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Assignment 1

Human Development

“Who am I and how I become a better person?”


 Each student will provide photographs of themselves at the four different stages of development:
 Infancy, childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.
 Each photograph must also show or be accompanied by a brief description of the major socializing agents in their lives at that stage.
 Also need to mention how these people influenced your personal development. i.e, you have to write a short passage about the person
who influenced your personality, behavior or attitude at each stage.


 Use A4 size papers to stick the photograph and write the description under each photograph.
 The description should have minimum 200 words
 Use font “size 12” in “Times New Roman style” and the space between lines should be “1.5”
 Submit your Project on announced date. Late submission will not be accepted.
 Do it yourself and enjoy the nostalgia

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