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Catatan Dialog Film ‘Antwone Fischer’ (2002)

P : Seaman Fisher. Right this way. I understand it's not your first time here. You saw
Dr. Williams?
F : Nah, he saw me.
P : Heh.
F : That's your wife?
P : Yes. Have a seat. I understand you like to fight.
F : It's the only way some people learn.
P : Hmm. But you pay the price for teaching them. You want to talk about it?
F : About what?
P : Whatever's bothering you.
F : Why does something gotta be bothering me? What, because I jumped on a white
boy? Something must be wrong with me? ''Send him to the psychiatrist. N*gger
try to kill his master.'' Hmph. ''He must be crazy.''
P : You looking for a discharge, Fisher?
F I ain't looking for nothing.
P : That's where you're headed.
F : If I want out of the navy...I'll just leave.
P : Unauthorized absence?
F : Yeah, if that's what the navy calls it.
P : Hmm. Running away how you handle your problems?
F : I don't have no problems.
P : Hmm. Where you from, Fisher? Where'd you spend your childhood?
F : Cleveland.
P : Parents still live there?
F : I never had any parents.
P : They deceased?
F : I never--I never had parents.
P : That would make you...a medical miracle, Seaman Fisher.
P : Where you from?
F : I'm from under a rock.
P : Okay. Okay, all right. I want to see you next week.
F : I ain't coming back.
P : Why not?
F : 'Cause there's nothing wrong with me.
P : I agree with you there. See you next week.
See the receptionist on your way out.
R : Next Wednesday, 1 400.
F : Whoa! Walker. Phillip Walker. That was the name of the last guy who stalked


P : Yeah, send him in.

F : Get your monkey hands off me, man!
P : I thought you may have forgotten...your way here last week, so I took the
liberty…of sending an escort team for you.
F : You may be able to make me come here...but you can't make me talk.
P : Thank you. You're dismissed.
F You don't want to talk to me?
P : Let me lay this out for you, son. This is how many cases I have, okay?
I don't have time to waste. Now, I get 3 sessions make an eval and
recommendation to your commanding officer. You know he wants to throw
you...out of the navy, don't you? Now, you can sit here, and you can not
me if you want to...but our sessions don't begin...until you begin talking to me.
F : I got nothing to say.
P : Okay. Then we'll sit until you do. I got a lot of work to catch up on.
We can sit here every day...until the day I retire. Doesn't matter to me.
F : It doesn't matter to me, either.
P : - All righty. - What about the brig?
F : What about it? Send me to the brig.
P : There's the brig right there. Lock yourself up. … What do you know? Time's up.
See you next week, 1 400. Want some chips?
F : Hmph.

P : What?
F : I didn't say anything.
P : I thought you said something.
F : Ahem. I was just clearing my throat.
P : Okay. [Clears Throat]
P : Maybe you're coming down with something.
P : Ahem. I'm all right.
F It's just sort of...
P : Just what?
F : Just... It's just a waste of time sitting here...week after week… wasting time.
P : I don't want waste your time, Antwone.
F : So, what you want me to say?
P : It's not what I want you to say. It's what you want to tell me.
F : Maybe you can start by asking me a question. I don't know. Get things going.
F : I can do that.
P : You said you come from under a rock. What did you mean by that?
F : I don't know, I...It was the first thing to come to my mind.
P : What do you think it means?
F : Well, it could mean...that, uh...
P : that you feel under pressure...that, uh...uh, you feel a weight...pressing down on
You. That you're in the dark, that you're alone. You said you had no parents.
F : I had parents.
P : Okay.
F : Ahem. Only 3 sessions, right?
P : Only 3.
F : My father's name was Edward.
P : So you knew him?
F : No. I didn't even know his last name.
P : You know where he is?
F : Yeah, I know where he is. Joey– He went to his ex-girlfriend's house. They got
into an argument. She killed my father.
P : Where was your mother when this happened?
F : Behind bars.
P : I see.
F : I was born in prison... 2 months after my father was murdered.
P : Why was she confined, your mother?
F : I don't know. All I know is what I told you.
P : So you were turned over to the state?
F : Yeah. The state placed me in this orphanage. It was supposed to be until…
my mother got out to claim me, but– She got out, but she never claimed me.
P : Hmm. How long were you there?
F : 2 years.
P : How does that make you feel, Antwone?
F : I don't know.
P : Come on, you must have some feelings about it.
You know, you-- What did it feel like?
F : Rainy days.
P : Rainy days? Okay. Why is that?
F : You know, in Cleveland... it rains. Not all the time...but, uh, to a kid...who wants
go out and seems like it rains every day. But, expect it to rain
sometimes...but...for one rained too much.
P : Hmm.
F : Okay.
P : You want me to come back next week?
F : Yes, I do.
P : You ever try to find her, your mother?
F : No, sir.
P : Okay. Next week.


Saya merasa bahwa film ini menunjukan bahwa dibutuhkan adanya kesabaran dan
kekuatan yang perlu di persiapkan untuk menghadapi berbagai jiwa yang telah mengalami beban
yang sangat berat. Para councilee akan memiliki mekanisme pembelaan diri yang lebih keras
dibandingkan dengan orang lain. Kecenderungannya, para councilee sudah melewati begitu
banyak peristiwa yang membuat diri mereka semakin tertutup untuk berbagi tentang dirinya.
Segala tantangan dan rintangan jiwa, kehausan rohani yang mereka miliki, tidak akan semata-
mata dapat terlihat dengan jelas hanya dengan satu pertemuan.
Maka diperlukan pertemuan yang berulang-ulang untuk menemukan akar dan sumber
permasalahan dari apa yang mereka alami. Apabila mereka sudah merasa nyaman dan aman,
mereka akan cenderung menceritakan tentang masa lalu mereka terlebih dahulu. Setelah
memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai siapa mereka dan darimana mereka berasal, akan
terlihat apa yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk membantu mereka memperbaiki masalah mereka.

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