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Death – What is it? Well, if you ask me, it is the most

inevitable being in the cosmos. It is inescapable and
undefeatable. When you are in the grasps of death, you’re a
goner. You want to defeat death? Well try if you can. You
think you’re the great Greek hero Heracles. Well, here’s a
little perk in the stories you have heard about him, they are
not real. Death is a cosmic entity dating back to the Stone age.
It is an all-powerful reality you can’t escape. It is like a virus
but 100 times stronger, faster and invulnerable. There is no
cure for death. No vaccine, no antibiotics, nothing. Death can
destroy you in minutes or not even in a day. Death can make
you feel at peace or it can make you suffer. Whenever death
strikes, it leaves no strings behind. It is a bridge between the
mortal world and heaven or hell or whatever there is after
death. It maybe a beacon of hope for some and it maybe a
silent murderer for others. As much as I am concerned, death
means peace and once you’ve achieved it, you’re in paradise.
The only thing permanent in life is death. No matter how
strong you are or how fast you are, death catches up. Death
arrives. And when it does, even the greatest amount of wealth
or money cannot save you. If you meddle with Death, it
becomes more furious and suffering increases. So, I believe
that don’t fight with death. Don’t try to stay alive. When the
time comes, just close your eyes and pass out. Don’t try to
increase your lifespan. Life is short. Immortality is nothing
but mere stories. You want to be in peace, you want to forget
all your agony, distress and tension, death is the only option.
As I said, life is short. If you want peace after death, make use
of the short life that God gave us. Turn the life which is a
curse into the life which is a blessing. And remember, peace is
a fragile thing. It can break any moment. Only the good you
have done in your life keeps it from breaking. So, do more
good and experience more peace. And don’t run from death or
it will make your last days look like hell.

Thank you.

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