has to all the time check – whether going on right road
Similarly, sadhaka should always check through symptoms, whether he is
getting rid of passion and ignorance or not – even if it’s not fully destroyed,
whether it is increasing or decreasing – increasing means reverse gear – going
backward in bhakti – if always vigilant, attentive through manan – will remain
on track – eventually will reach at desired destination

Symptoms of Right path by Sridhar swami

Brahmana ke guna
Guru Maharaja – someone might be for 40 years in bhakti – but learnt everthing
in first 4 years – after that no learning – that means he is only 4 years old

Real KC realization – is possible only in shuddha sattva – and only through

sattva – one goes to shuddha sattva – so need to elevate oneself from rajas and

dharmo rajas tamo hanyät
sattva-våddhir anuttamaù
äçu naçyati tan-mülo
hy adharma ubhaye hate
dharmaù—religious principles based on devotional service; rajaù—the mode of
passion; tamaù—the mode of ignorance; hanyät—destroy; sattva—of goodness;
våddhiù—by the increase; anuttamaù—the greatest; äçu—quickly; naçyati—is
destroyed; tat—of passion and ignorance; mülaù—the root; hi—certainly;
adharmaù—irreligion; ubhaye hate—when both are destroyed.
Religious principles, strengthened by the mode of goodness, destroy the
influence of passion and ignorance. When passion and ignorance are overcome,
their original cause, irreligion, is quickly vanquished.

One who is situated in pure goodness, will be enthusiastic to follow all the rules
and regulations of religious principles

bhakti me pragati ke liye shraddha sarvadhik mahatvapurna hai
Brahma Samhita.5.61
yadrsi yadrsi shraddha siddhir bhavati tadrsi
The realization will correspond to the nature of one's faith.

Shraddha ko badhana bahut jaruri

- Shuddha, Mishra, abhasa, laukik, shastriya

Subtle obstacles in pure devotional service – purnachandra maharaja

Component of Education
Next level of education is required – only one reading is not sufficient
Every Prabhupada Follower should have read all the Prabhupada Books and
then he should read all our acharyas books.
When one is properly educated – will not follow like blind-follower – will
overcome the primary level
Superficial bhakti – SPIRITUAL SURFING – E.g. govardhan parikrama –
radhakund snan – barsana – pizza – kya hua – bahut mazza aa gaya – what
Bhakti is deep diving – to get the real moti, one need to go to the sea bed –
much more deeper

There is no end to spiritual perfection – even when one goes to spiritual world
Real spiritual education means – understanding all levels of bhakti deeply

1. Shravan – guru se sunana
2. Manan – buddhi se janana
3. Nidhidhyasan – deep meditation – us vishaya me Samadhi lagna, manan ke

Education – comes from latin word ‘educary’ – bahar lana aura age badhana
Bhakti shastri is level one education
Should not go back to maya – baharo phul barsao… - forward and backward

Mananam praman

Brhad aranyak Upanisad - 3 levels – 2.4.5

Patanjali yoga sutra.1.17 – 4 levels

Vitarka – abhyasa, vishleshan, bahas
Vichara – manan - antarmukh
Ananda – pachan ke baad lagu karne
Asmita rupa -

Naisat caritam – Sanskrit kavita

Aditi – acchi tarah se sikh lena
Bodh – antarmukh se drsti pana
Acharan – shiksha ka sakshastkar va aacharan
Prachran - Preaching

1st level – BS etc.

SP also desired – 2nd level – e.g. debate by SP with his disciples
If keep asking questions – not only accepted blindly – try to understand from all

Letter to Tribhuvanath – 16 June 1972

"I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their
reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of vision.
Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision, so become practiced
in seeing things like this. If we are selling the books but we do not know what is
inside the book, that will be a farce, especially if you are preaching and selling
books to the students of Edinburgh." (SPL to Tribhuvanatha, 16th June, 1972)

"You mention you like to speak now very often but the first business should be
to preach to the devotees. It is better to maintain a devotee than try to convince
others to become devotees. It is the duty of the GBC to maintain the devotees,
keep them in the highest standard of Krsna consciousness, and give them all
good instruction, and let them go out and preach for making more devotees.
Your first job should be to make sure that every one of the devotees in your
zone of management is reading regularly our literature and discussing the
subject matter seriously from different angles of seeing, and if they are
somehow or other absorbing the knowledge of Krsna consciousness philosophy.
If they are fully educated in our philosophy and if they can get all of the
knowledge and study it from every viewpoint, then very easily they will
perform tapasya (renunciation), and that will be their advancement in Krsna
consciousness." (SPL to Satsvarupa dasa, 16th June, 1972)

If not reached to 2nd level – then how 3rd

ICU – painful – mananam

This is one of many factor causing members to leave the society

They have not understood that ISKCON is giving the jewel of Krishna prema in
abundance – because they don’t reach to 2nd level
Their understanding of ISKCON is very superficial – someone did great service
– books distribution – gave powerful seminar – got appreciation, garland, post –
if I will give seminar, I will also get garland – if I don’t get, … then kora kagaj,
kati patang – then they leave ISKCON
No charge – only pure shraddha is required

We go for books distribution – but not able to explain the details

To hear and explain them is more important than reading them. One can
assimilate the knowledge of the revealed scriptures only by hearing and
explaining. Hearing is called çravaëa, and explaining is called kértana. The two
processes of çravaëa and kértana are of primary importance to progressive
spiritual life. Only one who has properly grasped the transcendental knowledge
from the right source by submissive hearing can properly explain the subject.

Purna magna hona us vishaya me – tab us darshan ko amal kar sakte hai – vah
jivan hi ban jata hai

SB – jab buddhi, man, shraddha – bhagavan me sthit – sab bhrant dharanao se

mukt ho jata hai
Tad buddhaya…

BVT – forget the past, don’t dream future – work on present

Caitanya Shikshamrita
Jo manasikta vaidhi bhakti me honi chahiye – aikantika kheti – bhava bhakti
prapt karne ke liye
Nirbandhini mati – lakshya pe focused
Rupa Goswami – sahi bhakti ka abhyas – har bhakti ke star ko, us star ke vighna
ko, vighno se kaise satark rahna, kaise par karna

Hume is prakar ka – gambhirta aur dhyan rakhna bahut jaruri hai – pragati ke

Chatuh shloki bhagavat – Anvayat vyati…. Always keep looking directly and
indirectly – how to get Krishna kripa
Nigama kalpa taror galitam phalam… - you have to become expert and
thoughtful to relish
Rupa Goswami – NOI – devotee should be intelligent – to know different levels
of devotees – where I am – don’t imitate other’s levels

ye lélä-amåta vine, khäya yadi anna-päne,

tabe bhaktera durbala jévana
yära eka-bindu-päne, utphullita tanu-mane,
häse, gäya, karaye nartana
ye—he who; lélä—of the pastimes of Lord Kåñëa and Caitanya Mahäprabhu;
amåta vine—without nectar; khäya yadi anna-päne—if one eats only ordinary
food grains; tabe—then; bhaktera—of the devotees; durbala jévana—life
becomes weakened; yära—of which; eka-bindu-päne—if one drinks one drop;
utphullita tanu-mane—the body and mind become jubilant; häse—laughs; gäya
—chants; karaye nartana—dances.
Men become strong and stout by eating sufficient grains, but the devotee who
simply eats ordinary grains but does not taste the transcendental pastimes of
Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu and Kåñëa gradually becomes weak and falls down
from the transcendental position. However, if one drinks but a drop of the nectar
of Kåñëa’s pastimes, his body and mind begin to bloom, and he begins to laugh,
sing and dance.
All the devotees connected with the Kåñëa consciousness movement must read
all the books that have been translated (the Caitanya-caritämåta, Çrémad-
Bhägavatam, Bhagavad-gétä and others); otherwise, after some time, they will
simply eat, sleep and fall down from their position. Thus they will miss the
opportunity to attain an eternal, blissful life of transcendental pleasure. –

GBC member means – should see that every temple – all books are properly
read by all the devotees

4 kinds of good hearer – chatak, swan, parrot, fish

4 kinds of bad hearer – wolf, bhurund bird, bull, camel
GAPS – mental misconceptions
1. Understanding gap – wrong conception – progress will happen automatically
2. Knowledge gap
3. Timing gap – postponing – time nahi hai, mood nahi hai
4. Mistake gap – fear that mistake may happen
5. Perfection gap – when I will get everything perfect – then only I will start
6. Comparison gap – others are too advanced – that’s not my level
7. Expectation gap – I thought very easy in the beginning – but now seems to be
very difficult

What do you want to achieve in this life? CLEAR THE GOAL !!

SP and BSST – we should go BTG in one lifetime
Srimati mataji – If you want to go to BTG in this life, then you should only
associate with those persons who are working day & night for going BTG in
one lifetime – if we associate with those who are stuck in kc, will get filled with

CM – niraparadhe nama loya pabe prema dhan

Then learn from someone who has learned how to avoid

One need to think about the goal

What is my 5 year goal plan, what is my 10 year plan – what I want to achieve –
nistha, ruche, asakti?

Intention – what are your intentions

What is the stepwise program to achieve the goal
Who is your shiksha guru, counselor,
How much quality time with diksha guru

Kya maya chodhne ke liye tayar hai…

kya aasakti chodhne ko tayar hai
Kahaan sabse jyada pragati ki avashyakta hai – which area I need to work more
on – sadhana, achar etc.

Attitude – ahankar, ishwar bhava

Identify problem filling – kya chije sata rahi hai – konse lakde ke karan flow
atak gaya hai – aapki problems kya hai, jiske bare me bahut jyada sochte hai
shastra chakshu
our taste should increase
kahaan aapka acharan thik nahi hai
Clarify Shastra thinking – are we seeing according to shastra
Secure Commitment – firm determination – Sankalpa

Manan ke baad sankalpa jaruri hai

- dwadash niyama sankalpa – Caitanya Shikshamrita

5 TOPICS – shraddha, sanga, sadhana, anartha nivruti, ahankar

3 times read – booklet – and in the beginning one hour manan
3 times hear – related material
then 3 hours – mananam on one topic

BVT – check –
Yearly - kartik

Get the knowledge

Strategies to overcome
Right Vision
Time Line plan

VCT – BG.6 – Yoga Bhrasta – lack of effort

SHRADDHA 26/05/15 4:15 PM
SP –
Koi bhi tarkib ki pehle man me rachna hoti hai – safalta nirbhar karti hai
shraddha aur vishwas par
Koi bhi karya ke liye – shraddha atyant avashyak hai
Showing the path to HK temple – gets agyat sukruti
When AGYAT SUKRUTI gets accumulated – develops attraction for Krishna
and devotees
When huge amount of agyat sukruti – then likes to sit in the association of
devotees for hearing – get attracted to devotee’s life style etc. – starts getting
spiritual impressions – meditate on them – increases faith
When paramatma sees your initial shraddha in devotees – he makes it more
condensed – yo yo yam yam tanum shraddha…
Starts moving in the path of bhakti – then he develops more shraddha for
shuddha vaishnava who performs shuddha bhakti – shuddha shraddha

Shraddha vs Vishwas
Shraddha – gyan hai - primary
Vishwas – vigyan hai – matured shraddha – anubhuti ke baad
Shraddha shabde vishwas sudrudha niscaya…
Aisa dridha vishwas – Krishna bhakti – hi jivan siddhi – isko shuddha shraddha


1. Full dedication,
2. Dependence to Krishna – one of the limb of sharanagati
3. Shastra me vishwas – - Jiva Goswami – shraddha artha hi shastra shabda
vishwas – jab jab gyan milta hai – utsah badhte jata hai
Sahi gyan to sahi shraddha – sahi gyan avashyak hai – shabda praman se prapt
4. Swad aata hai – aanand milta hai
5. Bhakti ki taakat badhti jaati hai - Dhire dhire aage hi badhte jaata hai –
reaches to madhyama level very quickly

shuddha shradhha – kleshagni and shubhada – always blissful

Ashuddha shraddha ke symptoms – laukik shraddha

Incomplete knowledge – tuta phuta gyan – bhramit gyan (misguided
knowledge) – e.g. hum pehle se bhakti karte aaye hai
Kabhi Krishna ke dasa ke bhava me, aur yadi dehatma buddhi me hoon to boss
hoon, bhokta hoon

Sambandha gyan va bhagavan ko prasanna karne ki eka matra ichha

What is sambandha gyan?

Insignificant minute soul – who is Krishna’s eternal servant

Shuddha gyan – koi bhi bhrant dharna nahi honi chahiye – pure knowledge is
very important

Most important – bina kisi dvesh ke shravan karna – samajhne ka prayas karna
– aur phir use svikar karna
Jab shuddha gyan se dvesh hai – khuda Krishna banana ki ichha hai – param
bhokta banane ki iccha hai – ye bhrashta gyan – ashuddha gyan hai
Bahut acchi tarah se shastra ka shravan, manan aur abhyasa
Shraddha Abhasa
1. Shuddha shraddha jaisa hi hai – vaishnavo ki sangati se shuddha ho sakti hai
2. Vikrut abhasa – mayavadi dharna ke upar se pratibimb – aise logo se
shraddha se aayi to khatarnak

brahmande bhramite kon bhagyavan jiva

The word guru-prasäda indicates that the spiritual master is very merciful in
bestowing the boon of devotional service upon the disciple. That is the best
possible gift the spiritual master has to offer. Those with a background of pious
life are eligible to receive life’s supreme benefit, and to bestow this benefit, the
Supreme Personality of Godhead sends His representative to impart His mercy.
Endowed with the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the spiritual
master distributes the mercy to those who are elevated and pious. Thus the
spiritual master trains his disciples to render devotional service unto the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called guru-kåpä. It is kåñëa-prasäda,
Kåñëa’s mercy, that He sends a bona fide spiritual master to the deserving
disciple. By the mercy of Kåñëa, one meets the bona fide spiritual master, and
by the mercy of the spiritual master, the disciple is fully trained in the
devotional service of the Lord.
Bhakti-latä-béja means “the seed of devotional service.” Everything has an
original cause, or seed. For any idea, program, plan or device, there is first of all
the contemplation of the plan, and that is called the béja, or seed. The methods,
rules and regulations by which one is perfectly trained in devotional service
constitute the bhakti-latä-béja, or seed of devotional service. This bhakti-latä-
béja is received from the spiritual master by the grace of Kåñëa. Other seeds,
called anyäbhiläña-béja, include karma-béja and jïäna-béja. If one is not
fortunate enough to receive the bhakti-latä-béja from the spiritual master, he
instead cultivates such seeds as karma-béja, jïäna-béja, or political, social or
philanthropic béjas. However, the bhakti-latä-béja is different from these other
béjas. The bhakti-latä-béja can be received only through the mercy of the
spiritual master. Therefore one has to satisfy the spiritual master to get the
bhakti-latä-béja (yasya prasädäd bhagavat-prasädaù **). The bhakti-latä-béja is
the origin of devotional service. Unless one satisfies the spiritual master, he gets
the béja, or root cause, of karma, jïäna and yoga without the benefit of
devotional service. But one who is faithful to his spiritual master gets the
This bhakti-latä-béja is received when one is initiated by the bona fide spiritual
After receiving the spiritual master’s mercy, one must repeat his instructions,
and this is called çravaëa-kértana—hearing and chanting.
One who has not properly heard from the spiritual master or who does not
follow the regulative principles is not fit for chanting (kértana). This is
explained in the Bhagavad-gétä (2.41): vyavasäyätmikä buddhir ekeha kuru-
nandana. One who has not listened carefully to the instructions of the spiritual
master is unfit for chanting or for preaching the cult of devotional service. One
has to water the bhakti-latä-béja by receiving instructions from the spiritual

Very careful while watering the bhakti bija – if not attentive, then it will go to
the weeds

Hamari shuddha shraddha ko hamesha shuddha va svastha rakhna bahut jaruri

Savadhan rahna chahiye – sahi niti niyam palan kar rahe hai ki nahi

What is KC? - Krishna bhakti rasa bhavita matih is kc – strong desire to please
Krishna – that is shuddha shraddha
Any service we are doing – it should be honest – not with duplicity
On first day we are not expected for 100% pure – but atleast should start some
where – with 1% - and always try to protect that small proportion of purity

Agar sahi dhyan nahi denge – to bhakti lata murjha jayengi

BSST – agar sahi sinchan nahi – to bhauti indriya trupti se aasakta ho jayenga –
gyan (kashta se mukti), siddhi (bhauti kushalta me aasakta), kapat, vyabhichar,
bhakti ka dikhava, maan ki philosophy, apni kula/vamsh ko batayenga, svayam
galat guru banane ka prayas, 4 paap me aasakta, vaishnva me jati buddhi, bhakti
ka vyavasaya, sahajiya, sasta vaishnava, naam kamane ke liye ekanta me
bhajan, sab dhila dhala kar denga(watering down the bhakti principles – by karmis), compromising basic principles, keval nadan logo ko
chuna lagan ke liye mahatma ka pradarshan
- From CC

Upashakha se grasta ho gaya hai – mul lata ruka gaya hai ya murjha gayi hai
Like isopanisad – gyan aur vigyan dono ko janana jaruri hai
E.g. 9 caret, 12 caret aur 24 caret gold kya hai – what is Mishra, sattvik, rajasik,

Krishna kisi ko nakarte nahi hai – if accept shastras –

Yo yo yam yam tanum bhaktim…
Krishna sabhi ko sahan kar lete hai – hum ko bhi sahan karte hai – kahan se
kahan lekar aa gaye

Pure devotee can differentiate between shuddha lata and Mishra lata

English me – page no. 10

Goodness - Sattviki adhyatmiki shraddha – mera adhyatmik pragati hona
Passion - Karma shraddha to rajasi – result oriented – e.g. Business sleeping
partner – Tirupati Balaji – annual donation – 700 crore
Ignorance – tamasi adharme ya shraddha – adharma me – niti niyam palan
karne se kya milenga – niyam todne me majja aayenga
SHUDDHA SATTVA - Mat sevaya tu nirguna – Krishna ke seva me shraddha
Only by pleasing Krishna – I will be satisfied – e.g. by SP – pet ko dene se
sabhi anga santusta -

Everyone should cooperate with Krishna’s pleasure plan – like all the limbs co-
operate – to feed the stomach

E.g. of SP, Rupa, Sanatan – always thinking about Krishna’s pleasure

But we always think of – I and Mine – so we should realize that my plan is not
So you should

Kapila to Devahuti – SB.3.

Ashuddha shraddha – in the heart – who are afflicted by past bad habits – not
able to fully surrender to Krishna

How a devotee can become free from the effects of 3 modes – page 13
Only Hope – to Stay and hear with vaishnavas who have pure shraddha and
transcendental knowledge
Whether I like or don’t like – remain always in the shelter of vaishnavas – then
only advancement possible

Maya tells u it is impossible

Vaisnava shows u how it is possible

How to find one got pure shraddha?

By his acharan – 6 limbs of sharanagati will be exhibited
Surrender to krishna’s will – not to one’s own will

Bhakti Abhasa devotee will think after hearing krishna’s words – I am not ready
for full surrender

Even if we offer one tulasi leaf to Krishna – he becomes very satisfied

Start Pure shraddha at any point

If u offer tulasi for your material desire – offer one more tulasi with pure
shraddha of just pleasing Krishna
Atleast even if u think of pleasing Krishna – that is also good – manasi seva

If u install this program – of PLEASING KRISHNA – then it will destroy all

the viruses of material desires

3 levels of devotees
Uttama-adhikari – firm conviction in the scriptures
Madhyama adhikari – not able to defeat others but firm faith
Kanistha – no shastra knowledge and also komala shraddha

ADHIKAR – QUALIFICATION – shraddha and knowledge of shastra

ASAKTI – ADVANCEMENT - attachment and love (how much u are pleasing)

1. Konsa shraddha hamare paas hai –

shuddha, abhasa ya Mishra – karma, gyana, yoga
Rajasik, tamasik, sattvik, shuddha sattvik

2. Kitni shraddha hai – quantity

3. Kaise shraddha badal sakte hai – kaise shuddha shraddha prapt kar
sakte hai

4. Vaastav me aap kya karenge

What practical steps you will take to advance and develop your pure faith
SANGA 26/05/15 4:15 PM

SANGA – what is sanga, giving sanga, taking sanga, etc.

Business psychologist - You are – the 5 people – you mostly associate


If we want to

Mananam Question

Sanga kya hai – sang dena aur sang lena

Asat sang kya hai
Sadhu sanga kya hai
Kitna aur kaunsa sang hum kar rahe hai

Sadhu sanga kitna kar rahe hai

Asat sanga kitna kar rahe

Kaise parivartan – sat kaise badhayenge aura sat kaise kam karenge

Hamara sanga
Parivar, friends, seniors
Method of spiritual progress is called as Sadhana
Rupa G – NOD – Sadhana bhakti – kruti sadhya bhaved sadhya bhava…. –
when the devotional service is performed by engaging all our senses to
awaken the nitya siddha, bhava
Sadhana bhakti is supposed to lead one to bhava bhakti
If one’s bhakti is not progressing to bhava – then it is not sadhana bhakti
NOD – e.g. by SP – natural potential in the child to walk
Similarly – nitya siddha Krishna prema…

Real sadhana bhakti starts on the level of Nistha

Sravan kirtan are main limbs of sadhana bhakti

99% progress out of chanting

nasta prayesu abhadresu… - by serving person bhagavat – one gets ruchi

in book bhagavat
the most important in bhakti is practical seva bhava – then comes other
sthayi bhava, vibhava etc.
before bhagavan seva – one should develop bhakta seva bhava

Initiation means beginning

- cultivation of spiritual knowledge – and destroying sins by applying the
knowledge – not theoretical knowledge will lead to progress
by practical understanding that u are not this body but soul
harinama cintamani – if guru will not situate the disciple in sambandha
gyan – then he will not be able to overcome the offensive chanting

What is sambandha gyan – I am minute infinitesimal insignificant fallen

soul – who is eternal servant of Krishna – now I have left his eternal
service – that’s why punished by maya

Misconception about diksha – just to get some respect in devotee


diksa kale sisya kare atma samarpan

- vedic way – full surrender at the time of diksha
- even K in BG – mam ekam saranam vraja
- but CM is most merciful – don’t see past disqualification – but
should take the process of chanting seriously

BSST – if neglect’s acaryas instructions – can never become free from

anartha – can never render actual service
BVT – if u can remove even one anartha in one lifetime – then u are very

Training – knowledge of sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana

Duty of Guru – give sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana

Duty of Disciple – to embrace and apply the instructions of Guru

Before preaching to others – try preaching to your mind

If u can preach to ur mind – u can become the powerful expert preacher
RDG – preaching to mind – Manah Shiksha

Not qualified to become guru, father, husband etc. – if cannot deliver the

Greatest dangerous seva – Guru

BVT – if guru accepts pretending disciples – both go to hell

Selfish habits

5 obstacles
Sleep - laya
Distraction - vikshepa
Distaste – aruchi
Kashaya – krodha, lobha etc. at the time of bhajan
Past habits - Desire of sense gratification

e.g. tyre of car getting stuck in mud

We also get stuck in bhakti because of all these obstacles

Therefore training is required to get proper consciousness for every seva

e.g. SP dressing, Tulasi seva
Levels of Bhajan Kriya
1. Utsahamayi – False confidence
Like flying in the sky, over enthusiastic in seva, dancing etc.
2. Ghana-tarala
Up-down, high-low
3. Vyudha-Vikalpa
Bhoga-tyaga – e.g. one day renunciation and next day strong desire
for sense gratification
4. Vishaya-Sangara
Struggling between bhakti and sense gratification – sometimes win and
sometimes get defeated
e.g. wrestling match with maya – sometimes up and sometimes down
on this level – 50% purification - strength
Anartha – constantly beating u while doing bhajan – don’t allow u to go
Because of excessive failure – develops self-imposed barriers
At this stage, one develops more strength by constant fighting
At this time – take more help of advanced sadhu sanga
5. Niyam-Akshama
Takes new-new vow and plans – but not able to follow
6. Taral-rangini
Now bhajan becomes little bit improved – people gets impressed –
then more focus on puja, labha and pratistha – strong thirst to get
name and fame
After lot of advanced sadhu sanga – then he gets shocked – e.g.
pratistha shukarera vistha
Then he understands – that I am simit and nimitta – limited and only

If not alert in correcting oneself – then the same bhakti seva – will create
more obstacles and anarthas – (aparadha-uttha anartha)
As long as u don’t know what u don’t know – then no progress

Accepting Anartha – is very much bitter

As Krishna says in BG – sattvik such – bitter in the beginning



BVT – Primary duty

Our heart is like hard barren land – needs to make it soft and fertile –
before doing farming of bhakti
4 qualities – trinad api sunicena… - this will make the land of heart fertile
Nistha – when the land becomes fertile – then real farming – Real Bhakti
Starts there

Before that, only Bhakti Abhasa

Unless one is distasteful of material world, he has not even entered the
threshold of spiritual understanding
samasara vasana kabe tuchha habe…
On nistha level – 75% purification – more strength – therefore steady
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