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Automotive Air

and Heating
BHA4224 Automotive Engineering
•Automotive air conditioning systems work by removing
heat and moisture from the air inside the car, and then
cooling and dehumidifying it before circulating it back into
the cabin.
•The system consists of several components, including a
compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion valve, and
refrigerant, which work together to achieve this process.
•The compressor pressurizes and circulates the refrigerant,
which then moves through the condenser and evaporator,
where it absorbs and releases heat to cool the air.
•Automotive air conditioning systems provide a comfortable and
safe driving experience by regulating the temperature and
humidity levels inside the car, especially during hot and humid
weather conditions.
•They can also help prevent driver and passenger fatigue,
dehydration, and heatstroke, which can impair driving
performance and increase the risk of accidents.
•In addition, they can improve the overall air quality inside the car
by filtering out pollutants and allergens, which can benefit
individuals with respiratory problems or allergies.
High pressure
liquid High pressure gas

Low pressure liquid Low pressure gas

In refrigeration and air conditioning systems, high pressure vapor, low pressure vapor, high
pressure liquid, and low pressure liquid are all states that the refrigerant can exist in as it moves
through the system. Here are the functions of each state:
1.High pressure vapor: This is a state in which the refrigerant is a gas and is under high
pressure. High pressure vapor is typically found leaving the compressor and entering the
condenser. The function of high pressure vapor is to release heat as it is condensed into a liquid
state in the condenser.
2.Low pressure vapor: This is a state in which the refrigerant is a gas and is under low pressure.
Low pressure vapor is typically found leaving the evaporator and entering the compressor. The
function of low pressure vapor is to absorb heat from the surrounding air or water as it
evaporates into a gas state in the evaporator.
3.High pressure liquid: This is a state in which the refrigerant is a liquid and is under high
pressure. High pressure liquid is typically found leaving the condenser and entering the
expansion valve. The function of high pressure liquid is to provide a steady flow of refrigerant to
the expansion valve.
4.Low pressure liquid: This is a state in which the refrigerant is a liquid and is under low
pressure. Low pressure liquid is typically found leaving the expansion valve and entering the
evaporator. The function of low pressure liquid is to expand and evaporate into a gas state,
absorbing heat from the surrounding air or water in the process.
1.High-pressure liquid refrigerant from the condenser enters the TXV
through the liquid line.
2.The TXV contains a sensing bulb that is attached to the suction line at the
evaporator outlet. This sensing bulb measures the temperature of the
refrigerant leaving the evaporator and sends a signal to the TXV.
3.The TXV uses this temperature signal to adjust the position of a needle
valve inside the valve body. The needle valve is responsible for regulating
the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator.
4.As the needle valve opens, a small amount of high-pressure liquid
refrigerant is allowed to pass through the TXV and enter the evaporator. The
pressure of the refrigerant drops significantly as it passes through the TXV,
causing it to expand into a low-pressure liquid.
5.The low-pressure liquid refrigerant then enters the evaporator, where it
absorbs heat from the surrounding air and begins to evaporate into a low-
pressure vapor.

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