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GEE 2 – Seatwork 2

A. Evaluate the following by writing: A – if biotic B – if abiotic

___B__1. Minerals __A___6. Mushroom
___A_2. Bacteria __A__7. Raccoon

___B_3. Carbon dioxide, CO2 __B__8. Pebbles

___B_4. Sand __A__9. Mice

___A_5. Phytoplankton __B_10. Pesticides

B. Identify the following by writing:

A – if producer B – if consumer C – if decomposer

__C__11. Mold ___C__16. Earthworm

__A__12. Corn ___B__17. Butterfly

__B__13. Hawk ___C__18. Fungi

__B__14. Snake ___A__19. Weeds

__C__15. Ants ___B___20. Frog

Identify the following by writing:

A – herbivore B – carnivore C – omnivore

__A__21. Bees ___A___26. Cows

__B__22. Dogs ___A___27. giraffe

__A__23. Termites ___B___28. Lion

__C__24. Chimpanzee ___C___29. Piranha

__B__25. Hyena ___C___30. Rats

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